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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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Oh look, it's a new year of rotw. Check this post for the winners of rotw each week!
Happy hacking Metconst :grin:

[Week One: 1/3/2014 - 1/10/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Two: 1/11/2014 - 1/17/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Three: 1/19/2014 - 1/24/2014][spoiler=Black Falcon][/spoiler]
[Week Four/Five: 1/24/2014 - 2/7/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Six: 2/7/2014 - 2/14/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Seven: 2/15/2014 - 2/21/2014][spoiler=Grime][/spoiler]
[Week Eight/Nine: 02/22/2014 - 03/14/2014][spoiler=Snarfy][/spoiler]
[Week Ten: 03/15/2014 - 03/22/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Eleven/Twelve: 03/23/2014 - 04/03/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Thirteen: 04/03/2014? - 05/09/2014?][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Fourteen: 05/09/2014? - 05/16/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Fifteen: 05/16/2014 - 05/23/2014][spoiler=Alisa Orlova][/spoiler]
[Week Sixteen: 05/23/2014 - 05/30/2014][spoiler=JamieWebb16][/spoiler]
[Week Seventeen: 05/30/2014 - 06/06/2014][spoiler=Metroidmst][/spoiler]
[Week Eighteen: 06/07/2014 - 06/14/2014][spoiler=Person701][/spoiler]
[Week Nineteen: 06/14/2014 - 06/21/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Twenty: 06/21/2014 - 06/28/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Twenty One: 06/28/2014 - 07/04/2014][spoiler=Quote58][/spoiler]
[Week Twenty Two: 07/04/2014 - 07/11/2014[spoiler=RetroKnuckles][/spoiler]
[Week Twenty Three: 07/11/2014 - 07/18/2014][spoiler=Alisa Orlova][/spoiler]
[Week Twenty Four: 07/18/2014 - 07/25/2014][spoiler=Jefe962][/spoiler]
[Week Twenty Five: 07/26/2014 - 8/1/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Twenty Six: 8/2/2014 - 8/8/2014][spoiler=Benki][/spoiler]
[Week Twenty Seven: 8/9/2014 - 8/15/2014][spoiler=snarfblam][/spoiler]
[Week Twenty Eight: 8/16/2014 - 8/22/2014][spoiler=Grimlock][/spoiler]
[Week Twenty Nine: 8/22/2014 - 8/30/2014][spoiler=Cloud14][/spoiler]
[Week Thirty: 8/31/2014 - 9/9/2014][spoiler=FullOfFail][/spoiler]
[Week Thirty One: 9/9/2014 - 9/13/2014][spoiler=Grimlock][/spoiler]
[Week Thirty Two: 9/14/2014 - 9/21/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Thirty-Three: 9/22/2014 - 9/26/2014][spoiler=Jefe962][/spoiler]
[Week Thirty-Four: 9/27/2014 - 10/3/2014][spoiler=Jefe962][/spoiler]
[Week Thirty-Five: 10/4/2014 - 10/10/2014][spoiler=TobiMikami][/spoiler]
[Week Thirty-Six: 10/10/2014 - 10/17/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Thirty-Seven: 10/18/2014 - 10/24/2014][spoiler=MetroidMst][/spoiler]
[Week Thirty-Eight: 10/24/2014 - 11/2/2014][spoiler=Jordan5][/spoiler]
[Week Thirty-Nine: 11/3/2014 - 11/7/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]
[Week Forty: 11/8/2014 - 11/14/2014][spoiler=TheAnonymousUser][/spoiler]
[Week Forty-One: 11/8/2014 - 11/14/2014][spoiler=FullOfFail][/spoiler]
[Week Forty-Two: 11/15/2014 - 11/21/2014][spoiler=Jiffy][/spoiler]
[Week Forty-Three: 11/22/2014 - 12/5?/2014][spoiler=JamieWebb16][/spoiler]
[Week Forty-Four: 12/6/2014 - 12/12/2014][spoiler=DSO][/spoiler]
[Week Forty-Five: 12/12/2014 - 12/22/2014][spoiler=RetroKnuckles][/spoiler]
[Week Forty-Six: 12/20/2014 - 12/26/2014][spoiler=Vismund][/spoiler]

Vismund Cygnus

it's saturday, so i'll get the ball rolling again with another average looking room, that looks much better with fx1.
[spoiler=those are emeralds]

The reason that it looks like there's tiling errors in some spots is because everything is drawn on layer 1 except for the green "emeralds". Because of the fx1 in the room, having any of the cave tiles on layer 2 would have ruined the room in game. Unfortunately this meant making a compromise, which is unnoticeable in game but in the image looks like a bit of a tiling error. Judge away, judge away.  :heheh:


I know exactly what you mean, I have a room with the foreground in the background and vice versa. While it gives a cool effect in game it looks appalling in smile. But I know I've built rooms in smile that look great but not so much in game. So yeah, screenshots don't really show the room off properly, but i think yours looks pretty nice, so I can't wait to see it in game :^_^:


[spoiler=Looks better with your eyes closed][/spoiler]


I love the monochromatic feel to the room, but those mushrooms stick out like sore thumbs.


Mst for me.  I love the (lack of) colouring, but those mushrooms could do with being toned down.  Also, be careful with those main wall tiles, and don't let any section get too long, as the repetition starts to become really obvious.

Vismund Cygnus

My room is nothing special this week. It's very dependent on actually seeing it in action.  :razz:
However Mst's isn't really anything special either. The mushrooms are a bit a lot too bright, and I don't think a hint that obvious is needed for that side part. The red tiles don't fit well with the rest of the room, personally I'd either remove them or add them in more places in the room. Also, the white outline on the tiles is somewhat off-putting to me. Not room-destroyingly bad, but sorta eh. Other than that the tileset and palette are really nice. I quite like it, certainly better than my boring old Maridia. Something non-vanilla but fits as well as vanilla is definitely good.

Vismund Cygnus

Green is by far the best colour. I've been working on my Brinstar stuff a bit, trying to differentiate fillers more than I usually do.
I made this room by opening SMILE and moving the mouse until I liked it.
[spoiler=Get ready for green overload][/spoiler]


It's pretty good, actually.  My gripe with it would be the spikes underneath the gap between the upper ledge and the platform.  Any player entering through the right-hand door and missing the platform is bound to experience the 'can't see the off-screen spikes I'm falling on to' rage. :^_^:

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on January 12, 2014, 11:35:35 AM
It's pretty good, actually.  My gripe with it would be the spikes underneath the gap between the upper ledge and the platform.  Any player entering through the right-hand door and missing the platform is bound to experience the 'can't see the off-screen spikes I'm falling on to' rage. :^_^:
Hmm. The room is entered from the left the first time around, but I hadn't considered that from the other side.  :blush:
Looks like we're gonna do the good old "extend the platform by 2 blocks to save the universe" trick. I patent that name, by the way.


* Quietus high fives Vismund, for teaming up to save the universe. :cheers:

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Quietus on January 12, 2014, 11:54:27 AM
* Quietus high fives Vismund, for teaming up to save the universe. :cheers:
In all honesty though, I probably almost definitely have you to thank above all others for helping me improve at this hacking business. You're pretty much the unsung hero of MetConst, guiding the nublets through the darkest period of their hacking lives and showing them the light. I still don't think I'm great, but without your constant advice/nitpicking ( :heheh: ) I wouldn't be half the hacker I am today. I'm sure there are many other people who would thank you for the same thing. But yeah, thanks for helping me to suck less!


Wow.  Thanks, Vismund. :blush:

I try my best. :^_^:


there may not be much special about it, but that's a pretty damn good room vis. (at least i think so)


[spoiler=Something cool][/spoiler]

Vismund Cygnus


[spoiler=FullofFail]Not a bad room, it's simplistic but that works pretty well for it. The giant pile of corpses is a little excessive, plus I can't really tell where I'd be going or what I'd be doing in there. (not that that's ever mattered for RotW before). I'm sure it's probably a bit more obvious in game, but from the screenshot it looks like  I wouldn't even see half of the room.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Vismund's additional thought]Looking through the archives for RotW, you'll see that last year only had 28 weeks of RotW, while other years have had 40+. So I think it could be time to resurrect the old argument of how often RotW should be done.
Personally I thinkit would work better as a fortnightly thing, as that would give people more opportunity to enter rooms and there'd be more competition than just having 2-3 rooms every week (see the last 3 or so weeks of the competition).

Just a little thought that someone might wanna consider.  :^_^:[/spoiler]


Vismunds image looks resized to me... :S

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Crys on January 14, 2014, 04:39:08 AM
Vismunds image looks resized to me... :S

You're half right. The zoom setting I had SMILE on made the 3*2 room a perfect fit for my screen, as opposed to the usual 16*16/32*32 settings. I'll keep that in mind next time.  :lol:


Looks like it's at the 24*24 tile size, which is actually a thing in regular SMILE if I'm not mistaken (though I've used my version for so long I can't remember)

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Scyzer on January 14, 2014, 05:20:47 AM
Looks like it's at the 24*24 tile size, which is actually a thing in regular SMILE if I'm not mistaken (though I've used my version for so long I can't remember)
Just double checked and you'd be right about the first half. But 24*24 isn't in SMILE 2.5, only 16*16 and 32*32 are. Guess I should make sure I set it to one of those before I screenshot next time.  :^_^:


This is a tough one because both rooms are green and green is awesome. The rooms are superbly made too.
I'm gonna go with fof purely because of the point Quietus made about the platform and the spikes in Vismund's room. Yeh, I had to get really picky to be able to choose. :P


Quote from: Mon732 on January 14, 2014, 05:02:31 PMbecause of the point Quietus made about the platform and the spikes in Vismund's room.
Don't blame me for your failures, sonny-boy! :heheh:

I went with Vismund, for my usual reason, which is that his room made me feel more like I wanted to play it.


I dunno, Vismund. Room of the Fortnight doesn't sound as catchy. Nor does Room of the Almost Fortnight which is what RotW 2013 was in spirit...

Voted FoF because Vismund's is basically Brinstar. Also FoF's is a pretty cool Ceres. Also also how even the fuck do you realize that's not at the intended resolution...?


The architecture of the room have something... never seen before. Amazing job.