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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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Quote from: Quietus on June 09, 2014, 07:52:48 AM
I've played Zero Mission a few times.  I completed it once not long after it came out, and I've tried it a few times since, but every time I get to the suitless section, I remember how much I hated that part, and stop playing. :neutral:

Huh, that was my favorite part of the game. Being completely defenseless, having to use stealth rather than brute force...

Mandatory On-topic Comment: I like what you've done, 701. It feels the most organic out of all the rooms. You've also got a very nice effect going on with the entrance to the ruins.


QuoteI didn't have a new sleazy copy of redesign room
Do you have to constantly be getting mad about that criticism? I mean, sure a couple people think your stuff is too similar to redesign, so what? First off, anything that doesn't use custom tiles and attempts to emulate the SM style is going to look at least a bit like redesign considering that's what redesign did. Just with some custom stuff occasionally mixed in. Second, it's your hack. You think it looks good? Good. Unless you have literally taken the gfx and level design straight out of redesign, then just make rooms you like. :stern:

Retro: Good stuff, except for the palette. The palette is bad.
MST: If I could see a damn thing in there I'd say it looks good. I know that makes sense in game, but judging solely on the picture it's pretty hard to tell what's going on.
Jefe: So, is that an elevator room or a room where you cross over an elevator? Either way it looks pretty okay.
Hawntah: I really like this room. It's a good palette for a zm brinstar room and the design looks spot on for that kind of room. Always good to see more zm/fusion stuff in here.
Alisa: It's not the first joke room and it won't be the last. Interesting choice of picture though, and points for the effort it took to import that picture into a tileset.
Person: Alright, that's some good norfair right there. Nothing new or particularly exciting but that's okay since it looks good the way it is. I'd like to see it in game, but simply looking at the picture I'm sure it'd look good in game too.

My vote: Hawntah (though what the damn hell is that name supposed to mean?)


 im bad to give criticism i want to do this anyway :D

me:hm i think i will change the palette to pb 7 (this is pb 6) i like orange more :D

MST: nice room one thing i do not like do picture

jiffy: nice room nice palette i think ;P

haw: i like to see something thats not Super metroid about the room the im trying to find something bad i can not(im a bad criticism person) nice room!

alisa: not fun at all

the person: i like how you use bubbles bricks and the other norfair tiles(whats the name!) nice room


I went with Person. It looks great! MST would have been my second option but I'm only allowed one vote, democracy and shiz.


retro: I suspect that those blocks are deliberate, and are likely speed blocks, to be used as a shortcut if the player has the Speed Booster.


no =)
here first time entering that room you come from the right door ;D (crumble on that down pipe


It's that time again! Bring your blankets and tissues as you will be sent crying to your room! (YEAH I'M POINTING OUT THIS PUN AGAIN. THERE IS NO ROOM TO SAY OTHERWISE)

[spoiler=Tearjerking Reviews]
[spoiler=Retroid]Holy cheesy mustard Bretroman! Yes, Project Base stuff. Yes, tiles. The big beatdown comes from your over usage of the 1 tile wide "fade out" mustard blocks. Generally speaking, the fade out should go straight to black, otherwise. . . Why the fade out? Overall, a flashy picture, but not much substance.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=An Thing]Whoever made this is clearly a master at romancing the eyes. Unfortunately, he tried adding a comedy to it. . . And didn't add a dash of puns. LAMESAUCE[/spoiler]
[spoiler=JiffyLube]The first feature-length epic on the list. However, the plot was straightforward with no twists. We all knew the hero would get the shaft. (HAHAHAHAHAHA)[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Hawntah]Now here is the picture we've been waiting for! Generally speaking, audiences want action, compelling plot, and a visual style to match. This is the full package of master and piece! If only all missions came out to such epic conclusions![/spoiler]
[spoiler=AlisaDaBombDiggity]Who cast Gene Simmons in this role?[/spoiler]


Quote from: retroknuckles on June 09, 2014, 08:06:27 PMno =)
Perhaps I wasn't clear: I was referring to the blocks you pointed out in MetroidMst's room. :razz:

Vismund Cygnus

A long, long, long time ago, this happened:
Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on October 27, 2013, 08:52:41 AM
13:55         MetroidMst should make a save room
13:55   Vismund      . . .
13:56   Vismund      why did I give you an idea?
14:06   MetroidMst   I am as far beyond you, as you are beyond them
14:07   Vismund      I will make a save room next week.
14:07   Vismund      We can have a save room battle.
14:07   MetroidMst   You are asking a lot
14:08   Vismund      Am I really?
14:09   Vismund      We can have the most intense save rooms ever.
14:09   Law      Sounds interesting.
14:09   MetroidMst   A save room in a week?
14:09   MetroidMst   Actually. . .
14:09         MetroidMst has terrible idea for revenge
Alas, the room I made was sub-par. It was not Room of the Week, and it was not the greatest save room ever.

And so I issue a challenge to any potential contenders:

Beat this.
The greatest save room I can make.
I shall never trump this save room. Not with a save room, or with any other room.
It is my magnum opus.
My Redesign.
[spoiler=The best save room][/spoiler]


Needs a shallow pool of water to be complete.
So I am going to assume the walkway on the second floor is the fall-through kind, and the door on the lower right leads to a shaft that you can use to get back to the second floor of that room?



[spoiler=A True Save Room][/spoiler]


Oh my god... Do those all actually work?


[spoiler=Not a save room v2.0]

Still not perfect, but eh, it's better than before. Also solves the issue with lava obscuring corner tiles..


Just mask it with some rock tiles on another layer.

Also, I think that's acid, not lava.


Quote from: Kitsune_Phoenix on June 14, 2014, 05:47:23 AM
Just mask it with some rock tiles on another layer.

Also, I think that's acid, not lava.
I guess that would work.. why didn't I think of that? Thanks.

According to DoubleHelix, it's weak lava, and acid is the stuff in Tourian when you visit it after beating Mother Brain. Makes sense colour-wise as well. Although, Varia Suit's item description in-game does refer to it as acid, so idk.. does it really matter?


Thanks GRIME for tiles ;P


Anybody for Crateria?
[spoiler=Mind Blown.][/spoiler]


I actually made a room...

[spoiler=It's been a while, can you tell?][/spoiler]


Quote from: MetroidMst on June 14, 2014, 01:05:13 AM

[spoiler=A True Save Room][/spoiler]



[spoiler=Vismund Cygnus]...Wow. That is actually the best room I have seen ever. Ever. It flows very well and you have nailed organic tiling. Like Kit said, though, it does seem to be begging for water... I also don't like that the steel doorcap is jammed open, and the palettes of all three doorcaps don't blend well with the rest of the room.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=MetroidMst]Only you could do this and get away with it.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Hawntah]Well, it's a room. I'm afraid I can't really say anything about this one. The falling lava is a nice concept, I guess.

[spoiler=RetroKnuckles]This is pretty cool. It does look rather simple in design, though, and there's nothing in the way of secondary tiling - though I think that's just the limitations of the SoAlien tileset rather than anything on your part. Palette is very nice and I eagerly look forward to seeing your work with this tileset in-game.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Jefe962]You're using way too many straight edges in the secondary tiles. You need more slopes to get a natural feel. That said, it isn't too bad at all in your main tiling. One thing that really irks me though is the placement of that ledge... I think it needs a bit more clearance room.

I also notice you're not using visible doors. At last, someone else sees how weird that is! =] [/spoiler]


Quote from: Hawntah on June 14, 2014, 06:20:56 AMAccording to DoubleHelix, it's weak lava, and acid is the stuff in Tourian when you visit it after beating Mother Brain. Makes sense colour-wise as well. Although, Varia Suit's item description in-game does refer to it as acid, so idk.. does it really matter?
I always saw the lava in Norfair as magma, since it has not risen to the surface of the planet. The acid on Brinstar is weak (medium-low pH) acid, and the acid in Post-MB Tourian is very strong (very low pH) and/or concentrated acid.

Also, I would suggest putting some background rock files (behind the acid's layer) so that it does not look like the rock platforms are floating... And while the red background looks nice it does not have the right contrast with the foreground. Maybe make it darker, and give the rocks a bluish tint?

I also believe that missiles are not an enticing-enough reward for the difficulty of the puzzle that I am predicting, so I would suggest replacing it with a super missile or energy tank. Up to you though.

Finally, to the upper left, you should make a gouging in the rock wall just below the door (or out a mini-cave inside the wall across from the door), to make it more visually interesting.

[spoiler=For the Save Room Challenge]And who knows? Maybe you could put a Chozodian save station there so that it still qualifies as a save room. That is also optional though; you may skip on the save station there, but at least make the rock wall a little indented to be more aesthetically interesting.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Kitsune_Phoenix on June 14, 2014, 07:35:23 PMAlso, I would suggest putting some background rock files (behind the acid's layer) so that it does not look like the rock platforms are floating... And while the red background looks nice it does not have the right contrast with the foreground. Maybe make it darker, and give the rocks a bluish tint?
But they are floating. That's the beauty of video games, you can do things that are not realistically possible in the real world. The rocks already have a (slight) blue tint, and I think making the background darker would make it less menacing..

Quote from: Kitsune_Phoenix on June 14, 2014, 07:35:23 PM
I also believe that missiles are not an enticing-enough reward for the difficulty of the puzzle that I am predicting, so I would suggest replacing it with a super missile or energy tank. Up to you though.
That is a Super Missile :neutral:, missiles are thinner and have a red tip. And there really is no puzzle, just Space Jump up a lavafall after you get Gravity. It's just that most people probably wouldn't think of doing that.

Quote from: Kitsune_Phoenix on June 14, 2014, 07:35:23 PM
Finally, to the upper left, you should make a gouging in the rock wall just below the door (or out a mini-cave inside the wall across from the door), to make it more visually interesting.
Yeah, I'd love to do that. Unfortunately, this tileset does not include any slopes for vertical walls, so anything I'd do would end up looking more like a staircase than a natural rock formation. :nope:


So, I'm not going to do a review for everyone (especially considering it's only saturday) but I will say I love Hawntahs room. I don't even know what it is about it, but I just really want to try playing through it. Good job, those sandfalls are a good idea. Also, I think the background works well as is, the contrast is good imo.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Kitsune_Phoenix on June 13, 2014, 10:49:38 PM
Needs a shallow pool of water to be complete.
So I am going to assume the walkway on the second floor is the fall-through kind, and the door on the lower right leads to a shaft that you can use to get back to the second floor of that room?
A pool of water wouldn't actually work as well as you might think. The problem is for it to be really visible, It would ruin some of the layering in the room as it would either have to appear behind everything (so some of the layer 2 stuff would have to be moved to accomodate) or be drawn over all of it (ruining the point of a "small pool" of water). Additionally, it would ruin some of the groovy darkness effect that the room has going for it. The tileset is actually lighter than the image thinks it is, so it looks off in some spots without some dark FX1.

Quote from: Dragon-Tamer795 on June 14, 2014, 04:54:22 PM
[spoiler=Vismund Cygnus]...Wow. That is actually the best room I have seen ever. Ever. It flows very well and you have nailed organic tiling. Like Kit said, though, it does seem to be begging for water... I also don't like that the steel doorcap is jammed open, and the palettes of all three doorcaps don't blend well with the rest of the room.[/spoiler]
Jesus, you're earlier than I was updating this.
The doorcap being jammed open is to hint that not everything in the room is as it seems. . . to get those exploration senses tingling.
As for the door palette not blending, it's not meant to. I wanted to keep the doors similar across the entire hack and it felt like a small sacrifice to be made. Hell, even in vanilla the doors stick out like sore thumbs.


Personally, I think the door palettes fit perfectly.