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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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Jiffy too. Although I think that the BG could be less repetitive (or the space at center could be less empty), the room design is brillant. I always loved the grapple blocks at the BG, because it involves that BG depth can be explorable by the player. The concept could go further IMO.

Also I add one point for new door design.  :^_^:


I think DMan hit the nail right on the head. Eris Cloud guy has another good 3-4 years to go haha. MST makes a good second choice, he uses the vanilla tiles here well (Much better then Eris) You can tell he knows what he's doing, however, for one, I've seen a lot better from him, and two, considering all three rooms are being built with vanilla tiles this week, Jefe did the best job, at least in my opinion. The palette is what really sells it though, at least for me.


Quote from: TobiMikami on September 23, 2014, 12:37:10 PMconsidering all three rooms are being built with vanilla tiles this week

I wonder if you've noticed my Brinstar Slopes (which I've also released.)


Which do add much to the ambiance of the room. My usual gripe about Green Brinstar is how square it is, Square in SM =/= Realistic. It brings out the PSTD of all the landing site topics *shudders* I personally still would consider it a vanilla tileset, just more of an "Expansion to" but a much needed one!


Quote from: Quote58 on September 23, 2014, 01:01:57 AM
Dunno why snarf left it locked there quietus, but until I know why it would be, I've unlocked it.
Sorry, I'm a bit rusty.



[spoiler=Really bad]
[spoiler=Jiffy]I could repair the Great Wall with the amount of bricks you put up. AND THAT BACKGROUND IS SO GENERIC I THINK MY DOCTOR JUST PRESCRIBED IT FOR MY GAS. And to be perfectly honest, if I brought my girlfriend those flowers I would have one less girlfriend. Think of the ladies![/spoiler]
[spoiler=ErroneousPuffs]Wrecked Ship is not my thing, but this is actually pretty average, and that is a massive improvement over the bowel movements most put up here. Your offsetting lights have great appeal. BUT YOU HAVEN'T TOUCHED THE PALETTE! ALL THAT DOES IS REMIND ME OF WHEN I WAS YOUNG AND SOMEONE FELT THE NEED TO TOUCH MY LIFE. But seriously, use good tilesets and make them also much better.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Zorfnal]The clear winner and only room worthy of any consideration, any vote not for this room is just out of pure pity for the others who clearly have inferior rooms. Zorfnal is best and is superior in every way. ALMOST LIKE A LAKE SEPARATES ZORFNAL AND THE OTHER ROOMS AMIRITE? (AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) But no seriously, Alisa, the BG in that room is 0 you better fix your thing right now.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

So the only clear winner here besides my room, are those who had the pleasure of viewing my room. Please do refrain from showering me with roses this time, that smell takes a while to wash off.

Alisa Orlova

Quote from: MetroidMst on September 23, 2014, 06:43:54 PM
But no seriously, Alisa, the BG in that room is 0 you better fix your thing right now.
My assessment offended you or you don't care? I can try to explain it if you want.


No, Mst is saying that on your chart, you are supposed to put -5 for BG Scroll = 0.  Mst's room has BG Scroll = 0, so you need to change his chart to -5 too.

Alisa Orlova

Quote from: Quietus on September 24, 2014, 06:45:50 AM
No, Mst is saying that on your chart, you are supposed to put -5 for BG Scroll = 0.  Mst's room has BG Scroll = 0, so you need to change his chart to -5 too.
I understood what he meant, I just asked him just in case if he thinks like: "Who is f**king she? If she won a couple of times, she can assess my work?!". Or something like this. But anyway, i don't put a minus if room can live without this crap. For example, Jefe can't change BG scrolling, because it's his general idea in this room. ShyGuy can do it in anytime, so in this case, it's not a minus.


Quote from: Alisa Orlova on September 24, 2014, 08:30:46 AM
i don't put a minus if room can live without this crap. For example, Jefe can't change BG scrolling, because it's his general idea in this room. ShyGuy can do it in anytime, so in this case, it's not a minus.
This is wrong. The room would. . . Not work with a scroll other than 0, but whatever floats your assumption boat.

Alisa Orlova

Quote from: MetroidMst on September 24, 2014, 08:37:56 AM
Quote from: Alisa Orlova on September 24, 2014, 08:30:46 AM
i don't put a minus if room can live without this crap. For example, Jefe can't change BG scrolling, because it's his general idea in this room. ShyGuy can do it in anytime, so in this case, it's not a minus.
This is wrong. The room would. . . Not work with a scroll other than 0, but whatever floats your assumption boat.
Can you assess your room, using my spreadsheet? Please.



Quote from: MetroidMst on September 24, 2014, 09:08:33 AM
I saw that coming. :yay:

Quote from: Alisa Orlova on September 24, 2014, 08:30:46 AMin case if he thinks like: "Who is f**king she? If she won a couple of times, she can assess my work?!"
I have no idea why you would assume that anybody offering you a suggestion is being so aggressive toward you. :whoa:


Well it's hard to be offered a suggestion when you're busy squanching.



[spoiler]Nice blending of the block tile with the blue tile throughout. (I still think those blocks look like glass but that's an issue with the vanilla tile set).  I'm not crazy about the red flowers, they stand out pretty harshly near the blue, maybe it looks better in game.  I think you can work your floating islands a little more to make them look better, they appear to be somewhat randomly placed, I'm sure it has to do with the flow of the room but you can probably make them look better and achieve the same result as far as flow of movement.  Over all nice work [/spoiler]

MaSTer of pain



I feel your Halloween vibe, just over 30 days away, I know where you're going with this!  (make sure you work the moster-mash in there for the music, would be EPIC!)  :wink:

That aside, you room has a nice clean look to it, good color choices throughout.  Basic, clean look without being bland or boring, nice work![/spoiler]

Eris wheel

[spoiler]It's affective for what it is, a junction room you run through.  Not a memorable room but it gets the job done.  By memorable I mean it will blend in with the rest of your hacks rooms and not necessarily leave an impression.  If you are just starting to hack in SM then you appear to be on the right track.[/spoiler]

And the winner is........

[spoiler]Pumpkin head for clean simplicity!!!!  :grin:[/spoiler]


Of course everything MST makes is pure perfection xD But in all seriousness, the chart really is more of a "basic assessment" in my opinion. It scores the rooms on what they have/have not, however, it alone should not (and doesn't) decide a winner, hence the reason a vote of opinion versus a score, what I'm pretty much saying is that everyone's opinion is different, even though Jefe's room clearly has the highest score, by opinion, some people like MST's room more, hence the votes for him. I'm not saying it's bad, but I am saying that it doesn't really sway the competition too much cause I mean fuck, we're gonna vote for whatever we want to vote for not what the chart says hahah. With the exception of MST of course who just knows his room is always perfect


yeah I voted Jefe but Zorfnol is very pleased with MST, he is granting an exclusive 1 room god statue with maridian tileset in Fear.
Offer stands for the next 3 hours.


I honestly had nothing else to put. Because I'm lazy.



So here's the main hub of the Crater Core, last final area spoiler I promise haha.
[spoiler=It's like I've gone and died to the Impact Crater][/spoiler]

Vismund Cygnus

Tobi, while I really like the room, it looks, I dunno, unfinished. Is there a pointer for the background? If not, it would certainly help with the room to even just add another layer of cave tiles to the whole thing, because holy lord that looks empty as hell. That's not to say I don't think it's good: the use of layers is really well done. It just doesn't look like a complete room yet.
Jefe, your room is fine, if somewhat of a nothing room. At least there's no tiling errors this week.  :heheh:


It has a layer 2 however I ran out of space, and I have no intentions on repointing room data for a room that's already burned up almost 3,000, at least, not considering it's the third to last room in the game. The BTS burned through a ton of data cause there's so many damn slopes and the platforms are solid BTS themselves, all that layer 2 burned at least 800 or so alone, and that's not even solid filled in most spots, and the room still has bugs after being worked on for 4 hours xD On the room's behalf as far as in game goes, it has a fog FX1 which hides most of that, and the emptiness can't really be explored without Space Jump which is something you won't have anyways, so from the aspect of playing it, it's not as bad, that's why I usually screenshot in game for any purposes besides ROTW simply because FX1 makes a TON of difference.


May this need an update?

Anyway, I think we need some more members having control over updating RotW. Some people that are active, eg Smiley.


Wow, only 2 rooms this week...  Ok get in the ring you two, last hacker standing wins!  :twisted:


It's totally not obvious by the voting thing that Jefe really pisses Squishy off with his nagging. But in all seriousness, where is someone with le originality, HMM? MST's gripe about rooms getting worse every week is becoming a prophecy EXCEPT INSTEAD OF GETTING WORSE THEY'RE NOT EVEN EXISTING.