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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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Quote from: Hawntah on September 02, 2014, 06:26:14 AMWith that aside: I'd like to point out that what I say is opinion, not scientific fact. Even if it differs from your thoughts, I probably won't change my mind about what I say.
Is there any need for this, Hawntah?  Everything you post on here is your opinion.  If this is due to backlash over recent (pointless) discussions over how the competition should be run, it'd probably be best to just move on, as these sort of comments just come across as trolling. :neutral:


I don't really mind your ratings or anything, and it's unclear if you're trying to be funny, but you're making points about custom gfx and palettes on a room that's specifically designed for Vanilla.

Alisa Orlova

Quote from: Hawntah on September 02, 2014, 06:26:14 AM
I probably won't change my mind about what I say.
You're evil, and i like it! We can arrange our own enclave, and angry every time when we lose in the ROTW. Together... bro...
Power of rage! :heheh:

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Alisa Orlova on September 02, 2014, 07:04:30 AM
Quote from: Hawntah on September 02, 2014, 06:26:14 AM
I probably won't change my mind about what I say.
You're evil, and i like it! We can arrange our own enclave, and angry every time when we lose in the ROTW. Together... bro...
Power of rage! :heheh:
Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on August 11, 2014, 12:02:38 AM
With that aside: I'd like to point out that what I say is opinion, not scientific fact. Even if it differs from your thoughts, I probably won't change my mind about what I say.
An enclave you say? Where do I sign up?


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on September 02, 2014, 07:09:16 AMAn enclave you say? Where do I sign up?
Made me think of [noembed]this[/noembed]. :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on September 02, 2014, 06:47:20 AM
Quote from: Hawntah on September 02, 2014, 06:26:14 AMWith that aside: I'd like to point out that what I say is opinion, not scientific fact. Even if it differs from your thoughts, I probably won't change my mind about what I say.
Is there any need for this, Hawntah?  Everything you post on here is your opinion.  If this is due to backlash over recent (pointless) discussions over how the competition should be run, it'd probably be best to just move on, as these sort of comments just come across as trolling. :neutral:
I'd like to point out that that is a direct quote from one of Vismund's posts, so please direct any criticism and trolling accusations at him.

Quote from: FullOfFail on September 02, 2014, 06:48:29 AM
I don't really mind your ratings or anything, and it's unclear if you're trying to be funny, but you're making points about custom gfx and palettes on a room that's specifically designed for Vanilla.
Nope, I am completely serious. Perhaps I just don't like the vanilla style, it is rather overused..


Ok SM'ers and fusioners, another batch of inexperienced 8-bit opinion.  My 1.79 MHz Ricoh 2A03 8-bit microprocessor has fully processed your submissions, Prepare yourselves...

[spoiler]Ripped aye?  From the inside of a pillow?  "A" for effort, "D-" for result.  Don't worry, you still get a participation trophy.[/spoiler]

Brass Knuckles
[spoiler]Ok so you hopefully read my post during the submissions, you're doing something different and that is good.  I think you still have a lot of work to do with the trees to make them more natural looking.  The one of the far left works.  The center one is too scrambled and doesn't make a lot of sense. Also the dead guy tile is a detail tile, you have to be careful not to spam these tiles because it doesn't look good.  Maybe make a trunk tile and use the ones you are using now as branches.  I'm not sure what's going on with the rainbow spikes down between the legs of the trees, maybe these trees are native to San Francisco?  No?  Ok the rainbow color is out of place.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Looks like a strait forward Fusion room.  wouldn't be very memorable in a game, just one of the rooms you run/roll/jump through.  Looks good for what it is, bland though, has the cold look down pretty good.[/spoiler]

To_Bi or not to be
[spoiler]Nice natural looking rock curvature, contrasted with the not so natural blocks.  The two pockets at the bottom are a nice touch.  I give it a 41 FF FE FD, or maybe 40 FF FE FD "01", not sure, somewhere between the two.[/spoiler]

Fails for fun
[spoiler]Ok, strait out there I have to say I'm not a fan of block shaped natural tiles, be it rock or plants.  It all just looks very artificial to me, it counteracts the natural feel of the plants and grass.  Blockyness and plants go together like wooden planks and spaceships.  I think you mentioned the tiles don't have many options to work with so that aside I think your detail tiles "plants" are too evenly spaced out, I would say place them in clusters, that would be more natural.  If possible you should clear off some of the green "moss" (I think it is) and fill it in with some other block tile so players can see what is under the moss, this would explain why everything is so blocky.[/spoiler]

So, that said my vote goes to: (insert drum roll here)
[spoiler]Tobi, congratulations you've won an all expenses not paid trip to your current location :grin:[/spoiler]


Quote from: Grimlock on September 02, 2014, 09:35:24 AMgo together like wooden planks and spaceships.
* Quietus scraps years of work on his wooden spaceship hack.

(Forum seems slow again today...)


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on September 02, 2014, 04:58:27 AM
I don't even notice whatever the hell was being pointed out in the picture that whoever it was was complaining about them.
Vismund clearly overrides the troll's opinion here :p (Who my response to is, make a damn room yourself and see how much effort each and every one of us has really put into this contest)


Its funny because you give a 0/10 to someone using an original tileset. Just because there is a red outline, doesnt mean jack about score. The room itself is what you're scoring for. I mean, sure the tileset is a big part of it, but an outline shouldnt make it 0/10.


For the love of all that is holy, can we not add some new rule that states that any replies discussing or stating how anybody should or shouldn't vote, and what they should or shouldn't vote for, get deleted immediately.  I don't normally bite, but it feels like it's been going on for Aegis now, and it's completely pointless. :eyeroll:


The Arrival of these discussions are a bit Airy. Maybe we should use the So Little Time we have for something more useful than stirring up a Redesign of people's opinions... :heheh:

Sorry, I had to. But Quietus has a point.  :^_^:


Personally to me this contest isn't about who wins, it's about sharing what we made and helping each other improve, even though we're all individual hackers we collaborate ideas, thoughts, and process to keep expanding upon our hobby, I mean, when you think about it, Metroid Construction is the main resource for what we do, this isn't woodworking 101 where you Google it and you get 1,001 tips, tricks, and ideas. All arguing about the vote does is make the competition lose its value, competing is part of the fun, however, when you start telling someone who to vote for or why they shouldn't or only focus on negative values, that ruins the fun in competing.


Quote from: Quietus on September 02, 2014, 04:08:25 PM
For the love of all that is holy, can we not add some new rule that states that any replies discussing or stating how anybody should or shouldn't vote, and what they should or shouldn't vote for, get deleted immediately.  I don't normally bite, but it feels like it's been going on for Aegis now, and it's completely pointless. :eyeroll:

As far as I'm concerned this is now a de-facto rule. It's fine to explain how you like to gauge rooms. It's even fine to react to such an explanation (politely) with something along the lines of "have you considered..." or "I prefer to...", but there's no sense in being unpleasant or going back and forth with it, and there are no rules on how to vote. Everyone is allowed to vote based on whatever reasons or criteria he sees fit, and everyone is allowed to submit anything that falls withing the rules listed above. Complaining and whining only begets more complaining and whining, and most of us are pretty tired of it. So, would you folks kindly stop with the bitching and the back-and-forth, or I'll stomp it out with the swift foot of justice right up until the point that Zeke revokes my moderation privileges.

On a related note, if you want to suggest modifications to the RotW format, we can do so at the end of the year like we have in years past.


[spoiler=Prepare yourself]
[spoiler=Jiffers]This looks like a 1*1 room I would build. I.E. IT SUCKS AND YOU SHOULD DO BETTER YOU BAT-LICKING MANTINSMUNCHER. THIS ROOM HAS AS MUCH PERSONALLITY AS PARIS HILTON AKA NONE. And you got rid of the colors. :([/spoiler]
[spoiler=RetroKnucklesandwich]This is very DMan with the whole alcohol and drugs thing. AND IF IT IS WITH THE ALCOHOL AND DRUGS THING YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG! Sort of like last time, your room is. . . A room. BUT YOU HAVE PIPES WITH THIS WHITE LIQUID DRIPPING OUT OF THEM WHICH MEANS THEY ARE REALLY A VISUAL METAPHOR FOR YOUR INNER DESIRE TO DRIP YOUR SPECIAL SAUCE AND I BETTER STOP NOW. But seriously, why don't more people actually use drippy things on their pipes? It adds a nice visual, which this room needed.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Dark Gohan]You know what would help this out? A FUSION OF TILESETS! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAH What? Why'd my pun get such a cold reception?[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Tobi]I will say this now, I voted for your room. HOWEVER, It really could use anything in the BG. Just some random floating rocks would be nice. AS IS IT IS LIKE TAKING A HOT GIRL HOME ONLY TO FIND OUT THE ONLY BREASTS SHE HAD WERE ACTUALLY FRIED CHICKEN. IT REALLY SUCKS, BUT THEN YOU FIND IT ISN'T SO BAD BECAUSE YOU GOT A MEAL OUT OF IT. But seriously, don't tease. Add some things. Just as long as they aren't stripper shoes. You will never be able to walk across the deck again. . .[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fwallefel]Grimlock beat me to my huge gripe with this. I mean, this room has more block in it than Block Fort. BUT AT LEAST IT REMINDED ME TO EAT 7 SQUARE MEALS A DAY. HOORAY FOR SURVIVAL[/spoiler]

So sorry about the whole text moving thing, I found out that even though the people who made text intended it to be used as still imagery at some times, that it is really considered cheating if I set its scroll to 0


[spoiler].......................................................... Attention MST:             Thanks for the migraine! :=x:  :mad: .....................................................[/spoiler]


To be honest reading all of MST's scrolls gave me a bit of a headache too xD But it just really seems to compliment him.


One of the best analogies I've ever made was in the blurb about your room though Tobi. That alone was worth the mental damage.


He's right, that analogy really spoke to me

[23:58:21] <Jordan5> that analogy about the hot girl was perfect


Alisa Orlova

Well... today is thursday, and I think the voting results will not change much. And... hum... i would like to support Jefe962 a little bit. So... Make your own tiles it's hard enough, but be original is even harder ("As i think" or "As I know"). I checked the "fusion" and "Zero" tiles twice, and yeah... It's not very original. But I think your tile has a good potential, and I hope you will try to develop it. So don't pay attention to the results of voting, these fellow know nothing about sausage scraps.  :heheh:

Black Falcon

Fof for me this week.
It's a simple room, and it's using vanilla tiles, though all other rooms have some things or two that don't really feel right to me, so this one seemed the most reasonable one for me to give my vote to.
I like the background with the empty larva shells and eggs as a small detail, but that's about all I can think of while looking at it.
IMO it's not even close to being as good as your previous rooms, I know you can do way better than this!  :^_^:


Quote from: Alisa Orlova on September 04, 2014, 01:58:03 PM
Well... today is thursday, and I think the voting results will not change much. And... hum... i would like to support Jefe962 a little bit. So... Make your own tiles it's hard enough, but be original is even harder ("As i think" or "As I know"). I checked the "fusion" and "Zero" tiles twice, and yeah... It's not very original. But I think your tile has a good potential, and I hope you will try to develop it. So don't pay attention to the results of voting, these fellow know nothing about sausage scraps.  :heheh:

I agree, you should continue to develop it.  My "review" was in jest, but I did mean "A" for effort since it isn't an easy task ripping/creating graphics, the "D-" was because it really looks like its early in the tile sets development, especially for a competition (and if the current state of the tile set is as far as you plan on taking it).


This one's just for you, Tobi.

Note: I had to extend the background to cover the whole room in Photoshop because DH is a piece of shit. So yeah, feel free to disqualify me if it makes you happy.


Some 8-bit action for the contest this week:  :nod:


For those who never played the original Metroid (NEStroid) Here's what this room used to look like:


ENJOY (or else...)  :<_<: