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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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Ok so here's my take on this weeks entries, of course you'll all have to keep in mind I'm just a simple 8 biter so the vast complexities of the 16 bit metroid universe as it relates to hacking SM is beyond me but I'll take a shot at it anyway (stand back people).

Also I'm typing this on kindle which I might add is a brutally painful experience.

I like the complexity of your green and brown areas, the way the green splits open and separates revealing the brown behind it.  My feel on the room is that it's a good base to start, what you need now is some more colors and details.  If you brought in some sort of third lighter color of rock or even some old industrial looking platforms of some kind to spice it up that would be good.  Also I don't know if it's a limitation with your tile set but all of the edges seem to be strait or 45 deg.  If you can add more intermediate angles the look would benefit from it.  Nice work on the complexity though.
Mr fail
[spoiler]The dark atmosphere is nice, the (what appears to be) tanks/ large containers at the bottom look interesting.  I prefer the two on the right, the far left one offers too much contract and doesn't seem to match anything else in the room.  I'm not crazy about the brick tiles, they look like glass to me, not sure if you can do anything with them.  The tube on the left seems awkwardly long, again this is coming from an M1 guy, I haven't played SM in several years.
Cloud guy
[spoiler]I'm really liking your concept, it seems like a fresh take on SM.  I like your approach using slight deviations from black and white, offering a touch of faded color.  Simple yet very unique.  Tough competition, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work with this new hack in the future.
The blue pops out nicely next to the yellow, nice details in your tiles, looks like a promising tile set. Other than that the room is far too complex, you could confuse players and cause them to get lost and never make it to the other side.  Maybe add some arrow signs to help direct them.
The infamous MST (hardened felon I hear  :nope: ).  Well I have to give you credit for being one of the only rooms to use more than straits and 45 deg tiles in creating your room.  I'm liking your color choices for the rock, sky and sand.  Your trees could use a little "treeagra", they're looking a little on the limp side, then you've got the huge open area.... what a minute (your not trying to compensate for something are you?)  :pwuh: ......(Kidding people!  I doubt MST is the sensitive type, Tobi did seem a bit concerned in the following post, might want to let him know your ok and all after reading that, anyway you have to admit it was slightly funny so.........)
Ok on a serious note: good job except I would say work on the cliff sides, you can make them look more realistic, also the sand is rolling up the cliff side on the right, maybe it's one of those odd gravitational distortions and it's getting sucked into the wall, otherwise it seems out of place.

Wow, that was a bitch, that's the last time I do that on a kindle!


I'll provide my feedback, overall nice potential this week, I really enjoy all the submissions.
[spoiler]I've been keeping tabs on some of your latest ROTW submissions, and I can say you've made quite some progress, I'm pleased with your most recent works, your room this week reminds me a lot of Vismund's Winter Solstice hack, however I feel the background layer adds a bit of confusion, the other two, not too bad, some FX1 might change things as well, overall, not too shabby, keep up the good work![/spoiler]
[spoiler]I definitely like the use of the bricks with the cave wall, it blends quite well, especially for a generally unused set from the vanilla graphics, there's not too much bad I can say about the room, and the colors with the Chozo statues are pretty cool too, quite unique.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I definitely like the blend from the sky down to the ground layer, it's smooth, which can be hard at times to pull off, especially in constraints of 16 colors, generally for a black and white themed hack, I can say this will fair quite well, I quite honestly am curious to see how this will play out, this has potential[/spoiler]
[spoiler]No intentions of winning this contest, mainly just wanted to see what everyone's response would be about the tileset, I was already aware it needed plenty of work, however, what I've heard here is plenty enough reason to continue some work with it, although already planned to be a small hack, it still needs quite some work (And me to stop being a lazy ass)[/spoiler]
[spoiler]As I previously stated, you sir have already won my week's vote. As always, impressive work. That's all I really have to say about you, I'm sure your busy enough dealing with everyone else's quite...creative responses.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]This is great, honestly, if it wasn't for MST you'd probably win this hands down. I'm impressed, mainly because I like seeing how much we've done with a 30 year old game, all we're STILL doing. Very inspiring. Keep up the good work.[/spoiler]


Quote from: TobiMikami on August 26, 2014, 12:34:50 AM
I'm sure your busy enough dealing with everyone else's quite...creative responses.

This is my second week burning time in the room of the week thread and I think we can all agree MST has "quite creative responses" down to a fine art!  :lol:

Actually it's quite amusing.  Although I have to say after reading your post I envisioned him in some sort of vegetative coping state, some how I think it'll take more than "limp trees" to upset his world.  It's all in good fun anyway, I gather that's the point of the room of the week contest.

Everyone did a fantastic job this week, I enjoyed looking over your submissions and posting my rather inexperienced opinion, we've got some fine artists here at Metroid Construction.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: retroknuckles on August 25, 2014, 01:39:42 PM
VISMUND Where are your rooms!?!
My room is here in spirit. If you look really closely you'll hear it on the wind.


Hard choice this week, was either Grim or Cloud.

Grim has got it going on. Can't wait to play that lush.
However Cloud also had atmosphere that caught my attention.
Felt a bit.. SoE with the checkerboard tiles, complimented with the foggy atmosphere.

Voted Cloud, though I'm equally on side with Grim's room. Voting is getting hard.


Between the three of you, Grimlock, Mst and Cloud. This is extremely tough.

Here's what I think though.

[spoiler=GriM1 Pro]Your rooms are amazing, and the graphics. phew, I almost passed out. It's really lush, and just like the previous room that one last week, this one stands a really great chance of winning. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this room as far as I can see, just keep making them how you make them and you're destined for greatness. Guaranteed.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Cloudy with Sunny periods]Well I had a ton to say about your this lovely shit machine called a laptop deleted it all. In any case I'll try my best to remember what I said. So. Your room looks fantastic. I love the fading trees in the background. It's a really good concept of black and white..and given that this room turned out this amazing, I'm sure the hack will be a really good one. Very close.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=i dont have a cool name for you sorry]Love your room. It really catches the grasp of a desert. It's really well made, and I think it's cool how you have ripped the (new?) super mario bros desert graphics for the bg. Well done. It's really a toughie.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=everyone else]try harder.[/spoiler]

Given my finally thoughts......hrrrrrrrmmmm...........................................The winner for me this week is, Metroid Mst. That's just a great use of maridia, making it a polar opposite of a waterland...a dry desert. Good job matey.


Having had another look at Cloud's room, the chequered blocks in the corner remind me of a game of Dr Mario. :^_^:

Alisa Orlova



It's strange how everybody votes so differently.  If that ^ is Alisa's method of voting, mine is this:

* Quietus opens all spoilers.
* Quietus scrolls down.
* Quietus scrolls back up.
* Quietus moves finger in a slow circle, deliberating.
* Quietus points, and says "that one!"

I then vote, and provide brief feedback about my gut decision. :^_^:


Quote from: Alisa Orlova on August 27, 2014, 06:27:07 AM

I got a "0"  :whoa:  :lol: (disqualified!)

Besides not grading two of us, it seems to be a fairly thorough way to go about it, I have to side with Quietus's method though. 

I wonder if some people are confused by my rooms (which game it is) since they are such a departure from the original M1.


Quote from: Alisa Orlova on August 27, 2014, 06:27:07 AM


where can i get that point thing?


It's probably just coded with html tables. Easy enough.

Alisa Orlova

Quote from: Grimlock on August 27, 2014, 08:44:00 AM
I got a "0"

Of the entire series of Super Metroid, I played only snes version. This mean, i know nothing about others SM games. So... As Bob Dylan said:

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand


So, why not just leave them off the table? :heheh:

Alisa Orlova

Quote from: Quietus on August 27, 2014, 11:47:54 AM
So, why not just leave them off the table? :heheh:

They might think that I ignore them. What if they are offended? I do not want this.
They do not get my evaluation, but I thought about them. Because ... I'm a goddamn friendly! :awesome:


Quote from: Grimlock on August 27, 2014, 08:44:00 AM
I wonder if some people are confused by my rooms (which game it is) since they are such a departure from the original M1.

For me (and probably Alisa) it's just I've never hacked M1, so it's hard to judge how much effort or practicality you actually put into it. I have to give a purely cosmetic "hey that looks neat!" opinion.

That all said, I know the NES is limited, and the GFX you and Snarf do is just amazing. NEStroid rooms have won plenty in the past, and I'm sure they'll always be a contender.


Quote from: retroknuckles on August 27, 2014, 10:02:25 AM
where can i get that point thing?

You can do something like that in a spreadsheet application like Excel.  Alternatively if you don't have Microsoft office you can download "Open Office" which is a free office suite.  It offers pretty much everything Microsoft office does, minus the cost.  You would just have to do some simple formulas:

=SUM(E5:E9) would add the totals from cell E5, E6, E7, E8, and E9 and display it in the cell the formula resides in.

Or you could just do =E5+E6+E7+E8+E9 and get the same result

Text is simple to add, just click the cell and type.  You can alter it to run vertically similar to his.  You can do a screenshot of your point/score sheet and crop it in "Paint", Photoshop, or some other application if you wanted to post it.

Quote from: Alisa Orlova on August 27, 2014, 12:20:49 PM
They might think that I ignore them. What if they are offended?

:evilno:  :mad:  :lol:  :wink:  :cool: (Since your English is limited I thought I would communicate in the "Pictorial Language").

Quote from: FullOfFail on August 27, 2014, 01:44:17 PM
For me (and probably Alisa) it's just I've never hacked M1, so it's hard to judge how much effort or practicality you actually put into it.

Yea, that's the problem I have with judging SM rooms, I just have to eyeball it.  Don't worry, someday you'll understand our greatness  :grin: :wink:


Quote from: Quietus on August 27, 2014, 08:07:52 AM
It's strange how everybody votes so differently.

I expand all the spoilers, then keep collapsing my least favorite one until there is only one left.


I voted FoF's because i like it. Jefe your room background merges with your foreground, which is bad. Tobi love it. Grim yours was a close second. I like mst's except for the chozo sitting in midair. Cloud's checkered tiles look weird, they have defined edges on 2 sides and the other 2 sides sit against whatever the next tile over is. Looks bad to me.

Insofar as Metroid graphics go, imagine taking 1 palette line from SMILE, and that's all the colors you can use to draw Layer 1 with. 4 colors per palette line, 1 color is permanent (black in metroid's case because the background is always black and you want your FG tiles to fade into the background). There is no layer 2 or 3. Now do you see why it is difficult to achieve what Grimlock and Snarf can do?


New week. I ripped these tiles like terribly. :L


i think people will hate this room think its the worst one i made, I think its the best room i ever made this feels like me......



Looks like you've tried your hand at Dman's style. Main flaw I feel is that the Gadora/eye door tiles aren't sporadic enough and seem too uniform.


Okay, so jefe wanted me to make a room in Metroid Fusion. Here you go jefe, i used my favorite tileset, ARC. Aside from the Restricted Zone tiles, these are my most comfortable ones.


I dunno if it'll win this week, but it's Fusion, so that's why it's so simple and not layered like Super Metroid. I think it'd look good ingame.


Quote from: person701 on August 30, 2014, 05:09:20 PM
Looks like you've tried your hand at Dman's style. Main flaw I feel is that the Gadora/eye door tiles aren't sporadic enough and seem too uniform.

When dealing with alienesque tiles and finding ways for them to work, they don't fall under a 'dman' style, or 'grime' or 'mst' etc format (insert hacker here),
but rather the author him/herself. I personally dig the room, I feel these alien trees or whatever they're intended to be could do some more coherent work,
the concept is there, and it's fresh, I'd say build upon it. In a sense, yes, a bit too uniform but definitely on track to something amazing.


What I like most about Retro's room is the top pipes. Seems like a legit way to make an entrance, or hide a tunnel leading to another room.