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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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Alisa Orlova

Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on August 04, 2014, 09:07:09 PM
This is not a bad room, it's just nothing particularly special.
Quote from: retroknuckles on August 05, 2014, 04:53:39 AM
alisa: you use that tile set to much i think that is not meaning the room is bad  its good but you done better
Well, first of all, i want say thanks for the every reviews. I appreciate it, but I a little bit disagree with criticism. Yes, i agree! Nothing special and i used this tilesets before (i added new forms, but It doesn't matter) but... what do you want guys? A completely new tile sets for each rooms in the hack? Or what? Few clicks on palette, just switch Layer 2 scrolling to zero and boom! It's a ROTW baby! We can see this stupid trick every week. I don't want to say "my tile set is awesome!" and of course I don't want to offend anyone, i just wanna to say: "dear metroidconstruction, try to make something more then few clicks on palette, and Layer 2 scroll=0". I love everybody. Let's make love not war.


You will never produce a room that will appeal to all tastes.  People are simply explaining that you've shown a similar room before, and the one you entered this week doesn't stand out from your last one.  Some people want quality vanilla work; some people want new tilesets; some people want a mixture; some people want quirky, fun graphics; and some people want dark, atmospheric ones.  Some people want new palettes, and some don't.  Stop trying to please everybody at once.

Also remember that, as has been explained numerous times, this is not a serious competition.  It's just a way to get feedback on rooms.


It is quite apparent I have scared off some people who try to put up rooms with bad taste and get away with, but I obviously have more work to do!

[spoiler=No Hawntah means bad things]
[spoiler=Alisa]This room is so blue, I have a Clapton (MY SIDE HURTS PUNS!) to mention! Well. . . IT'S BLUE! And I do enjoy the fudgy mush that the tileset lends itself to being like. AND ALSO JUST FOR FUN, YOU SHOULD ONLY DO THIS ONE TILESET IN ROTW FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. You know, at some point in time, I am sure people will again realize they should base their vote off something called "the current weeks rooms," but that will never happen. . . BECAUSE THE LAST WEEK OR FOUR OF ROOMS YOU'VE SUBMITTED HAVE SO MUCH BEARING ON HOW THIS CURRENT ROOM STACKS UP AGAINST THIS WEEK. I don't understand it either. This may not be a serious contest, but the obvious thing is you're working on a hack if you submit a room, and the even more obvious thing is you are going to have the same tileset through many different rooms. SO LET'S COMPLAIN ABOUT IT. You escape the general wrath of my superior voicings just due to what amounts to general stupidity from others complaining about the same tileset. AND YES I MADE THAT RED SO YOU DUMB CUCUMBER SLURPERS NOTICE IT. Seriously, how hard is it to judge a room based on this week? Go off that for. . . Once? Ever? Anyone? You dingleberries.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Benki Syndrome]AND NOW THE FEAST GOES ON! What were you thinking with that radioactive snot seepage going on? THIS ROOM JUST GAVE MY EYES CANCER FOR LOOKING AT IT! Try showing that to your date, and you'll be single faster than a broke hobo. HOWEVER, THERE IS SOMETHING EVEN MORE GLARINGLY WORSE THAN YOUR PUTRID SNOT, AND THAT IS A LACK OF BUBBLES. Seriously, how does one decide to mesh these tiles and any and all bubbles out? THE SHEER AUDACITY TO LEAVE OUT THE SINGLE MOST IMPORT TILES EVER IS AMAZING. Be ashamed![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Jiffers the Derp]And now we come to the architect of the crime. Jiffy. Tiberius. LACKOFBUBBLESANDWHATISWHAT? Others have already explained your room looks like it is trying to be Richard Simmons and Batman at the same time, and that just doesn't work. And I know you told me/others in IRC that "It really does make sense in game," but the issue with that is you made it, and you're the only one who has played it, which renders anything you say about it moot/wrong. INSTEAD MEET MY WRATH FOR USING CRATERIA I SEE IT EVERY WEEK SERIOUSLY PEOPLE STOP WITH THE SAME TILESET I WANT DIFFERENT TILESETS IN EVERY ROOM EVER NO CONSISTENCY BECAUSE THAT IS DUMB WHY DID CRATERIA AND IT ISN'T EVEN RED![/spoiler]

I went light on you lot because I felt other comment(s) needed addressing more so than your paltry, barely-average garbage you call rooms. Seriously, some of these dumb comments are more atrocious than the rooms sometimes. SO BEWARE YOU LOGLUMPING FARTSACKS, IT ISN'T JUST ROOMS I WILL CRITIQUE AND DON'T LET ME CATCH YOU USING A SIMILAR COMMENT TWO WEEKS IN A ROW.


Quote from: Alisa Orlova on August 05, 2014, 01:06:04 AM
And yeah... "Layer 2 scrolling = 0" which means fu** the perspective, let's play the NES crap at SNES engine. In my opinion it's a cheat, just like spend all tile set to the one single 1x1 room. But, it's not important in this competition.

Your entry is named My_junk_is_numb.png.


Quote from: MetroidMstNo Hawntah means bad things

Fear not, for I shall return!

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: MetroidMst on August 05, 2014, 12:15:12 PM
BECAUSE THE LAST WEEK OR FOUR OF ROOMS YOU'VE SUBMITTED HAVE SO MUCH BEARING ON HOW THIS CURRENT ROOM STACKS UP AGAINST THIS WEEK. . .  others complaining about the same tileset. . . Seriously, how hard is it to judge a room based on this week? Go off that for. . . Once? Ever? Anyone? You dingleberries.
Here's the thing, if you think of it like that, let's pretend for a minute we're not judging Room of the Week, but rather, The X Factor, you know, Song of the Week! We have one person who does really, really well performing the greatest song ever, let's say Run DMC's "It's Tricky", a commendable effort for a solo artist to perform this to an extremely high degree. So naturally, everyone loves it, and that person wins that week, or however that show works, I never watch past the dumb auditions.
So anyway, that person did a really good job of "It's Tricky", so now we want to hear them sing something new, like Outkast's "Miss Jackson" (of course, the show's producers would just make them sing it but let's pretend that the artist actually gets to choose their songs). However, the next week they sing "It's Tricky" again. Sure, they do it at least as well as they did it last week, but it's still exactly the same thing they did the other week. Of course people are going to judge it harsher than they did the previous week, because they have already judged the exact same thing.

Now apply that logic to Room of the Week, and maybe you'll understand why I think I personally dislike the fact that Alisa entered the same tileset so many times in a row. While she's good at using the tileset, perhaps it's not right to show it off in Room of the Week, given that she has already done so several times. You seem pretty sure of this argument but try applying it in any other competition's context and you'll see why it's flawed logic.
Quote from: Hawntah on August 05, 2014, 07:46:54 PM
Quote from: MetroidMstNo Hawntah means bad things
Fear not


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on August 05, 2014, 07:50:46 PM
try applying it in any other competition's context and you'll see why it's flawed logic.
Thing is, this is not any other competition. This is RotW. This isn't to see who is the best over a period of time, it is to judge/comment/critique rooms submitted that week. Fact is, areas are made with the same tileset, and really, if anything this should encourage people to submit the same tileset more than once. The first time theoretically would be their worst effort with the tileset, and each subsequent week a room with the same tileset is submitted by the same person, there should be improvement based off of the comments.

There is nothing wrong with submitting something different every week, but I do draw the line when people take issue with the same tileset when it is clearly a different room. If someone just does a couple of minor tweaks of a room they submitted, and then submit that same room the next week, then you have a point. However, I do not recall anyone doing that. Your analogy is slightly off base, as with different rooms, they are singing different songs. They might just be sticking with the same rivers and streams that they're used to. (i.e. genre)


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on August 05, 2014, 07:50:46 PM
Run DMC's "It's Tricky", Outkast's "Miss Jackson"
If people sung those on X-Factor then i'd definitely watch it.

Personally, I submit to RotW when I'm starting out with a tileset so that i get feedback on what works and what doesn't so that i can build better rooms in the future. If Alisa plans to use that tileset a lot for one area, then submitting the same tileset a few times in a row means she can get feedback and improve. Then over the next few weeks we see how she's used the advice and can help her improve and hopefully after 4 weeks she's pretty good at using it and so you get good rooms throughout the area. I quite like to see how someone gets better with a tileset throughout the weeks as it does take a while to get used to a new one. I think complaining about the same tileset week after week is quite pointless, but people are entitled to their own opinion.


New week, huh?


And a video (if you haven't seen it already):


the crateria tiles in the background looks bad other the room is pretty good!


Quote from: retroknuckles on August 09, 2014, 09:49:30 AM
the crateria tiles in the background looks bad
Agreed, but I also have to say that the red and yellow filler blocks look very out of place. It feels like Christmas in that room.
In general though it's a nice take on that tileset, except for the outline as quietus has mentioned, that really needs to go or it will not fit with super metroid samus. The outline was originally red in metroid fusion, and the reason was due to the screen size of the GBA. The red was used in every tileset, as the same shade of red for contrast. However if you change that to be white, then it looses it's purpose and instead looks weird because it's a huge jump in colour value from the last blue to a sharp white. So it ends up still looking like an outline, just a useless one.


Jiffers isn't the only one that can rock the ZM tileset



That explains why I couldn't pick out exactly what area that tileset was from.

* snarfblam never played fusion


WEEP WOODEN TEARS! Yes you puny humans, feel the rage come up! FEEL IT! You can't touch this amaze.

[spoiler=Only Bubbles][/spoiler]


Quote from: MetroidMst on August 10, 2014, 03:09:32 AM
WEEP WOODEN TEARS! Yes you puny humans, feel the rage come up! FEEL IT! You can't touch this amaze.

[spoiler=Only Bubbles][/spoiler]
There goes my chance of winning... :sad:

[spoiler=Oh well I guess I might as well post this anyway][/spoiler]


Quote from: MetroidMst on August 10, 2014, 03:09:32 AM[spoiler=Only Bubbles][/spoiler]
This makes me so happy, I feel like I'm on nine clouds. :wink:


Snarf for me this week.  Nice colours, and a good mix of them. :^_^:


Whoa. This is the most diverse week I've ever seen.

jefe: While a good room, I must echo the thoughts of others on the white outline, the colorful speckles (too many different vibrant colors), and the Crateria tile theme mismatch.
Mst: Certainly better than most of your 1x1 rooms though it has a weird palette for Super Metroid. Looks like an item room.
snarf: Good palette for M1. I'm going to guess this is an item room as I can't see what else this room could be.
Hawntah: Pretty straight forward room. Opposing colors worked well here.
Quote: Looks like Samus walked into SotN.

Vote goes to jefe. Despite being varied, I found everything lackluster in some way. Doesn't mean everyone didn't do a good job though.


I find it quite sad that 3/5 of these rooms have absolutely no layout complexity and are only meant to show off a "custom" tileset (i.e. ripped from another game). I believe this contest is called Room of the Week, not Tileset of the Week. Imagine replacing the tileset in one of these rooms with one of the original tilesets.. all you're left with is a bland, boring room.

At least jefe made his room interesting to traverse, props for that, but I'm not a huge fan of the christmas lights, the Crateria background, the unnaturally sharp rock protrusions exacerbated by the white outlines or the transitions between metal and rock.

Therefore, I will abstain from voting this week.

Quote from: person701 on August 10, 2014, 08:41:00 PMI found everything lackluster in some way.
Care to elaborate? It's hard to improve if you don't know what you're doing wrong.


Quote from: Hawntah on August 10, 2014, 09:34:11 PM
I find it quite sad that 3/5 of these rooms have absolutely no layout complexity and are only meant to show off a "custom" tileset (i.e. ripped from another game).
Those would be... me, mst, and quote?

I am not sad at all. It doesn't have to be about layout complexity. Yes, my tiles are shamelessly ripped from Zero Mission. I'm not trying to show off the tileset. The room is actually a transition between two areas. It's merely presented as a dead-end room for the sake of RotW to get feedback on the aesthetic. (Palettes and the juxtaposition thereof, whether anything sticks out or looks awkward, etc. I know mst loves the green palette.) And if you do want to focus on the tileset, it can actually be challenging reducing things down to NES palettes.

[spoiler=Jiffers]I like this room. Yes, the background could use work, and if I wanted to nitpick, I would say that the breakable blocks are arranged slightly awkwardly (the one on the top left looks like it wants to tip over, and a couple of smaller ones look like they're floating), but I actually like the christmas lights.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=PunMaSTer]Your puns are painfully plebeian. Also, your room needs more green.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Hawntah]Pretty straightforward. Well made. Doesn't particularly stand out.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Quote]Certainly a pretty room, but I don't know if the atmosphere suits Metroid.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Hawntah on August 10, 2014, 09:34:11 PMCare to elaborate? It's hard to improve if you don't know what you're doing wrong.
Thinking on it and looking at everything again, I suppose I mean that everything is rather straight forward (I feel like I use that term too much <_<). jefe's room is, in essence, nothing but a one way item hall. Mst's looks like a 1x1 "get item and get out. Also tileset" room. snarf's is seemingly (without explanation) a complete dead end while yours and Quote's are just transit rooms. I don't see much character with these due to a "item here" or "I link two rooms together" kind of vibe.

I'm absolutely sure you could break many rooms down into that kind of thinking, but everything this week seemed exceptionally on point with those themes. Another thing is that I found the most flashy/eye catching room this week jefe's because it was just that: "Hey! Look at me! Bright colors, right here buddy!"

All this aside, I do like to base a bit of my vote on how well the room seem laid out and it's apparent flow, despite this being a screenshot contest and not a gameplay one. I assume most works that get put up here are going into some sort of WIP project, and because people like feedback, I figure it doesn't hurt to put some points toward such.

So yea. Hope that clarifies things... :bounce:

Vismund Cygnus

Sorry Quote, like I said, wasn't sure I'd be around to update it later (i.e. now).
With that aside: I'd like to point out that what I say is opinion, not scientific fact. Even if it differs from your thoughts, I probably won't change my mind about what I say.
[spoiler=Jiffy]Echoing what basically everyone else has said with their reviews, everything is just a touch too jumbled and varied to look great. Maybe exchange the green and red filler bits for purple ones, something that fits the palette a little more. As for the Crateria bg, it's not that it doesn't suit it well, it's just that the tiling is average and the palette is somewhat off. Certainly a better effort than some of your more recent backgrounds, good to see you're at least making an effort to improve on that front.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Emestee]Funny, I was going to post a room this week using this tileset. Looks like I'm not the only one stealing from SMWC.  :lol:
With that in mind, I'll say I like the tileset, but as a room, it's just an item room. Also, those clouds aren't in my tileset. Where'd you get them from?[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Snardblat]It's a lovely palette, and there's surprisingly a lot going on for such a small room, in my opinion anyway. Nice work.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Haunted]Looks like Samus would have some issues if she were to run up that right-hand slope, at least, she would in Super, not sure if it's the same in GBA games. You've improved your usage of this tileset though I think, particularly on that overlapping pillar through the center. Good job.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Citation Needed]Pretty groovy tileset. Unlike others I think I could see the potential for how this would work in-game, at least atmospherically. The room itself is nice because of the tileset, so that would end up as a nice looking area even with little effort put into it. IT was a solid choice of tileset, although again this is all opinion.[/spoiler]

For me, it was a choice between Mst's rip-off of me, Quote's sexy tileset, or Snarfy's sexy tileset. I went with Snarf, because. I dunno why. It stood out a little bit above the rest. Quote's is a very, very close second. If I did ratings for rooms, there'd be about about a .2/10 difference between them. Solid work by both parties.


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on August 11, 2014, 12:02:38 AM
Pretty groovy tileset. Unlike others I think I could see the potential for how this would work in-game, at least atmospherically. The room itself is nice because of the tileset, so that would end up as a nice looking area even with little effort put into it. IT was a solid choice of tileset, although again this is all opinion.
Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on August 11, 2014, 12:02:38 AMFor me, it was a choice between Mst's rip-off of me, Quote's sexy tileset, or Snarfy's sexy tileset.
You do realise you're supposed to be rating the whole room, not just the tileset, right?

At least I finally understand why you hate people using the same tilesets over and over so much.. if the tileset is the only thing you judge then it all makes sense.


I wish we could put all the arguing to bed over this whole RotW thing.  Everybody votes for their own reasons, and based on their own mindset and preferences.  How one person rates a room will be completely different from someone else.  It's not a serious competition, so can't we just get along. :neutral: