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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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Vismund Cygnus

Airy was boring, I don't think I ever finished it.
As for the crazy blue palette Jefe's done, I haven't seen anything like that in a long while that's actually worked. Bonus points for good tiling.
And in regards to Mst's stuff, it is different, it's his own style of doing stuff. I guess my arguments half contradict themselves, but I still stand by it. You said so yourself, it's bland. Crateria doesn't have to always be so samey (see Webber Bros.), in Alisa's case it just looks like Redesign Crateria, though minus the custom stuff as you said.

That being said I was being mildly angrier than I should have been, I just get frustrated by people who fight against every little criticism.


y u gaiz b mad? b happy

Vis's criticism was a bit unfiltered, and Alisa may not be used to the general tone of metconst. For future reference for any and all metconsters, nothing that ever happens here is ever worth getting mad over ever. Be chill and everything will be cool.

Since I'm posting anyways, I might as well say some things about stuff and, you know, junk.

Jeffery: Reminds me of the stuff vis has been posting lately, except, less rainbowy. Not bad, vis just beat you to the punch.
vis: This looks eerily similar to your last few RotW submissions.
Retro/Alisa: Pretty vanilla. Not bad, but not made of win. You guys seem to be improving, and I can't wait to see what you come up with when you're more seasoned and can get the creative juices flowing.
Charmy: Very sexy. Would have voted for you, except...
Mst: I immediately came when I saw this room.

* snarfblam changes his pants.


Time for the scathing remarks of the one and only MetroidMst. Prepare your angus for my consumption!

[spoiler=I like hamburgers after all]
[spoiler=Jiffy]I'm blue da ba de da ba di. Other than hip-rad Eiffel 65 references, this room really is blue. As I have mentioned before though, it could really use more of a BG to it. As is, it still surpasses your previous attempts, but you can squirt more mustard on this.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=RetroStudios]Rocky Maridia is way better than sandy Maridia. So much so in fact, that there really isn't anything at fault with this room. The Chozo Statue is in a slightly weird place, but everyone needs to eat an oyster every now and then.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Vismund]The whipped-topping of over-indulgence in this room is delicious. We all know, or should know, how this room works now. It really is great and more people should do this to other tilesets too. (Looking at your Crateria.) Seriously, whipped-topping makes steak better, so why not add some radical taste to your palette? (UBER PUN RIGHT THERE.)[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Orlova your room]Back to the meat and potatoes of Super Metroid hacking with Crateria. Again, palette isn't bad, tiling is good, and lots of pipes. From the rooms I have seen from you, this is your best yet. Hopefully some day we'll see you add your fine seasonings to another tileset. Who am I kidding? I suggest we both keep doing the same type of room until Vismund and Quote fall over dead, full of the juicy goodness of our devastatingly simple and effective effigies of honor.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Charmy]I have seen the update on this steak, and boy is it rare. (TRIPLE PUN FOR THOSE IN THE KNOW.) In its current form however, you made it a little too well-down for my tastes. Actually, the only thing it needs is some more thyme, and we'll see the true power of the Charmster present itself in awesome juicy sausageness.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=MetroidMst]Look at my room. Look back at yours. Look at mine again. You are now trying to emulate this feast for the eyes.[/spoiler]


*too well-done

Also, puns are a lot more effective when you don't point them out. Or when they are not deliberate.


If you're gonna comment, better make it soon.  If he nicks it, you won't get another chance. :O_o:


Dudes, could you just stop that "like Redesign" mass butthurt?


go my hack! go!


Quote from: retroknuckles on June 07, 2014, 06:25:16 AM
go my hack! go!

This is probably your best room yet but I think you should try changing the palette.
The bg is nice too.


Your visual cortex is stimulated yet again by the amazingness of the same tileset and design you've seen for the past year. You're welcome Quote.

[spoiler=Get clean underwear][/spoiler]


What is background, and where is platform?


Quote from: MetroidMst on June 07, 2014, 08:58:46 AM
the same tileset and design you've seen for the past year
Yet it still gives me an erection.



Alisa Orlova



Aw... The vote's closed :(

I wanted to vote for Alisa


Quote from: Kitsune_Phoenix on June 08, 2014, 10:28:52 PM
Aw... The vote's closed :(

I wanted to vote for Alisa
Voting for this week's submissions (the ones above) hasn't started yet. Which mean I get to submit a room still!
Felt like building a room today and eventually figured I'd make it a RotW entry. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with the layout and design, though I'd like to have been able to take the time to add a few minor tiles in (of which you probably won't notice unless you have a huge attention to detail) and would've liked to slap a fresh palette on it. Oh well. Enjoy.


Can't sleep so I guess I'll make my comments on everyone's entry.

Retroknuckles: The room layout is pretty decent as I can see the player coming in from the bottom and wandering around down there before they realize they need to pass through the pipe near the ceiling. My only gripe is that green on the blocks (I'm aware this is an older PB version). I'm not the biggest fan of that. Not a bad room by any means.
Mst: Is that the only tileset you know how to use? Though admittedly, you know how to use that So Alien tileset set like no other (except maybe your bro) and the work you've done with it is still pretty good. My main gripe is that there's a whole lot of the same tile/color. A lot. The piping and what looks like morph tunneling in the right corner and up to the door looks confusing, but I'm fairly certain this room is from Fear and I already know that not much sense is made there. On that note, you get a pass from me.
jefe: Though I like the cold palette here, I'm not sure what this room is suppose to be aside from some kind of elevator room? Maybe a morph maze room? I must also say that it looks really cluttered and busy. :neutral:
Hawntah: I never invested tons of time into Zero Mission, so maybe I'm seeing this wrong, but what pops to my eyes is a palette change? If so, that always nets some bonus points. The room flow is pretty basic (I mean, you can't do much else with a horizontal room) but the holes in the morph path confuse me a bit as I'm curious about how to get past those. Solid room. ('-')b
Alisa: Nothing against you or the work put into your submission, but this merely looks like a picture to me. Not a room. Judging it as a room... ummm... good job. :grin:
Quote from: earlierFelt like building a room today and eventually figured I'd make it a RotW entry. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with the layout and design, though I'd like to have been able to take the time to add a few minor tiles in (of which you probably won't notice unless you have a huge attention to detail) and would've liked to slap a fresh palette on it. Oh well. Enjoy.
In addition to wanting a palette change and to add a few miniscule tiles in, there is a segment or two of the room I feel that could use some more polish or a slight tweak. For those curious, I spent about 6 1/2 hours on the room while not being completely familiar with the tileset. Again, I feel pretty accomplished over it. :^_^:

Excluding my own room, I felt the choice was between Mst and Hawntah. Ultimately, I chose Hawntah's room cause I felt ZM hacking needs some love and because I've seen so much of the So Alien tileset.

Alisa Orlova

Woops, accidentally clicked modify instead of quote  :blush: Sorry about that. If you remember what you had here please edit this post and put it back in.


Person gets my vote.  My minor gripe would be that the bottom right-hand corner seems to have a lot of the small bubble blocks, which make it look very plain.  Otherwise, it's a superb vanilla room. :^_^:


Went with Person and I'd reiterate what Quietus said, the bubbles needs more variety. Looks great other than that, though. It's like a more spicy design style of vanilla.

Vismund Cygnus

I forgot to enter this week because I've been away!
In any event, I voted for person, and I'll edit this when I have a computer again (tomorrow)!


Quote from: person701 on June 09, 2014, 03:12:30 AM
Hawntah: I never invested tons of time into Zero Mission, so maybe I'm seeing this wrong, but what pops to my eyes is a palette change? If so, that always nets some bonus points. The room flow is pretty basic (I mean, you can't do much else with a horizontal room) but the holes in the morph path confuse me a bit as I'm curious about how to get past those. Solid room. ('-')b
Hasn't anyone played Zero Mission more than once or twice? :exasperation:

Yes, I did indeed change the palette... not sure why you're so surprised.. it's a pretty common thing to do when hacking Metroid games..
As for the holes in the morph path, there are three ways I know of of getting past them. The first is to unmorph quickly in mid-air and grab onto the other side with Power Grip, the second is to bomb jump over them (not that hard since Zero Mission's bomb explosion radius is quite large, it just takes a little practice). It's also possible to jump over with a pretty well-timed Hi-Jump/Spring Ball jump.


I've played Zero Mission a few times.  I completed it once not long after it came out, and I've tried it a few times since, but every time I get to the suitless section, I remember how much I hated that part, and stop playing. :neutral: