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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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DS: Still can't get dem diagonal shinesparks?  :heheh:

JAM: Not likely I'll complete any of those challenges. I suck at hacks, and I've NEVER gotten 100%, even on vanilla. Also, I've never gotten 100 hits on Ceres Ridley before, so count that out.


DarkSamus: Diagonal Spark = Hold Aim Up, and press Jump. :neutral:

JAMPION: Here's the .smv.  It was recorded with snes9x 1.43 rerecording v16.

Glad some of you liked it! :yay:

If anybody wants to see a proper silly speedrun, then watch Behemoth's new World Record run.  100% in 0:48, and on the PAL version too. :whoa:


PAL version is better for speedrunning though in real-time, as it's emulated about 30% (iirc) slower.

Will be watching that now though =)

Just finished. You used a few shortcuts I've never even thought about before lol. Shinesparking for early PBs from Croc's room, and freezing the waver to get the Norfair RT, which I usually shinespark to if I can pull it off.
Never seen you play before, but damn you utterly destroyed Draygon O.o  She's the hardest boss for me (if I don't use the grapple trick).

I can only deduce that Samus is Quietus's bizatch :P


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on March 19, 2011, 01:14:57 PM
PAL version is better for speedrunning though in real-time, as it's emulated about 30% (iirc) slower.

Will be watching that now though =)

Just finished. You used a few shortcuts I've never even thought about before lol. Shinesparking for early PBs from Croc's room, and freezing the waver to get the Norfair RT, which I usually shinespark to if I can pull it off.
Never seen you play before, but damn you utterly destroyed Draygon O.o  She's the hardest boss for me (if I don't use the grapple trick).

I can only deduce that Samus is Quietus's bizatch :P

Thats wrong. Samus is Behemoth's bitch. if you just saw his 48min run. he destroyed. Although Quietus' was on high gravity. but it was 20min later. I think they should do a competeion. a non-stop one. which everone finishes in the lowest time with the highest percentage. Wins and is the better speed runner. You up for it Quietus?

I'll ask Behemoth on m2k2.


No need.  I'm not even in the same league as Behemoth.

My best times for the original game are just under the magical 1:00 mark on NTSC, with save states.  His last single segment that was uploaded was 0:52 on PAL, which equates to about 0:49 or so on NTSC, so he's a minimum of ten minutes faster then me, but most of my runs use states to some degree (things like getting acceptable boss fights, and some of the harder tricks), whereas he does things regularly that I couldn't do at all.  I take pride in the fact that some of the tricks he used in his latest run were my discoveries. :^_^:

Edit: Forgot to say:
Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on March 19, 2011, 01:14:57 PMI can only deduce that Samus is Quietus's bizatch :P
Thanks, Sadiz.  I'm glad you liked the run, and I'm happy you liked some of the shortcuts. :yay:  The Croc one is just a wraparound, and isn't too bad.  I remember when I was looking into other uses for the wraparound with Behemoth and the others for his latest run, and although it's hard to believe, there are almost no other useful wraparounds in the game (outside of the three or so in his run).


I shined to powers as well. I just couldn't get out of grapple place, so I killed myself purposefully and got them in the original place. Behemoth's run was good. I liked the MB fight. I never knew you could do that.


Happy birthday Tyjet!!

[spoiler=You can haz caek =)]


Happy birfday Tyjet. ^_^


YES! Been waiting to find this out. Happy 18th David! You lucky guy :P

One cake for You: [spoiler=This really is a spoiler :O][/spoiler]


So..Today, I bought the Minecraft Volume Alpha soundtrack off of bandcamp.
Totally Worth it.  :^_^:


Was re-playing Startropics and found this boss reminded me a lot of crocomire.



Quote from: XavierSMRH on March 18, 2011, 10:14:04 PM
JAM: Not likely I'll complete any of those challenges. I suck at hacks, and I've NEVER gotten 100%, even on vanilla. Also, I've never gotten 100 hits on Ceres Ridley before, so count that out.
But I've completed your challenge. =)

Not the best I can do and first part was slow enough. Perhaps, I can do 01:20 if will pass phase 1 better...

Quote from: Quietus on March 19, 2011, 07:22:11 AM
JAMPION: Here's the .smv.  It was recorded with snes9x 1.43 rerecording v16.

Glad some of you liked it! :yay:
Thanks for the video =)

My run is uploaded. I don't call this speedrun, because it need to be optimized to call so. Just run.
High Gravity Max% Run (01:41, 135%)
Recorded with ZSNES 1.36. Compressed with RAR.
To play it, you'll need default NTSC ROM named "SMetroid" and load cheat file (to increase gravity).
Play all movies in Phase 1 folder, then do the same with Phase 2 folder.
My own favourite part is #5 in phase 1.


GT Code? Really??????? .................I suck compared to everyone else here :< You know my best time is 1:28? That was without savestates, but still.....


Yes, it is =) Do you meant, 01:28 with standart gravity and in single-segment? Not too bad, if it is a 100% run. If not... Well, it's never too late to learn something new. Watch some speedrun videos and try to replicate some tricks. Not the TAS ones, of course. Start from older videos when 1:20 with 100% was the time of world record. Then watch faster runs and try to replice harder tricks etc. For example, I did the same for the mockball at the moment when it was just discovered and only few players can did it, but now every second player can do it.

If look more to the past, I've never found 100% by myself, but only 99%. Although, I've scanned the whole planet with X-Ray Scope. I knew the location of last percent while watching speedrun video. It was Missile upgrade hidden in Maridia room with Turtle-like thing and Energy Tank. This place can't be scanned with X-Ray because it is in the air =) And I had no idea how to enter Maridia before I heard a tip of blowing the tube with Energy Bomb (although I'm playing Super Metroid since 1995).

If look even more to the past, all I had then is several cartriges and to have more fun from overplayed games I had to search for all secrets, make unusual runs, find shortcuts and mainly, grow the certain skills. It is really fun to find something new in games you know very well or pass the game with minimal possible damage, or maximum score etc.

Silver Skree

Happy Birthday Jathys, you tremendous idiot.


Link is dead, yo! :wink:

Silver Skree

Fixed link.

Also, more music. Grab it while it's there if you want.


In case anyone hasn't heard yet, squishy_ichigo has been missing for 22/23 hours now.  No one knows where he is, even in real life, so let's all hope he is doing alright right now  :sadface:.


While I agree with the sentiment, somebody not being available for one day is not normally something to worry about. There could be any number of reasons.


Quote from: IRC12:03 <squee> hi this is squee's mom
12:04 <DSO> hi Squee's mom
12:04 <squee> i havent heard from him since yesterday afternoon has anybody heard from him?
12:04 <Zhs2> !seen squishy_ichigo
12:04 <OMGbot> [30 Mar 11 16:37] * squishy_ichigo * hmm?
12:05 <Zhs2> !seen squee
12:05 <squee> yes
12:05 <OMGbot> [04 Apr 11 17:04] * squee * i havent heard from him since yesterday afternoon has anybody heard from him?
12:05 <Zhs2> lolol, I'm dumb
12:05 <Zhs2> I haven't seen squishy all morning o_o
12:06 -!- mode/#metconst [-b *!*@mrhs-4.mrhs.EDnet.NS.CA] by Zhs2
12:06 <squee> if you talk to him tell him to call home, i am very worried, this very unlike him to not check in
12:06 <Zhs2> Yes ma'am
12:06 <squee> thank you
12:07 <Zhs2> Now that I've scrolled all the way up, I haven't seen him talk ever since...
12:08 <Zhs2> hurr, logs
12:08 <Parabox> Hurr.
12:08 <Sadiztyk> wouldn't squish have had to be at home to talk to us anyway? =|
12:09 <Sadiztyk> also hi peoples
12:09 <squee> i dont know if he has any friends close by that i havent called that might have heard from him
12:10 <Parabox> o_o
12:10 <Zhs2> Sadiztyk: Not if he was at a library or some such, public computer access etc.
12:10 <Sadiztyk> have you tried calling the peoples at subway?
12:10 <Zhs2> Although I don't know if he'd talk to us before irl people
12:10 <Parabox> Yes, his jerb people might know more.
12:11 <Sadiztyk> Para, i dont think squee's mum speaks our language XD
12:11 <Parabox> Oh, uhm, sorry, job.
12:11 <squee> no i dont he has been gone for almost 24 hours and NEVER SHOWED UP FOR WORK
12:12 <Zhs2> huh, yeah, last time he talked was about 3 in the morning April 3rd
12:12 <Zhs2> And he supposedly went to sleep
12:13 -!- Zhs2 changed the topic of #metconst to: #MetConst: squishy_ichigo, come home! ;_;
12:13 <Parabox> Squee's the kind of guy people would recognise as Kirk Hamett and then worship, so I'm sure he'll be fine.
12:13 <Parabox> Or..
12:13 <Parabox> He went on a quest to catch them all, 12 years late.
12:13 <Zhs2> Uh, I don't think it quite works that way :/
12:14 <squee> i hope so
Quote from: IRC12:57 <squee> anyone heard from squee yet?
12:58 <Zhs2> not at all
12:58 <Zhs2> :(
12:58 <Zhs2> Parabox: wut?
12:58 <squee> ok
12:58 <Parabox> Well, the way we treated the Silver_Skree situation yesterday may have had him reconsider his own motives and ideas AGAIN.
12:58 <Zhs2> Uh... He was gone since three in the morning
12:59 <Zhs2> EST, even
12:59 <interdpth> The last time he talked was before I made the !hug command
12:59 <Zhs2> Three in the morning of April 3rd
12:59 <Parabox> Ms. squee: How long has he been gone now?
13:00 <squee> i havent seen him since 6 pm central time
13:00 <Sadiztyk> wouldn't he have a mobile?
13:00 <squee> on the 3rd
13:00 <Sadiztyk> :O
13:00 <squee> no
13:01 <squee> he allways at work or talking to you guys
13:03 <squee> who talked to him at three in the morning?
13:03 <Zhs2> Well, remember that was three AM of the third
13:03 <squee> ok
13:03 <Sadiztyk> 3am for who?
13:04 <Sadiztyk> times are confusing here
13:04 <Zhs2> me, which means 2 am his time
13:04 <squee> ok
13:04 <Zhs2> And squee's mom saw him up until 6pm, so... He's been gone for about 18 hours?
13:05 <squee> yes
13:05 <Zhs2> Eesh, still not a good estimate at all
13:05 <squee> and he didnt show up for work
13:07 <squee> we cant call the police and file a report until it has been 24 hours
13:07 <Zhs2> :(
13:07 <squee> yeah

This is the kind of thing that makes you worry about it, honestly, and I doubt that squishy himself would be the kind of dude to take a joke this far, as in 36 hours missing far (to say nothing of being gone for nearly 18 at the time his mom worried.) Come home to us safely, squishy! :cry:


I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed.  Also, the idea behind not reporting before 24 hours is often stupid, if you ask me, as for some people it's just so far removed from normal that it can be assumed as serious.

Anyway, here's hoping everything's OK. :neutral:


We've been informed that squishy is on his way back! It appears that he left for California. gladly he'll be returning sometime tonight/early tomorrow. Lets all be happy for the re-arrival of Squishy!  :portal: