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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Sadiztyk's doing great work on your thrown away Rainbow City.


That's one way to look at it I suppose.

Also, are you done raging every time I talk to you Parabox?


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on April 17, 2011, 05:05:34 PM
A little snack for your brain to chew on: one mans trash is another mans treasure.
I won't deny that this is true to a degree, there is also the simple truth that a games console is designed for playing games, and shovelware is generally unwanted by the gaming community.


One thing you also imply is that the big companies are the ones making the shovelware, which is untrue most of the time.

Most of those games are only made by several small groups of people working on small and simple games to put on there to get some quick cash, which is why the quality is so low.


No, I'm implying that it's the console creators that are responsible for allowing the shovelware.


Leaving for vacation tomorrow and won't be back til Monday.  Zeke, you know what this means.  Keep that RotW up to date while I'm out.

Hiroshi Mishima

Okay, consider this a bit of a counterpoint. When the redesigned NES, SNES, GameBoy Micro were released, they were all cheaper than the original console/handheld in question. Also, while the GameBoy was remade several times, this was over the span of around 8-10 years, which is a much larger frame of time than either the GBA or DS has had.

Furthermore, I can understand them making a "hey guys, it's smaller!" redesign several years into the lifespan, because Japan likes making stuff smaller, and it's a trend all the companies have been following as of late. When I rag on something like the DSi, it's because we saw removed features that were liked, added features which saw no widely successful use and it was more expensive, to boot. It's supposed to be an upgrade, yet feels like a downgrade.

The reason I said what I said, albeit not as well as I'd have liked, is mainly the DSi, which I don't even have. But I knew people who bought them, and it made me sad to see them eagerly sell/trade in a perfectly good DS/DSLite just to get one.

Nintendo does have a rather disenchanting habit of redesigning their handhelds every year or two, and I think it should be a possible concern because a lot of people who bought the new 3DS are gonna probably feel rather bummed when the new model comes out next 12-15 months (give or take).

Oh, and I forget who (if it was even in here?) that asked.. but when I tried it, and watched my cousin use it, it really felt like the features just made it into a built in version of that GameBoy Camera thingy. I'm not really sure what, if any, use that stuff will be in actual games. I also got a minor headache after looking at stuff with the 3-D turned on for a bit, so here's hoping that doesn't become an issue like the Virtual Boy had.

I guess at it's most basic, what bothers me about the 3DS is how disappointing it's features are and how little they seem like they'd play a role in actual games. But hey, I bet there's already a boring new WarioWare game just itching to be released!


What have I started...? :|

I swear I'll never post any discussable topics in here again...


Quote from: Hiroshi MishimaBut hey, I bet there's already a boring new WarioWare game just itching to be released!
I refute this claim, given that the Warioware series often relies on a brand new control scheme or central feature, and the 3DS does not offer significantly such in its lineup. Plus, given the fact that Nintendo puts about as much creative effort into the Warioware series as the rest of its products, I can probably already tell you don't enjoy much, if any, of what Nintendo currently has on offer in the way of gaming (as you pointed out, their decisions to include features in their handhelds that may not strictly be relevant to gaming does feel a bit out there, so there's a bit of justification here. Their videogames, however, (sans maybe the story in Other M,) are perfectly fine.)

Quote from: Sadiztyk
I swear I'll never post any discussable topics in here again...
What's wrong with this? It IS Talk of the Day...


Quote from: Zhs2 on April 21, 2011, 05:36:34 AM

Quote from: Sadiztyk
I swear I'll never post any discussable topics in here again...
What's wrong with this? It IS Talk of the Month...

Hiro: while the DSi certainly feels like a downgrade for you, that does mean it applies to everyone. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who would take the camera or DSi store over the slot 2 port, even if you and I would not.

Also, you have to look at the new market, it's not the same as it was several years ago. The iBrand IS in fact a huge problem for Nintendo, they even said this themselves. So in order to keep interest up they have to release new hardware in an equal ratio in order to appeal to the techno freak must have everything people. (That's a huge market portion.)

When the first DS game everyone thought Nintendo was stupid, what sort of possible games could one make that would be good with touch screen controls? Well, they proved us wrong, over, over and over again. That's why I have fate in the fact that Nintendo most likely have some great ideas to put the 3D effect into good gameplay use, and not just visually.


Why am I having problems joining the chatrooms? Is anybody else getting this?

-- NEVERMIND -- It was probably an issue with mibbit.

Hiroshi Mishima

First up, I'll comment on my new avatar. I saw this earlier today while browsing.. some forum, I forget where exactly.. was it RPG Classics? Replacement Docs? Whatever.. saw this, lol'd and thought it was cute, so I saved it. Came here to check on a question in Engine Works and thought "hey, why don't I give myself a new avatar, like a fresh breeze or something." So yeah, if it's a bit too big, I can shrink it down a little, I think, but I believe it's already been shrunken down by simply uploading it.

Onto the discussion.

Zeke, you may well be right that my feelings in this matter stem from my own personal dissatisfaction with what Nintendo's been releasing lately. I didn't find Kirby's Epic Yarn as enjoyable as previous entries in the series, for instance, and my relative disappointment Mario Galaxy has so far kept me away from Galaxy 2, but I hear it's essentially more of the same. I have, however, yet to play DKC Returns, mainly cause I still carry memories of Donkey Kong 64 and Donkey Kong Country 3, so I cannot say if that will be good or not.

I do, however, still feel a WarioWare game is on the horizon. If not this year, then within the first half of 2012. If the Earth isn't smoldering rubble by then, that is. :p

Also, Crys, even to this day I cannot think of a single game where I enjoyed the use of the Touch Screen as a source of movement. In fact, most of my games that offer TS for moving around allows the buttons to serve the same purpose, usually creating a more enjoyable experience, at least for me. A few notable exceptions are the Zelda games, and I still found it clunky and awkward. The times where I enjoyed that feature most was when it was for interactivity instead such as Phoenix Wright, Elite Beat Agents, and Lost In Blue. And even then, I've seen plenty of games still manage to screw that up, too. I think Trauma Center is a good example of going a little too far, because the controls for that are actually pretty tightly done, the developers just couldn't stay consistent about difficulty, though I hear they've improved upon that flaw in later games.

More to the point, while Nintendo (and definitely Sony) are feeling the strain of new competitors in the handheld device market (I still don't really see the appeal of the ipad, but that's just me) I don't think you can say the DSi really helped it in any significant way. The reason I argued against the inclusion of a camera initially was the fact that everyone already HAS cameras.. in their phones, and if you needed a camera that badly, you'd most likely be reaching for your phone (or a real camera) rather than your game device. I don't know the full sales figures on the DSi, but I believe most were bought as replacements for damaged DSes (my cousin almost got one to replace his original DS, but then they announced the 3DS so he smartly held off on it) or by people that are, as you say, techno freaks who gobble up gadgets and those strange and pitiable "hardcore" fans who buy anything with a Nintendo Logo on it...

You are, however, right in that we ought to give the 3DS some time to see if it will come through as actually being new/innovative, although I do hate throwing that word around. The DS' true boon was its name sake, the Dual Screen, which was proven to be a very handy and often quite valuable asset in the various games which took advantage of it.

Although, I do notice something that makes me a bit sad. I always used to say how I liked the way the Virtual Boy handled 3-D, and people used to think I was mad or crazy. Now I say that the 3DS' 3-D doesn't really impress me, and people are apparently calling me on that, as well. But for me, the two aren't really all that different save the amount of colour one has over the other. They both have that "artificial" 3-D look to them and everything wiggles a bit, and after a while I get a headache from it. I'm guessing that if the Virtual Boy had more colours people would've called it a success, then?

EDIT: Also, not trying to be confrontational or anything here, either. Sorry if I sound that way, though. I'm merely trying to engage in discussion and hope we don't have another N-Gage on our hands. Although I certainly thought of that when I first learned of Sony's new handheld. I don't know much about it, but I can't exactly say the PSP ever truly dominated the market and certainly seems to have the weakest footing right now.


Quote from: Hiroshi MishimaSo yeah, if it's a bit too big, I can shrink it down a little, I think, but I believe it's already been shrunken down by simply uploading it.
Yeah, the board does that automatically :D

Also, I can vouch for DKC Returns. It's a bit disappointing that having Diddy on your back only gives you a boost in platforming power and you can't actually play as him, but it's all well. The levels are pretty easy unless you're trying to go for all of the collectibles. Still, classic platforming fun!


Been playing lots of Jedi Knights Academy online lately. That old game is pretty good with physics.
Got around to playing that Amnesia: Dark Descent, scary fucking game.. Youtube this if you have no idea what it is.
Hows the community been? Getting back into playing SM hacks again.
Here's some art. [spoiler][/spoiler]

NuZ, if you get this: new bad sector.


I'm going to put that on each time I play Ace of Spades.


That. Is. So. AWESOME!! 8D Dunno why. XD

Reminds me of leekspin though.

This looks like something I am buying for ~$10 shortly after its release. Fuck yeah? Fuck yeah.


Bamp. My internets will probably be pretty fuzzy for the next few days as my grandma is having the kitchen expanded and the FIOS box is in the wall in the kitchen (lol.) Take care of everything while I proceed to visit you all via college networks :3


2D multiplayer Minecraft with actual physics. Seems fun.


Tomorrow it will be a quathercentury after Chernobyl disaster.

Other bad news. I have got brain damage and laid in hospital for a few days because of this. Nothing too serious, but I can't work too much on computer and my mind isn't clear enough. All my projects will be postponed, but will be finished later. Don't worry, I don't want to abandon anything.


Brain Damage?!?!?!
That sounds ALOT serious.. :whoa:


2D Minecraft like game huh? I was waiting for someone to do it. I have a feeling this will start a trend.


Quote from: JAM on April 25, 2011, 05:37:09 PMI have got brain damage and laid in hospital for a few days because of this.
Get well soon, JAM.