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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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Alisa Orlova

One participant lost his composure and he caved!
Well, this contest is not for the faint of heart.  :heheh:


Quote from: retroknuckles on July 14, 2014, 11:06:02 AM
That picture is a little bright? maybe you have smile on a bright setting.

Indeed I do. But at 3am rushing to get a room finished for RotW you forget to change that for a screenshot, as well as placing any plants etc. :lol:

Squishy is being slow so I fixed it :grin:





Quote from: Jordan5 on July 14, 2014, 04:36:20 PM
Quote from: retroknuckles on July 14, 2014, 11:06:02 AM
That picture is a little bright? maybe you have smile on a bright setting.

Indeed I do. But at 3am rushing to get a room finished for RotW you forget to change that for a screenshot, as well as placing any plants etc. :lol:

Squishy is being slow so I fixed it :grin:

Not squishy actually, but sorry, I didn't even realize it was Monday. Summer does that to me.
I'll update it when I get back to my computer.


Quote from: Benki on July 14, 2014, 06:06:02 PM

reminds me of sonic the hedgehog for some reason..  :heheh:


Jefe's room is great, and Jordan and Benki put in good vanilla rooms this week.  However, Alisa's room is visual sex, and makes me want to be there.  Thus, she gets my vote. :glomp:

A pretty good week overall.  Well done, people. :^_^:


a top 6 list :D
1:Jefe (you get my vote this week =))


Only a top six?  What about the rest? :heheh:


jefe: Most of your points from me are due to that blue palette and icy feel your room provides. The pipes seem a tad out of place on their own, as the rest of the room is seemingly just a cavern with frost. That doesn't mean I don't like what you've done here however. The room has a really simple layout and flow at it's core, but that alone won't hold the room down for me.

tobimikami: Looks like Quote's lush tileset again, (:eyeroll:) though there's nothing wrong with that. I'm going to assume that the room uses a BG pointer since the background is blank, but being this is a competition where you'd usually show eye candy, it would've been nice to see a background. The flow here seems off with as many doors as you have. It seems like a hub room so, as I will state with Alisa's room, it should be easy and quick to get from door to door which is what this room does not seem to do well with. That aside, it seems like you've managed to do what the tileset does best, which is build an atmosphere for an overgrown ruins look.

Alisa: Well now... another cold looking room. Y'all trying to make this hard for me? :razz: My only concern with this room is the flow. With the amount of doors that exist, I would very well assume it's a hub (as you stated before I believe) and as such, it should be easy to get around in. Not saying this doesn't seem easy to maneuver, but a little less morph ball action wouldn't hurt when getting from point A to point B faster. :wink:

snarf: For NEStroid, this is a rather interesting room. I dig the palette and the structure of the room. The main aspect that sticks out is the morph area over by the right side of the room. As it seems like you absolutely have to know how to bomb jump if you intend on coming back that way. I also like the touch of the water reflection(?) even though I'm not completely sure it that's visible in game (though I think one tile is at least). Solid room altogether, with enough visual flare to make it fresh. :^_^:

Jordan: If it weren't for the small bit of layering that you've done between the reef and the sand, this could pass 95% for something straight out of the original game if one had no previous knowledge. Only things I would like to point out is a possible perma-stuck should you not have morph ball (no morph ball, in Maridia? Haha, okay.) in the bottom right and the one sandy corner tile that seems to break flow along the bottom portion of the room. Also a pretty generic room flow and layout, but, like jefe's, I can't knock it just because of that.

Benki: I know most have issues or difficulty with this tileset, but you've got some kind of connection with it (I've never been a fan myself). The CRE almost seems out of place, but is used just enough and in such a way that it's not. The room itself is a bit strange however being that it's straightforward and has the item not hidden. It's pretty common (at least I'd like to think) that there's usually something hiding beneath you when you pass through a room. Not a gap, which leads to said item, and then the other side of the room to advance. Still though, great room for such a tileset.

With all my thoughts dumped, Ill have to give my vote too snarf. Every room here has great appeal, but something just clicks between me and that room.


I'm not going to critique each room, but I really love Alisa's room. I actually really like every single room posted, but Alisa's looks like it had a lot of TLC. I would agree with person that if any of the doors not in the main shaft of this room are accessed more than once, that you should cut down on the morph tunnels. If we're both wrong, then disregard.

Vismund Cygnus

[spoiler=Jefe]That palette is pretty nice, but that's about all I'm a fan of with this. If you correctly manipulate FX1 it might get away with it but the lack of background is pretty obvious and with proper use of layer 1/2 you'd easily be able to put one in here. As it stands, the layering looks a little clumsy and it seems the Maridia stuff was thrown in as an afterthought. The filler variation could also be a little less straight-line and a little more varied.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Tobi]It seems Quote's tileset is practically hacker vanilla these days. Interesting to see a different palette on it, but I'm not fond of the door caps. Other than that, certainly not the best I've seen from this tileset.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alisa]I said everything I wanted to say about this room earlier, so I'll just reiterate; It's very pretty and quite good, but could flow a bit better as a hub-style room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Snardblat]There's something about the rooms you make, they look beautiful as M1 rooms but wouldn't work for any other game. I think that's deserving of some bonus points.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Jordan]Echoing what Person said, this looks like it could have been taken directly from SM, and I'm completely okay with that. Nice work.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Benki]I love the way you do the green Brinstar.[/spoiler]

With all of that out of the way, my choice was between Alisa and Snarf. I was going to go for Snarf because I've already seen Alisa use this tileset in a similar way, albeit with a different palette. But I keep noticing more groovy little details in Alisa's that make me keep going back to it.

So I'm voting Alisa, but Snarf was a very close second. Nice work everyone.



[spoiler=River mouths speak less than me!]
[spoiler=Jiffy]What? DID YOU NOT EXPECT A FROSTY RECEPTION TO THIS IDOL OF PALE BLOO? Fool! Enjoy the small comfort that it shows your rooms are getting better, and your non-existent skill is improving. BUT YOU STILL HAVE NO SKILLZ! What this needs is a third BG and lots of bubbles, and then you might approach the mystical thing that is an acceptable room![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Tobi]A new challenger approaches? A NEW ROOM TO BLAST INTO THE PIXELS IT WISHES IT WAS RATHER THAN THIS MESS! The leaf formation sticking in the middle looks. . . Misformed or otherwise weird, and the upper-middle section of ruins seems a little weird just floating there without even broken pillars under it.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alisa]You know girlfriend, this room is slightly appealing for some reason. BUT YOU STILL MANAGE TO DO THINGS ANYWAY! First off, before I forget, obvious comment is obvious, but make sure the player has either Super Missiles or Power Bombs before being able to access the top left. (UNLESS YOU DID A FIEND AND HAVE A WAY OUT FROM THERE!) Bonus points for the save! BECAUSE YOU WILL NEED TO SAVE SOMETHING GOOD FROM THIS MESS OF SLUDGE LIKE SLUGS MAKING THE WALLS.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Ssssssnarby]What do we have here. . .? ANOTHER LAME EXCUSE FOR NOT USING BUBBLES! Not to mention the palette looks like DSO downed 41 beers and 18 shots of whiskey before puking this particular shade of ugly out. Maybe it is the green? Maybe it is the blue? IT JUST LOOKS LIKE ME IN THE MORNING! And no bubbles.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Jordan]I NOTICE THAT YOU ARE STICKING TO ONE TILESET WEEK AFTER WEEK AND NO ONE IS COMPLAINING! What black magic have you cast over the whole of those who complain about mine and Alisa's rooms always being the same? AND YET NO ONE MENTIONS THIS HERE? Perhaps they finally decided to judge rooms on their own individual merits instead of being influenced by previous weeks entries? IN ANY CASE, JUST FOR THAT YOU ARE SPARED MY WRATH AND RECEIVE A SINGLE INTERNET VOTE FOR FURTHERING THE CAUSE OF JUDGING THAT SINGLE WEEK'S ROOMS ON THEIR OWN MERIT! But seriously do better and add bubbles.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Benki]So much green, I bet you thought this room was cash money! WELL GUESS WHAT MONEYBAGS, YOU WERE WRONG! Actually. . . I can't think of anything being particularly wrong with this. Perhaps the little growths stopping your movement along the paths? If they don't, then there is nothing to complain about here, except lack of bubbles. AND YOU HAVE A WONDROUS SPIKE PIT OF AWE![/spoiler]
And thus concludes a beatdown so epic, Chuck Norris was left crying in his bed.


Quote from: MetroidMst on July 16, 2014, 09:58:50 AM[spoiler]make sure the player has either Super Missiles or Power Bombs before being able to access the top left.[/spoiler]
I had assumed that since Alisa is using the morph-lock blocks just to the right of there, there's a morphball entrance leading to the right somewhere.  Otherwise, at least from what I can make out, those morph-lock blocks would serve no purpose. :O_o:


Alisa Orlova

As you consider whether to add the ability to insert annotation to the room in the form of text or links to videos? Optional of course.
Something like this:

[Spoiler=Description]Perhaps I should have something to do with my ego.  :<_<: Oh fo fuck'sake!!! No way!! :lol:[/spoiler]

I think it's can sometimes be useful. People look at the picture and think, "this room is too crowded, or there is need to make too many jumps or how can I get there or the room should be flooded". Sometimes rooms looks better in game, and sometimes worse. May be speed run or TAS videos. Or speed painting can be fun too! Come on you! More stuff, more fun!

Vismund Cygnus

It could easily be done, but at the end of the day shouldn't be needed. The point of RotW, at the end of the day, is to vote on which picture of a room looks the best. What the point of the room is, or seeing a video of it in action, or seeing it with FX1, aren't really supposed to be factors when voting on RotW.

Not trying to knock your idea, because it is a good one. It's just not needed, because it's Room of the Week, not "FX1, Tiles and Other Fun Stuff of the Week."  :heheh:


Agreed.  I think this has been raised before, but it's always been more about what can be displayed from a screenshot from the editor.  Otherwise, you'd risk unbalancing the field by whoever happens to be better at Photoshop or creating videos.


Quote from: Quietus on July 18, 2014, 09:00:20 AM
Otherwise, you'd risk unbalancing the field by whoever happens to be better at Photoshop or creating videos.

True, we all know Cloud would win every week he entered in that case :lol: a screenshot is nice and easy to upload and compare with others but a video is different and it depends on how the person plays it etc. as well as that could show off things in the hack someone might not want others to see.


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on July 18, 2014, 08:25:36 AMThe point of RotW, at the end of the day, is to vote on which picture of a room looks the best. What the point of the room is, or seeing a video of it in action, or seeing it with FX1, aren't really supposed to be factors when voting on RotW.
But why? You provide no justification or logical arguments to back up these statements.

Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on July 18, 2014, 08:25:36 AMIt's just not needed, because it's Room of the Week, not "FX1, Tiles and Other Fun Stuff of the Week."
Indeed, the contest is called Room of the Week, not "Pretty picture made in SMILE of the Week". Correct use of FX1 and "other fun stuff" (Do you include enemies in this?) and good level design significantly affect the value of a room in game, and not allowing these aspects of a room to be shown off properly creates an unfair bias against rooms which utilize these effects. I believe contestants should be allowed and encouraged to show off their room in whatever way they want, including videos and edited screenshots, provided the sole purpose is to better represent how the room looks in game.


Quote from: Hawntah on July 18, 2014, 09:19:32 PM
Indeed, the contest is called Room of the Week, not "Pretty picture made in SMILE of the Week". Correct use of FX1 and "other fun stuff" (Do you include enemies in this?) and good level design significantly affect the value of a room in game, and not allowing these aspects of a room to be shown off properly creates an unfair bias against rooms which utilize these effects.

It doesn't actually, because the nature of the contest really is what looks best as a picture. If the room requires a video to look good, don't enter it. Show it off in the projects/screenshots thread or where ever else you want. The contest needs a uniform format, which happens to be a picture (preferably in .png). If you think something will seem strange or that people will get a different idea of the purpose of the room, then you should include a video to clear that up. Otherwise, rooms are to be judged with a picture, that's just how the contest works.

Vismund Cygnus

Additionally, it gives a level playing field for all of those who are entering from any game in the Metroid series. For example, if FX1 were to be allowed, any M1 hacker would be at an immediate disadvantage. This is just a small example. Another problem is the huge loophole allowing editing images causes. You can see how that could be an issue, if we allow one kind of editing and not another simply based on what you can do with the game. For example, I myself could easily put some filter over the top of an image and then argue that "Well, I CAN do it in SMILE, so even if I haven't I can do it here". You see where I'm going with this.
Basically, what Quote said. There's no problem with showing off that kind of stuff in the General Projects thread, but RotW isn't the place for it. Keep in mind that it is just a silly contest at the end of the day, and that's coming from me, the person who takes it more seriously than anyone in the known universe.

And on that note;
Harkonnen out.


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on July 18, 2014, 09:52:47 PM
the person who takes it second more seriously than anyone in the known universe.


Quote from: Quote58 on July 18, 2014, 09:30:41 PM
It doesn't actually, because the nature of the contest really is what looks best as a picture. If the room requires a video to look good, don't enter it. Show it off in the projects/screenshots thread or where ever else you want [...] Otherwise, rooms are to be judged with a picture, that's just how the contest works.
Yes, I'm aware of how the contest works right now. I believe this is not ideal, which is why I support a change to this format. So far the only argument against any changes has been "but that is simply not how it works". I'm sure you can understand why I do not consider this to be an adequate counterargument.

Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on July 18, 2014, 09:52:47 PM
Additionally, it gives a level playing field for all of those who are entering from any game in the Metroid series. For example, if FX1 were to be allowed, any M1 hacker would be at an immediate disadvantage. This is just a small example.
M1 hackers are already at a disadvantage due to the hardware limitations of the platform they are hacking. They accepted this disadvantage when they decided to hack M1 instead of a different game. However, if you are so concerned about fairness for hackers of other games, would you agree that coloured screenshots should be banned from RotW because they disadvantage M2 hackers?

Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on July 18, 2014, 09:52:47 PMAnother problem is the huge loophole allowing editing images causes. You can see how that could be an issue, if we allow one kind of editing and not another simply based on what you can do with the game. For example, I myself could easily put some filter over the top of an image and then argue that "Well, I CAN do it in SMILE, so even if I haven't I can do it here". You see where I'm going with this.
Firstly, I fail to see the problem with that. If it's possible to do in SMILE, then isn't the resulting "screenshot" the same whether you actually do it in SMILE or in a graphics editor? The only difference is the latter is essentially a waste of time because it is not usable in your hack. Secondly, it is already perfectly possible to make what appears to be a SM room without ever touching SMILE and submit it in RotW. The question is why would anyone want to cheat just to win a silly little contest like this?


Format - Submit editor screenshots of the room, not in-game screenshots.

This is the "contest." Often times this topic is often more used for feedback about said entry. (Room building, palette, structure, ect.) If you really want feedback on your FX1 or other stuff, get some beta testers for your hack, or post in the other appropriate topics. (i.e. General screenshot thread and/or hack topic)


Quote from: Hawntah on July 18, 2014, 11:50:07 PM
Quote from: Quote58 on July 18, 2014, 09:30:41 PM
It doesn't actually, because the nature of the contest really is what looks best as a picture. If the room requires a video to look good, don't enter it. Show it off in the projects/screenshots thread or where ever else you want [...] Otherwise, rooms are to be judged with a picture, that's just how the contest works.
Yes, I'm aware of how the contest works right now. I believe this is not ideal, which is why I support a change to this format. So far the only argument against any changes has been "but that is simply not how it works". I'm sure you can understand why I do not consider this to be an adequate counterargument.
I find it funny that you [...] An argument against the change.
That being the need for something uniform. We can't have one persons room being judged on in game mechanics and one on artistic level design.

You're arguments BTW are really dumb. M1 rooms can compete with super metroid as screenshots, unless you can't take into account the ability of the system, in which case learn to. Even so, I've seen many m1 rooms that look better than super metroid rooms (have you met snarf???). If you compare rooms from those two games in game, then yes youre at a disadvantage with m1 because you have more options in super, but as screenshots thats much less of an issue. So unless you dont want any m1 rooms in rotw, this is the best option. The m2 comparison is also ridiculous considering you don't need color to make a gorgeous room. That's like saying that a black and white film is inherently worse than a color film.
Look, we've been having these discussions about rotw for years, you're not the first to suggest this sort of thing and you won't be the last, but there's a reason rotw has been the way it is for all this time.