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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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hm, this is going to be a rather large week isn't?
Might as well then.
[spoiler=Am i too late for the save room thing?]

No background shown yet, mainly working on the foreground tiles still.


Is that tileset avalible Quote?

IIRC it was used in a winter contest hack a few years back too.


i saw it on his website while looking for another tileset


Firstly, it sort of is. Criteria with a few snow things in it is on my site, but whatim using here is the start of an expanded version. secondly, it was used in sunshine oddity, which was this year lol.
The tileset for the most part is available right now yes (however among other things I have remade the fusion icicles in this one).


Quote from: Drevan Zero on June 22, 2014, 08:54:13 PM
[spoiler][/spoiler] Because why not

I'm not liking the amount of open space in the lower left of that image. It looks like you didn't bother to fill it in more than anything.


Rooms are not art pieces Dragon Tamer, you have to keep in mind that in certain cases you want more open spaced areas for level design. Furthermore, if everything is high detailed at all times, the detail will slowely lose meaning. (Which can be desired in some situations, I agree.)


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on June 22, 2014, 02:50:44 AM
It's called Lush, and unfortunately I don't think Jefe has really done it justice with this room.

Forgot to mention, it's called Jungle Tileset. I'd prefer people using it call it that, now that it's public. Lush was just what people called it when I was first putting it together and making rooms with it.


I went with FoF this week, just because of the neat concept of some production lines churning out Samus's power-ups. :cool:

On the down side, we'd better pray that Samus never breaks in there, or we'll never hear the end of the item fanfare. :whoa:


Time for amazing reviews!

[spoiler=Dman]Image doesn't fit on my monitor, 0/5[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Hawntah]Nice to have rooms from other games every once in a while, 8999/5[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Retro]...The memories... the horrible, horrible memories... power bombs... never again...
tl;dr reminds me of... that horrible monstrosity...[/spoiler]
[spoiler=FoF]Well... it's different. Neony. 110 power bombs ready to be picked. Dannannnananannanannnan-naa[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alisa]Hurr Redesign durr -1000/5 durr-du-durr... nice room. Looks oily. But those 32x32 tiles[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Jefe]Decent, but could be so much more. And black BG[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Vis]Your reef is spreading to Brinstar, I see[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Drevan]Another nice room, but all that black space bothers me[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Me]Me? What? I didn't enter! What is this?![/spoiler]

Alisa Orlova

Quote from: SMILEuser96 on June 23, 2014, 07:44:27 PM
Well... it's different. Neony. 110 power bombs ready to be picked. Dannannnananannanannnan-naa

14,5 Power Bombs (green)
23 Power Bombs (yellow)
1  Power Bombs (real items)
1 Power bomb block
1 Sphere
1 E-Tank
3 Super Missel (Green)
7 Super Missel (Fake)
3 Missels (Green)
7 Missels (Fake)

Meow bros!

Vismund Cygnus

Room of the Week means review time of the week. And there's a lot of really good entries this week, which makes this even more fun!

[spoiler=Detrimental Manscape]
Not a whole lot going on with this room to be honest. It's "pretty" vanilla, but it's also still pretty vanilla. I like the way you've hidden some secrets in there, they're certainly noticeable enough to grab the viewer's attention. The tiling is good, albeit standard looking. Overall not too bad at all.
[spoiler=Haunter! I choose you!]
Not sure what happened to the background there but I'm going to assume it's something to do with the general badness that is DH. The tiling here is pretty darned nice, +1 for well done bubbles. I am aware of what you said about the passage being hidden unless you're in there so the fact that it looks a bit weird like this doesn't detract from the room itself.
[spoiler=Old Sonic]
You know, without the DRUG plastered through the middle of the background, this room would actually be really, really cool. My one other concern is that that doorcap literally can not work like that in game. You'd be replacing the one layer 1 tile with a shot block and that would look strange in game, plus you'd have to make it a morph tunnel leading up to it (although that's not a bad way to hide an item room or something, to be completely honest).
[spoiler=Fresh Outta 'P' Uni... err... Fail?]
I am not sure about this at all. On one hand, it's really cool as a picture, if not somewhat repetitive at times. On the other hand, I don't see how this works as a room, like, at all. I know that Room of the Week has never strictly been about making rooms that actually work in game, but yeah. I think it's called Room of the Week for a reason, as opposed to "Picture Built in SMILE of the Week", which is why overall I think it's a miss for me.
At least we know where all of those powerups that are left lying around come from.
[spoiler=At Least It's All Over]
The tiling in this room kicks Uranus to our little planet over here. I'm not a fan of the colours but I can appreciate the fact that they do work well together. Again, I have the issue of not exactly understanding how this works as a real room without inconsistency in the blocks. That is, while it looks like the purple blocks are background and the browny-pinky-maroony colour blocks are the foreground, which means there's no way to actually cross through this room (yes, I am aware of the little pipe to the right which I imagine is there for you to wiggle through, but you still have to pass the maroon stuff to get to the save). Still, pretty cool room overall. You need to stop being butthurt over the fact that you made Redesigny Crateria though. Srs. Pls. Stahp.
[spoiler=Jiffy, the Bush Kangaroo]
Not bad, but could definitely be a lot more. Top half of the room is cool and definitely really well done, though it needs a little bit of background lovin'. The bottom is a big drop with nothing interesting happening and a big repeating background that doesn't do much for it. I know you've said you couldn't find a good way to transition between the ground blocks and leaf blocks within the tileset, but given that I'v eused this a bit I know that there is a block specifically for that purpose. However I think it comes down to that you need to practise your layer a bit, as that's what the Jungle Tileset (sorry Quote for the Lush) is really about, it thrives on it.
[spoiler=Drevan '07]
One one hand, the room is really cool. I know you've told me about the concept you had for this room, and I thought it was a really good one. But also, you told me then that it was unfinished, and yet you've posted that unfinished room here and it really shows. You'd clearly be able to see the massive amounts of empty space in-game, and that's a big let down because the room is pretty cool. My one other gripe: There's some red blocks floating around the place that just don't make sense, at all. They're just, floating. 0 gravity room go!
[spoiler="I Have a Dream" - MLK Jr.]
This tileset. It's. . .
. . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
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. . . . . .
. . .
But also it's pretty groovy to see vanilla tilesets expanded on and made into something recognisable but distinctly different from the original game.
[spoiler=Visitor's Signature]
Even I don't escape the wrath that is me!
Smiley picked up on it. I lost my old Green Brinstar palette and instead of trying to remake it, I decided I would try and make a new one that is a bit more fitting with the theme of Sunshine, and maybe make the crazy reef happy times stick out a little less. So I did! The reason for the great big drop from the top is that you aren't immediately meant to be able to get up there, which is way more obvious in game. Overall, I'm happy that this great big pile of over-saturation didn't turn out like a flaming pile of dog crap. It's got a little bit of a tweak left to go, but I'm proud to say it's made the cut for a real hack, and not just to be swept under the rug like so many other things I've made.
[spoiler]This is the most I've ever written for Room of the Week. Hooray for spoilers![/spoiler]


You people and your silly rooms. The mortals of this world would destroy you if they depended on you for their art! TO THE FLOGGING CHAMBERS THAT ARE THE SCATHING REMARKS OF THE ULTIMATE ROTW WINNER AWAIT YOUR PATHETIC ATTEMPTS AT AMAZING ROOMS!

[spoiler=Here there be reviews!]
[spoiler=DMantrap]Fun fact, 5 people just did something involving this very room that will show up eventually. Another fun fact, this room is pretty much a room without anything especially interesting in it.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Hawtan]YOU HAVE USED PURPLE BUBBLES IN ZERO MISSION, IT IS SUPER EFFECTIVE! (Get it? Because Super Metroid? HAHAHA!) Seriously though, those are good bubbles. Use more of them.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Retrorid]EVEN MORE BUBBLES AND DRUGS. I would have asked if you and DMan swapped rooms this week if I didn't know that DMan did indeed make that other room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=HalfOfLife]ITEMS AND COLOR! The brightness and items make things fun and remind me of old women for some reason. Maybe because grandparents give things (i.e. ITEMS!) to people? OR MAYBE YOUR MIND IS TOO GREEN TO COMPREHEND[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Orlova Muddy Waters]This room looks like a bunch of ants decided to start breathing water and make a colony in a marsh. Maybe they are martian ants? MARSHAN ANTS? THEY MARSH IN SINGLE FILE TO HIDE THEIR NUMBERS![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Jiffy Lube]I have issues with this room. THE ISSUE BEING THAT I KNOW THERE ARE BUBBLES AND YOU DIDN'T USE ANY.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Vismund]I am not overly fond of the tileset in general. AND I CAN'T SEE FOG?!?! WEAK SAUSAGES CAUSE DREVANS TO POP UP.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Drevers]The gray stuff is good. . . But your red blocks need help. Not the palette, the actual tiling just looks like someone vomited up a rabid crayfish and asked it to poop some tiles in a paper bag.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Quotavious]SNOW WAY MAN. I would say though, that there better be an item in that room, because a 2*2 room whose sole purpose is to house a save station? LAMER THAN LIMP FROG CROSSING A 20 LANE SNAKE.[/spoiler]


Alisa Orlova

I was expecting something like that from the anniversary post.
It was so strange that now I will have a nightmares.


Rather than commenting on each room, I'll just speak to the people I know are newer to hacking. Dman, Vis, and Quote already know all I'd have to say to them.

Retro - In all honesty, this isn't a bad groundwork for a legit room. The way the Bubbles cover the door is pretty nice, but ingame I'd imagine it wouldnt work with the (door) bubble. Also, I would've suggested leaving that righish-center pillar out, it just throws the look off too much. What you created here was the equivalent of using the rocky tiles, but with bubbles, and it's not a bad look. It's a web, not that much different from the web of galaxies in the universe. But I'd say if you're going to use the other norfair tiles, you should either double-down and use more for consistency, or just leave them out completely.

Alisa - I'm not sure what I'm looking at here. The way it's paletted would normally be more than likely be wrong, but it works because it makes it look like a cartoon. I can dig that. I think the issue with it is the colors, they're fine on their own, but it doesn't really create enough contrast between them. You can normally get away with this, but since rock tiles overlap so much it doesn't work as well. The tiling is nice, though.

Jefe - I think the problem that arises here is you're using a tileset that was built from the ground up with strong aesthetics in mind. You went with more of a Crateria way of designing in mind, where as this tileset probably looks best with layer manipulation and emphasis on the most minute of details. The room itself isn't bad, but I'm not sure the tileset matches your way of designing.

Drev - I'm sure this would be fine ingame, but just by looking at the picture, I have to wonder why and how it's floating like that. I'm not a engineer, but that just seems like a highly impractical design for a 'bridge' between two areas (or whatnot). I'm assuming that the center blue pillar would support some of it's weight, but I'm almost certain the leftish portion would break off and fall into oblivion. By adding all of those beams in the center connecting it, you also added all the weight of the top in addition, which would make it collapse without a sturdy foundation. I normally wouldn't bring physics up into a conversation about room design, but you created a conundrum in my mind. But this is a alien planet afterall, so we could assume the gravity is different, making the pressure not as intense.


Black Falcon

Drevan for me this week.
Would've chosen Vis, but I don't really like that bubblegum palette...
It fits to your reef tileset, but not to brinstar.



Congrats to Hawntah for making a really excellent room in ZM.


Starting off a new week, good luck.



Vismund Cygnus

I haven't had time to make a room this week, and since I'm away from my computer I trawled through my archives to find a room I hadn't entered yet.
This is from December 2013, I think I've gotten better since then. Still, entering to bolster numbers.



Alisa Orlova

I'm new here, but I think, I can express my own opinion.

Mr. Vismund, is OK as usual, but i think "speed construction" video looks a little bit interesting than final result. Flip-flops to everyone!
Ash Ketchum, is OK too. But... i saw your previous works and i pretty damn sure, you can make better. Well... you perfectly know it without me. Squirtle!!!
Red thingy. I think, it's not exactly your tile, and it's Ok i guess. But this room is too simple, and if you didn't make this tile independently... I think you have a good potential! Keep it up!
Newbie like me! Remember! i'm a boss here! No one like you, ok! It's just a joke of course... i'm not a boss. Nice room actually. All platforms have a support, and not a standard door position as always can be interesting (if you know how it's works of course), but in my opinion, it's just a regular room. Nice work, but... regular room.

Well... I can agree, that I have a prepossessions to the rooms, who doesn't looks like a redesign.
As I said before, all the rooms are very nice, but i will not vote in this week.
Meow bros!



[spoiler=Vismund]I'm not a fan of this. At all. You've gotten so much better than this. Too blocky for me, and the filler near the bottom needs more variation. The BG is nicely done, points for that.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Retro]The tileset is alright, I guess. Too many repeated floor/roof tiles and the morph tunnel sorta breaks flow. The BG is also repetitive and needs to be a darker colour, methinks.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Quote]It's decent, but you can do better with that tileset. The green/blue palette on some of those plants is kinda dodgy to me. The bomb blocks almost have no use since it would be a shorter route taking the overhead pass. The Lower BG is nice, but the blue higher up could use some variation.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Me]I have lots of things wrong with this room, myself. Firstly the darker sand looks very misplaced. Then, the Maridian blocks and the Craterian blocks don't go well together.[/spoiler]

I shall not vote this week either, no particular room has caught my eye.