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Introduce Yourself!

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 05:59:57 PM

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Welcome to the board, both of you.  I'm the guy that's been hacking this game on and off for 6 years with little to show for it.  Sounds like you two are both pretty motivated so far so I hope being here will help you make a cool hack!


First off, welcome both of you. Great to see people who have doing research and such before asking questions.
Hitaxas, here's how sm works for those catagories. Smile allows you to export gfx files to be edited in a program like TLP or TM, then reimported. The palette can be edited directly in SMILE.
Level design, pointers, doors, enemy types and placement, items, and various things like FX, can all be edited in SMILE. Enemies and items do require a little knowledge of hex editing to be added.
Music is probably the least friendly thing in super metroid hacking, and there is no program or simple tutorial for doing it. That is something we hope to change at some point, but as Quietus said, the people here that can make music in sm, are much too busy to make a program for it.
Lastly much of the game has been disassembled and you can find the bank logs on PJboy's site. Fully commented banks and docs are around, but not for the whole game.

Anywho, drop by #cloudirc on Espernet, as well as #metconst.


Welcome, my dear collegues! It's late but better then never.
I've started hacking from Sonic just like you. I read a lot of posts of Simon Way's Sonic 2 Beta community (yeah, when it was named like that. By the way, I have that beta cart). I wanted to join, but I had no skills, knew nothing about ASM and so on. I dreamed of making a good Sonic hack, but a lot of stuff should be done (more then my knowledge at that moment). I understood some things like Metropolis tube behavior, but that's not enough. So, I haven't registrated there and started from Super Metroid few years later.

Quote from: Quietus on January 19, 2014, 07:14:54 AM
Quote from: Lady_K on January 19, 2014, 12:15:03 AMI'm new to hacking Super Metroid but have been doing a little research on my own and have already figured some things out. I also have been looking through the SMILE guide and a few FAQ posts.
You have no idea how refreshing it is to hear this. :cheers:

Welcome, both of you. :^_^:
Not surprising from the members of Sonic Retro community. Do you know their rules? You need to answer a few questions (not like "2+2=?" but about the Sonic). If you do it right, you'll be registrated as trial member. You have 20 posts to prove yourself. Of course, you should post useful stuff, your discoveries and things like so. And about your hack progress too. Posts like "I'll make a hack someday!!!oneone" and "me too" is not useful, obviously. When the trial phase ends, moders and tech members will look at all your posts and if they find you useful, you'll become the regular member. If not, you can't post there anymore. Ever.

Yes, it's cruel and somewhat sadiztyk, but it's a really good way to discipline a newbie hacker. As for me, in first 3 months I did the 75 missile block item (not the existing one, but the new one, 4th), 10 missile orange door (again, the new one in free space), invisible save station and I also understood how the alternative states works. All this without knowing ASM even a bit. And I need to add. Kej was the one who learned me how to search stuff. Like, search the whole thing until you find it. Not just these banks in which, as you think, there are the thing you wanted to find. And it works. If you read this, thank you!

Quote from: Grime on January 19, 2014, 02:53:32 AM
I'm sure we can accomplish it, but at the rate we've been progressing, we've probably got another 6 or 7 years before EVERYTHING is fully understood, optimized and easily editable. Longer if any of our ultra awesome ASM vets decide to take off. =P
Yeah... They have disassemlies because they had more time, then we. =) Even more then Super Mario World central. Sonic Retro community exists from late 90's like 1996 or so. At the moment I tried to join them (2003) the researches were in the same state like we have how: one editor, few tools, a lot of work in hex. Hope we'll have fully disassebled Super Metroid code someday.


Hi everybody :)

My name is Jenny. Iam a 25 year old girl from germany. Please bear with me, when my english isn't that good. I'll do my best! :)
I grew up with videogames and had always been a great Nintendo fan, especially of the franchises Metroid, Zelda, Mario, F-Zero and Donkey Kong Country.

Samus Aran is my most favorite videogame character ever! But I loved her face most in Metroid Prime. She had that Michelle Pfeifer look, more real than her comic barbie girl look, you know what I mean.

Well, I admit, that I got a video "project", I'd like to show you soon. ^^ But Iam looking for a platform like this for a long time. There are no active german forums out there... :(

Well, Iam glad to be hear and I wait for the next metroid game I can discuss with you about. :)

best regards*


Hi, Jenny / Cheryl.  Welcome to the forum. :^_^:

Your English is more than good enough, so don't worry.  I also note that you are into cosplay.  Have you done any favourites?  Or anything a bit different?  I remember seeing this Big Daddy one, from BioShock, a while back, and it was really impressive. :cool:


Hi :)

I could show some if you like ^^
I think the creative forum is the right place, isn't it?

And thank you for your nice comment concerning my english. It could be much better. :P
Vocabulary is the biggest problem I think <.<


As Quietus mentioned, your english is certainly good enough, don't worry about that.
Welcome to the community, drop by the irc channels some time if you feel so inclined (#cloudirc and #metconst on Espernet)


Quote from: Cheryl on January 26, 2014, 05:54:22 PM
My name is Jenny. Iam a 25 year old girl from germany. Please bear with me, when my english isn't that good. I'll do my best! :)
Welcome to the community Cheryl. :^_^:

It always puts a smile on my face when non-English speakers are concerned about their ability to speak English. I've seen/heard far worse from people who actually grew up speaking the language. :heheh:

Like some of the stuff I type and speak at times...


This is so cute, thanks a lot! :)
But it takes more time to write a post, I guess. ;D

Do you mean mIRC? That's the only Chatplatform Iam registered in.

It's far after midnight here in germany. I've got to go now. :(
Bye everyone! :)


mIRC is one of many clients (programs) you can use to connect to IRC networks with. It's a little outdated, so more modern clients like HexChat, chatZilla and irssi are recommended. Have a look around and find what suits you.

Black Falcon

Welcome to the Forum, Cheryl!

Always nice to meet someone else from my home country!  :^_^:

That being said: Fühl dich wie zu Hause!  :wink:


I like Metroid. I haven't really interacted with the fan communities much, though. Might as well start now!


Terminus Est = This is the end.
Quietus = Release from life.

I say we go on a rampage. :twisted:


Oh, you're THE TerminusEst13 who is creating that Metroid wad for Doom, aren't you?
Nice to have you here.


Hi, I'm Drakon.  I do rom hacking as a hobby and I've mostly done nes games since I found the tools for hacking nes games to be the most powerful and reliable.  I love improving classic games and fixing everything that was wrong with them.  I would post some example videos but since this is my first post the forum won't let me.


Welcome to the forum.  Please play nice, and avoid the spikes. :^_^:


Hey, I'm Adam. I've been playing Metroid Fusion since I was 5 or 6 (2005-2006) and it was the best game of my time. I loved it. I used to make maps on paper and stuff. I didn't touch Metroid Fusion for about 8 years - only back in 2013 I got back into it. I got an emulator to play it and Zero Mission (although I'm surprisingly better on Console). Then I got into Super Metroid, I loved it so much, although I am Terrible at using SMILE. So right now I'm creating a Zero Mission hack with new layouts. It's not near done yet. I asked on one of MetroidMst's Youtube Video where to post it, people told me "Metroid Construction!" and here I am.

Things about me: I love IT! I love gaming! I love coding! I love Other M! (except the last one.) Gaming has appealed to me for a long time. My first games were games such as games in the Unreal series, Metroid, Mario, and lots of others. I have Fusion and Zero Mission on Console even today. I'm alright at speed running, I haven't done it in ages though. (I think the last time I did it on Fusion was October, November? Idk?) The fastest time I got was 1:14 with 19%. I gotta record a speed-run sometime. I've never tried to speed-run Zero Mission though, which disappoints myself. I haven't tried Super Metroid yet either. Usually because I hate Gold Torizo, he's really hard. (Yes, I do know where Charge is but sometimes I don't collect it... xD)

Personal things: I live in the UK where my dad has left the family; times are hard. We don't have much money because things are extremely complicated, which is for another post. This means I won't have long here.

Extra Information: Nice forum... most places I go to are full of crap.
Just to say also, I have a Youtube channel where I will upload some Metroid LP's. So far I don't have a working Microphone and my drivers are too outdated (Damn Windows XP!) which will hold the videos back for some time.


Hi Adam, welcome to Metroid Construction. :^_^:

It's nice to see someone taking on Zero Mission and trying to hack it, sadly there has been little activity so far so hopefully you will change that. If you watch Mst's video's i'm surprised you haven't spotted a trick which makes Gold Torizo very easy, even if you decided to skip charge for some reason :pwuh:

It's nice to have someone else from the UK, there's too many Americans here that don't know how to spell 'colour' :wink:

So yeah, welcome and I hope to see your Zero Mission hack sometime in the future :grin:


Quote from: Jordan5 on April 06, 2014, 07:33:32 AM
Hi Adam, welcome to Metroid Construction. :^_^:

It's nice to see someone taking on Zero Mission and trying to hack it, sadly there has been little activity so far so hopefully you will change that. If you watch Mst's video's i'm surprised you haven't spotted a trick which makes Gold Torizo very easy, even if you decided to skip charge for some reason :pwuh:

It's nice to have someone else from the UK, there's too many Americans here that don't know how to spell 'colour' :wink:

So yeah, welcome and I hope to see your Zero Mission hack sometime in the future :grin:

Yeah, either I forget to collect it, or I'm too lazy to collect it. Or I can't get GT into that position. :L


Welcome to the forum.  Out of curiosity, what happened to the other 961 Jefes? :^_^:


Quote from: Quietus on April 06, 2014, 08:43:04 AM
Welcome to the forum.  Out of curiosity, what happened to the other 961 Jefes? :^_^:

Hahaha, I just chose some random numbers. Jefe is just too plain.


You seem to misunderstand. Just like there were 700 people before me, there were 961 Jefes before you. Like Jordan said, good to see ZM getting some love and maybe you could help farther the knowledge about its inner working down the line. Welcome to the community and good luck to any projects you decided to tackle.


Before me, there was my predecessor, SMILEuser95, and before him was his predecessor SMILEuser94 and so on. The same applies to everyone. So far we've only had one Quietus and one MetroidMst and so on, but there will be more. Maybe.

Now go and make a ZM hack on par with Redesign. That should boost ZM hacking...


Quote from: SMILEuser96 on April 06, 2014, 10:10:19 AMSo far we've only had one Quietus and one MetroidMst and so on, but there will be more. Maybe.
No. No. No. No. No. :nope:
One is more than enough.


Quote from: SMILEuser96 on April 06, 2014, 10:10:19 AM
Before me, there was my predecessor, SMILEuser95, and before him was his predecessor SMILEuser94 and so on. The same applies to everyone. So far we've only had one Quietus and one MetroidMst and so on, but there will be more. Maybe.

Now go and make a ZM hack on par with Redesign. That should boost ZM hacking...,3081.0.html

And yeah, there was 961 Jefe's before me. They never came here though, sadly.