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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Just in case I don't get an opportunity to get on here over the next few days, I'd like to wish everybody a merry Christmas.  I hope it's a good one, and that you get what you hope for! :cheers:

[blink]MERRY CHRISTMAS[/blink]


This is a "Christmas present" from Trax he released on this RHDN thread: The Contra Mountain Challenge Special. It's a one-level hack where you try to get to the top of the mountain as fast as possible.

If you're a Contra fan, you should download and play the hack immediately. It's not as difficult as his larger hack in progress. My best time was 1:10. Oh, and um... merry Christmas... or whatever.


marry holidays metroidconstruction!

Alt. M is 50% done and i didn't even think to bring an image for posting.


Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone! Stay safe and enjoy yourselves. :^_^:



Merry Christmas everyone! :grin:


Edit: removed.


Perhaps an explanation for those peeps too lazy to decipher the links? :heheh:


I'll remove them, I was just drunk and went a bit crazy. Think that was supposed to be me resigning from RotW, but that's just silly. Even if I did that, I'd have to make sure someone fills the position first.

I hate being so melodramatic at times, but I guess that's just me. There's still alot of hex tweaks and such I still have to add to the site, I can't really do anything else until I complete that task.


iWas reading a game informer yesterday and discovered these shocking words from Nintendo.
[spoiler]"We promise to make a 2d metroid if you shut up about it"[/spoiler]

I would also like to announce that i do not have a link to validate this and Gamestop currently has this issue.


I'll believe it when I see it. :^_^:


Seeing how it seems like they are doing more and more Majora's Mask stuff because it kept being discussed, I question the validity of this statement. However, I would gladly be wrong. Just don't expect me to shut up unless they code-name it "Other 2D Metroid."

Also, I know some people here who could make some good 2D Metroid stuff you could throw on VC. . .


Or they could call it Onward: 2D Other Metroid. :wink:


I'm here to make sure everyone here wishes passarbye a Happy Birthday.
He and Quote58/Shadow96 make some spectacular RotW rooms! Keep up the good work passarbye! And Happy Birthday!


Quote from: passarbye on January 07, 2013, 03:18:48 PM
today is my birthday! woot!
if only i were healthy. (got the flu)

Happy Birthday man :)


Happy birthday, passar. Today I got into the Elder Scrolls Online beta.


Awesome speakers/lamps :D I want them


That was a sweet shoutout DSO
#agdq 2014


I found AGDQ really annoying this year.  They always seem to start all of the high profile stuff at ridiculous o'clock for me.  It means I have to then faff around looking for the stream recordings, and it's not the same as watching it live. :sad:


I know what you mean, that's the problem with living in England :cry:


It was pretty awesome when agdq raided kottpower. That was lush.


Quote from: Quietus on January 12, 2014, 11:24:03 AM
I found AGDQ really annoying this year.  They always seem to start all of the high profile stuff at ridiculous o'clock for me.  It means I have to then faff around looking for the stream recordings, and it's not the same as watching it live. :sad:
There was a guy on Reddit gathering VODs so I didn't find it all that bad to go back and find a few things. I do agree on it not being the same as seeing it live but I got past not seeing the nutty chat and it didn't make a difference to me.

It's also phenomenal that they were able to raise one million dollars especially considering a day and a half before the end of the marathon they were only around 500 thousand.


I guess I gotta be the dick and look down shaking my head at the organization they were raising for.
Doctors Without Borders was a very useful and noble cause (what they raise for also).
Cancer? Pissing in the wind..