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General Hack Ideas

Started by DSO, May 20, 2009, 08:41:04 PM

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I told myself I wasn't trying to rip any more graphics for my hack from other games but this set [spoiler][/spoiler] makes me REALLY want to :/ jesus


A bit toony, like MZM and Fusion, but daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.


Quote from: herald83 on August 17, 2011, 12:29:10 AM
A bit toony, like MZM and Fusion, but daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.
Palette change could take care of that, though I kinda like the pink

Phazos: True Phazon deity

I have some idea's of my own for a Metorid hack but not sure if I would even get around to pulling them off...

anyways my idea's are as follow

Beams (kinda Shadow or metal based) Example: Spazer = Shatter Beam, Ice beam becomes more of a FEAR beam (coloration kind of red) (sends out the beam only it kinda pulses and the soundfx would be something like a scream if at all possible) Wave Beam= Phase Beam (has the same properties of the Wave beam ok but the coloration is changed so that it looks like silver blue instead of purple)

Terrain becomes metal or some such based. The enemies and bosses become robotic or shadows in styling (not robotic like they are in red monkey's Phazon Hack). Suit Upgrades Varia and Gravity are changed in styled appearance.

Varia: The shoulder pads have clear glass like bulbs that show a red core like thing that sort of pulses the coloration becomes more of a red color and the helmet turns to an orange color... there will be much more to this but I am just throwing out the basic.

Gravity: The shoulder pads are basically metroid larva in appearance the armor plating looks like the plating of an Omega Metroid while the central chest piece look like the PED from Corruption (Not really but has the same blue gray coloration) also has something like a red metroid core beneath. If you wonder the weakness of the... [spoiler]OMEGA suit is then well... yeah Ice might be it... but if you have the Chaos Suit equipped as well then you have no weakness with the Omega Suit on. [/spoiler]

The equipment (missiles and other upgrades that are not already listed) becomes either shadow based or metal based as well. Speed booster= Shadow Rush (after the speed booster activates Samus is encased in a black aura of sorts with kid of red black shadow like versions of herself behind her.)

Like I said I do not think that I'll ever use these ideas so if anyone likes these ideas and want's to use them go right ahead... only thing that I recommend doing is using the full all out  package of ideas alright... if you need more detail just ask.


Quote from: Phazos: True Phazon deity on September 09, 2011, 06:23:29 PM
Varia: The shoulder pads have clear glass like bulbs that show a red core like thing that sort of pulses the coloration becomes more of a red color and the helmet turns to an orange color... there will be much more to this but I am just throwing out the basic.

Not to rain on your parade, but Samus' tiles take up a lot of space. Adding more tiles so Varia has new tiles would take forever/be impossible, for the time being.

Phazos: True Phazon deity

It is possible to do and it take up the same amount of space... IF you know what you are doing...


Quote from: Phazos: True Phazon deity on September 11, 2011, 12:11:57 AM
It is possible to do and it take up the same amount of space... IF you know what you are doing...

But, do you know how to do it?


All of samus current tiles is taking up more than a bank IIRC. Having separated graphics for suits means almost doubling the graphics needed. So far what doubles is the shoulders and the boots, other than that the rest is reused between suits.


I have idea for a hack. What if land Samus on planet like Venus with high air pressure (which causes high air density). Pressure is so high that you will move in air like in water (walk slowly, not jumping high etc.) until getting Gravity Suit


i have an idea for a hard hack (without spike abuse)
its a hack that requires every skill in super metroid like mockballing and shine sparking, etc. if your thinking, Noone will play it because its to hard, well, ceres station, in the beginning, where you fight ridley, would be a training area. after ridley  and the countdown starts, theres going to be a crumble block thats leads under the floor to the front. then, on zebes, each boss will have a special skill.including minibosses. (bomb torizo, - bomb jumping, etc.) each bosses skill should be determined on the terrain, like meridia/dragon/snake, underwater running/grappling beaming/Very very short wall jumping, all without the gravity suit.)

i would make one igsactly like this, but im new to smile. so, i dont have any skills.


omg theres a hack like that already out??? nice im going to try it now


You could always go with Impossible as well...


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on November 27, 2011, 06:28:04 PM
You mean like Cliffhanger?
Quote from: Quietus on November 28, 2011, 06:46:03 PM
You could always go with Impossible as well...
Or any other hack that will break your fingers and make you want to rip your ears out after hearing the same small clip of music play over and over and eventually dislike the tileset you're seeing because you're stuck there for forever trying to get your way out of some god forsaken trick that you come to find out later that doesn't need to be done at the current moment...

Ahem, yea. Those kind of hacks exist. Though a little savestate intensive.



Now what would a non-hack player (probably just a rom player at this point) like to see for a super metroid hack? (something that would open there eyes to rom hacks)

[spoiler]An exact remake of Metroid 2

what i'm proposing is a collected effort from the community to put SM hacks on the map.

So if it takes a large push to get the ball rolling here is my proposal.
If someone starts the roll (by replicating the Metroid 2 controls and physics into Super Metroid.) i'll double it by creating new never seen before tile sets and enemy using metroid 2 as the base, like i did for the M2 ship.
i used the game boy graphics as a template to make this ship, so the same could be expected for the rest. and the for the BG's unless some body has an idea, maybe just use something from the GBA.[/spoiler]


As always, it's a nice idea, but I would be surprised if it was ever completed.  The idea of a collaborative hack has been proposed numerous times (no doubt for numerous games), yet it never gets finished.

Either way, I wish you luck with it.



i'm thinking of an SNES version. i think if all the resources were put together in one one thread, someone wouldn't be able to resist putting it together. plus given the community a new variety of useable M2 ASM, items, and graphics to use in there hacks.


Not sure if this is the right thread or not but I'll ask anyway.
Question: Has anyone implemented into their hack,(or knows how to) suits with specific abilities? Ex. With varia, you can use ice beam, high jump and speed booster. With gravity, you can use plazma, space jump and wave beam. But you can only use the different abilities depending on what suit you equip.

Also, I like your idea Red monkey, but I doubt very many people would be on board with it. I'd be willing to try and help, mostly because I love metroid 2.



That does indeed seem to be what I was getting at. How pray-tell was that achieved?
I can use a hex editor, but I have yet to take the time to learn asm.
On a side note, how do the item boxes work?


Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on December 01, 2011, 04:03:02 PM
i'm thinking of an SNES version. i think if all the resources were put together in one one thread, someone wouldn't be able to resist putting it together. plus given the community a new variety of useable M2 ASM, items, and graphics to use in there hacks.
The main thing that was stopping me from producing M1 remake was the Long Beam. There are still a lot of minor things to do, but most ot of them can be done.

As for M2 remake, the hardest things are: Queen Metroid, Zeta Metroid (shooting one) and Spider Ball. Well, and enemies that are unique for M2. Without creating them, the remake will not be seem as complete.


Does it have to be an exact remake? Or could it take some liberties like super zero mission did?
Like maybe a small, secret area or something. And of course new puzzles involving the speedbooster.
The spiderball is certainly possible, and Jathys pretty much had it a while ago. I think the main concern that would mean life or death for the hack would be the queen metroid. And general interest of course.


i'm close to the end of M2 and i realize that it would be a short hack. i think that even though this idea may never get done i think i'll still work on the GB SR388 tile set.