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Lost World

Started by TROM, October 19, 2015, 07:08:45 AM

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I've modified some minor points of the game to be more obvious!  I think... I post the IPS file at the top of this topic. Call it 1.5 now... Bottwoon graphics changes too...


Quote from: SigmaZer0 on January 10, 2016, 07:26:44 PM
I know this is going to sound really bad, but where can I find super missiles? I found a number of blocks that require them to open, but can't get access because I lack the weapon. So can anyone please give me a hint as to where to pick them up for the first time.
I want to know this as well. I have all equipment except Tidal Beam, Space Jump, Screw Attack, and Super Missiles. I have 219 Missiles, 0 Super Missiles, 26 Power Bombs, 10 Energy Tanks, and 3 Reserve Tanks. Any help is appreciated.


OK.....If you have the Sonic Beam, you can fire trough walls! so you can open "one way doors".....Many of these doors lies in the game....and one of them block a path to Draygoon....and the first Super missile when you kill him!!!!

Look to your map...I think many areas haven't been explored!!


(Note: you'll have to manually copy and paste these image links so as to not send referrals to imgur, which has apparently banned image links from Metroid Construction)

You can get stuck on top of the save station near Spore Spawn if you spin jump and don't have morph.

Also, I seem to be stuck here...

Edit: I wasn't about to reset just because I got stuck there, so the only way I found to get out of that room was to move Samus's Y position through the grapple blocks in the floor. Then I continued exploring the game and now I'm stuck here...

Seems like you need to redesign the rooms so that players can't get stuck like this.
If you're wondering how I even got this far without grapple, I just did some things that weren't even that hard, like running on top of spikes, damage boosting, and bomb jumping.

Additional Edit: Got stuck again! This grapple block respawned on me and I couldn't get out.
I must be the master of getting myself stuck.


I can't find the next progression item... >_< It has to be grapple, super missiles or speedbooster. I'm pretty certain I've looked everywhere.. ughhh mannn

(don't know why the image is so damn tiny..)

Any hints? I wandered around for 3 hours rofl

EDIT: Well I found springball.... O_O EDIT2: and speedbooster and grapple. DERP. Now to find wave or super missiles...


Yeah... I got nothing... I'm in the lost forest and I have been stuck here for quite a while. I have 9 missiles and morph ball. What do I do?! Where do I go from there?!


Hi guys....I post a new version of "lost world"

features : more hidden items, some ennemies, graphics change - Many rooms modifiyed - New map icons that indicates some (not all) areas where grapple and speed boost are needed, lift doors and "after boss" doors. All those to help players to remember where to go next to avoid as possible to be lost.


A Dummy

Thanks for updating this, I'll be sure to give this a try in the near future, especially since I enjoyed your previous hack Hydellius.


total items : 292 missiles
                  96 super missiles
                   38 power bombs


Found a permastuck in Dark Forest.  Couple rooms after spore spawn.  You can jump up into this hidden spot in the wall and if you don't have morphball yet it's no good.  It's a green room with moving platforms.


I'm missing something, or you have to walljump from the start of the game? I mean, I know how and is just a simple walljump, but if feels like you shouldn't be in need to do so for avancing so early

Zero Dozer

By the hour I've already played, I can say that this game's level design is quite amateur-ish. So, I got Morph Ball, and the only unexplored passages are the ones that tell me that I should have the Bomb or the Grappling Beam. The way back is blocked by a door that apparently demands a Power Bomb to open. And no hint on where to hit next.

Sorry, but with the little experience I have in playing ROM hacks, especially Super Metroid (both vanilla and hacked), I can say that you seriously need to fix your LD. Getting stuck like that isn't funny.


Quote from: Wrulfang on October 03, 2016, 11:41:02 AM
I'm missing something, or you have to walljump from the start of the game? I mean, I know how and is just a simple walljump, but if feels like you shouldn't be in need to do so for avancing so early
For 99% of players, wall-jumping is not considered to be an advanced skill, and for a lot of players, it's only one step removed from normal jumping. :^_^:


Quote from: Zero Dozer on October 04, 2016, 01:30:49 AM
By the hour I've already played, I can say that this game's level design is quite amateur-ish. So, I got Morph Ball, and the only unexplored passages are the ones that tell me that I should have the Bomb or the Grappling Beam. The way back is blocked by a door that apparently demands a Power Bomb to open. And no hint on where to hit next.

My first playthrough was 20+ hours in-game. I had ridley done in 8 hours. The rest was finding "beam gates" to open the path to the final area...

In that room with the pb door you can't go back through, there's one of those enemies that grab you. This one only works when you're moprhed. You're not even lost yet, it gets so much worse. It's lost world.

Zero Dozer

Thanks for the warning.

Other thing I noticed is how absurdly high Trom set the damages for an unprotected Samus. I mean, seriously, enemies that take away an entire tank?

Also, the level design for the Botwoon fight is just stupid. Fighting him underwater with no Gravity Suit? Against something tuned to smash your energy tanks with one hit?


Finally got around to finish this hack once and for all. 12:19 in game time with 106%. Played on the latest patch (2.0 I believe)

Here is my quick review: this hack had a lot of effort put into it. Trom, we may have had our differences, but now I understand why me bothering you with tileset errors would be annoying. The size alone would be a good excuse to why a few things here and there would be a bit flawed. In the end, I only got stuck a couple of times (super missile block re-spawning on me while I'm in morph ball = stuck in the block), but nothing major since there was save stations not far.  All the sprite work and the tileset are beautiful. Finding things was rewarding and fun by following the visual clues in the tiles. It really shows that you wanted this hack to be exploration based!

There is a few things I didn't like much, such as enemies hitting quite hard and going in the water for extended time without gravity, but that is just personal preferences, not faults to the hack itself. I did also find the gates to be very well hidden, sometimes maybe a bit too much, especially when the X-ray would not spot hidden passages or blocks.

Overall, I really liked this hack, but it is hard and quite long compared to most hacks. Well done!


thanks a lot for this....and sorry for my fool abrupt reaction at the start....But now, I try to get this hack more polished!  And if you whant to guide me ? Well, I 'm ready to listend....

Hope more feedback of the brave ones who finished the game...


I have only one last door left to get into the hunters ship, and it's a white door but I can't find it :( I found one in the hilly swamps, could you give me a hint about where to look? it's a hard hack but kind of addicting and I wanna finish it after playing for weeks xD I'm lost :( thank you.


Hey....OK, In the hunters ship, which kind of "totem" stand before the gate you talking about?
The color of these totem indicate the level where are the following gates... I can't tell you where the gate is if I don't know which gate!


Quote from: TROM on December 07, 2016, 11:50:54 AM
Hey....OK, In the hunters ship, which kind of "totem" stand before the gate you talking about?
The color of these totem indicate the level where are the following gates... I can't tell you where the gate is if I don't know which gate!

ohh so that's the clue? yeah I could open the first 3 sets of doors, the third one having a white door, but in the 4th set the last door is white and it is shut, and the totem before them is red with a little dot on the top; so I guess that's where I'm supposed to look? thank you Trom :) I've really enjoyed playing this hack.


I'm almost done with this, just stuck on two things...

First, the L gate in Hilly Swamps seen here:

What's the deal with this? I cannot see how to actually hit the gate with a super missile.

Secondly, how to get into this big grey area?



First : you must have the Tidal Beam to open the gate before, then there is a invisible way through the wall where you can fire a s.missile....shoot, shoot and shoot will succeed!

secondly : this passage need to free the snail (with the Sonic Beam) for destroying the ball block...


Trom, thanks for the help. Unfortunately I cannot figure out the second part.

[spoiler]I see a snail at the top of the tall room with the energy refill but there is no way up there. I assumed it was an exit because of the crumble block. What am I missing? Thanks![/spoiler]


you have to use speed booster to reach the wood platform at the top of the room!   use your x-ray!