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Hyper Metroid

Started by RealRed, April 17, 2015, 11:59:53 PM

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I'll see if I can get a video up shortly.

For now, here's a save state in the first Maridia room, as requested. I hope it works OK, because I used v1.4 of Hyper, whereas yours appears to be v1.0. :^_^:

Edit: Here's the video:


What's different in 1.0 versus newer versions?  I had no idea before today that there -were- different hack versions!

@Quietus: I request, in your video's description, you mention the need to hold the angle down button while in the air to properly trigger the Mockball throughout this hack.

@dopefish: I've been on the Internet in many places.  I was quite active for D&D 3.x on WotC's (Wizards of the Coast's) boards, the MinMaxBoards, Giant in the Playground boards, Co8 (Circle of Eight/Temple of Elemental Evil for PC) boards, Insane Difficulty (FFVI Brave New World) Boards, the Blizzard Entertainment boards (StarCraft and World of Warcraft, especially), a bit on League of Legends Boards, and probably elsewhere.



Quote from: Endarire on May 26, 2017, 06:20:54 PM
What's different in 1.0 versus newer versions?  I had no idea before today that there -were- different hack versions!

@Quietus: I request, in your video's description, you mention the need to hold the angle down button while in the air to properly trigger the Mockball throughout this hack.
After reading Quietus' post I started searching for 1.4 of Hyper and couldn't find it. RHDN, Metconst main site, and the project site all host 1.0 Not sure what he meant by 1.4
And mockball is performed the same as vanilla. It's really a shame that it feels basically required.

Also, is there somewhere I can find an intended progression route? I've been skipping things and trying to get stuff as early as possible in-game, early supers were hard AF because I couldn't find where I was 'supposed' to get them. (i bomb jumped in crateria for them)


Quote from: passarbye on May 27, 2017, 12:27:19 PMAfter reading Quietus' post I started searching for 1.4 of Hyper and couldn't find it. RHDN, Metconst main site, and the project site all host 1.0 Not sure what he meant by 1.4
The only thing I can think of is that at some point I acquired Danidub's map, which went through revisions, and must have hit v1.4, and I mistakenly named the hack's folder to the same thing. :blush:

At least the save should work! :grin:

Quote from: passarbye on May 27, 2017, 12:27:19 PMAlso, is there somewhere I can find an intended progression route?
The aforementioned map has the intended item order under the map's title, and if it's correct, the order is:
Grapple Beam
Charge Beam
Hi-Jump Boots
Wave Beam
Varia Suit
X-Ray Scope
Ice Beam
Super Missiles
Space Jump
Gravity Suit
Power Bombs
Plasma Beam
Screw Attack
Speed Booster


I felt clever when I used infinite bomb jumping to get Super Missiles in Crateria.  I had mostly followed the expected item gain sequence until that point, but was totally stuck as to where to go next.  I think that intended item progression is wrong because you need Super Missiles to get to Kraid who unlocks Space Jump!  The only way I see to get Supers without already having Supers is infinite bomb jumping in Brinstar (east of the Spore Spawn room) or in Crateria (in the infinite bomb jump room with the one-way blocks as floors).


Quote from: Endarire on May 27, 2017, 06:38:59 PMI think that intended item progression is wrong because you need Super Missiles to get to Kraid who unlocks Space Jump!  The only way I see to get Supers without already having Supers is infinite bomb jumping in Brinstar (east of the Spore Spawn room) or in Crateria (in the infinite bomb jump room with the one-way blocks as floors).
This just confirms the item order I listed, which has Supers prior to Space Jump. The original set of Supers without trickery are in Norfair.


@Quietus: How to get Norfair Supers without having them?


They are in the lower middle section of norfair.
After you reach norfair through the crateria elevator
you have to go down/left until you reach a room wich has a morphball tunnel on top of it. Use it to reach the left side.
There should be the first intented super missle if iam not mistaken


That's correct, Blade. :^_^:


My first time I explored and simply could not find any Supers (and I had all the items in the intended progression to that point, including the Ice Beam), but, again, somehow missed getting Norfair's Supers.  Only via infinite bomb jumping did I discover what was in Crateria's big open room, and that was Supers!


just beat this hack for the first time and have to say i really enjoyed it.  :^_^:


I'm wondering about those guardians that you gotta disable them. Were they used from Redesign's code? Can I add them into my hack using only a hexadecimal program?
Sorry for asking something like that, because I guess I don't have another choice to learn how to do it.



items were pretty hard to find in this hack. 1200/10, imo



Wait... whaaaaaat?

I know that 12% is possible if you're a masochist. I'm not sure what you skipped? It's been so long since I've played this...

This post made me log in.



the description of the above video will help you understand what happened. also I guess you can just watch the video. this playthrough took me roughly 40 hours, taking out deaths and resets, 7 hours.


What do I do at the part with the speed blocks in the vertical room in Maridia?


Quote from: Krg2k on August 24, 2017, 10:37:04 PM
What do I do at the part with the speed blocks in the vertical room in Maridia?

You're talking about a room near the bottom of Maridia, right?

[spoiler=Speedboosting Mechanics]The speedboosting mechanics are from Project Base, so they work differently from vanilla SM. The only times you'll lose your speed boost are when 1) you turn around while not spinning in the air, or 2) you hit a wall. So, yes, you can turn around and keep speed boost echoes as long as you are spinning.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Solution]Start two rooms to the right of the vertical room. That's where you start the speed boost. Spin jump into the vertical room, then turn around to slow yourself. You should break the blocks below you.[/spoiler]


So I've been enjoying this because it feels similar to the original and but just faster, however, when I found the Charge beam and I was like "wow I can't get that yet and I wish I could" Then I went and got the grappling beam and both of the doors are grey, and I don't see a way out with the X-ray, either, at least not yet.
Edit -
I've gone to everything possible to the west without super missiles, X-ray revealed no hidden spots, and I can't go back to the east of the charge beam.


Quote from: RedLemming on October 10, 2017, 10:15:35 PM
So I've been enjoying this because it feels similar to the original and but just faster, however, when I found the Charge beam and I was like "wow I can't get that yet and I wish I could" Then I went and got the grappling beam and both of the doors are grey, and I don't see a way out with the X-ray, either, at least not yet.
Edit -
I've gone to everything possible to the west without super missiles, X-ray revealed no hidden spots, and I can't go back to the east of the charge beam.

[spoiler]Since you got the grappling beam, you can now get the charge beam and use it to unlock the door in the same room.[/spoiler]


So, I randomly found this, released yesterday:

Someone made a "fix" patch of Hyper Metroid, which reverts the title screen, intro, sound effects, pre-set controls, and (presumably) credits screens to more closely resemble Super Metroid. He says it, and I quote directly, makes hyper "appear more like an official release may have looked back in the day."

Strangely, no mention of changed death sprite, so it's not an all encompassing remove-all-controversy patch. At least, I don't think.

I don't care much for it, for obvious reasons. It's kind of stupid to restore the title screen to Super Metroid's ceres when I made it match Hyper Metroid's ceres. I'm scared to know how he changed the outtro. I am a little surprised it took over two years to happen, though. People hated the whole adam thing from the get-go, and positive feedback on the controls changes are 1:100.

Anyway, just a thing. It's kind of cool people care enough to hack my hack. (It's more than I'm doing right now anyway. :neutral:)


That's like two hours of hex...


If somebody told me to do two hours of hex, I'd tell them to EF F0 FF.


That's the best thing I've ever seen. :lol:

A Dummy

Kinda strange to see this is a thing.

I guess I can get changing the sounds back since it can be a bit jarring to hear them at first.
Especially the bomb sound for me is a little weird to hear at first, but I can understand it's supposed to be conveying that these are energy bombs and I get used to it quickly.
But I play hacks to get a different experience from Vanilla, not to try and make it as Vanilla as possible.

I also think it's silly to use a patch to change the default controls back to normal when you can just go into the menu to change them easily enough.
Though I guess I'm just used to tweaking options, as the default Hyper Metroid controls are actually what I would always set things to anyway whenever I play Super Metroid, so it really just ended up being a plus for me. :P

Still, it's better that someone just makes a patch to make things the way they want, instead of just whining about certain things being different, so props to the guy for doing his own work.


Quote from: Quietus on October 15, 2017, 07:45:07 PM
If somebody told me to do two hours of hex, I'd tell them to EF F0 FF.

ladies and gentlemen, the best post on this forum.