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Hyper Metroid

Started by RealRed, April 17, 2015, 11:59:53 PM

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Three weeks is not even close to necrobumping, so don't worry - we won't be hurling any 'wise fwom your gwave' jokes at you. :^_^:

Or will we..?


He first put that post in the development thread and it was the first post there in a long, long time, then moved it over here once he realized there was a completed hacks category.


That's what I get for going on holiday for a few days. And if that's the case: Wise fwom your gwave!

Zero One

Also worth pointing out that necrobumping doesn't really apply to completed hack threads, because discussion about hacks is always nice.


Quote from: Quietus on September 12, 2016, 06:53:11 PM
Three weeks is not even close to necrobumping, so don't worry - we won't be hurling any 'wise fwom your gwave' jokes at you. :^_^:

Or will we..?

Loving the reference to Altered Beast  :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

"Prepare to meet your doom!"  :razz:


Clear time: 4:42
Collection Rate: 88%
13 E-Tanks, 4 Reserves, 405 Ammo

Best hack I've played thus far.

+Spazer/Plasma combo was SICK.
+Ammo system was excellent. No longer was I desperate for something to drop a Power Bomb so I could keep exploring. I actually APPRECIATED finding Missile Tanks instead of scoffing at them.
+Large and open-ended without being frustrating. Power ups were attained in an interesting order (Speed Booster was late, and I actually like that) and did a good job of giving the player intuitive nudges in the right direction. I also like how there are way stronger enemies typically put in places to discourage you from going further due to being ill-equipped, also helps to nudge players in the right direction, or keep casual players from getting in over their head without deterring veterans who are usually comfortable with longer odds. Lots of Risk versus Reward.
+Gate system was well implemented. I liked how it often blocked off routes to more items or progression, giving you a sense of purpose, an objective to hunt down. The game does a good job of assisting you since they're numbered, telling you what region you need to be searching. And though some of them are off the map and well hidden, it's never to such a degree that you need to X-Ray everything. In fact, I hardly needed to X-Ray anything. Everything was hidden in a way that a player with a keen eye could always spot something out of the ordinary and find the hidden gem with a little digging. I really like that kind of intuitive gameplay and thinking.
+Sequence Breaking was done nicely. I literally nabbed early Supers and Spazer/Wave IMMEDIATELY after getting Bombs. IBJ and Walljumping aren't needed, but you can get a lot of goodies if you're adept at these techniques, making them rewarding to execute and practice.
+Nice color palettes and environments.
+Interesting AU twist on the Samus Aran storyline (as long as you know it's an AU going into it and don't try to perceive it as canon or nitpick how it contradicts canonical series elements).
+Map layout wasn't difficult to figure out, and the room layout was generally very fluid and never broke pace (my big griping problem with Z-Factor was how difficult it was to navigate rooms sometimes).
+Fantastic Tourian and escape sequence. 10 minutes seems generous, but it came down to the wire for me, 27 seconds remaining. [spoiler]I love how the escape detours you through other areas of the game as you need to find an alternative route to your ship. Could never figure out what that Ridley door was for.[/spoiler] Also, Save the Animals.

-Maybe a little too easy once you get certain power-ups, in particular Space Jump.
WARNING: Contradiction ahead.
-Golden Torizo ploughed me when I ran into him the first time. I don't think I was as undergeared as most players who reach him are (I had Charge/Wave/Spazer, Varia, and 8 E-Tanks), but he was still more than a match for my puny armaments. I'm not sure if he's intended to be fought early, or if he's some sort of gearcheck for Ridley or a roadblock for getting Speed Booster earlier. I prefer it when boss areas are marked with eye doors (even if that fight is more rooms further), that way you know something nasty is ahead and you can better prepare for it instead of just being unexpectedly dropped into an unavoidable ass-whooping.
-Speed Booster is a little unintuitive. It didn't take long to figure out how it works in this game, but the room you get it in doesn't do well to demonstrate what it's capable of, and I'd imagine quite a few players got stuck on the various speed booster puzzle rooms that needed to be navigated for progression because they hadn't figured out how to properly use it by then.

My nitpicking is pretty minor though. This hack was a real treat, and is a fine example of what Project Base is capable of when it's utilized well, as is the case here. 9.5/10.


Has anyone found Power Bomb or Speed Booster? Stuck....

Zero Dozer

You'll only get Speed Booster after beating Ridley.


Is this an actual upgrade or a troll by the creator? It's a can with RR written on it and in the background is says dman wuz here?


It's most commonly referred to as an Easter Egg. :^_^:


What does this Easter egg do? Or is it just Aesthetic?


Nothing, I believe, and yes, it's likely just aesthetic.

Generally, Easter Eggs are just a nod or a show of respect toward other people / games / media that the creator enjoyed or appreciated. In this case, the RR relates to the creator himself, and I suspect the DMan mention is because of some form of creative input or support received from DMan during creation.


Sorry for reviving an old thread but I just discovered this website and new to all these Metroid hacks. Just stumbled on this one, and so far it's great.

My only thing is, and I did try searching, is there a way to revert back to the original/vanilla color palettes for this mod?  Thanks!


Hack threads are always relevant to new players, no need to feel sorry for bumping them.
What you should be sorry for is asking how to revert palettes for Hyper Metroid.


I finally got round to playing this through to completion, and I wish I'd done it sooner. This hack is great, and it went so far as to convert me into a fan of Project Base's changes. :^_^:

I left a gushy review on the hack's page with more in-depth info, but I'd like to say thanks for the hack, RealRed. It was brilliant. :wub:

dis astranagant

I can't shinespark and I don't know what's wrong.  I've gotten a charge to stick all of twice, neither time anywhere near where I needed it.  I can do speedbooster starts in vanilla randomizer but it's just not working for me here at all.


Which part are you struggling with? I presume you're doing the normal stuff fine? Holding run until echoes appear, then just pressing down?

dis astranagant

Quote from: Quietus on April 06, 2017, 06:45:22 AM
Which part are you struggling with? I presume you're doing the normal stuff fine? Holding run until echoes appear, then just pressing down?

That's what I'm doing but I just crouch instead, both short charge and regular.  Trying to get the gate in the far left of Brinstar.


I presume you're using an emulator. Are you using a controller or keyboard? If a controller, try setting up diagonals for movement. I know people have had issues with this in the past, and it causes what you describe.

dis astranagant

That fixed it, thanks.

For the record, a crusty old Saitek P990 controller that somehow still works after a decade of heavy use.  Was starting to think the poor thing was finally crapping out on me.


You're welcome. Enjoy the rest of the hack. :grin:


Greetomgs, all!

It's bugged me that I've seen people do the Gravity Suit Mockball (like here), but I've not been able to get the timing down.  It seems we need pixel perfect precision to get it!

This is also coming from someone who beat this hack.  (And thank you for it!)

What advice do you have regarding this?  Should this be in a new thread?



From a quick test, the only time I really had any problem was actually going too quickly. Try doing it without the running start, as this forces you to require a lower mockball. Stand three tiles to the left of the odd tile in the floor, run, jump when you reach the odd tile, then perform the normal mockball. Try to begin the sequence on the first tile on the platform (though there's room for error). I found it pretty lenient from what little testing I did. :^_^:

If you want to do it like in the video, with speed, you'll need to drill the low mockball until you get it.


EDIT: ALLELUIA!  By the grace of Christ, I did it!

My theory was correct:  Controls changed.  I normally did not press L or R when mockballing, but Hyper Metroid now required that for this.  I watched the video above and the hand positions of the player at 25% normal speed.  Alleluia!

Quietus: May we get a video of this?  I've tried it repeatedly, but the best I could do was reach the third tile from the left on the bridge.

I went back to the original Super Metroid and I noticed that Mockball timing was slightly different.

ZSNES save state.  It's in the Mockball room immediately before Maridia.  In addition to the video, will you get me into Maridia's first room then upload the completed save?



I heard if you fail a mockball too many times in a row, we all get to mock you  :grin:

Grats on figuring it out though.  Hmm, that username sounds familiar to me, but I can't remember from what.