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Super Metroid New Zebes Version 2.0

Started by MATHGODpi, May 12, 2012, 11:51:34 PM

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The old discussion thread got deleted along with the noobie board, so here's the new one.

Super Metroid New Zebes Version 2.0 is now ready!

SMNZ Version 2.0 Preview Video

Thanks to everyone who helped me out and answered all my dumb questions.

Download available here:,6.msg19969.html#msg19969



Well done, dude. This looks great! Did you tweak the AI on the Metroids? I liked what I saw.
Loved your palettes and the HUD too. Downloading this now.

(Edited spelling.)


The metroids are respawning and move offscreen, those are the only tweaks to them specifically... although the room (along with most rooms) was changed up a bit.

Glad to hear you like what you see so far. :yay:



Pretty neat hack so far. Some of the palettes and tile choices could use a bit of work, but I can tell a lot of thought was put into this. Remixed routes are good stuff.


The Regular version I am finding quite difficult. Not sure if I suck, or if the game is hard...

I loved the final bit of intro text and the Ceres warning.  :heheh:   


I don't think your Easy Mode patch is working correctly. I've patched both headered and unheareded files, but the same thing occurs — game begins with Samus already on Zebes, in the original Super Metroid.


Quote from: advancedpillow on May 13, 2012, 03:11:56 AM
The Regular version I am finding quite difficult. Not sure if I suck, or if the game is hard...

I must suck too then  :cry:  I have morphball, bombs and one energy tank and 9(?) missiles and I'm fighting Phantoon and getting totally owned.  Should I be fighting this boss so early on in the game?



Quote from: advancedpillow on May 13, 2012, 03:11:56 AM
The Regular version I am finding quite difficult. Not sure if I suck, or if the game is hard...

I don't think your Easy Mode patch is working correctly. I've patched both headered and unheareded files, but the same thing occurs — game begins with Samus already on Zebes, in the original Super Metroid.
The readme file should answer your questions. You have to apply the regular patch first, and then the difficulty patch on top of it.

QuoteI loved the final bit of intro text and the Ceres warning.  :heheh:

QuoteI must suck too then  :cry:  I have morphball, bombs and one energy tank and 9(?) missiles and I'm fighting Phantoon and getting totally owned.  Should I be fighting this boss so early on in the game?

Indeed, phantoon is the first of the 4 main bosses you face. The bosses were intended to be very challenging. You can always open up the hack in smile, and adjust the missiles to kill in 1 hit if you don't feel like fighting him. Or, simply play the game on easy mode.

I'll put together a vid of how to beat him the ol' fashioned way.



Quote from: MATHGODpi on May 13, 2012, 04:49:17 PM
The readme file should answer your questions. You have to apply the regular patch first, and then the difficulty patch on top of it.

Oh jeez. I just became that guy who doesn't read readmes. I would like to categorically state I did read it, perhaps not as closely as I should have.


Quote from: advancedpillow on May 13, 2012, 07:17:03 PM
Quote from: MATHGODpi on May 13, 2012, 04:49:17 PM
The readme file should answer your questions. You have to apply the regular patch first, and then the difficulty patch on top of it.

Oh jeez. I just became that guy who doesn't read readmes. I would like to categorically state I did read it, perhaps not as closely as I should have.
I originally posted an ips patch and the readme separately, but took them down a few minutes later to add that little tidbit to the readme, and repost everything as one .rar file. So perhaps you read the older version of the document. No worries either way. :yay:


Quote from: MATHGODpi on May 13, 2012, 04:49:17 PM
Indeed, phantoon is the first of the 4 main bosses you face. The bosses were intended to be very challenging. You can always open up the hack in smile, and adjust the missiles to kill in 1 hit if you don't feel like fighting him. Or, simply play the game on easy mode.

I'll put together a vid of how to beat him the ol' fashioned way.


So now it's official - I DO suck  :cry:


I like how in your own vid you spend the majority of your time in the corner like "yeah I redesigned the boss so Samus has to camp like a bitch"



Quote from: Qactis on May 16, 2012, 10:31:25 PM
I like how in your own vid you spend the majority of your time in the corner like "yeah I redesigned the boss so Samus has to camp like a bitch"
I originally intended to lower the damage caused by the flames, but couldn't figure out how to do this. So left it as is. If ya like, I can post a vid of beating phantoon without spending most of the time on the edges, if it's that big of an issue for you...  :<_<:

In other news, Jam raised some concerns about the game via PM. I'll repost them here in case others have the same questions:

QuoteI have a few notets about New Zebes 2.0.

In first, percentage in regular version is working fine.
In other versions it'll need a tweak since you've changed item amount.

This time I wrote a short ASM code for Hard, Expert and Insane versions.

In, second, why you leave Reserve Tank values "as is"? Because you want to? Or because of inability to change Tank values in pause menu? If second, it's not a problem for me

In this picture, each rectangle is filled with 25 Reserve Energy, not 100.
I can help if you wish.

And third thing is Spore Spawn palette. I can tell you where to change palette if you want.
Sure, feel free to throw any patches on here you like, which would correct the item collection rates for the other versions (4 alternate versions btw, not 3).

The reserve tank amounts are left as-is intentionally. For Insane mode, it ensures that Samus can survive MB's brain beam (which is unavoidable and takes 300 energy). When you do the math, that's 89+(10*14) = 229, which if the rtanks were also 10 each would bring the grand total to 269. Besides, I wanted the Rtanks to be looked upon as 'merciful' gifts in the tougher versions.

I know about Spore Spawn's palette and changing it in IAG the long way... but was simply too lazy. I simply changed the pallette pointers in smile and put another enemy in the room allowed list (the same way those space pirates have the glowing leg muscles in the preview vid) as a shortcut. Not sure if ill eventually fix it and re-release the hack, or just let it be. Remains to be seen. If anyone out there feels so inclined and would like to do it themselves and throw a patch up here... you're more than welcome to do so. :yay:


That charge beam staring me in the face is killing me... Is it at all possible to get at the first point you encounter it or is there some other item needed in the future? I really want the damned thing!  :whoa:


Quote from: Autre31415 on May 20, 2012, 06:43:14 PM
That charge beam staring me in the face is killing me... Is it at all possible to get at the first point you encounter it or is there some other item needed in the future? I really want the damned thing!  :whoa:
Think about who else is in that room... the answer will lead you to how to get the charge beam. :wink:


Quote from: MATHGODpi on May 18, 2012, 12:19:35 AM
The reserve tank amounts are left as-is intentionally. For Insane mode, it ensures that Samus can survive MB's brain beam (which is unavoidable and takes 300 energy). When you do the math, that's 89+(10*14) = 229, which if the rtanks were also 10 each would bring the grand total to 269.
FYI, Mother Brain's hyper beam damage is tweakable. And hex tweak already exist. I've decreased it to 75 in my hack, where max you can get is 99 Energy and 20 Reserve Energy.

Quote from: MATHGODpi on May 18, 2012, 12:19:35 AM
Besides, I wanted the Rtanks to be looked upon as 'merciful' gifts in the tougher versions.
I see... Well, let "eat bee" then.

Quote from: MATHGODpi on May 18, 2012, 12:19:35 AM
I know about Spore Spawn's palette and changing it in IAG the long way... but was simply too lazy. I simply changed the pallette pointers in smile and put another enemy in the room allowed list (the same way those space pirates have the glowing leg muscles in the preview vid) as a shortcut. Not sure if ill eventually fix it and re-release the hack, or just let it be. Remains to be seen. If anyone out there feels so inclined and would like to do it themselves and throw a patch up here... you're more than welcome to do so. :yay:
Maybe I'll do it. Starting (modified) and ending palettes are already there. Just need to make intermediate palettes.


Quote from: Qactis on May 16, 2012, 10:31:25 PM
I like how in your own vid you spend the majority of your time in the corner like "yeah I redesigned the boss so Samus has to camp like a bitch"
Ermmm ya... you do pretty much have to camp. :blush:

The entire issue being the shot acceleration... often a shot will go directly through a fireball, and skip over it without affecting it.

Edit: the .tpl palette files are now available at,145.msg25982.html#msg25982

Silver Skree

Quote from: MATHGODpi on May 30, 2012, 07:41:04 PMThe entire issue being the shot acceleration... often a shot will go directly through a fireball, and skip over it without affecting it.
I haven't played this hack, but that sounds like tunneling to me. How fast are you having those shots going??  :O_o:

I watched the video of your phantoon fight, and saw how fast the regular shots are. If the charged shots are even faster, to the point of tunneling over enemy hitboxes, then you either need to slow the shots down or write some custom anti-tunneling ASM. Something along the lines of:
  • Store the position of Samus' beam.
  • Next frame, before storing it again, check the current position of Samus' beam against the stored position. If no beam was fired last frame, check it against Samus' position.
  • If the difference in position is greater than the shot's hitbox, check to see if there's any object the shot could have hit that's in the gap where the shot's hitbox skipped over. You might could do this by setting the shot's position back by half the distance it traveled and running the routines to check for collision again, and then set the shot's position back to how much it should have actually traveled once that's done. You could also try some crazy thing like division to see how many times the hitbox will fit into the gap (round up to integer), and just do a loop where you position the shot at (stored position + (shot hitbox * quotient)) and check for collision, and the quotient is decremented. The loop would go until the quotient is 0.


Grime had to find out the hard way he couldn't speed up the powerbomb explosion without borking the enemy hitboxes. I assume many things in super metroid are already maxed speed-wise


May have to reduce acceleration in the next version...


This is a well-executed hack but the difficulty level is way up on the original Super Metroid, even on the supposed 'easy' version.  For higher ability players only in my opinion.


Although I have not played too many difficult hacks in my short time as a hacker and hack-player, I think I would get bored of just sitting in a corner and camping like a bitch :/. 1 missle and he goes away? Why would you do that? At least make it 3 or something. I don't know about others, but I don't enjoy a boss fight in any game that last's longer than it should, or lasts so long that my enjoyment is slowly sucked out because I'm doing the same thing over and over again. :stern:
But I suppose that a ALMOST 5 minute's is fine by me, I always thought Phantoon should be tougher anyways.


In terms of bosses, I agree that they are a formidable challenge on any difficulty, even on easy (arguably). However, with double energy and double missile/sm/pb strength, the entire game should be manageable on easy mode for players of almost any skill level.

In terms of phantoon, I made him disappear with one missile for the sake of being different from the original. What is the alternative to camping "like a bitch"? ... Staying in the middle and getting hit a bunch of times? Yep, that's a whole lot more fun I guess.

In terms of easy mode, you're looking at 399 energy to work with, and only needing 4 hits to dispatch phantoon.

Could the end result have been better? I guess. JAM has been kind enough to offer tweaks to the game that I couldn't get done with Smile/basic hex, so perhaps I'll request that the fireballs do 30 damage instead of 40, and change the room to discourage camping. Perhaps that'll make the fight a bit more interesting. We'll see...

Thanks again everyone for the feedback; it's appreciated. Anyone who has played the hack is encouraged to offer their thoughts. :)


Eh? I was just voicing MY don't have to change anything, unless everyone else gave the same opinion, what with how super metroid is a super nintendo game, I can understand why camping like a bitch is your only option :3.


Didn't mean to come off rudely. Sorry if I did.