The Great Metroid Construction Collaboration Hunt - Post your resources here!

Started by Zhs2, July 20, 2009, 07:55:03 PM

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Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on February 16, 2012, 05:15:16 PM
Found some Extra Enemies.
Ah, hell... I did the same thing some time ago and finished enemy sprites for SMILE recently. But there were just unused space pirates and enemy F153 (mini-Oub as I call it). Now it became obsolete...

Anyway, I've found a few bugs in already posted patches and I've replaced them by posting a fixed versions. I was in hurry to get the power of 11.

FF. Message Box v3.1
A patch allowing to add new messages to the game. Recoded to newbie-friendly format for easy usage.

Changes since v3
1. Button array is fixed by shifting the words. "X" letter now will be placed to correct position when collecting the Bombs. Thanks to chrismk by discovering it.
2. Message constants are added to simplify message defining.

Message Box v3.1

FE. PLM repoint v2 fix
ASM file contained bug. Constants were placed wrong and the whole patch was failed to apply. Fixed version is posted instead bugged one.
PLM repoint v2 fix

FD. Ending time alteration fix
ASM file ontained bug. Constants were placed wrong and the whole patch was failed to apply. Fixed version is replaced the old one.
Ending time alteration fix


Decided to make a decent tutorial on changing Event and Boss state headers to Item-Based state headers. It's not the prettiest of tutorials, but it's pretty straight-forward.

Explains how to change Event and Boss headers straight to Item states. With and without Scroll PLM's inside the rooms. Quickly put together. :P


New year presents, part 2 (aka MetConts birthday presents).

As usual, all patches are for unheadered ROM. Let me know, if there are any bugs. Please give credit if you found them useful.

1. Timer change v2

This patch changes time display in MM:SS format instead of HH:MM at game select screen and when completing the game. Both PAL and NTSC ROMs can be used to apply the patch.

This patch is also written in virtual format. It means that timer changes can be activated and deactivated using cheat codes from provided cheat file. Could be useful when watching or recording speedruns to track time.

Changes since v1
1. Added timer changes for PAL ROM support.
2. Added cheat codes for virtual patching.
3. Time display at game select screen is changed from HH:MM to MM:SS format.

2. Ending time alteration v2

A patch that will change times that required to get different endings. Now you can set certain amounts of hours, minutes and seconds (or minutes, seconds and frames) to check for different endings.

This patch exists in 2 versions. EndingTimeAlteration2HHMM.asm allows you to set certain amounts of hours, minutes and seconds. EndingTimeAlteration2MMSS.asm allows you to set minutes, seconds and frames, which can be useful for mini hacks.

Changes since v1
1. Extra code was written allowing to using more than just integer values.
2. Single patch was splitted to 2 versions: one that makes check for HH:MM and one that makes check for MM:SS.

3. 99 minutes of timer

This patch allows to use up to 99 minutes of game timer, stop timer after that and don't count hours at all. Useful for mini-hacks and for setting correct ending time in them.

Reverse patch is also made if you change your mind.

4. Ninja Pirates shot reflection

A patch that extends Ninja Pirates code a bit to make all Ninja Pirates reflect shot the same way as enemy F593 do.

This patch exists in 2 versions. NinjaPiratesShotReflect.ips makes every Ninja Pirate reflect your shots while NinjaPiratesShotReflect-F613.ips makes an exception to enemy F613 that is used during escape sequence.

If you wrote custom code in the end of bank $B2 at 197EAA, then this patch will overwrite your data. Use it wisely. I recommend to look to this space in hex editor. If there are FF's, it OK to use it.


5. Messenger v1.1

This PLM can display any message you want when you touch it.

This PLM is made from Ice Beam PLM. 2 instructions were removed and another one -- shortened.

I've also changed time how long messanges starting from ID 1D will be displayed to 30 frames (0.5 seconds in NTSC version or 0.6 seconds in PAL version).

To change this value, open your ROM in hex and go to 2FFF9. 001E (30) is default, 003C (60) = 1 second in NTSC version, 000C (12) = 0.2 seconds in NTSC version.

If you've already expanded message array to use messages for new items, then you may want to change message number of ID, starting from which display time will be changed. To do so, open your patched ROM in hex, goto 2FFF1 and change this byte (single byte only!).

Place this PLM only to empty 16*16 tile of Layer 1, or this PLM will overwrite graphic under tile it used to empty air block.

Changes since v1.0
1. Readme file is restructured.
2. Messenger no longer need to have $100 bytes of free space at 49600.
3. Data at 27290..27297 became unused.

6. Message box v4

A patch allowing to add new messages to the game. Recoded for easy usage.

Changes since v3.1
1. Numbers are added to constants.
2. More message constants are added.
3. Extra code was written to use any button (not only used by Shot and Dash) in big message boxes and also create empty big message box without need of placing button offscreen.
4. Fix1C1F subroutine was relocated to use currently unused space, previously used by default button array.

7. Scroll repoint

A patch allowing to repoint all Scrolls from Bank $8F to another bank to free space in Bank $8F. Bank $C0 or above is working too. For a hacks with a lot of big rooms with custom scrolling. The only minus is no SMILE support. You'll have to edit scrolling in hex editor.

This patch is compatible with Yellow Scrolls patch.

To use this patch you must apply one of these patches:
•KejMap by Kejardon
•Save / Load by Sadiztyk
•SuperMap v1.1 by JAM

Don't worry. If you're working on vanilla hack, you will not need to change Scroll Bank, because free space in Bank $8F will be enough for you. If you've altered the map, you'll need to apply one of above patches anyway.

And finally, I've got the power of 11 again. Now in the birthday of MetConst.


i don't know if anybody found these yet.

these are the addresses for the pointers to the rooms that each demo is in.


$18982 = SCREW DEMO

$191B6 = KRAID


A Long Beam for everyone!

According to Maya, this year can be the last one. Or new era could starts. Or sunflash can damage the power grid worldwide. Or something horrible can happens to the world. And who knows what else can happens... They say, you can't take it with you. Besides of that, in my current hack I'll be using about 25% of Long Beam potential and also person who got it privately have no progress in his hack. So, I decided to make a public release.

This is a version 0.99. I had no time to tweak it well before today, but I'll do in a few days. Call this a RC version. Test on a clean ROM.

Banks used: 82, 84, 89, 90 and B6.

What will you get:
1. Long Beam code that works differently for normal and charged shots. Charged are flying a little longer. And also the longer beam is, the longer it can fly.
2. Missiles and Super Missiles can go off-screen without Long Beam.
3. Full integration into equippment screen.
4. ASM patch that will add "Long Beam" message text, based on Message Box v4.
5. Long Beam item code (currently only in normal form).
6. Long Beam item graphics.
7. Long Beam icon and description for SMILE.
8. Hyper Beam support (including menu clearing). Like, if you have Hyper but don't have Long, it will not fly long away.

Interesting facts:
1. It took 3 weeks to find the needed code (2 hours in a day) and 1 week to write the long beam code.
2. Patch size is 666 bytes. Happens accidently =)

And this how it is looks like.


OK, so I thought I'd plonk this here instead of creating a new topic. :^_^:

It's a simple .bat file for creating backups of your ROM.  Place it in the same directory as the ROM.  When you run it, it will automatically create a folder called "Backups" if one does not exist.  It will then copy "Super Metroid (JU) [!].smc" to the backup folder in the format YYYYMMDD-HHMM, which means you shouldn't be able to overwrite the file unless you save more than once a minute! (Paranoid?)

Hopefully it'll save some people some time with renaming / messing around with backups. :oh:

To change the file that is copied (if you have it named anything other than "Super Metroid (JU) [!].smc"), right-click on the .bat file, and select edit.  Then just change the text within the quotes to match your own ROM.  e.g. "Hack.smc", "Metroid3.smc", or "Super Metroid.smc"

Lastly, please remember that this is not a replacement for storing backups elsewhere, such as in an e-mail, Dropbox, or the equivalent.  I don't want any oiks blaming me for 'losing everything'! :heheh:

Grab it here.


Oh, wow! Nice job! I wish I could write bat files like that... I didn't even knew about "for" operator in them.

Thank you. I made a complete version.

Long Beam v1.00 official release.

I've noticed again that going from v0.9 to v0.99 takes more time than going from v0.8 to v0.9 and going from v0.99 to v1.00 takes more time than going from v0.98 (sometimes even from v0.9) to v0.99.

I've tested the patch a bit, wrote an extra code, fixed some bugs etc. Now it can be applied to your hack. But before you do, read this:

If you wrote custom PLM at $273B0 or have a custom code at $17B00 then this patch will overwrite your data. Use it wisely. I recommend to look to this space in hex editor. If there are FF's, it ok to use it.

If you have used next $100 bytes at $49700 for an item graphics or for palette blend, then you'll have to tweak the patch to move the graphics to another location.

If you have used next $5F bytes at $87A00 for ASM code, you'll have to tweak the patch to move the code to another location.

This patch contains code to make all beams disappear when they fly a bit until Long Beam item is collected as it was done in Metroid 1. Not exactly, but very very close to it. Flying distance is measured as an offset from Samus, so shots will keep alive more time if fire in direction you're moving and less time of shot in opposite direction. Missiles are not affected. Charged beams fly a little bit longer. Also, the longer beam is, the longer it can travel. Spazer is longer than Power / Ice / Wave and Plasma is longer than Spazer.

Banks used
82, 84, 85, 89, 90 and B6.

Changes since v0.99 [aka RC version]:
1. Readme file is written.
2. Item code is splitted into 3 different patches. Each form is having own patch.
3. Travelling distances are tweaked a bit to make shots fly the same distance in all directions.
4. 2 tweak files for a Long Beam are added. ASM file is needed to modify LongBeam.IPS before applying and text file is needed to tweak item code after applying.
5. Code of New items percentage fix patch is added to LongBeam.IPS patch to make game count collected Long Beam as well as any other new items.
6. Item description for SuperMap patch is added.
7. Small bug with Plasma Beam selection is fixed.
8. Patch size is reduced to 662 bytes =)

Free space usage
49700..497FF [moveable]
87A00..87A5E [moveable]

Space affected
Few words (2 bytes in bank $82)

Interesting fact 3:
Patch size now is 662 bytes instead of 666, but archive size is 4444 bytes. Again, happens accidently =)


So idk if these would be useful, but for anyone that wants them, here's some fusion gfx with palettes.
This zip includes:
[spoiler]Sector 6 NOC (cave). without the background because the background is huge. Instead I tossed in part of the sr388 one. Feel free to put your own background in.
Sector 6 NOC (main). without the background because I didn't finish it. it's not hard to put it in though, just need to grab the palette for the background and use TM to rip it from a .bmp or .png
Quarantine Bay. Not much to say about it. Includes background and such.
Sector 5 ARC (frozen). Includes the background. I've also fixed the slopes. You can do what you want with the slopes, I just think they look better now.
Sewers. Pretty much the whole thing. When I was arranging this tileset, the pipes used the tranparent colour, so to use the pipes, you'll have to do a little tlp editing. But the rest is fine, so it's a minor issue.
Sector 1 (SRX). Includes pretty much everything. Background as well.[/spoiler]
NOC (main) and ARC include tile tables btw.

So that's all the fusion stuff I haven't edited, made better, etc.
If there's a specific one you want other than TRO or the Hanger tileset, than I'll see about ripping it.

Edit: added stuff and made new post.

Black Falcon

Skipping Ceres, Version 2:

Just like the first version, but this time the 'fly to Zebes' sequence is skipped, too.
This means Samus will begin her mission immediately after the intro text is gone.

Have fun!  :^_^:


It took more time then I thought. Sorry for the long delay. But here you go, finally.

Beam editing guide

Please give credit.

•DSO for finding beam color priority. It helps me understood of how beam arrays are stored.
•Kejardon for the RAM Map and other docs that helps a lot.


Been experimenting with some palettes. Here's a sampler for now, it's for the main Crateria area where Samus' ship lands. Feel free to use as you wish.

As always, feedback is welcome.


Wanted to post a disassembly I have on Crystal Flashing.  Its not 100% commented, as I have no idea what a majority of the middle of the code does.  but all the important calculations are noted


Here is a patch changing heat glow palette to a special nice effect.

Video Demo:

Glad to share it :)

EDIT : patch working for unheadered, I used Super Metroid JU (!) rom base.
UPDATE : Test it on a copy of your rom in a first time



Here's the full shabang. All the .tpl files from SMNZ. There are certain things that won't be included though, such as red wrecked ship glow, green maridia sand, etc.


I've been asked to put this here, so here it comes.

Footstep Effect List
This is neither a dissamembly nor a editing guide, just a simple list of the footstep effects found throughout the game. Enjoy !


For anyone using Black Falcon's old Skip Ceres patch (read: not the new one that skips the fly-to-Zebes, but the one that still had that part in):

After applying his patch, make the following changes:
$8B:C609  is  A9 C0 00. Change it to  A9 01 00.
$8B:BDDC is  A0 80 02. Change it to A0 C0 01.

What this does:
After the last of the green text faded, there was a 5 second delay before Zebes appears on screen. That delay is now only 2 seconds.


This is the old SM PE doors and CRE parts.
the down side to the doors is how much of the color palette they use.(total of 3/8)

The second is on editing PLM's without using ASM
thanks to JAM's doc on the bomb PLM. hope its understandable

Combination of these two GFX sets.
there is some free color palette and GFX space in this set.
i think someone could make some thing good with these two sets



Hello all. So a while ago I put up some fusion gfx, well since most of the gfxing I do now does not involve fusion tilesets, I thought I'd toss up all the gfx I'd ripped and edited a while back.
So the only ones that really have anything out of the ordinary would be TRO and PYR. In both I've edited it so it's not just a straight rip.
To use TRO I suggest many layers. I made some great looking rooms with it. I also included a version which has a different kind of floor tile called TRO2. For PYR I added lighting effects. I'll edit in some pics to show a couple rooms later. But it shouldn't be difficult to figure out how the tileset works.
The rest are just fusion. a couple are unfinished because fusion had huge backgrounds and sometimes there just isn't space in a SM tileset. I've also included fusion door gfx (tube and cap) as well as a palette for them.

tl;dr: Fusion GFX!!

Btw, credit only needed with PYR cause of the lighting and such.


Here is a blank .gfx file. used for making custom tilesets.


Look forward to some fusion graphics rips!

Zero One

Keeping with the idea of having a bunch of useful stuff in one thread, attached is the guide I wrote for editing the title screen. Only the SUPER METROID logo part though. I'll be diving into the Mode 7 layer some time soon.