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Room of the Week 2012 - Archives

Started by Zhs2, July 03, 2010, 12:53:45 AM

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Blarget for me.  Simplistic beauty, though I still recommend some fake layering via one or two tile edits. :razz:


voted for Webber for the superb room. he definitely knows those tiles.

Zero One

Definitely Webber this week. Blarget, your room is excellent with a very good use of colours and filler tiles. Webber is the same, but has more variety. Shadow, your room looks good, but is rather plain. Also, the blue squares behind the slope tiles aren't very pretty, but still a good room.


Hmm, this is a tough one. But my vote goes to Blarget!

Area between land and filler tiles look great.
Sand is well placed.

None really.[/spoiler]

A nice looking, well thought out cave.
Love the mossy rocks near the bottom.
Pipes don't look out of place.


Blue palette suits the ice theme well.
Pipes are a nice touch.

Tiles behind the slope need a transition from light blue to dark blue.[/spoiler]


My thoughts on this Week's rooms.

I really like the simplistic look of the room. But because of it, there is not much detail in the room. But the room is nicely done and no tiling errors as far as I can see. So good Job.

I did not think that I was gonna get that many votes in such a small amount of time. Anyway... this is a room from SM Legacy. A remix of the sort.

I really, really like your Fusion rips. The room is good too. Combined of good graphics and a good room equals a vote for me!


Voted shadow 96. it might look plain, but theres skill involved. Blarget did great, looks familiar. I cant see webbers but cherish the effort. Nice work all.


Blarget - Meh for me, unfortunately, but it is a nice room anyways.

Webber - Good work on the room.

Shadow - Nice rip, can't wait to see that in your hack.

Choosing to vote Shadow's room.


Sup metconst?
What's that? You want another of my crappy opinions? well, if you insist...
So before I talk about the rooms, if you're not sure about my room, then here's the video.
From the picture, I admit the room looks plain, however there are some things you just can't show properly in a photo, so the video shows it.
On to the rooms!
[spoiler]Well, in a way, I love it. The palette is great, and I'd love to see what kind of hack it's meant for. However, the room doesn't really appeal to me. It's kind of empty. The custom tiles while good, are few. And the background should have a new palette to match. the filler tiles could've been used better, but all in all, still a good room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Hm, I have to say, I'm kind of tired of that palette. The room is well set up, the tiles for the most part are well used, but I've seen that kind of palette used a lot. In terms of design, once again you've made a great room. However, there's something here that just doesn't look right to me.
You put background tiles in the foreground. Now usually it's okay, but you put them right next to each other, and that doesn't look very good. So that cost you the vote for me. I love the right side of the room, bomb block area and such, they look great.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Think of a better user name, shadow is lame and over used. The room looks plain in the picture, but since I made it, I know what it's like as a room in a hack. I know what could be connected to it, and where the door that is opened in the video leads. So I think it's a good room. They are right about those slope tiles, I'd be wise to fix them and the palette up. I think I packed a lot into that tileset though, and it looks pretty good. Probably my best fusion tileset thus far. There are a couple of design issues, but on the whole, I like it.[/spoiler]
My vote
[spoiler]I'm actually not sure. For once I like my room best, but I don't want to vote for myself, so, we'll see :grin:[/spoiler]


Voted Webber because I love me some good ol' dark Crateria.




Yeah, that's NEStroid, big whoop, wanna fight about it?




Snarf for me.  The darker look to the rooms just seems to appeal more.  Maybe it's partly because I love Batman, and the darker tiles remind me of it so much.


* Project: I like those palettes and the tile transition on the left side.
Snarf: I suppose the gfx are nice but I keep seeing similarity to Super Metroid, against which I have a bit of a bias.
Valiant: Both your's and Project's rooms are nice, but the palettes made the difference.


[spoiler=ProjectXVIII]I like this room, good palettes and nifty design.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Snarf]This room doesn't seem to have much going on with it, just a whole lotta jumps and no apparent obstacles. I do like the dark palette.
Edit: Remind me of Nightshade tiles. I miss that game :p[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Valiant]Too much contrast on the blue tiles for me, they just don't look good. The green is fine.[/spoiler]


I voted snarf, project and valiant's room look to similar...


[spoiler=Let's try this one again.][/spoiler]



I like a lot of the Zero Mission tilesets, but I loathe that blue one with its horrible, green background.

Anyway, I like the layout of Valiant's room more, so it gets my vote.


Hah why not;

Malpercio: Room is kinda sorta bland. I mean, the morph ball "maze" thing is just a straight line. I know the room is relatively small, but you could have a little bit of ups and downs. It is semi-natural, after all.

Valiant: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I don't know why I did that, actually. I left myself quite a bit of room to play around with on the bottom. I guess I just felt hurried because it was getting close to the deadline last week or something >_>
Also, >maze
>straight line

So I'm going to skip the part where I talk about "I hate super" and just not vote because I really could've done this better by simply starting sooner. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Malpercio: I think this room could have been improved on more before showcasing it. Not saying its bad but it's just plain.

Valiant: I love how you used the Brinstar tileset. Though the CRE kinda bugs me. Overall really good room.

My vote goes to Valiant.


Zero One

Valiant for me; the room just looks great. Mal: Yours looks a bit too simple for the space you have.