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Room of the Week 2012 - Archives

Started by Zhs2, July 03, 2010, 12:53:45 AM

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I didn't wanna show off too much with the new version of Eris and all, but what the hey..


My room has more balls than DMantra's room.




And now for something completely different.


If the sheer number of identical platforms bores you, understand that this is a remake of an M1 room. I'm wondering if the original platforms would actually look better in the new room.






Up against snarf again, eh?


[16:56] <Malpercio> @choose project snarf
[16:56] <zbot> snarf
[16:56] <snarf> obvious choice is obvious
[16:56] <Malpercio> You know, why is it that three seconds after I put it to a random choice, my brain finally decides to spit out a decision?
[16:57] <@Grime> Because it's when you a flip a coin that you immediately realize what choice you want it to land on. :D
[16:58] * Malpercio picks project, finds high def original tiles preferable to new tileset


[spoiler=---thats what I was doing with the knife!][/spoiler]


[spoiler=This room is a tribute to Return of Samus][/spoiler]


Sup all,
Not my best, but I like working with that tileset, especially with the lighting.

Edit: btw, 'tis a miniboss room

Zero One

[spoiler=A new challenger approaches!][/spoiler]

The joke has probably been done before, but whatever. Wanted to submit a room to RotW because I personally feel it looks good.




Quote from: Valiant Breeze on March 04, 2012, 12:56:44 PM
Other than that dead pipe, that looks awesome, Mr. Horse


First RotW in months where I just want to vote for 3 different rooms because they're all so fucking good



I wonder why most RotW rooms are made with the Crateria or Crateria-looking tileset. I'd like to see more rooms with other tilesets. Why are Maridia and Norfair rooms so rare anyway?

Zero One

I didn't really have a choice; Crateria is the only tileset I have at the moment :P


[spoiler]i'd have to say that this one is amazing.. although it seems like this one is a series of rooms, rather than one room. are these all connected in some way?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]very nice room, some things (like color blending) could be worked on some though.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]pretty good room, although the chozo statues could be made a bit darker to blend in.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]amazing use of layers here, although the room itself could use some layout work simply because it's a straight room.
i'll say it again though, AMAZING LAYERING.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i like this room. very good use of the tileset. i think nintendo was actually scared of this tileset because they never used it for really big rooms like yours. good work.[/spoiler]
zero one-
[spoiler]nice room overall. seems like a transition room into a different area? just my guess. i like it though.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]room needs some serious work. no offense though. everything looks a bit bright, no BG, and there isn't much detail. continue working for rotw. maybe next time![/spoiler]

probably in that order. some are ties with others though.
awesome rooms for this week.



Also squishy, I said it before in IRC but the palette on those bricks looks very similar to Meteorite in Terraria.


Sup metconst.
well, as per usual, criticism. Of the constructive variety.
[spoiler]Okay, so the level design is, as always, great. The palette on the other hand, I'm not a fan of. It's a very ugly yellow in some spots. The green is pretty good, and the yellow is okay for walls, but the bunch of blocks in piles look just awful with the palette. Another thing is that some of you tiles aren't great. The tileset mixing is lovely, however some plant tiles don't fit very well. Further more, the cre chozo floor tiles are used to much. The palette is great for them, but you used them way to much in the space they're in. Still an awesome room, great use of multiple rooms in one, good use of space. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Um, no offence or anything, but how is this a tribute to metroid II? I absolutely love that game, but I don't the tribute. Your level design needs improvement, lots of improvement. Sorry, but the lack of background, the poor use of spikes and grapple blocks, and the over use of door tube tiles make it hard to vote for this room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Well, still no better username? Anyway, this is another room made of an edited fusion tileset. Honestly, I love this tileset, and I love working with it. The background isn't great, since the palette takes away from the atmosphere. The use of lighting in this room is pretty bad, and I have other room with better lighting, so this is disappointing. However, the tileset is still kinda great. And the room could easily be an awesome mini boss room. Still, I could've done more with it. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Well, that is a great palette for your hack. However, the room is boring, like really boring. and straight, and boring. It's good, as a room. As a room you quickly pass through on your way elsewhere. I've seen other rooms of your with this palette and tileset, and they're great. So I think you could've done more than the transition room you have here. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Wow. Just wow. I love it. The doors don't really fit, and the you shouldn't have the door tube in the middle, but that is some badass layering. That's like what, 5 layers? Damn. Love it.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Okay, so your doors, gorgeous. Fantastic doors. Palette? Awesome. However the level design isn't great. Sorry. And the background tiles don't fit terribly well. but I look foreword to seeing that tileset and palette in your hack.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Honestly, I'm kind of disappointed in this room. The tileset could've been used better, the chozo don't fit in, and there are a few tiles that are used way too much. The doors, awesome. The palette, great. But this design just isn't all that good IMO.[/spoiler]
Okay, so my vote would be
[spoiler]The rooms this week are just great. But I'd say that webbers layering take the cake.[/spoiler]

Zero One

A rather difficult one to vote on this week.

[spoiler=Squishy]Really awesome room here. I love how everything fits together and nothing seems out of place. It does seem a bit bland, however.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Sylux]As a throwback to Metroid 2, I like it. But as a room, I find it very boring; there just doesn't seem to be much going for it.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Shadow]Definitely RotW for me here. The lighting you have going is really awesome, and the tilework reflects it so well. The background is also very well designed.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Myself]Started hating it the moment I posted it here. Bah. Definitely needs reworking; more slopes, more tile variation. Happily, I am working on a new GFX set to fix this![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Webber]Excellent example of layering here and also palette choices. A very well-built room. Yourself, Squishy, Valiant and Shadow were the main contenders for RotW, IMO.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Valiant]As said above, you were very close to getting a vote from me. It is a fantastic room with great layering going on there.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Scyzer]There seems to be, what seems to me, a lot of random doors and statues placed there. It could benefit from trimming some of them out. It could also do with a bit more variation.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Shadow96 on March 06, 2012, 05:14:19 PM
and the you shouldn't have the door tube in the middle

He used scroll editing to make it appear as 2 rooms. Squishy and Scyzer did the same thing


Quote from: Qactis on March 06, 2012, 05:49:15 PM
Quote from: Shadow96 on March 06, 2012, 05:14:19 PM
and the you shouldn't have the door tube in the middle

He used scroll editing to make it appear as 2 rooms. Squishy and Scyzer did the same thing

Yes, but it's a small enough room that I don't think it was necessary 


who knows, maybe he really wanted to do it to build as much anticipation as possible for the far room, likea  major upgrade or something. Not everything about your rooms can be conveyed by a screenshot of it, unfortunately. Dunno why I'm telling you this, you took a video of your room :p