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[SM] Metroid Super Zero Mission

Started by Scyzer, April 16, 2011, 05:53:07 PM

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Quote from: DonnyDonovan on April 25, 2016, 07:34:16 PM
My only issue with it is too many powerups require insanely hard maneuvers to obtain.

This is why I don't plan on replaying it, that and its too long, fun as hell but just to long.
Super metroid z factor is just like this hack, but more complicated.

That aside I won't be playing it, unless the unknown author comes out with something new past this hack.


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on April 25, 2016, 07:34:16 PM
I beat the game.  I beat it a long time ago but wanted to play the most recent version (2.3).  From an amount-of-content and technical standpoint it really does stand alone among SM hacks.  My only issue with it is too many powerups require insanely hard maneuvers to obtain, but, if that's your thing, this is your game.
Since finishing this hack at about 40% item collection is more than reasonable, IMO, it's great. This way, if the player wants 100 or 101%, they have to be highly skilled. Otherwise, just enjoy trying to beat it with any percentage and still feel accomplished.


I hope no one minds that I'm bumping this again but I found something I didn't know was possible today and thought I would share. It involves getting early power bombs. I think I found a way to get them that cuts off a lot of trouble, potentially.

[spoiler]So, right after you defeat Ridley, you do the normal trick of activating the lvl2 sensor but while I avoided setting off the alarm, I don't think you have to, because here's what happened. I set off the alarm by tripping a sensor in the room going to the left where there's sensors everywhere as you drop down. Usually you have to use grapple in this room, it's a tough room to avoid the sensors and I messed it up.

At this point, I decided to move past the pirates until I made it to the room that has a super missile switch to open a gate. In this room, I used a shine spark to make it past the gate going to the left, and then was able to spark all the way out of the ship to get the energy tank that's all the way to the left at the entrance (but above the normal ship's entrance).

I then shinesparked to the top of the ship, then I tried to get across the top but fell, which takes you all the way under the ship near Chozodia. After that, I just went into Chozodia even though I had tripped the alarm. I thought I would be locked out of getting the power bomb pickup that is supposed to disappear here but it didn't disappear. I did have to do a mock ball shine spark to get through the wall going to the right, in the same room where you see the power bomb on the platform.

This also meant I got the power bombs while lacking a lot of inventory, like grapple and hi-jump, that I normally would have

That's how it went down, didn't know that you could cut off a lot of the alarm avoiding nonsense this way but I think my trick to get out of the ship doesn't work on all emulators, as the gate is sometimes able to block you from shinesparking out like I did (at least on some emulators). I don't know what the behavior is with that gate playing on a cart on an actual SNES either, sorry. Oh, and the gates that normally come down on either side of the power bomb pickup? They didn't come down, weird.


Did you use ZSNES? If so, that could explain some of the different game behavior, since ZSNES is a bad/inaccurate emulator.


No, not using zsnes, but some form of snes9x. I'm pretty sure it lets you past that gate on the Wii port of snes9x, but when I did it on that run I was using blargSNES on my 2DS to do it of all things, lol. I need to go back and test it on multiple emulators to really see which ones allow it, though. Wish I could test on a cart on a snes, too. After all, shine sparking past a gate to get an e-tank is part of the intended behavior in Ridley to get that one, if you recall.

Playing some more today, I discovered that you can make it almost all the way through Chozodia without hi-jump and without grapple but then I realized I had no charge beam and was stuck against the chozo statues that fire the balls at you. Charge beam is the only thing that beats those? Darn...still, quite cool that you can boost off of the spikes in Chozodia to cross that gap which normally needs grapple (and then shine spark to get past the other grapple room).

EDIT: the screenshot I did take using ZSNES, though, but only the screenshot since it was the only thing handy to run it on PC to grab that screen of my inventory. Also, I checked and SNES9x is just fine with letting you shinespark past that gate. Not sure which emu stopped me (could have been ZSNES that doesn't allow it, ironically), as it only happened one time and I switch emus a lot.

EDIT Strikes back:
As I mentioned, I like to speedrun this hack using blargSNES on 3DS. I just got a run that, game clock, ended at 1:25 with 42% item collection. Not bad considering no savestate support to fall back on :) I used the path where I get early power bombs even while tripping the sensors, it's a godsend.


So, I've never done a gameplay video but I made one after setting up some software. I demonstrated the early power bombs with active sensor if anyone cares to check it out.


I've been looking around for information, and I couldn't find anything about this, so I'll ask: Is it still possible to get the Norfair early PBs?  I found a TAS demonstrating getting them early using a temporary blue suit, but in v2.3, a new platform prevents you from doing the temporary blue suit, and the bomb blocks that block the morph ball tunnel respawn.


Yes, in the updated Normal version it is still possible. It is demonstrated in Cygrade's Theory TAS (which also can be found on deanyd's page that lists TASes: ): (the setup for it is at about 16:40, which is a spikespark for a Flashsuit)

Goop.Q used it in his current WR run:


Quote from: Aran;Jaeger on December 02, 2016, 11:01:20 AM
Yes, in the updated Normal version it is still possible. It is demonstrated in Cygrade's Theory TAS (which also can be found on deanyd's page that lists TASes: ): (the setup for it is at about 16:40, which is a spikespark for a Flashsuit)

Goop.Q used it in his current WR run:

So, the speed blocks directly below the energy recharger are a ruse?  It just seems odd that the dev would block the blue suit method, and yet leave those speed blocks in.  Anyway, it took me something like 100 tries to get the spikespark to work (and I eventually had to use slowdown to do it), which makes it seem really finicky for a speed run.  (I'm guessing it's normal, though, and not just me sucking, since the WR one had the same problems I had.)


I'm playing 2.2 Normal, and have beaten all of Tourian's bosses and opened the L3 hatches. I'm guessing I'm now supposed to either get the Gravity Suit or the Pirate Ship X-Ray Scope, and I have no idea where to go or which to do first while still maintaining perfect stealth.

I can get up to the Pirate Ship and open the blue gate blocking the X-Ray Scope without breaking perfect stealth, but I can't get any further without cheesing a blue suit and going down and around. Either way I don't get anywhere in particular. I can explore a whole bunch of the ship starting with the power bomb tube but I only get to dead ends and no gates (I see the green gate but can't get to it).

If I go right to Chozodia from that point instead, I again wind up just seeing security triggers (and empty item pedestals for some reason).

I can get to Chozodia from Norfair, but that area seems to require Gravity Suit since you seem to need to destroy all the red crabs without falling back down which leaves no way back up. Behind the gray door at the top of that room is more stuff too tall to reach suitless and with no enemies to freeze in sight.

What am I missing?


I think I get lost at that same spot every time... :lol:

Did you power bomb the tube to the right of the ship??
I think there's another way into chozodia from there.

Then it's underwater suit travel to botwoon??
If you come across the shinespark puzzle with the hall of blocks moving up & down,
your going the way I'm thinking of.

That's 2.3 though. Not to sure of version differences. Or if that's even the way.
Gravity suit should be a few rooms after if I remember correctly.


The way into Chozodia to the right of the tube is blocked by a security beam. I'm starting to wonder if perfect stealth is even possible in the non-hard ROMs..


Quote from: andlabs on May 12, 2017, 03:44:21 PM
I can get to Chozodia from Norfair, but that area seems to require Gravity Suit since you seem to need to destroy all the red crabs without falling back down which leaves no way back up. Behind the gray door at the top of that room is more stuff too tall to reach suitless and with no enemies to freeze in sight.

What am I missing?

It's possible to get in from the bottom, but really, really hard.  Don't bother.

And, for the record, you don't need perfect stealth to reach the Gravity Suit; the alarms can be reset by leaving the ship, and you can even reach lower Chozodia while the alarms are active. If you still want a perfect stealth run, however, there are two ways to get into Chozodia with perfect stealth: one above the tube and one below.  The one above is more difficult and is used for early PBs, so I'll cover the other one.

[spoiler]Go below the tube, then head right into Chozodia. After the first room, you'll reach a straight hallway leading below the pedestal that had early PBs. PB, then head right and into the morph ball tunnel. In the next room, after leaving the tunnel, you have to find a hidden tunnel in the ceiling (should be pretty obvious, though), and follow it all the way to the right. Now, what you do next depends on the state of the next room. If you land in a big gaping hole, just follow the path down and out of the room. If you land on tablets blocking the hole, though, you'll have to do two speed-balls-into-temporary-blue-suits to escape the room; the first is done to the far left, and the second to the left of where you land from the first one.[/spoiler]

Once you're past that room, there are no more security lasers. Just follow the long winding path to the Chozo Guardian guarding the Gravity Suit. (There are branches on occasion, but they are usually either fake branches or require Space Jump, so it should be at least somewhat obvious where to go.)


Quote from: CaRmAgE on May 19, 2017, 10:38:38 PMAnd, for the record, you don't need perfect stealth to reach the Gravity Suit; the alarms can be reset by leaving the ship, and you can even reach lower Chozodia while the alarms are active. If you still want a perfect stealth run, however, there are two ways to get into Chozodia with perfect stealth: one above the tube and one below.  The one above is more difficult and is used for early PBs, so I'll cover the other one.
You are probably right and I'm being unnecessarily masochistic about perfect stealth =P I should probably just continue with it and then probably go back and do it perfectly another time, assuming that breaking stealth doesn't lock me out of anything later in the game (Zero Mission didn't do this — breaking perfect stealth only resulted in the music changing — but you never know with hacks, especially Japanese-made hacks!).

Quote[spoiler]Go below the tube, then head right into Chozodia. After the first room, you'll reach a straight hallway leading below the pedestal that had early PBs.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Wait, Norfair *isn't* the correct early PB? This hack continues to amaze me with its design. And to think I put it down originally because I thought it required a horizontal wall jump or bomb jump through Atomix... (this was a while ago)[/spoiler]

Quote[spoiler]PB, then head right and into the morph ball tunnel. In the next room, after leaving the tunnel, you have to find a hidden tunnel in the ceiling (should be pretty obvious, though), and follow it all the way to the right. Now, what you do next depends on the state of the next room. If you land in a big gaping hole, just follow the path down and out of the room. If you land on tablets blocking the hole, though, you'll have to do two speed-balls-into-temporary-blue-suits to escape the room; the first is done to the far left, and the second to the left of where you land from the first one.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I don't know if we're looking at the same things, so let me describe what I see and hopefully we can connect thoughts:

First room is a diagonal hallway leading up to a speedball block, an empty pedestal with closed gates (they open permanently if you speedball, apparently), a security gate to the left, and a power bomb path to the right with a fork downward to the other end of the speedball.

If I take the downward fork after the speedball, I wind up in a vertical room that sends me down to a security gate.

If I take the right path instead, I wind up in a morph ball maze. I can wind up in four places: back in the previous room but on the upper morph ball path (which ends in a security gate), to a security gate up top, to a security gate on the right, and down into the next room I will describe. Those last two are after what I assume is the morph ball tunnel in the ceiling, unless I am missing a different such tunnel that bombing isn't exposing.

In the next room I see another pit with an empty pedestal and the only way I can go is left. There will be another pit there; going down leads to a security gate. Going left leads to a security gate right next to a collapsing wall; if I trigger the security gate and go all the way to the wall, I see both a missile pack and an energy tank waiting on the other side.

I'm guessing I'm not in the right place given what you said.[/spoiler]


Quote from: andlabs on May 20, 2017, 10:59:26 AM
[spoiler]Wait, Norfair *isn't* the correct early PB? This hack continues to amaze me with its design. And to think I put it down originally because I thought it required a horizontal wall jump or bomb jump through Atomix... (this was a while ago)[/spoiler]

There are actually three early PBs (at least). That's the hardest one to get, because it requires a spikespark to get it (see posts above where I ask about it). If you want to label one as "correct", though, then the Chozodia one would be it, since it's the easiest and most obvious one to get. The third is one I discovered at the top of the Pirate Ship which requires shinesparking really low near the exit to the bottom of the ship (not worth the trouble, though).

Quote from: andlabs on May 20, 2017, 10:59:26 AM
[spoiler]I don't know if we're looking at the same things, so let me describe what I see and hopefully we can connect thoughts:

First room is a diagonal hallway leading up to a speedball block, an empty pedestal with closed gates (they open permanently if you speedball, apparently), a security gate to the left, and a power bomb path to the right with a fork downward to the other end of the speedball.

If I take the downward fork after the speedball, I wind up in a vertical room that sends me down to a security gate.

If I take the right path instead, I wind up in a morph ball maze. I can wind up in four places: back in the previous room but on the upper morph ball path (which ends in a security gate), to a security gate up top, to a security gate on the right, and down into the next room I will describe. Those last two are after what I assume is the morph ball tunnel in the ceiling, unless I am missing a different such tunnel that bombing isn't exposing.

In the next room I see another pit with an empty pedestal and the only way I can go is left. There will be another pit there; going down leads to a security gate. Going left leads to a security gate right next to a collapsing wall; if I trigger the security gate and go all the way to the wall, I see both a missile pack and an energy tank waiting on the other side.

I'm guessing I'm not in the right place given what you said.[/spoiler]

Striked out what I wasn't talking about. Since the items were already moved behind the orange gate, though, you must've cleared Tourian already, which means you can't do perfect stealth. You wouldn't normally go the speedball way on a perfect stealth run, because there's a security laser in the way (whereas, pre-Tourian, there are normally no lasers/gates when entering the room from the right side). If you want those items, [spoiler]you can shinespark from below (that was the first speed-ball-into-temporary-blue-suit I was talking about, just in reverse).[/spoiler]


Even in the hard mode, one can also get the first powerbomb pack in this room:

I even made a semi-consistent setup for speedrunners (though no one runs the hard mode) for collecting this pack (Snes9x 1.53 v.7 movie):


Quote from: CaRmAgE on May 22, 2017, 12:41:21 PM
There are actually three early PBs (at least). That's the hardest one to get, because it requires a spikespark to get it (see posts above where I ask about it). If you want to label one as "correct", though, then the Chozodia one would be it, since it's the easiest and most obvious one to get. The third is one I discovered at the top of the Pirate Ship which requires shinesparking really low near the exit to the bottom of the ship (not worth the trouble, though).

QuoteStriked out what I wasn't talking about. Since the items were already moved behind the orange gate, though, you must've cleared Tourian already, which means you can't do perfect stealth. You wouldn't normally go the speedball way on a perfect stealth run, because there's a security laser in the way (whereas, pre-Tourian, there are normally no lasers/gates when entering the room from the right side). If you want those items, [spoiler]you can shinespark from below (that was the first speed-ball-into-temporary-blue-suit I was talking about, just in reverse).[/spoiler]
Oh well. I'll just continue normally then. Maybe one day I'll go back and be masochistic... one day. =P Thanks!


Has anyone done a walkthrough vid of the regular difficulty without any tools or tricks that some of us can't do(like walljumping up one wall, I mean wtf is that?) All the vids I find on youtube are either TAS or using techniques that I didn't even know were possible, lol.

Sorry for graverobbing.


Write ''metroid super zero mission blind'' in a search engine

You will find some blind playthrough where the guy dont know the game and normally isnt that experienced


Quote from: METROIDPLEBE on July 16, 2017, 01:27:26 AM
Has anyone done a walkthrough vid of the regular difficulty without any tools or tricks that some of us can't do(like walljumping up one wall, I mean wtf is that?) All the vids I find on youtube are either TAS or using techniques that I didn't even know were possible, lol.

Sorry for graverobbing.

Above is a link to my Youtube Lets Play of Metroid Super Zero Mission. I finished with Clear Time 02:48 and Collecting Items 68%.

I'm a pretty sucky Metroid Player. I can't Walljump to save my life.  :lol: I stuck to what I believe is the normal sequence of the game and was able to get the X-ray Scope as well. Getting the X-ray Scope is completely optional and can be challenging if you are a novice like me.

I know it's a late reply, but just throwing it out there if it could help you or someone else.


Quote from: METROIDPLEBE on July 16, 2017, 01:27:26 AM
Has anyone done a walkthrough vid of the regular difficulty without any tools or tricks that some of us can't do(like walljumping up one wall, I mean wtf is that?)

If you can walljump in the first place, doing it on one wall seems like an easy leap to make from using two walls, just practice it some. Not that hard  :yay:


Hello everyone. I finished this hack several times and kudos to the author, it is the best hack out there IMHO.

But I have questions. I have been playing this on snes9x and bsnes. Both are current versions. I cannot chain shinesparks, because nothing happens once Samus reaches the slope and I hold both dash and horizontal direction. Also here :

Quote from: dronesplitter on August 28, 2016, 07:24:58 PM
So, I've never done a gameplay video but I made one after setting up some software. I demonstrated the early power bombs with active sensor if anyone cares to check it out.

In the  laser room in the ship ;

I need to do double tap and dash pump and it needs to be effective to even charge on the upper floor. I cannot escape the feeling that it takes longer for my game to charge shinespark than YT plays I've seen (I'm using freshly patched 2.3). Also since I cannot store on slope, this is what I had to do :

- on the charge path, stay rightmost and wait for the drone to hit you.
- While immunity frames are on charge running to left through the pirate, store, and shinespark to the right. This kills both pirates.
- go back to the charge path's leftmost, dash and charge. Both of these will need to be performed with double tap and dash pump, there is no room for normal charge.
- now standing charged on the last few pixels, drop down to the platform.
- instead of propelling yourself to the left, this needs to be done with precise timing : drop to lower left platform, spin jump to the left, first fire a beam to the left to open the door from within the jump, and then mid air shinespark with a good delay between the beam and yourself so you don't get stuck at the door.

Even while doing this, the grey barrier will sometimes drop down before samus shinesparks through it.


I love this hack, but some of the code around Power Bomb pickups confuses the heck out of me.  I've been playing with some max% runs in version 2.3 normal:

- Getting the "intended" early PBs in Chozodia as the first PBs, and then reaching the Tourain PB in the glass case next to XRay (via the speed booster entrance from Brinstar, next to the Morph Ball) yields a max final count of 235/50/52.
- Completing the first pass through Tourain, with or without collecting the glass case PB, causes the Chozodia PBs to disappear.  So Chozodia is required before Tourain for max%.
- Here's the one I can't make sense of: every route I've tried that picks up an unintended early PB, and then the PB in Chozodia, causes the Tourain PB to disappear.  I can't imagine there could be a shared item index at work, since the intended early PB route picks up everything.

So I guess the question is – is it possible to identify *exactly* what circumstances cause the Chozodia and Tourain PB packs to disappear before they're collected?  Or is it just known to be impossible to finish with 52 PBs after breaking the intended sequences?


Does anybody remember if/how you can reach green L3 lock in stealth and without fighting Ridley, e.g. from the outside and bottom of the ship

Edit : found it. It's very fun

Get below the power bomb tube (enter ship from Crateria, powerbomb down to one of the locks, exit via downspark then proceed right), break it, and shinespark up the one block wide tunnel just above the right portal of the tube. Now two rooms up, proceed to the right, there's a gap in the right wall and a bombable block in the top of it that allows you to drop through to other side. You need careful manipulation of the atomic with the ice beam to get in range of grapple blocks in the mid of that area. I start by freezing him low, just above the alarm beam and about a half a room length from the wall. When atop of him, he moves to left and up, and when you reach the ceiling that way, you are in grapple range. Proceed left, there is just one way from here, and when you come to room with alarm laser preventing you to drop down, there's a gap in the ceiling, again using iced atomic you can reach this gap with shinespark charged and blast your way through to the left. Do not drop down at the end of the shinespark, that's a dead end. Dash back right, and you'll break some speed tiles in the floor. From that point spark up, release the lock in that room and get the Etank if you want. Over the ramp in right part of the room there is a lowered ceiling. Go below it and open up a path with a super missile. Shinespark up, right to the green lock area. After unlocking proceed to the normal "stealth" escape.

It sounds easy but it isn't. The atomic shenanigans are a save state material. Also even with "super speed" ROM you'll need to stutter/2-tap to get desirable charge.

I've largely neglected Xray in this game but for the next run I might go at it so I can plasma microwave Ridley. Any tips on how to get it? I can get to PBs in about 1:40. Is this enough to get early Xray? Available at Tourian after early PBs.

Quote from: drb on October 06, 2021, 01:51:44 PM
I love this hack, but some of the code around Power Bomb pickups confuses the heck out of me.  I've been playing with some max% runs in version 2.3 normal:

- Getting the "intended" early PBs in Chozodia as the first PBs, and then reaching the Tourain PB in the glass case next to XRay (via the speed booster entrance from Brinstar, next to the Morph Ball) yields a max final count of 235/50/52.
- Completing the first pass through Tourain, with or without collecting the glass case PB, causes the Chozodia PBs to disappear.  So Chozodia is required before Tourain for max%.
- Here's the one I can't make sense of: every route I've tried that picks up an unintended early PB, and then the PB in Chozodia, causes the Tourain PB to disappear.  I can't imagine there could be a shared item index at work, since the intended early PB route picks up everything.

So I guess the question is – is it possible to identify *exactly* what circumstances cause the Chozodia and Tourain PB packs to disappear before they're collected?  Or is it just known to be impossible to finish with 52 PBs after breaking the intended sequences?

Very late reply, I think I've read somewhere that this is timed.

There are 3 early PBs AFAIK, earliest is Norfair before Ridley, there's also one at far northeast end of the map in the pirate fleet, and Chozodia.
I go for Norfair PB, afterwards immediately to Tourian and you can get PB with the Xray there too. Pirate fleet PB is there, as is Chozodia one (but requires tripping the alarm)