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Super Metroid - Widescreen Patch v0.2.1 asm

Started by ocesse, May 09, 2020, 04:07:47 PM

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Here is the Widescreen Patch v0.3.01 for Super Metroid - Super Zero Mission v2.3 (UH), enjoy.

Super Metroid - Super Zero Mission

Release date: April 16, 2011
Author: SBniconico
Version: 2.3
Release Page:
Forum Thread:,1456.0.html

Rating and Review by Kremit44 on Jul 31, 2020  (5 orbs out of 5) 55% in 9:43

This hack is unreal. It may be a little too difficult at times but the scope of it means it's far better than many of the hacks above it in rating. I did use the occasional save state, as I didn't want to sink too much time into it, but it is certainly beatable without it. I'm good not great at Metroid so I wouldn't say the difficulty is as bad as it seems to be made out to be by others but perhaps it comes down to the version I played (2.3 Normal). Space Pirate Ship and Chozodia are not Kaizo by any means once you realize morph ball is essential when trying to sneak. The first escape sequence was a bit brutal IMO and a couple of bosses a little unreasonable but nothing practice couldn't overcome with the advantage of quick restarts via save states.
Sometimes traversal was a bit confusing and there was too many gotcha moments but nothing obscene. I feel like some of the items are too hard to figure out how to get, let alone execute getting them, but there is still a ton to collect and many of them are reasonable to get. I may even go back and get more as I never did go back through the world after getting Gravity, and I'm confident I could get many more with my upgrades.
If you can 100% all the 2D Metroids (including AM2R) and Hyper then I think this is a great next hack to try. I felt I got a lot better at Metroid without being frustrated. Don't be scared off by the difficulty as it really isn't that bad as much of the very hard stuff is optional and occasional save states can really help out without ruining the game. Play this hack, it's top tier.
To the creator and anyone who has helped, Thank You, it was terrific and much appreciated. I do think an "easy" version that would put the difficulty in and around Super, or just a bit harder, could honestly make this my favourite Metroid game. It has that much potential.

-- End of Rating and Review by Kremit44 --

Widescreen patch v0.3.01 in attachments


Hi Ocesse, I was kinda curious, what are the changes between 0.3 and 0.3.01?  :razz:

Awesome job by the way, I wish I could help but I don't know enough ASM  :neutral:


The only difference between v0.3 and v0.3.01 is that Samus's Ship wrapping issue is fixed.


Here is the Widescreen Patch v0.3.02 for Super Metroid - Phazon Hack v0.4 (1) & (2) (UH), enjoy.

Super Metroid - Phazon Hack

Release date: June 20, 2011
Author: A_red_monk_called_Key
Version: v0.4 (1) & (2)
Release Page:
Forum Thread:,390.0.html

Rating and Review by MetroidPlayer on July 30, 2020, ( 4 orbs out of 5) 71% in 11:55

This is for the hidden 0.4 version, also now known as "Alternate M: Episode Phazon" (I still have no idea why he/she didn't post the update in the main site lol). Spoiler free, first game file.
I really was a fan of this hack when 0.3 came out, too bad I wasn't good at exploration and got lost trying to find the remaining Valkyrie Keys. I decided to give the newer version another shot and boy, the changes make this game considerably better. I was blown away right from the game intro to the new mechanics implemented right away. Really foreshadows what are going to your obstacles in later parts of the game and whatnot.
The map is enormous as always (and I think bigger than before, but I digress...) and there are quite some buffed enemies along the way (I realized that they're stronger than some bosses!), and it's pretty much the two main reasons why it can't really get that glorious 4.5 to even the sweet 5 orb hack (yes, not stars); alongside the beam combos that trade strength and power with speed, of which I think is a bit unnecesary, but I guess it wants to give you another way of treating beams (like individual weapons that get "heavier"(?) rather than simple upgrades).
What I thought quite questionable were the last two bosses and the reserve tank system. The fact that you really don't get that energy in decimals, but rather in sexagesimals (might be hexadecimals though but idk); and that max% is 98 (according to some people), must've been fixed (if it even is possible). Also, keeping the Space Jump counter is something I don't really like, but I kinda got used to falling 3 room tall pits...
Other than that and a couple of bugs, this is a quite solid hack! With a bit of challenge nonetheless. I'll try and hunt those damned Phazon particles later, I need to play other hacks.

-- End of Rating and Review by MetroidPlayer --

Widescreen patch v0.3.02 in attachments


So there is now a dedicated website for Project Base ( and the hack is now on version 0.8.1. Any chance we could get a widescreen patch for that?


Here is the Widescreen Patch v0.3.02 for Super Metroid - Project Base v0.8.1 (UH), enjoy.

Super Metroid - Project Base

Release date: January 22, 2021
Authors: begrimed & Quote58
Version: 0.8.1
Forum Thread:,217.0.html

-- Youtube comments extraction --

Iyadcqnsdqsl'o Ai²
1 year ago
I... don't even know what to say, this looks amazing and is far more than anything anyone expected for an update I think
Even weirder, I was currently working on an SM-accurate engine that I described to testers as "project base without the jank"
And for some reason, unrelated features that were in it are in there (notably running on liquids, dash ball, and maybe that underlava beam charging part if that's what I think it is)
It feels so otherworldly, most of it isn't even public, like what the hell?

1 year ago
Project base without the jank is a decent way to describe this as well. It started 3 years ago when I volunteered to clean up, organize, and fix the code in project base (I was adding some code anyway so I thought why not). It has grown in scope exponentially since then, but it retains the original idea of making all the code in project base open source, organized, and consistent.
Since then however, it has become more of an engine for hackers to make new hacks with (which is the original idea for project base anyway). Things that used to be only available to the people that were able to disassemble and write lots of assembly code, like the subscreen, or the message boxes, or the HUD, will be available in some capacity to hackers at every skill level. The subscreen isn't just a static set of new code, it's essentially a GUI toolkit for hackers with moderate to high knowledge of 16bit asm to make their own subscreens. The HUD can be completely adjusted without ever knowing the code that drives it (none of the hud's shown are static, they are all run by the same modular system, and can even be adjusted in real time with a debugging mode), and it comes without a major performance penalty because that was important to the project. The message boxes can use string substitution in a way that will be very familiar to anyone that writes code in modern languages. And most importantly, the code is consistent with itself, and more or less modular. There is work I still need to do before the source code can be released, so it likely won't be available with the first release, but that is so I can clean up some of it and make sure it's commented to a more useful degree.
And then there are the things that aren't made for expansion by other hackers, and are just part of the special sauce that makes project base it's own hack as well. This includes things like the door transitions being significantly faster than anything available while simultaneously solving a long standing bug that goes back to the original game. Or the small systemic features, like running on liquids. There are no tiles or behind the scenes edits to the level data going on in those clips. If the liquid lines up with solid blocks, and you would expect samus to run on it if she goes fast enough, then she will. She'll even take heat damage if she's running on lava/acid.
Lastly, the beam thing is actually another systemic feature. If you hold a charged ice beam (or any beam + ice), you take decreased heat damage, and it applies to anything heat based, which means lava/acid as well as heated rooms.

Iyadcqnsdqsl'o Ai²
1 year ago
I'm so amazed that you could even do all this in SM, does it run on hardware?
And... yeah that's exactly how the engine I'm working on handles running on liquids (moving liquids are a no-no even with the more modern engine due to nearly SM-accurate collisions)
Also holy shit I was right, charging/ed ice beam for reduced damage ahah, I finished mine a few months ago after a very old suggestion from someone. Mine may be literally no damage instead of just reduced, but I got a few other quirks up my sleeve, like the ice pbomb combo having the same effect, and a few more synergies with other things :)
I didn't even know someone was still working on PB, but you get all my support. You're a madman and I'll definitely enjoy SM yet again when it comes out, and if it's stable enough I'll be waiting for the great things to come from it too!

1 year ago
I appreciate the faith haha, I hope it lives up to expectations.
I haven't tested it on real hardware because I don't have a flash cart for my snes, but it runs in bsnes and that's usually a sign it's going to be fine.
It's all just 65816 assembly that's in there, so there's no reason it wouldn't run like you would expect.
Grime and myself have been working on PB the whole time, there just haven't been any public updates. It's actually been in beta testing for a long time now.

-- End of comments extraction from YouTube --

Widescreen patch v0.3.02 in attachments


Metaquarius just released a new hack titled Super Duper Metroid, any chance it could get a widescreen patch?,5443.0.html



Here is the Widescreen Patch v0.3.02 for Super Duper Metroid v2.1 (UH), enjoy.

Super Duper Metroid

Release date: December 04, 2021
Authors: Metaquarius & Daltone
Version: 2.1
Release Page:
Forum Thread:,5443.0.html

Rating and Review by Kremit44 on December 08, 2021, ( 5 orbs out of 5) 87% in 4:15

It's Super Duper alright. It's a very fast paced and open hack. Project Base 0.8.1 is pretty unreal and it's an excellent first hack to have utilized it's features. I was really happy to see this completed because after playing through the incomplete hack I could see the potential was clearly there for something excellent. Metaquarius really polished it up and added some cool features to make this one of the best hacks available and a great addition to the Project Base legacy. Clearly this is meant to be enjoyed by speedrunners, which isn't surprising given PB's purpose and Dalton's other hacks Super Metroid Grand Prix 1/2, but it's still a fun playthrough as an exploration hack. My biggest complaints would be I think it's a little too open for my liking given the progression still really hangs on finding a suit, or at least for me it did. Perhaps it's also a little too easy. All in all though it's outstanding. Thanks for the great hack to all responsible, it was impressive to say the least.

-- End of Rating and Review by Kremit44 --

Widescreen patch v0.3.02 in attachments


Hi, there's a hacker working on making Super Metroid use the SA-1 chip that some games like Star Fox and Kirby's Super Star used so it removes slowdowns without having to overclock the emulator/SNES, and he also made a widescreen patch for Super Mario World, here's his Twitter so you can check it out:

Do you think maybe you could talk to him to see if he can help you with SM widescreen? He said he wants to work on other titles too, plus with someone else helping you development will go faster.  :grin:


Quote from: ocesse on July 04, 2021, 07:54:01 PM
Quote from: ohallahan on July 03, 2021, 08:42:17 PM
Hello, thanks for all the patches. I am having trouble patching Super Metroid - Ancient Chozo v1.1.5 - Widescreen Patch v0.3 (UH)

I have patched the correct rom with Ancient Chozo v1.1.5 and it plays fine, it's SHA-1 is : DA957F0D63D14CB441D215462904C4FA8519C613

I've tried multiple different smc's, and sfc's, and even a fig, but it always says patching with bps fails

Any idea why?

In attachments I'm sharing with you a Widescreen patch v0.3 in bps and ips formats, please use only one of the two.

1.- Get Super Metroid (JU) [!].smc (CRC32: D63ED5F8)
2.- Apply ANCIENT_CHOZO_1.1.5.IPS (CRC32: 4C479546)
You get ANCIENT_CHOZO_1.1.5.smc (CRC32: B6E07BAD)
3.- Apply Super Metroid - Ancient Chozo v1.1.5 - Widescreen Patch v0.3.bps (CRC32: 2144DF1C) with a bps patcher like beat (
4.- Apply Super Metroid - Ancient Chozo v1.1.5 - Widescreen Patch v0.3.ips (CRC32: 8F1F8BD1) with an ips patcher like flips
You get Super Metroid - Ancient Chozo v1.1.5 - Widescreen Patch v0.3.smc (CRC32: 53625D75)
5.- Be sure that your ROM after all the patches was applied and the bso file included in the Widescreen Patch v0.3 folder have the same name and put them in the same folder, no ips or bps Widescreen patches with them.
6.- Open your game with bsnes-hd beta & enjoy!!

And the correct SHA-1 for ANCIENT_CHOZO_1.1.5.smc is: 85844E0E9743E779E6DD7703697D5E3FD9E88932

I cant make Ancient Chozo works for the life of me. I patched everything correctly, checked every CRC32 number thing and and it all matched what you said but the game will just open glitched. And is not the widescreen patch that is breaking the game, is ancient chozo it self. It works fine in other emulators but it doesnt let me play on bsnes.
I got Super Metroid (JU) [!].smc,
Patched ANCIENT_CHOZO_1.1.5.IPS using lunar ips
And place your widescreen bps and bsos in the same folders, thats how ive played almost all your widescreen patches no problem at all. But Ancient doesnt want to be played, even with just the ANCIENT_CHOZO_1.1.5.IPS without the bps and bso in the folder, just ANCIENT_CHOZO_1.1.5.smc, the game will open bugged on bsnes. But will work fine in other emulators. I have NO IDEIA whats wrong with this game, or this emulator, in this game. Plz help me


It looks like you are using an old version of bsnes-hd beta.
Please go here and under Releases (the right column) get the latest build which is currently bsnes-hd beta v10.6

The problem that you described was fixed in the latest build.


he's not refering to the emulator that HAS the problem, he needs help on the patching itself which is not working as intended and i'm also have the same issue, (except i HAVE the latest bsnes hd version) , when i try to patch Super Duper Metroid with the WD Patch i get the error from Flips saying "This patch is not intended for this ROM", from there tried with "beat" as well same problem, help would be appreciated. :neutral:


I read this:
even with just the ANCIENT_CHOZO_1.1.5.IPS without the bps and bso in the folder, just ANCIENT_CHOZO_1.1.5.smc, the game will open bugged on bsnes. But will work fine in other emulators.
That problem was fixed in the last two builds of bsnes-hd beta.

I think all widescreen patches come with a readme file, be careful with the CRC32 hash, if your CRC32 doesn't match with the CRC32 of the intended game, then the Widescreen patch is not for this game. Find the right game, sadly that's the nature of bps patches.


so ,im patching "Super Guper Metroid" NOT "Super Duper Metroid" , 'cuz if that is the case, than the author should have better naming sense than what is intending on the name of the patches...  :stern:  :pwuh:




Quote from: ocesse on December 23, 2021, 10:22:47 PM
It looks like you are using an old version of bsnes-hd beta.
Please go here and under Releases (the right column) get the latest build which is currently bsnes-hd beta v10.6

The problem that you described was fixed in the latest build.

Yep, you were right. I updated and the problem was gone. Thanks for the help!
Its funny how literally only ancient chozo had this problem.


I'm glad that updating fixes your problem :)
Not only was Ancient Chozo v1.1.5, neither did Z-Factor v1.3 work nor any game that was not multiples of 0.5 megabytes (0.5mb, 1.0mb, 1.5mb, etc) the enulator would chop off the remaining data.
This problem was fixed in bsnes-hd beta v10.5


Super Metroid - Widescreen Patch v0.3.05 - Generic Version

Very Adaptive Randomizer of Items and Areas for Super Metroid

Release date: November 01, 2021
Authors: flohgh, dhmdmdhm, cout, z26egors, randomcodegen, yetanotherion and Ponktus
Version: 2021/11/01
Release Page:

This Widescreen patch is generic and was developed with VARIA Randomizer and old Super Metroid Hacks in mind, those hacks that do not have the DC Map Patch applied.
Possibly in the near future I will make a Generic Widescreen Patch compatible with DC Map Patch.
For this Widescreen Patch, I have placed all the code in Bank $B8.

Very Adaptive Randomizer of Items and Areas for Super Metroid

If you find that the Generic Widescreen patch is incompatible with any seed, please report it here.
And if you apply it to any Super Metroid Hack and you can play it from start to finish, please comment what hack it is, to make a list of Super Metroid Hacks compatible with this Generic version of the Widescreen Patch.

Get the Generic Widescreen Patch in attachments

I hope you enjoy playing in Widescreen!

Edited on February, Friday 11, 2022

Thanks caauyjdp
The first you need is your game patched with the VARIA Randomizer seed, then apply the Generic Widescreen patch. You will not have problems applying this Widescreen patch because it comes in ips format, remember, is Generic.

Edited on February, Monday 28, 2022
Thanks to doodle, here we start the list of Super Metroid hacks compatible with the Generic Widescreen patch.

Compatible with the Generic Widescreen patch:
  • Super Metroid - Cryogenesis v1.0 by Onnyks (Playable from start to finish, tested by doodle.)

Not compatible with the Generic Widescreen patch:
  • Super Metroid - Hotlands v1.0
  • Super Metroid - Fugue on Glove v1.2


When i put in the rom file patched with the generic version in VARIA randomizer says it's not a vanilla hack


Quote from: DramaticMarquinh0svi on January 27, 2022, 12:12:29 PM
When i put in the rom file patched with the generic version in VARIA randomizer says it's not a vanilla hack
reposting from discord:
..."the first step is get the ROM patched with the varia randomizer and then apply the WidescreenPatch"


Here is the Widescreen Patch v0.3.05 for Super Metroid - Advent v0.32 (UH), enjoy.

Super Metroid: Advent

Release date: October 07, 2012
Author: Shadow96
Version: 0.32
Release Page:
Forum Thread:,2305.0.html

Average runtime: 0 hours and 57 minutes
Average collection: 34% of items
Rating: 3.8 orbs

Review by therealsusan on May 18, 2021

Absolutely love the look.
Saving at the ship crashes the game, can reset and it'll work fine except it resets your map.
The first unmapped save station would've been a stroke of genius had the other save stations worked.
Seems to have been made to showcase the beam door feature, but ultimately the hack was too short to really do it justice.
Might open it back up and see if I can find some more hidden stuff. *Edit: found 3 more e-tanks and spring ball, completion 1:06 33%> lot of grayed out doors still*

-- End of Review by therealsusan --

If you save in the Gunship, the game crashes, for this reason I disabled it.

Widescreen patch v0.3.05 in attachments