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Super Metroid - Widescreen Patch v0.2.1 asm

Started by ocesse, May 09, 2020, 04:07:47 PM

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Looks gorgeous, maybe I'll try this one soon.


Here is the Widescreen Patch v0.3.07 for Super Metroid - Lost World v2.0, I hope you enjoy it.

Super Metroid - Lost World

Release date: December 20, 2015
Author: TROM
Version: 2.0
Release Page:
Forum Thread:,3681.0.html

Average runtime: 19 hours and 31 minutes
Average collection: 106% of items
Rating: 3.9 orbs

Review by MetroidMst on January 19, 2020

I am glad TROM kept going after his first two hacks both kind of fell into some serious traps and tropes. There is still one major TROMism in that Supers are everywhere and all blocked by Super blocks. Besides that though, a lot was learned and implemented really well into this hack.

Lost World is a giant hack, with a lot to explore, and a nice little warp area to help you traverse the large map more quickly. This hack does include another locking gate system, which is both majorly improved over Hydellius, and is a reason for some frustration.

The good: It's just to unlock the final area, no more progression is blocked by these gates.
The bad: You can catch a glimpse of the locks, but the view you get makes it look like there are less than half of the total gates you need to unlock. That was my biggest point of frustration with the hack.

Besides that though, I really do recommend this hack. It's large, expansive, and flows much better for the player overall. I did break Super Missiles early, so that probably helped a little as I was able to do a lot of progression right then and there, but I still think this hack would've played well if I didn't do that. I highly recommend this hack for people who like taking their time and exploring.

-- End of Review by MetroidMst --

Widescreen patch v0.3.07 in attachments


I shared it already, but it is very outdated.
Fron October 17, 2020:
Super Metroid - Vitality by Digital Mantra
Rating and Review by Miranda Gemini on Oct 17, 2020 (5 Orbs out of 5) 53% in 4:12
I genuinely can't overstate how great this hack is.
Without spoiling the experience: DMan has made the hack of the year, and possibly the best of all time.
Play it.
End of rating and review by Miranda Gemini

I definitely need to make a more up-to-date version of the Widescreen patch, but I don't have the free time needed right now.
The widescreen patch is in the attachments along with the bso config file for bsnes hd beta v10.6


Here is the Widescreen Patch v0.3.09 for Super Metroid - Subversion v1.2, I hope you enjoy it.

Super Metroid - Subversion

Release date: August 31, 2022
Authors: TestRunner and AmoebaOfDoom
Version: 1.2
Release Page:
Forum Thread:,5551

Average runtime: 8 hours and 39 minutes
Average collection: 90% of items
Rating: 4.7 orbs

Review by Digital_Mantra on September 05, 2022

Halfway into Subversion it became a top 3, by the end it was my favorite hack.
The amount of unique sequences in Subversion's progression really made it feel like a 3 act movie.
The sub-areas per region helped aid navigating a planet this massive with clear themes and landmarks.
The replayability and post-game content kept me hooked to the very last challenge.
Subversion delivered on all fronts for me, this is a special kind of hack that rarely comes along.
I can't recommend it enough.

-- End of Review by Digital_Mantra --

Widescreen patch v0.3.09 in attachments


December 29, 2022

Super Metroid Map Rando - Widescreen Patch v0.3.07 (UH) by ocesse

Super Metroid Map Rando

Over 100,000 AI generated maps. There are no rooms extrapolated with others. Only vanilla rooms. You have a few options to customize your seed according to your skill level and knowledge of game mechanics. The logics to generate the seeds are improving every day. One map of vanilla rooms and one map colored per areas included in the zip. You also get a file with the clues for the next item to get, so you can finish the seed.
Generate your seeds at:
Visit his Discord server:

Here are 9 maps out of over 100,000 maps available, as some examples:

And here is a random seed.
seed: 884696854
version: v11
placement: open
skill: medium

Note: If you reach a room with an item that you can't get rigth now, you can change the color of that screen in the minimap, only hold angle up button + item cancel button when you are leaving that screen. This is somehow a mark system that helps you remember the place where one item is waiting for collect.

Widescreen patch in attachments, in ips format; there is a good chance that this Widescreen patch will be compatible with other seeds.

Comes in two flavors:

Display the entire blue map since the beginning.

Normal, when you get the map of the area, then the blue areas are shown.

Instructions for hard patch
1.- You need Super Metroid.smc (CRC32: D63ED5F8)
2.- Apply the ips of your seed (smmr-v11-884696854-464593966782127806984477131014152.ips)
3.- Apply your preferred Widescreen patch (WPv0.3.07 - Normal map.ips or WPv0.3.07 - Display the entire map.ips) to smmr-v11-884696854-464593966782127806984477131014152.smc
4.- Put your bso configuration file next to the patched game and rename it the same as the Widescreen patched game, for example:
smmr-v11-884696854-464593966782127806984477131014152 - WPv0.3.07 - Display the entire map.smc
smmr-v11-884696854-464593966782127806984477131014152 - WPv0.3.07 - Display the entire map.bso
Just put only the two files in the same folder, no more ips patches here, and open your smc game with bsnes_hd.exe

Instructions for soft patch
Make sure that your game, the seed ips patch, the Widescreen ips patch you selected and the bso config file have the following names, for example:
smmr-v11-884696854-464593966782127806984477131014152.smc -This is the vanilla Super Metroid rom (CRC32: D63ED5F8)
smmr-v11-884696854-464593966782127806984477131014152.ips -This is the ips of the seed
smmr-v11-884696854-464593966782127806984477131014152.ips1 -This is the ips of the Widescreen patch that you choose to use, yes the filename ends in 1
smmr-v11-884696854-464593966782127806984477131014152.bso -This is the bso override configuration file
Put all four files in the same folder and open your smc game with bsnes_hd.exe, before you can play, bsnes_hd.exe will ask you two questions, answer "No" to both of them and you will be able to play your Super Metroid Map Rando seed in Widescreen.

Get the latest bsnes-hd

I hope you enjoy playing it!

Edited on April 25, 2023

[spoiler=released versions]
I wil add the released versions of Super Metroid Map Rando, because the Widescreen patch that I shared is not compatible with version 18 onwards.

kyleb - 16/12/2022 15:05
Version 1 (2022-12-11):
 Initial release

Version 2 (2022-12-13):
 Fixed left door entrance to Crocomire Room and Mother Brain room.
 Disabled demo (which was broken).

Version 3 (2022-12-14):
 Stop Crateria map from getting messed up when save station is used.
 Skip map screens in file select. This was originally a temporary change for debugging the save map problem, but seemed worth keeping as a tiny quality-of-life change, making it faster to restart after resetting.

Version 4 (2022-12-14):
 Mother Brain rainbow beam no longer drains ammo (in case ammo is needed in the escape).
 Mother Brain is marked defeated after the Mother Brain fight, so that if the player re-enters Mother Brain room Mother Brain will not spawn again.

kyleb - 16/12/2022 17:18
Version 5 (2022-12-16):
 Fixed graphics after leaving Kraid.
 Unlocked camera in Spore Spawn Room so that entering from the right with Spore Spawn alive does not glitch the graphics.
 Fixed graphics when entering Shaktool Room from the right (before Shaktool finishes digging).
 Changes to make the in-game map more informative (more to come soon):
   - Refill stations (and the Ship) are marked by "+"-shaped tiles.
   - Map stations are marked by concentric square-shaped tiles.
   - G4 bosses and Mother Brain are marked by "X"-shaped tiles.
   - Items are consistently marked by a dot (and only tiles with an item have a dot).
   - Walls within a room are now consistently one pixel wide on the map.
   - Walls between rooms are now consistently two pixels wide on the map.
 Added a description of Open/Closed item placement, and a link to the new Discord server.

Maddo on 17/12/2022 16:58
Version 6 (2022-12-17):
 Upper Tourian Save Room is replaced with a map station.
 Entering Tourian First Room no longer gives the area map.
 Each area gets exactly one map station.
 Cross-region arrow markers are added, becoming visible after getting the area map.
 Fixed a problem where the new tiles (e.g., the concentric square map tile) overwrote water graphics.

kyleb - 18/12/2022 13:13
Version 7 (2022-12-18):
 Map station tiles are visible from the start of the game.
 Spoiler log is simplified; areas and a summary section are added.
 Fixed bug in West Ocean that caused Tripper graphics to be messed up and G4 statues sounds to play.
 Fix Wrecked Ship Save Room, which had a broken map instead of a usable save station (bug introduced in version 6).
 Minor graphical fixes to map: fix external wall in Lower Norfair Firefleas Room, and remove an item dot from Big Pink that wasn't supposed to be there.

kyleb - 19/12/2022 13:51
Version 8 (2022-12-19):
 Add blue door in Tourian Eye Door Room, removing Gadora graphics.
 Remove explosions & shaking in Tourian Escape rooms when not in escape sequence.
 Restore sandfall layouts to be more similar to vanilla game, with only minimal changes to ensure safe transitions.
 Remove the wall that spawned when entering Tourian Escape Room 1 from the right.
 Set up door-specific FX correctly (applicable when entering rooms through a certain door):
   - Rising Tide left door: lava rises
   - Volcano Room left door: lava rises and room is heated
   - Speed Booster Hall right door: lava rises if Speed Booster is collected (Note: only happens until completed once, and the lava will never rise or be high when entering from the left.)
   - Acid Statue Room bottom-right door: acid is lowered
   - Amphitheatre right door: acid is raised
   - Climb bottom-left door: disable door-specific FX from the vanilla game, to prevent the lava from rising when entering from Tourian Escape Room 4 (except during the escape).

Maddo on 21/12/2022 5:11
Version 9 (2022-12-21):
 Spread out the distribution of Save Room and Refill Rooms more evenly.
 Add special behavior for the Wrecked Ship area:
  - Phantoon's Room will always be in Wrecked Ship.
  - The Wrecked Ship Map Station will always be in Wrecked Ship.
  - Wrecked Ship will tend to be smaller than the other areas.
 Various corrections to the logic used for item placement.

kyleb - 21/12/2022 9:29
It looks like there is a bug on Version 9. We rolled back the release and are going to look into it and try to release it later. (editado)

Maddo on 21/12/2022 10:27
Rolled the release forward again. The observed unexpected behavior (that sometimes an excessive amount of major items can be placed very early) was not specific to this release. (editado)

kyleb - 21/12/2022 21:24
Version 10 (2022-12-21):
 Replace the special behavior for Wrecked Ship introduced in version 9 with the following instead:
  - The Wrecked Ship Map Room and Wrecked Ship Save Room will always be in the same area as Phantoon's Room.
  - The area with Phantoon's Room will tend to be smaller than the other areas.
  - Note: Phantoon's Room can once again be in any area, including Crateria.
 A new "-config.json" file is added to the returned ZIP, containing details about the version, random seed, and difficulty config used to generate the ROM.

kyleb - 22/12/2022 8:35
Version 11 (2022-12-22):
 Using a Missile Refill station refills all ammo types: Missiles, Supers, and Power Bombs.
 The current tile can be un-explored (i.e., turned back to black/blue on the map) by pressing Angle Up and Item Cancel simultaneously. To be effective, these inputs must be held while exiting the tile, since otherwise the game will immediately re-explore the tile.
 Max ammo is shown in the HUD.
 Restore rising acid in Tourian Escape Room 4 (unintentionally removed in version 8). (editado)

kyleb - 23/12/2022 14:26
Version 12 (2022-12-23):
 Fix an issue that caused new games (other than the first new game) to start at the wrong save location.
 Fix graphical glitches that sometimes occurred when leaving Crocomire's Room before defeating Crocomire.

kyleb - 23/12/2022 22:31
Version 13 (2022-12-23):
 Supers now do double damage to Mother Brain 2.
 Saving at a different save station from the last save will advance to the next slot before saving (wrapping back to slot 1 if the last save was on slot 3).
 Fix graphical glitches that sometimes occurred when leaving Phantoon's Room before defeating Phantoon.

Maddo on 24/12/2022 1:03
Version 14 (2022-12-24):
 With the rolling save functionality introduced in version 13, also advance the current save slot. This ensures that after a reset the default save slot to load will be the one most

kyleb - 26/12/2022 11:37
Version 15 (2022-12-26):
 Refining the behavior introduced in version 10 on how Phantoon's Room is placed:
  - Phantoon's Room will always be two rooms away from the Wrecked Ship Map Room (which is as close as possible).
  - The Wrecked Ship Save Room will always be in the same area as Phantoon's Room and the Wrecked Ship Map Room.
  - These rooms no longer have any tendency to be in a smaller area.
  - They can still be in an area with any name, including possibly Crateria.
 Bugfix: Include Frog Savestation in the algorithm for balancing save stations.
 Include good farm rooms (those with 5x Gamet spawns) in the algorithm for balancing refills.
 Add "Map Rando" to the title screen.

kyleb - 26/12/2022 17:06
Version 16 (2022-12-26):
 Tech is partially cleaned up and grouped by difficulty for easier navigation.
 Logic updates. (editado)

kyleb - 27/12/2022 16:47
Version 17 (2022-12-27):
 Music is based on map area! (This causes some glitches with sound effects which can be fixed later.)

Maddo - 29/12/2022 7:10
Version 18 (2022-12-29):
 Improvements to map/mini-map:
    - Doors are shown as 2-pixel-wide openings (vs. as solid walls in vanilla).
    - False walls/passageways within rooms are shown as 4-pixel-wide openings (vs. as solid walls in vanilla).

Maddo - 30/12/2022 12:29
Version 19 (2022-12-30):
 During the escape, enemies and bosses no longer spawn.
 During the escape, entering Kraid's room no longer cancels the escape music.
 Fixed glitched graphics when pausing during Kraid fight (caused by map changes in version 18).
 Fixed some issues with the Mother Brain room:
    - Prevent (non-existent) door from closing when entering the room from the left.
    - Fixed the far right platform to be solid tiles instead of slopes, to avoid the possibility of falling through the tiles and being trapped by running into the room.
    - During the escape, the escape door on the left is now always open.
    - During the escape, the invisible spike tiles where Mother Brain used to be are now gone.
 Corrected a few map tiles: right door in Fish Tank, item dot in West Ocean, and passage in Green Hills (errors in version 18).
 The map station on the title screen is animated.

(Shoutout to @BuggMann  for the title screen animation!)

kyleb - ayer a las 10:14
Version 20 (2023-01-01):
 During the Kraid, Draygon, Ridley, and Golden Torizo fights, restore gray door locks, making it no longer possible to run through the room without defeating the boss.
  - The door through which you entered is kept blue, so it is still possible to back out of the fight.
 Allow Samus to move freely during the Kraid fight (instead of being constrained to the left half of the room during the first phase), making it possible to exit to the right if you entered from that direction.
  - Note: The camera is still constrained to bottom screens during the first phase of the fight, which means it is possible for Samus to go off-camera here.
 During the escape, allow passage through the Acid Statue room (by spawning the Acid Chozo "enemy" that stopped spawning in Version 19).

kyleb - hoy a las 10:11
Version 21 (2023-01-02):
 Escape timer is tailored to the seed based on the distance back to the ship.
  - A multiplier is available under "Customize skill assumptions" to adjust the escape time.
  - An option is available to include the extra distance needed for saving the animals.
 Samus collects & equips all items (excluding beams, ammo, and tanks) when acquiring Hyper Beam.
  - Items collected in this way do not count toward the "rate for collecting items" shown after the credits. (editado)


January 02, 2023

Super Metroid Map Rando Version 18 - Widescreen Patch v0.3.07 (UH) by ocesse

These new Widescreen patches are compatible with version 18 onwards.

Generate your seeds at:
Visit his Discord server:

I hope you enjoy playing this awesome randomizer in Widescreen!

They come in two flavors:

Display the entire blue map since the beginning

Normal, when you get the map of the area, then the blue areas are shown.

Get the latest bsnes-hd

Widescreen patches in attachments.


April 25, 2023

Here is a little Map Plando, which I made.
There are two versions, Vanilla palettes and Area themed palettes.
I used a seed generated in Map Rando version 51, the interactive spoiler map and SMILE RF.
You can use the available Widescreen patches for Map Rando.
I added a mechanic that I wish the vanilla game had when it launched, it is not a clean plando, I even tweaked some room layouts.
I hope you guys enjoy it!
If someone can't make progress on the Map Plando, I can give you some clues.
I included the original maps of the seed, but some items was moved, and the map is not fully acurate.

Generate your seeds at:
Visit his Discord server:

Special thanks to P.JBoy for his disassemble of Super Metroid:


Quote from: ocesse on April 25, 2023, 11:05:07 PM
April 25, 2023

Here is a little Map Plando, which I made.
There are two versions, Vanilla palettes and Area themed palettes.
I used a seed generated in Map Rando version 51, the interactive spoiler map and SMILE RF.
You can use the available Widescreen patches for Map Rando.
I added a mechanic that I wish the vanilla game had when it launched, it is not a clean plando, I even tweaked some room layouts.
I hope you guys enjoy it!
If someone can't make progress on the Map Plando, I can give you some clues.
I included the original maps of the seed, but some items was moved, and the map is not fully acurate.

Generate your seeds at:
Visit his Discord server:

Special thanks to P.JBoy for his disassemble of Super Metroid:

I am very much stuck in here.
Any way out of here?
What should I do?


you should probably join the maprando discord for this kind of question. it is absolutely possible to softlock in it, it's one of the more difficult randos, even on easy settings. your seed comes with a an interactive spoiler map btw, if you want to know what was intended to get/where was intended to go, etc.

if you brick your save, the rando has rolling saves so you can revert back to a previous one at the title screen


Quote from: neen on May 03, 2023, 01:37:06 AM
you should probably join the maprando discord for this kind of question. it is absolutely possible to softlock in it, it's one of the more difficult randos, even on easy settings. your seed comes with a an interactive spoiler map btw, if you want to know what was intended to get/where was intended to go, etc.

if you brick your save, the rando has rolling saves so you can revert back to a previous one at the title screen

I know its possible to get softlocked in randos but this is the plando from ocesse. So there should be a way


Quote from: RodBlanc on May 03, 2023, 01:24:14 AM

I am very much stuck in here.
Any way out of here?
What should I do?

This is not a softlock

You need to return to this room, follow this path

And neen already answered your question about the Area Themed palettes, it is a customization option in Map Rando. Yes, it's great, I love the new colors for the rooms according to the area in which these rooms are located.

Go to the elevator tube to reach Brinstar, and get this item.

I just want to warn you that this Map Plando is based on a very hard seed, and maybe this difficulty is not the right one for you. If you can't advance, I can help you, let's see how far you can go  :grin:


Thanks for the help!
I guess this rom required some trickery I wasn't able to do to get out of the water without gravity.
Used SMILE RF to swap gravity and spring ball locations and restarted my journey.
The hack now is hella fun and id say normal level. Still need some tricks but all easy enough for me hehe


Quote from: RodBlanc on May 05, 2023, 01:10:26 PM
Thanks for the help!
I guess this rom required some trickery I wasn't able to do to get out of the water without gravity.
Used SMILE RF to swap gravity and spring ball locations and restarted my journey.
The hack now is hella fun and id say normal level. Still need some tricks but all easy enough for me hehe

Would you mind sharing an ips patch of your hack?, I want to try it :)


September 20, 2024

The Widescreen patch for Map Rando has been updated.
I hope you enjoy it!

The pause screens were fixed.

Widescreen patch v0.3.10 in attachments

September 09,2024

The Widescreen patch was updated, there are some little fixes added
Map Rando - Erased some zeroes in the Items Pause Screen
Map Rando - Fixed bad water graphics loaded after Items pickups in some rooms
The new Widescreen patch is compatible with Map Rando from version 113 onwards, you can get it in attachments.
I hope you enjoy it!

April 21,2024

The Widescreen patch was updated to be compatible with the new releases of Map Rando.
The new Widescreen patch is compatible with Map Rando from version 111 onwards, you can get it in attachments.
I hope you enjoy it!

April 07, 2024

The Widescreen patch was updated to be compatible with the new releases of Map Rando.
The new Widescreen patch is compatible with Map Rando from version 110 onwards, you can get it in attachments.
I hope you enjoy it!

Generate your seeds at:
Visit his Discord server:

I hope you enjoy playing this amazing randomizer in Widescreen!, which is getting better every day.


Hey! Ocesse, What an awesome mod, thanks for do this, these patches should be considered a 5 Orbs hack quality, it makes playing Super Metroid hacks be of other level; I really enjoy this, I want to play the best hacks in widescreen but for now there are a couple of rom hacks that doesn't work with the patches.
First "Biohazard", I can't play it because is on version 1.08 and the patch is for 1.05, and finally "Redesign Axeil Edition", which crash or freeze on main menu when I select Start Game or other option like controller, language and special settings. (I already tried a lot of settings on bsnes-hd and nothing works)

I'll really appreciate it if you can help me with this.


Here is the Widescreen Patch v0.3.07 for Super Metroid - Biohazard v1.08, I hope you enjoy it.

Super Metroid - Biohazard

Release date: December 25, 2021
Authors: Mentlegen and SMILEuser96
Version: 1.08
Release Page:
Forum Thread:,5457.msg70164.html

Average runtime: 2 hours and 26 minutes
Average collection: 61% of items
Rating: 4 orbs

Review by Exister on April 02, 2022

Chad tier "movement improved with various patches" "custom gfx from various hacks and resources" "player graphics from Opposition with permission from Mccad" hack. The developer spreads out items throughout the whole hack encouraging dynamic exploration of the entire world. The whole thing looks either fine to very good, and has very clever usage of vanilla tiles with nice-looking recolors and pleasant tiling. There are also lots of blank room segments that appear past scrolls the dev didn't bother to fill in, likely because the dev was pressed on time and had to save on data in the rom. One door in Phytor Ruins when entered from the left takes you to a higher door on exit, but this is fixed in a later version. Overall not a difficult hack and very fun with impressive polish for such a big hack made in 6 months. And the music is very catchy, I've found myself listening to it at Mentlegen's Music, the creator's youtube channel. 5/5 definitely recommend.

-- End of Review by Exister --

Widescreen patch v0.3.07 in attachments


Hello, i got of trouble with your WS patch for Subversion, i get like broken sprites from the sides of the screen everytme i move in-game, would need some help on how to remove that stuff, i got a pic as well, it could explain things better.


Quote from: gr8tmaker on June 02, 2023, 12:59:18 PM
Hello, i got of trouble with your WS patch for Subversion, i get like broken sprites from the sides of the screen everytme i move in-game, would need some help on how to remove that stuff, i got a pic as well, it could explain things better.

Are you playing vanilla Super Metroid - Subversion v1.2 or some kind of randomizer of it?
Because this Widescreen patch will only work correctly with vanilla Super Metroid - Subversion v1.2
Judging from the screenshot that you shared, the game does not have the Widescreen patch applied. And the game name SubCD6667751 looks like it's some randomizer seed.
When you downloaded the zip file with the Widescreen patch for Super Metroid - Subversion v1.2, there was a bso file and a readme.txt with the instructions to follow to get the best results.
The bso file is the configuration for bsnes-hd beta with the best settings for the Widescreen patch to work well. And this Widescreen patch was designed to play on a 16:9 screen aspect ratio.


i have both (rando version and vanilla) i get the same from both of them and they ARE applied with the patch, also tried some things just now, but i got a question> are the settings from the BSO file are the default settings for WS?

Edit> did those "steps" from the instructions, applied the patch successfully only thing was that i had to use "beat" in order to apply the patch and overwrite the vanilla rom from the Rando one and it worked. apologies if had given a hard time, but got it right now, also your patches are pretty cool, thank you for the hard work.


The configuration options of the bso file are optimal for this widescreen patch, they are not the default configuration of bsnes-hd beta.
When the emulator runs a game, it first looks for the bso file and if it exists, those settings are applied instead of the settings in the emulator's windows and tabs.
For this to happen please rename your bso file with the same name as your game, for example:

This is all you have to do to enjoy your game on Widescreen, if your game has already had the Widescreen patch applied.
When you are playing, you can change any configuration option in windows and tabs and it will take precedence over the bso configuration file.
I think you don't need to do this because I already found the best settings for my Widescreen patch, but anyway, you can do it if you want to experiment with the Widescreen configuration options.
We can say that the bso configuration files are a per-game configuration system, this way you don't have to manually configure bsnes-hd beta every time you try to play a new game in Widescreen.
Also there is something that I want to make clear, the bso file is more powerful than the settings that you find in the windows and tabs of the emulator because the bso configuration file can modify certain options that you do not find in the windows and tabs.
Please comment if you can get the Widescreen patch working in vanilla Super Metroid - Subversion v1.2 and with the game already randomized.


Quote from: ocesse on June 02, 2023, 12:35:30 AM
Here is the Widescreen Patch v0.3.07 for Super Metroid - Biohazard v1.08, I hope you enjoy it.

Super Metroid - Biohazard

Release date: December 25, 2021
Authors: Mentlegen and SMILEuser96
Version: 1.08
Release Page:
Forum Thread:,5457.msg70164.html

Average runtime: 2 hours and 26 minutes
Average collection: 61% of items
Rating: 4 orbs

Review by Exister on April 02, 2022

Chad tier "movement improved with various patches" "custom gfx from various hacks and resources" "player graphics from Opposition with permission from Mccad" hack. The developer spreads out items throughout the whole hack encouraging dynamic exploration of the entire world. The whole thing looks either fine to very good, and has very clever usage of vanilla tiles with nice-looking recolors and pleasant tiling. There are also lots of blank room segments that appear past scrolls the dev didn't bother to fill in, likely because the dev was pressed on time and had to save on data in the rom. One door in Phytor Ruins when entered from the left takes you to a higher door on exit, but this is fixed in a later version. Overall not a difficult hack and very fun with impressive polish for such a big hack made in 6 months. And the music is very catchy, I've found myself listening to it at Mentlegen's Music, the creator's youtube channel. 5/5 definitely recommend.

-- End of Review by Exister --

Widescreen patch v0.3.07 in attachments
Thank you very much, you know something about the freezed screen on Redesign Axeil Edition with the widescreen patch?


June 23, 2023

Super Metroid - Redesign Axeil Edition FINAL (11-29-2022) - Widescreen Patch v0.3.07 by ocesse

Here is the Widescreen Patch v0.3.07 for Super Metroid - Redesign Axeil Edition FINAL, I hope you enjoy it.

Super Metroid - Redesign Axeil Edition

Release date: November 29, 2022
Author: Drewseph
Version: FINAL
Release Page: This patch is outdated
Website: Here, you can find the up to date patch
Forum Thread:,3468.0.html

Average runtime: 12 hours and 14 minutes
Average collection: 78% of items
Rating: 4 orbs

Review by Tundain on March 12, 2023

This was played a long time ago so no stats have been preserved unfortunately.
Once i discovered axeil edition was a thing, i was really excited to play this.
Having played OG redesign before and only one of the later versions of axeil, i can safely say this was an unforgettable experience. I was constantly comparing what changes had been made, which always made me happy because previously annoying sections had been incredibly improved. The lost caverns now was much better, and i managed to figure it out this time, tho i spent a long while in the hint room.
My favourite part of the hack is probably crateria depths. I actually liked the long suitless underwater section. Also since this edition does allow some sequence breaks, it was a cool challenge to try and keep a shinespark going through most of the section.
Tourian was also better, the metroids where challenging, tho i never really figured out how their behaviour worked, and i think there should have been some limit to how many will appear in a room.
Still no wrecked ship unfortunately :(, sadge
All in all, a perfect example of a creator who decided to improve upon mistakes and save his work of art. Good work!

-- End of Review by Tundain --

Widescreen patch v0.3.07 in attachments



Can you share this patch for Super metroid Turbo!
I appreciate it if it would be possible  :^_^:


Quote from: samsamcmoi on September 10, 2023, 07:48:16 AMHi,

Can you share this patch for Super metroid Turbo!
I appreciate it if it would be possible  :^_^:

Here is a beta patch, please tell me if this does work at least  :^_^: