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Metroid Mission Rescue Version 2.5

Started by Mettyk25jigsaw, August 16, 2015, 08:47:42 PM

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To Valholy, open spoiler...

[spoiler]It opens a gate that's blocking an item in that room, but you need the cruiser first also to be able to get it, same with the one in arion skirts you wanted to do with the velocity boots...[/spoiler]


A short question to Mettyk25jigsaw:
Does it mess things up, or can I still get all items (and beat the hack) in the hard version of SM Mission Rescue, in the case of having Phantoon killed and thus the room states of Wrecked Ship rooms changed, right after obtaining Grapple (though, unless other doors than one upwards leading brown Speedbooster door are in the way, I am sure one could kill Phantoon as soon as having Ice Beam and probably Super Missiles, with the help of IBJ), but before having Speedbooster? I got the E-Tank in the initial elevator room in Wrecked Ship before killing Phantoon, so that at least should not be an issue.


To ARAN-Jaeger:

[spoiler]First of all I am finding it hard to understand your post (it's probably not you but me, as I have a condition that makes it hard to comprehend certain things), anyway what I got out of it was, that the energy tank is suppose to be obtainable after finding the grapple beam, so that's fine...Another thing, am I right in assuming that you have found a way to IBJ, as this was not intended to be possible in my hack and if you have I don't know how the hell you did it and well done if you have, but will need to be brought to my attention. If I am also right going by what I got out of your post that you've got to the boss of w.ship/base zero after getting grapple, then there is an issue as you are not suppose to get to him till after walljump boots...And are you playing hard mode, if so have you beaten an easier version yet, if not I applaud you...If you have played easier versions, were you able to IBJ then assuming that you have been able to IBJ at all...Thanks for any assistance you can respond to. Hopefully this answers your question as it's the best I can do...As for wether it would be messed up if I have understood you right by playing phantoon early, well I couldn't actually say as I don't know, sorry...[/spoiler]


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on November 06, 2015, 07:05:13 PMam I right in assuming that you have found a way to IBJ
Quote from: Aran;Jaeger on October 31, 2015, 11:05:35 AM
By the way, has anyone else also already figured out how to IBJ in this hack? :grin: :razz:


The secret to IBJ:
Okay, I have had my fun with the IBJ (although it did not get me any major items as quickly as I wished, but only more ammunition instead), and it did only take me some minutes to figure out how it works, I almost thought it was intentionally built into the hack in a hidden way.
So the thing is, when laying a bomb, then it can provide knockback to Samus in the normal way unless one presses Select before the bomb explodes, which does two things:
1*. It prevents this bomb from providing knockback to Samus.
2. It enables the player to lay a new bomb (though at most 5 bombs can be there simultaneously) even before this/the previous bomb did explode.

Then, when messing around a little further with bombs, I observed the following:
If one lays a bomb, then presses Select (for any finite amount of time) before it explodes (so that one can lay another bomb), and then actually does lay another bomb, then the effect of laying this new bomb after pressing Select is that the old bomb re-gains the ability to provide knockback to Samus, but now the newest (second) layed bomb cannot give knockback to Samus anymore (unless one presses Select again and lays a new bomb such that the inability of giving knockback to Samus switches to the last bomb that was layed).

* So, actually, the corrected effect with the number "1." of pressing Select is:
1. The currently last layed bomb after pressing Select cannot give knockback to Samus, but all others can.

3. Furthermore, as soon as (at least) 2 bombs are simultaneously there, then (since the inability to lay a new bomb is in some sense attached/depending on the existence of the initial bomb, it seems, and is not updated to be dependent on the last layed bomb), as soon as the first of those 2 bombs explodes, one can even lay the next (3rd) bomb (before the 2nd bomb explodes) without the need of pressing Select anymore before laying this 3rd bomb, and the same holds for all following bombs.

Now, since one during IBJ usually lays the next bomb shortly before the last one explodes, one can for example do the following:
Executing a stationary jump with midair-morphing while rising and laying the first bomb such that it would hit Samus normally when coming back after reaching the apex of the jump, but then, before this happens, one shortly presses Select and lays a new bomb at any height above the previous bomb, as soon (but not earlier) as the ball starts moving downwards and at most as late as when the previous bomb is about to explode. Then, the inability to give knockback switches to the new bomb before the old bomb reaches its timer to give knockback, so it can do this, and in order to let the next bomb give Samus knockback, one repeats the process.

So, in short:
By interrupting the well-known standard IBJ method via shortly pressing Select in between each two bombs (or only presses Select in between the first 2 bombs, which is implied by effect number 3.), one can IBJ in most likely all versions of this hack, but it certainly is doable in the hard version.
It even is possible to IBJ diagonally somewhat, since the window for (frame-wise) error for individually laying the next bomb is rather large due to the changed gravitation.

Regarding Phantoon:
I do not even have the Walljump-Boots yet, but the way I could get to the "Wilderness" and then to Phantoon was the following:
On the way to an area that looks like Red Brinstar, through the Wrecked Ship, at some point one comes across a brown Speedbooster door-shell in the ceiling, so one can freeze the ghost close beneath this door-shell, then crouch onto the frozen ghost and jump through the shell (which does not seem to be pixel-perfect in precision anymore compared to the original game, at least not when having HighJump in this hack). And afterwards, one can climb up all the rooms via IBJ. Edit: Sorry, this part here is wrong, this was used to break into a different area. For Phantoon, I used Grapple to swing along the ceiling in a large room filled with water that mostly had a spiked floor, and I got to this room after IBJ, so for TAS, Grapple might not be needed, but for humans it is.

Also, I now observed that I was not intended to have Speedbooster up to this point, though I did not find another path to take within the whole massively large accessible area (for which I made an own map on sheets of paper with more details on it than in the in-game-map, which I would absolutely recommend anyone to do that tries the hard version without having done the easier ones).
And yes, Grapple Beam would turn the door-shells into open-able ones, but that is not needed, since one can abuse the Super Missile´s extreme acceleration [for large-distance GGG methods, since at some point, the projectile will move more than 16 pixels (or any amount of pixels, since its speed is unlimited and just requires space to get to such speeds while staying in-screen to not vanish) forwards in 1 frame] and/or Samus´ velocity (in the frame in which the projectile is fired) that gets added to the place in which the Super Missile would normally spawn, to let it spawn further ahead inside the gate´s button, i.e. doing a so-called Green Gate Glitch).

Edited twice:
By the way, two other comfortable ways to abuse the Select button:
While Select is held, enemies cannot move, but the cooldown-timer for (beam) projectiles continues its countdown, but also as soon as pressing Select, any beam projectiles that currently are in the screen will instantly vanish, but one still can, in the case of fighting enemies at a small distance, always only shortly release Select while holding the Shot button, with an enemy next to Samus´ cannon, to buffer beam projectiles that then (gameplay-wise) are very rapidly-fired in the enemie´s point of view, such that one can stun those partially.

Oh, and furthermore: In tunnels that normally would not let Samus unmorph within those, one can hold Select and then press Up right when releasing Select, in order to unmorph.


I wonder if I didn't use the hud patch, if these select abuse methods would or would not still be there? Might be something to do with that patch since the select button and it's coding is somewhat different...If so, the 2nd hack I am working on won't have that method of abuse cause I haven't used it...That would be good....

EDIT: Tested on my second hack the select abuse doesn't work, yay--fantastic....

Steel Sparkle

I must be the real dummy and i apologize for sounding like a dip stick but....
EDIT! I seemed to have figured out what to do but i will leave my original question here in case i did it wrong.

[spoiler]Where in the wide world do i go after obtaining Mega Racheta? And im having trouble figuring out what part of an area is sectors 1,2,3. Is pink 1? Is red 2? Is Orange 3? Can someone please help... EDIT:I found Kraid in Messadon so i assume i found the right place.[/spoiler]


To Steel sparkle, thankyou for playing my hack, to answer your query about sectors they go from left to right as you read a book...Sector 1 = left third---Sector 2 = centre---Sector 3 = right third...

PS...Chaud bay has 4 sectors but it follows the same principle.
       Smachoghr just the 2 sectors and is a bit different in principle as it goes in diagonal --- bottom left = sector 1 and top right = Sector 2...

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on November 30, 2015, 09:44:23 PM
To Steel sparkle, thankyou for playing my hack, to answer your query about sectors they go from left to right as you read a book...Sector 1 = left third---Sector 2 = centre---Sector 3 = right third...

PS...Chaud bay has 4 sectors but it follows the same principle.
       Smachoghr just the 2 sectors and is a bit different in principle as it goes in diagonal --- bottom left = sector 1 and top right = Sector 2...

Alright thanks for the info :3

Steel Sparkle

Apologies for the double post and the suit color edits. I love doing that stuff for personal use only but while i was playing i came across this fun bug. I actually sent him a pm but i wanted to post this for other ppl to look out for.



Yeah there were 2 enemies I set the grapple AI as setting 'die samus die' for people to memorise those 2 particular enemies and remember not to grapple them, but I guess I am being a bit mean, so for next version, the fix will be in without that feature...I am just waiting for JAM to finish the door palette improvements so I can add that and then I will release next and maybe final version...JAM, though seems very quiet on the forum lately, maybe he is busy doing other things, idk...
I also noticed a bug myself in Kraid's room with the door caps that wasn't originally there but probably was done when I changed what palette the white doors use, as Kraid's room overwrites the CRE, so the doors show up differently...Coincidentally I was going to fix that right after checking the forum...


I won't go into the trouble I once had getting involved with a swinger. :^_^:


Quietus, about time someone made a joke on the naming change of the grapple beam to swinger in my hack, I'd been waiting for it...Well done... :^_^: It obviously in reality is called the swinger since you can swing with the grapple beam, I couldn't think of anything else to call it, so I thought I would call it that and let someone make a joke about it...


Hehe, you could have focused on the way it suspends Samus, but talk of suspenders is only going to make things worse. :^_^:

Maybe 'Pendulum'? Or you could just amend the original slightly to have 'Grappler'.

Steel Sparkle

Thanks Metty. Don't worry about JAM. He will finish those doors when he does. The guy has a lot on his plate along with polishing Arrival.


BIG EDIT: Released V2.4...Major changes in many things, first of all most credit goes to Jam for this particular version because he has offered to work on a whole heap of things for this version and it is finished + he is doing more things for next version, so please give a lot of thanks to him for this...There are some other improvements I have done but they are small compared to Jam's efforts...

What you'll get:

*New door caps and for all doors (and they are good)
*charge beam/rinder doors, blocks and charge beam/rinder gate PLM...
*power beam/luchere blocks
*fix for save icons in areas 6 and 7
*special door
*bomb/explosive doors
*Jam hasn't told me about this one but I think he may have improved on the speed booster and how the blue echoes perform for both speed ball and normal speed booster, because it is very much at least looking better...Also I think he may have also improved on a couple other things I am not sure...
*A code written for golden torizo's that will improve the palettes I believe or something anyway...
* The hud palettes are looking even better now, it's actually quite groovy..
* Message box words are better too.

*A few small improvements done by me...
*A new manual for version 2.4 is out too (separate link) - has new door color combinations...

I can't think of anything else but I wouldn't be surprised if I have missed something on this list...Thanks JAM!!!!!

Go to first post to download...

A Dummy

Nice!  This is the version I've been waiting for to play this!  Although I've still yet to finish ERIS, and I still need to finish playing FF6 BNW, among many other hacks I haven't played yet.
Not to mention all the console games I haven't finished yet.
I think I can afford to wait for the next version after this. I play too many games.


*I have now done a full map for MMR, download on the link which is below the links to the manual (on first Post)...
   Open it up In Paint if you like...

Steel Sparkle

Cool new door caps. May i ask. In wardia i think it was... That place that uses fusions underwater area tile set. Is it possible to pause there and use the map because not having the ability to use the map made exploring that place was a pain when i first did it.

Edit: Nvm i see you provided a map.


me he quedado atascado en una parte del laberinto de bgarnowr solo tengo racheta ybomba


Alright. I'm very lost after getting Bombs. According to your hint room I should be making my way from Arion Skirts Sector 3 to Messadon Sector 1 at this point.  However, I can't figure out what path I'm supposed to be taking to get there. I tried exploring to the right of the Arion Skirts <-> Messadon elevator and ended up in Messadon Sector 3 but dead-ended quickly. Next I tried exploring more around where I got Morph Ball and Missiles but dead ended there as well. After that I tried exploring around where i got Bombs again but found another dead end. The last thing I've tried is using the Sector Warp in Arion Skirts to warp from Sector 3 to sector 2 but once again I found myself at a dead end, with no apparent way to return to Sector 3 because I had to drop through some crumble blocks by the warp to continue exploring. I found a World Warp to Bgarnowr but there are more doors I can't open and it's underwater.

I didn't see anyone else in the thread asking about where to go at this point so there's obviously a path that I'm missing. Please let me know where it is and feel free to tell me in as much detail as you want to. I don't mind.

I also wanted to make a comment about the map you've included. I'm very grateful for the map's inclusion but one of the big failings I see with it is that there is no legend anywhere on it. You have a lot of little icons and indications on the map pointing out stuff but the problem is that without a legend I have no clue what they mean! I've been trying to decipher some of the icons and have successfully figured out a few of them but overall, you should definitely include a legend on your map. Additionally, I noticed that Power Bomb doors and blocks on the map do not match the color of the doors in the game. In the game, they are red but on the map they are orange. Some of the shapes of the rooms on the map also don't match the shapes of the rooms in the game. You may want to address that but that's less pressing.


la verdad es que el mapa no se entiende nada , ningun simbolo es un hack bastante dificil :stern:


ademas parece que nadie se a hecho un gameplay de este juego


elol, I am guessing you are wanting to know where to go in that room you uploaded, if so download attachment marked 'Morph maze.rar' Google translate is not working for me at the moment for some reason, it won't let me paste and I don't speak your language...Sorry...Will try again later....

Steel Sparkle...The map seems to open up fine for me in wadaria (also tried Mahagan too, just in case) and they both opened up the pause screen map, although in wadaria, it is a little while you must wait till you can access the map station...Same with mahagan...Can you snapshot the room you couldn't open it in the next time you are there please?

To FPZero,

[spoiler]I think you are having trouble getting through the first room you come to in Bgarnowr, you must destroy all the enemies in that room and then some to get through the grey door, you must kill repeatedly that respwaning crawler a few times...If you have been through that door then it's the next room I think, there is however a way through that puzzle at end of room...[/spoiler]

And to FpZero too, oops I didn't think about including that bit, give me half an hour and I will do one that does include that bit...