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Metroid Mission Rescue Version 2.5

Started by Mettyk25jigsaw, August 16, 2015, 08:47:42 PM

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It's Release day for MMR...

First of all, you need to know that there's a trick to the morph ball room, in regards to escaping the room, to those who can't figure it out, there is a video walkthrough inside the spoiler down the bottom of this post, but only open it if you need help, many won't, some may...It's really the only spot in the game I need to do this.

As this is my first hack ever, level design improves as you get further into the game, but overall I think it's pretty good, but make up your own mind...

As the hack is 6 megabytes, it's converted into Exlorom Format. So some emulators are not compatible...For a list of compatible emulators, go to the readme file inside the RAR file...

It is for an unheaded rom...

There is a new hud with different controls, to learn how to use it read this:
To switch between and to beams and Missiles, supers etc. The default buttons are 'y' to switch from beams to missiles, supers etc and vice versa.....And to change between them you press and hold the select button and then right or left to select and then let go once you have the one selected...Also holding down the select button and pressing up or down you can also switch from beams to missiles etc and vice versa...

The hack is a complete full hack and hard mode has exactly 699 rooms, normal has a few less, and easy a few less again...There is 8 worlds on the planet, so you get to explore more territories...The name of the planet is 'Arion'.

However I highly recommend NOT starting off with Hard mode, as it's really only designed for people who have already played easier versions and this time want a hard challenge as it is really really hard...If you do try hard first and don't like it, you can give normal or easy a try before you give it the flick, of course...

There is a manual that I have put together and can guide you through some differences in the game, so if you are a bit confused between a couple of things. Look on the manual and it might give you a clue...For example, door colors...There are instructions on how to put the manual together so you can just print it out on your printer and use it like a normal manual. Instructions are on page 2...

Link to Hack:

IMPERATIVE TO READ---IMPERATIVE TO READ B4 DOWNLOADING V2.3!!!!!  If you have already got the swinger/grapple beam and haven't already done this following procedure between version 1.9 to this one, then you must go back to where you got the grapple beam shown in the image file upload and head through to Brinstar's/Messadon's torizo room through the red door in image file...This will activate grapple beam doors to be openable as I had to find a fix to them as Luchere beam could open them without collected or equipped charge beam...Don't worry just by going through this section will make grapple doors openable again...I had to do it this way as I had not enough knowledge about how to fix it any other way...Sorry for any inconvenience...You don't need to worry about doing anything though if you have not yet collected the grapple beam/swinger or b4 starting the game or if you have already done this between v1.9 and this one...

All 3 Versions for version 2.3:

Link to version Easy Mode Final Version 2.45:

Link to version Normal mode Final Version:

Hard mode for 2.4 and above don't exist---didn't think it was worth putting in that much effort for a mode very few people are going to play since it is that hard...If you want hard version revert to 2.3 version which I am keeping up here (for all 3 versions for 2.3)....(Jam Asked me to do a fair few fill in jobs in relation to what he was doing like going through all rooms with gates that have enemies only destroyable via the charge beam and get rid of these and change the gate knobs to a different index for charge beam gates and amongst other things [JAM and I worked as a team trying to get this version finished by the end of 2015, but we couldn't quite make it])...So no hard version for 2.4, sorry...

Links to Manuals:

Link To MMR Map:

Morph ball room Walkthrough Spoiler---Only open if you need help to bypass Morphball/Suschi Room....Video Walkthrough...

Thankyou, I hope you enjoy the game...

EDIT: Released V1.2....Fixed a bug or two + Made the morphball room easier since first version...
EDIT: Released V1.3...Fixed another bug found by Dynasty and made maze a little easier...
EDIT: Released V1.4...Fixed a couple minor things + A more serious thing found by JAM...
EDIT: Released V1.5...Made a couple things a little easier + Perma fix found by JAM...I think I may have fixed a major gfx glitch too found by JAM (as I've finally think I may have woken up to what JAM meant in his las post...Anyway what I've done, won't hurt....
EDIT: Released V1.6...Fixed a perma, found by Plush in ship room (thankyou Plush)...
EDIT: Released V1.7...Fixed item drop DNA for Kraid, since I forgot to do it for easy and Normal mode...I am doing this one quickly on behalf of Plush, because he's having difficulty...
EDIT: Released V1.8...Added a save station at the beginning in messadon, enemy palette fixes, improvements on enemy placements, faster beams and other small improvements...
EDIT: Released V1.9...Improved on some Backgrounds in first area, fixed a couple bugs inc. grapple beam doors bug and made tourian/Smachoghr look much better than it was previously...White doors are now using a different palette row...ending scene made better...Among other things...
EDIT: Released V2.0...Did this one sort of on behalf of Xaphan...It's not really a perma but something probably a little too hard to figure out in regards to something at the ending scene, so I improved on it...Plus there are a couple other small improvements...
EDIT: Released V2.1...Fixed perma at escape run at end of game, perma done while doing version 1.9, wasn't thinking right...
EDIT: Released V2.2...Quick fix to Mahagan's Ridley DNA in normal version only, as he ended up to be far too hard, don't know what went wrong there, but I thought it was urgent to release this one...
EDIT: Released V2.3...Just some small improvements...This will probably be the final version....

BIG EDIT: Released V2.4...Major changes in many things, first of all most credit goes to Jam for this particular version because he has offered to work on a whole heap of things for this version and it is finished + he is doing more things for next version, so please give a lot of thanks to him for this...There are some other improvements I have done but they are small compared to Jam's efforts...

EDIT: Released Final Version...White doors are now any weapon doors, since what I have done here fixes bug that causes any beam door gfx to screw up when collecting certain items like missiles, p bombs etc...However doing this caused another bug which I then used door fade asm patch to erase this bug, now is bug free...
         Fixed a bug in morph ball room at beginning of game, 1st reflector is now easier to hit...Thence forth making morph ball room really easy to do now. which it was suppose to be for a while now...
         Some other small changes...

What you'll get in version 2.4:

*New door caps and for all doors (and they are good)
*charge beam/rinder doors, blocks and charge beam/rinder gate PLM...
*power beam/luchere blocks
*fix for save icons in areas 6 and 7
*special door
*bomb/explosive doors
*Jam hasn't told me about this one but I think he may have improved on the speed booster and how the blue echoes perform for both speed ball and normal speed booster, because it is very much at least looking better...Also I think he may have also improved on a couple other things I am not sure...
*A code written for golden torizo's that will improve the palettes I believe or something anyway...
* The hud palettes are looking even better now, it's actually quite groovy..
* Message box words are better too.

*A few small improvements that I have done...
*A new manual for version 2.4 is out too (separate link) - has new door color combinations...
*I have now done a full map for MMR, download on the link which is below the links to the manual...Open it up In Paint if you like...

I can't think of anything else but I wouldn't be surprised if I have missed something on this list...Thanks JAM!!!!!

Edit: Released V2.41...Fixed a big error on which I forgot to change one of charge beam gates index to the right index when doing 2.4 allowing you to get charge beam/rinder early...Thanks goes to FPZero for finding it...
                              ...Improved heat run...
                              Couple other small improvement changes...

Edit: Released V2.42...Fixed a bug where making certain manoeuvres with metroids make the game crash...
                              ...Fixed a bug where you can get hand grenades early...
                              ...On easy mode there are more changes, many more 'always closed' doors close behind you after entering through the door from other side that previously wasn't and also many double doors have now got there own individual door scroll number/value making these doors close behind you too as you enter through...

Edit: released v2.43...fixed perma at escape run

Edit: Released v2.44(for easy only)...Fixed bug in one of base zero's rooms where room gets screwed up, thanks goes to Microhacker for that one...
                                                      You will also get all doors close behind you now when entering through all rooms in easy mode rather than some doors load 'as is'...
                                                      There is still more things to come for V2.5...

Updated Version 2.43 normal and 2.44 easy---error fixed in edited item event patch, somehow I broke part of the patch, my fault, not the fault of patch author...

Updated version 2.45 easy---fixed bug in base zero room where plm door was wrong ID

Updated Version 2.5  easy only---Many new features, but because it has been so long since I finished this version and the time I took to release it, I can only limitly update you on these new features from the top of my head....

...Proper Grapple beam doors
   New title screen
   fixed some minor bugs
   changed from exlorom to lorom, yes a huge task that was and it fit....
   white doors are now any beam doors
   hex tweak---found by DS0---saving processing power---faster
   so many other awesome features that I cannot remember since I never decided to release it to the public over this website for
   such a long time, but this is a major update, exciting new features are included among the forgotten I am sure....

Version 2.5 Easy Mode...


Steel Sparkle

YES IT'S OUT!!! Im gonna download this now and try it tomorrow after i sleep xD
Easy,normal, and hard. That's a nice bit of choice for those who want it easy and those who want a challenge. I can't wait to play this cuz it looks like a ton of fun. Nice work Metty :3

Vismund Cygnus

First impressions:


<Vismund> Holy shit
<Vismund> it's double the size of a regular rom

<Vismund> oh my god it is hideous

<Scyzer> my interest fell to a dead nothing after I saw the HUD palette and door caps
<Vismund> I've considered editing them myself in SMILE

<Vismund> okay so it won't open in SMILE

<Vismund> oh great
<Vismund> I went from an underwater room to an overwater one
<Vismund> and now my physics borked

<Vismund> so there's this room where the scrolls are wrong
<Vismund> and you go through and the whole hack breaks a bit

<Vismund> this fucking morphball room

<Vismund> fuck it, nope
<Vismund> I quit
<Vismund> I tried to be reasonable
<thedopefish> that didn't take long
<Vortex> lol
<Vortex> it's that blinding?
<Vismund> it's not the blinding that's the problem
<Vismund> it's the stupid puzzle that you need to move nearly perfectly with

and so I gave up.
Fuck that morph ball puzzle.


Vismund, You've tried hard version haven't you? The give away? There is no water in normal or easy up to the point of the morph ball room and the platforms in the hard mode water room is a lot better in easier versions and other rooms too...As I said in my post, I recommended not playing hard mode first because these are the issues you'll have, easier and normal are a lot better for 2 reasons...

1. they were made easier and more fluent b4 beta testing...
2. they were made much more even more so easier during beta testing which makes it a fluent and more enjoyable game, give it another go Vismund but on a different version.

Also Vismund, I don't like the sight of those doors either, I thought they were ok at first, but got sick of the sight of them after a short while and for a certain reason too long to explain, it was difficult to make them good but in a short reason-it was to do with palette options. However as for the palette on the hud, you only have 3 color options as that particular pallet uses GBA format and one of them has to be purple for doors and they just don't match with the 2 greens.

However Vismund, if you want to improve the doors (or the hud if you can), you can do it in smile, but as you said it won't open. However I can help you, all you would need to do is PM me with a request and I can give to you via a link a copy of valid mdb and level entries text files for my hack and then it should open, but you'll need to use Smile JX Version 2.82 or 2.83 to do that, as there will be a couple of issues with others...You'll find that a minority of rooms will still not open, most will...If you see rooms filled with X's, change room to another world and then change them back to ceres afterwards....This offer goes for everyone...As long as you promise only to use it for the hack you are PLAYING...Just PM Me to do that, if you have the patience to do what Vismund wanted to do...


Ok Vismund, I owe you an apology. There is another water room that I forgot about. It's actually something to do with a new feature I added to the game whilst beta testers were beta testing and while adding the new room to the game I forgot to think about the room next door which before getting the Morph ball, the room has fog in it (spores will do that too) which will create physic issues, please forgive me. I am about to upload a fix to it, hard mode doesn't need doing as that new room don't exist...Also I will make that morph room easier on easy mode and Normal too I suppose while I am at it...


Ok, Put v1.1 on both Normal and easy as Vismund found a bug which is fixed now + Morph ball room is quite easy now, the same video will still be alright to use, so I won't replace it as it is the same technique but the distance to run off the platform has been made shorter and if you hit the last reflector it's guaranteed to go all the way instead of possibly hitting the wrong tile, although normal mode requires 2 hits down the bottom...


(normal version) I'm in front of an eye door in Arion Skirts with no missiles left and 27 health. The way I come from is blocked off due to a grey door, the other door leads to a death end. There's a save station behind a bomb block. There're spikes there too, so I guess the only way out is suicide ?


Interesting so far. Arion Skirts was a bit bland and the background is quite aggressive, hard to tell where to go. The next area was a bit better and this hack seems to follow this trend. Can't wait to see more, but I did come across a few bugs like minimap errors in the [spoiler] Arion Skirts top left section near the world switch to Bgarnowr. [/spoiler]

Not exactly sure if I'm breaking the game or going the right way right now though. [spoiler] Why is there always underwater segments with no gravity...or rather Naelleyn Armor in this case. Hate those  :<_<: Now I'm somewhere in Bgarnowr in some sort of underwater Sushi maze. It's getting a bit frustrating navigating in there, am I at least going the right way?[/spoiler]


Dynasty, you're going the right way, there is a way through, just keep shooting and bombing, although I think there is only one spot you need to bomb, I think...
   Metequarius, I rushed that process adding that door just b4 release, it's a perma, stupid me. I'll have to put a fix to it. luckily there's a door you can go through and back if you saved in there...Just bear with me, it should be within half an hour, hour at most...


I decided I'd start over because I kept thinking I was going the wrong way and might have needed to do some more exploring to get some more energy tanks or this hack's equivalent to missiles, but when I did decide to start a fresh game, I came across this glitch.

I saved at this location in the Arion Skirts before deleting the file. Restarting the emulator does nothing to fix it, either.
The version I'm playing is the Normal Difficulty.


Is this the block I was supposed to find?

[spoiler] [/spoiler]

If so, I do not have the item to break it. Also, you can't get out of that particular tunnel. [spoiler]The edge of the water makes it impossible to get out of there.[/spoiler]


Aerozolah, that bug can't be fixed as to my knowledge, cause that's a side effect of having the supermap Patch (I think it's the supermap Patch) it makes the last 2 scrolls on the left and right on the mini map not show properly and even though what you are looking at is the pause screen map, I think the game uses the tiles for the mini map on load up, but I could be wrong but I'll look into it...

Dynasty, I'm fairly certain you can get out of the water, but I'll double check and get back to you...


First of all, I really like how big this hack is. So Many Rooms. 8 Full Areas. Finally, someone used power of my patches to make monster like this. And... congratulations! Very good job for the first time. Not just a half hack like most of hackers do at the first time.

What you really need is to place Save Station in (or just before) the Morphball maze room. Very long journey and... this room. Also, in default ROM you'll get the same effect on leftest 2 and rightest 2 sectors.

What I don't liked is some of palette colors.

Also, I found a lot of small tiling errors, enemy palette bugs, wrong distance from some doors and even one permastuck. I'd say, you can expand that polishing meter to at least 125%.


JAM There is a save room just B4 the maze room...

Dynasty, that was actually a perma and something I did now I remember just prior to finishing game about a week or two ago, may have rushed that a bit too, not sure...V1.3 will be up now, Hopefully this will be the last one for a while. Funny I've almost played my own hack right thru without finding any permas...And I've been updating...Although one of my beta testers found a couple...


JAM There is a save room just B4 the maze room...
What? Haven't found it...

Anyway, hack is far from complete IMHO. Better than v1.0 of Arrival, but still a lot of things to do. It's more than 1 day work. If you'll continue updating versions with same speed, final version will be like 5.0. =)

First thing that you can do without editing rooms is getting rid of palette 0000 is enemies allowed. Correct values should be: 0001, 0002, 0003 and 0007. Crap, should make a warning in SMILE JX about "0000".


JAM, The save state is 2nd last room b4 you get to the maze room, right near the door to the last room b4 it. It's almost impossible to miss, you actually have to walk through it to get to the door, there's no other way. Although having said that, currently on the other side of the save room door is a wave beam door, so once you go past you can't come back until you have the wave beam. But have decided to change it to a missile door for next version...
    Also JAM, thankyou for pointing the enemy '0000' thing out, I never knew that, that will be fixed in next version too...
As for the lightning fast updates, that's only going to happen straight away when there is a permastuck...


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on August 17, 2015, 08:04:14 AMAs for the lightning fast updates, that's only going to happen straight away when there is a permastuck...
Mission: Rescue Mission Rescue :^_^:


Uh, I applied the IPS to an unheadered USA/Japan rom like I always do, but it's a black screen.  Gonna try again to see if maybe the patching got corrupted.

Edit: Read the readme... Does not work with ZSNES? Lame, man.
Edit2: Started it up in Snes9X, started exploring the abandoned planet, eventually made my way into that pink place, and found a room with spikes. Decided to check if spikes were actually spikes, bam, 60 damage. Why 60 damage from something at the start of the game? Then I tried just walking on the platform above them, lo and behold, collapsing blocks, I'm dead. High damage spikes in early gameplay is never a good idea, regardless of how many hackers do so. (Well, maybe if it were on Hard mode, but this was in Normal)


I started playing this today. I got the morphball but after that I run into enemies that don't seem to be able to be killed. I can kill the pirates but the plants seem immune to my beam and missiles and also red flying things. I patched the ips to a jap unheadered rom like I always do. not much fun trying to jump over and avoid enemies that can't be killed. am I doing something wrong. thank you.


Strokeend, in the readme file attached, is a list of emulators that are compatible, some emulators and versions are incompatible...The one I definitely recommend is the Zsnes emulator Version 1.51 done by Fusoya, and that is the only Zsnes version that will play this hack...But is the best for this hack...

Plush...there are only something like 2 spots in game where there are enemies near a door, reason? Well in the hack, many rooms have exactly the same enemy pop pointer as others, some as many as 4 rooms, to save space in enemy bank, what, you are saying? I know that means that moving 1 enemy in one room will move the enemy in the other with same pointer, but there is a way around it. That is, put the enemies in those rooms first, then build the level data around those enemies, and the room can still look completely different and not the same. I kept a record of positional data (x and y axis) for all these rooms for enemies to be safe...I can in potential, make those enemies be the first in the room, but there were 2 occasions I think, where I couldn't for a valid those rooms unfortunately had to be kept that way...Sorry...

Also Plush...Those two enemies you are talking about can be destroyed when you obtain the Sphay/wave beam...

Steel Sparkle

This is the first time im asking for help because im stupid and i do apologize but.....

[spoiler]Where in the world do i go after getting the morph ball? (And yes i got past the puzzle in there just fine.)[/spoiler]


Do not Open spoiler if you don't want the answer to Steel Sparkles question...

[spoiler]You have to go back towards the ship, but B4 you get there you find a room with mostly black tiles and there is a morph tunnel down the bottom, go through there and the rest should be easy, I hope. However if you have gone past that, be sure to be curious around the area you find your next Racheta/missile in that red room...[/spoiler]


Thank you Mettyk25jigsaw for your reply earlier. I think I had first day jitters but I now in exploration mode and am enjoying your hack. I want to thank you for creating this for all of us on here.


While I continued on my journey in Messadon after having found the Chiller/Ice Beam and another HP Boost/Energy tank, I came across an issue with a teleporter, in where you get stuck underneath it, thus stuck completely in the ground, unable to do anything about it, save moving left and right, bombing at the floor to no avail.


I commend you greatly for making your first hack on a scope of this scale.
However there are issues with it that deter my motivation to immerse and continue playing.
The harsh BG clash making me wonder what is solid and what is air, the palette, and the numerous doors for the sake of making things take longer.
At first I wanted to call out Vismund for being a harsh shit commenting on your first overhaul massive hack, but as I played, everything he said I felt.

Please take no harsh criticism in what I'm saying, I truly do feel you've gone above and beyond making a hack of this magnitude.
And the alien names for things is great. I just need to feel that motivation. That urge to play more. I hope this will be fixed in a new version.