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Super Metroid Escape2

Started by FullOfFail, May 26, 2014, 08:53:26 PM

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Quote from: M1CR0H4CK3R on June 05, 2014, 08:22:57 PMsnip

It's ok, I found a perma-stuck while playing around in Water Maze:

I learned that  you can literally traverse huge chunks of the game in 1 shinespark as long as you don't have to open colored doors, go on elevators,  or drop through crumble blocks.


Well, just beat this today, 105%:

About 1:35 of that was spent looking for the last Missile Expansion, which I FINALLY found [spoiler]in Tourian.[/spoiler] I unfortunately had to look in SMILE to figure this out, which I don't like doing. But hey, at least I found the other 104% legitimately, right? NOT! One other Missile and an Energy Tank had to be found by this method. The Missile was the one [spoiler]in Nature Caves, nested below the lower Water Maze door, hidden passage in Water Maze leads to it.[/spoiler] The Energy Tank was [spoiler]in Nature Caves, behind the High Jump Boots.[/spoiler]

This hack was VERY fun to play for the most part, but the process of getting 105% kinda ruined the experience for me in the end.


Thanks for the fixed version Micro, gonna put it in the original post. Some of the moderators of are also on this site, so it's possible it could end up there aswell.

Edit: Went ahead and included it in the original 7z under the title "Super Metroid Escape2 [Fixed By M1CR0H4CK3R].ips" and submitted it to, figured it's best to do while still relatively early. The original author can still do all of this himself and alter as necessary, of course. Just don't have an easy way to communicate with him.


Finally finished this beast:

Mode- Hard
Time- 5:49
Collection- 72%

I started this hack being skeptical about the colors. They somewhat grew on me once I got Varia. I had a hell of a time figuring out which way I was going to head next due to the open nature of this hack. I ended up getting Varia waaaaay before Grapple, which I hardly even used Grapple once I acquired it anyways. The bosses being "upgraded" was a very nice touch. The fact that the first time around they were balanced for Hard Mode and then doing the sort of "Boss Rush" against them all a second time with redesigned rooms that were proven to be harder made it even more fun. As a suggestion, fix the 2nd Gold Torizo fight so you can't block him in a corner at the beginning of the fight. I kept him on the top floor the whole fight and spammed him with Charged Ice/Wave.

Speaking of Charged Ice/Wave, there were several items I never found in the hack at all. These include:
-Spazer Beam
-Plasma Beam
-X-Ray Scope
-1 Reserve Tank
-Many missiles
-Many Super Missiles
-Many Powerbombs
-Secret Area

Yeah, I never got the pleasure of exploring the Secret Area, which also had a boss, so I can only imagine it is something that I need to figure out and discover on my own.  THis brings me to another thing I loved about this hack. Every upgrade I managed to find and stumble upon was rewarding. There were a few instances where I felt I got led into a dead end after traveling some rooms out of the way. (I'm looking at you Lower-West Sposco Ruins). Some of the ways that items were rewarded also seemed a A lot of the time spent in my hack trying to get to an out-of-reach item was wasted just searching immediate areas when all it took was letting/getting an enemy to crawl to an enemy-destructible block. (Wave, PB in South Sposco, SM in West Nature).

If I could change 1 thing about this game, it would be to just give the player X-Ray right off the bat, or at least give it to them around the point that the Varia is acquired. I felt after the first half of the game, most of the travel paths to progress were in very obscure places with no discernible hints as to something being there, (Getting into Lower Sposco Ruins). The X-Ray would just make the exploration more fun for more novice players IMO. Other than that, I loved the hack and had very few gripes. Found a few permastucks, but they all resulted from doing a Vertical Shinespark in ball form and laying a PowerBomb just before colliding with a ceiling (as long as it's 1-block high only.) This happened mostly with tubes that you weren't meant to get in or out of.

With that, here's my personal Pros/Cons of the hack:

-Layout of each individual room was natural and felt the same way.
-Exploration. Exploration. Exploration.
-Enemy difficulty progression: They weren't too overwhelming or underwhelming at any point in the game.
-Non-linear gameplay at it's finest.
-Controllable Shinespark[/spoiler]

-Not enough hints given for the next path. Some entrances are so hidden I never found them without wasting tons of time.
-Where's X-Ray and Spazer/Plasma?
-Spore Spawn 3 times......I hated this fight due to his erratic movements (even though they were predictable)


Here are some hints for the major items you missed.

[spoiler=Spazer and X-Ray]They're in the same general area.  Check the bottommost rooms of Nature Caves.
[spoiler=Spazer Exact]There's a room with a bunch of eating plants.  One is located under a platform.  It's fake.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=X-Ray Exact]There's a 1x1 room with a non-moving, non-harmful Zeela hidden in the ceiling.  Use a Super Missile to drop him from the ceiling and let him break the blocks he falls onto.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Plasma Beam]It's in Landing Site hidden in the first few rooms.[spoiler=Exact]Check your ship.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

I agree that the paths to major sections of the game should be way better marked.  I'm still trying to find the entrance to Lower Spospo Ruins.  I managed to find the Secret area and the paths it unlocks but I want to beat all the bosses before I go to not-Tourian.


Finally got around to playing this myself, and I must say, I'm extremely impressed. I love hacks that don't change the feel of the original too much, but enhance it subliminally with ASM. This hack took notes from other previous ones, and incorporated them rather seamlessly. Considering how open and big the areas are, having the door tiles represented on the map is just ideal. It's too early to say, but this may end up being one of my favorite hacks.


I don't know how anyone would find X-Ray without looking it up, and I don't know how anyone could possibly beat this game without X-Ray.  I'm going to try to beat the game because there is a lot of really cool stuff going on here, but this one is way past my sweet spot for exploration, and I like exploration.  Next challenge is to figure out how to get to Draygon, then begins the search for Lower Norfair and eventually the Secret Area. 


The Secret Area isn't that hard to find, but Plasma Beam is well hidden, or in a not usual location I guess. I had luck to figure out where it was.


Very much enjoying this hack, but I've run into a problem.  Upon entering the boss room in the Secret Area, the entire room is full of solid blocks and I can't move.


This hack is incredibly well-done in its mechanics (best map ever), but god is it annoying to find your way.

The readme.txt file says the order in which to get key items is:
Morphing Ball → Missile → Bomb → Super Missile → (Charge Beam) → High-Jump Boots → (Spazer) → Grappling Beam → Varia Suit → Power Bomb → (Wave Beam )→ Speed Booster → Gravity Suit → Ice Beam → Spring Ball → (Plasma Beam) → Space Jump → Screw Attack

I have obtained, in that order:
Morphing Ball → Missiles → Bomb → Super Missiles → Charge Beam → Power Bombs (sequence break) → Wave Beam (sequence break) → High-Jump Boots → Speed Booster (sequence break) → Spazer → Grappling Beam → X-Ray Scope → Gravity Suit (sequence break?) → Ice Beam → Varia Suit (lol) → Spring Ball → Plasma Beam → Space Jump → Screw Attack.

The author said he was working on Escape 3, but gave no ETA. I sure hope he makes it more linear and makes the path a lot easier to find - the entrances to Kraid's Lair and Deep Norfair are complete bullcrap, I had to scrutinise every room with X-Ray, not what I call fun. Phantoon was the last boss I found...

Having collected all upgrades, I still have no idea how to spawn Golden Torizo, and there are numerous doors that remain grey (not counting ES ones). I do not like such design.


i would like some help... how do i get into lower norfair??
i have killed kraid, draygon and  phantoon. items i have


Take the Warp Zone lift to Norfair, from there go:
[spoiler]East, south, east. You will be in a room with purple bubbles and blue lava; in the middle of it, use a Power Bomb.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Hrith on June 21, 2014, 11:11:41 AM
Take the Warp Zone lift to Norfair, from there go:
[spoiler]East, south, east. You will be in a room with purple bubbles and blue lava; in the middle of it, use a Power Bomb.[/spoiler]
thank you


Well, I am enjoying this hack but it does have it's frustrations.  My current frustration is my inability to find the Gravity Suit - could one of you kind people tell me in which area it is (I don't need the exact room, yet ;) )


Quote from: ianfrombristol on June 21, 2014, 03:18:37 PM
Well, I am enjoying this hack but it does have it's frustrations.  My current frustration is my inability to find the Gravity Suit - could one of you kind people tell me in which area it is (I don't need the exact room, yet ;) )

Assuming you've been through Spospo Ruins (exact room IS required for this, since giving an area will STILL drive anyone crazy, but I discovered it by mistake almost immediately on my very first playthrough)
[spoiler]Check the room after Kraid after getting Speed Booster[/spoiler]


Quote from: M1CR0H4CK3R on June 21, 2014, 03:57:21 PM
Quote from: ianfrombristol on June 21, 2014, 03:18:37 PM
Well, I am enjoying this hack but it does have it's frustrations.  My current frustration is my inability to find the Gravity Suit - could one of you kind people tell me in which area it is (I don't need the exact room, yet ;) )

Assuming you've been through Spospo Ruins (exact room IS required for this, since giving an area will STILL drive anyone crazy, but I discovered it by mistake almost immediately on my very first playthrough)
[spoiler]Check the room after Kraid after getting Speed Booster[/spoiler]

Errrr... I'm not sure I've fought him yet  :blush: but I have got the item you mention.  This could explain why my fight with Draygon was so hard  :O_o:


I'm asking for a couple general hints as to where I find (1) screw attack, the only major item I don't have, and (2) the entrance to the secret area.  I also haven't found the entrance to whatever the Tourian area is called in this game but I'm not asking for a hint for that yet. 

Getting kind of sick of circling the planet over and over. 


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on June 23, 2014, 10:34:11 PM
I'm asking for a couple general hints as to where I find (1) screw attack, the only major item I don't have, and (2) the entrance to the secret area.  I also haven't found the entrance to whatever the Tourian area is called in this game but I'm not asking for a hint for that yet. 

Getting kind of sick of circling the planet over and over. 

1.) [spoiler]You can find it in one of 2 places: 1.) in the secret area (Tourian portion; yes, Tourian is in the 'secret area' part of the map) and 2.) in Spospo Ruins, after discovering the 'hidden' second entrance to the Secret Area, and beating the boss within. After finding the 'hidden' second entrance to the Secret Area, and beating the boss within, the top-left door in the Warp Zone unlocks, which also leads to Tourian, and serves as a shortcut to Mother Brain, although taking this route misses the one Missile pack hidden in Tourian. To find the 'normal' entrance to Tourian, go to the tall, 2-sided (in this game) room with wall jumping Pirates (before where you got your first Missile pack) and try shooting the left side of the ceiling in the top-left corner of the room, then take the Green door all the way to the Statues' Room.[/spoiler]

2.) [spoiler]Search the top-right corner of the Landing Site (791F8). Rescuing the critters in the room after the boss unlocks the 'ES' doors, which hold the major upgrades, allowing you to get them earlier (as early as directly after you get Missiles if you follow Part 1 of the Video Walkthrough linked in the first post).[/spoiler]


I've tried both ZSnes and Snes9x now and I am still having the issue with the boss room of the Secret Area.  It freezes the game in Snes9x, and the room is full of solid tiles in ZSnes.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Quote from: Nakuul on June 24, 2014, 07:15:37 PM
I've tried both ZSnes and Snes9x now and I am still having the issue with the boss room of the Secret Area.  It freezes the game in Snes9x, and the room is full of solid tiles in ZSnes.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Strange - it worked for me once I swapped from ZNES to Snes9x.

Anyways I have wandered around enough and some help as follows;

1) Where is space jump?
2) How do I get Gold Torizo to wake up and face me in mortal combat?
3) Where is that big goon Ridley?  I have some missiles for him  :grin:

Any help much appreciated as always 


Quote from: ianfrombristol on June 30, 2014, 02:34:17 PM
1) Where is space jump?
2) How do I get Gold Torizo to wake up and face me in mortal combat?
3) Where is......Ridley?

1) Beat Ridley.
2) Lower the acid. [spoiler]You'll need to do a loooong shinespark from the area east of the Lower Norfair Elevator room (room 7B236 in the original SM), then go UP as soon as you hit the 2nd space pirate left of the Elevator.[/spoiler]
3) [spoiler]From the room in LN with a blue gate almost completely submerged in acid, go through the middle-right door (the one just above the acid), charge a shinespark, going from that room to the previous room you were just in, then shinespark up when there's 1-2 blocks empty space between you and the door (2-3 blocks from the door). Go through the door, then lay a PB on the right side of the room, then go through the bottom-left door. Follow the path, going up as much as possible, until you reach Ridley. the door on the bottom-left (hint, there's a door above it) redirects you to the door on the right (i.e.: the way you came in, it loops you back into the same room). You'll need to shinespark up in the exact center of the room (center of the lowest part of the room elevation-wise, the room is symmetrical terrain-wise) to find the REAL door. [/spoiler]


Quote from: M1CR0H4CK3R on June 30, 2014, 04:10:43 PM
Quote from: ianfrombristol on June 30, 2014, 02:34:17 PM
1) Where is space jump?
2) How do I get Gold Torizo to wake up and face me in mortal combat?
3) Where is......Ridley?

1) Beat Ridley.
2) Lower the acid. [spoiler]You'll need to do a loooong shinespark from the area east of the Lower Norfair Elevator room (room 7B236 in the original SM), then go UP as soon as you hit the 2nd space pirate left of the Elevator.[/spoiler]
3) [spoiler]From the room in LN with a blue gate almost completely submerged in acid, go through the middle-right door (the one just above the acid), charge a shinespark, going from that room to the previous room you were just in, then shinespark up when there's 1-2 blocks empty space between you and the door (2-3 blocks from the door). Go through the door, then lay a PB on the right side of the room, then go through the bottom-left door. Follow the path, going up as much as possible, until you reach Ridley. the door on the bottom-left (hint, there's a door above it) redirects you to the door on the right (i.e.: the way you came in, it loops you back into the same room). You'll need to shinespark up in the exact center of the room (center of the lowest part of the room elevation-wise, the room is symmetrical terrain-wise) to find the REAL door. [/spoiler]

Thanks a bunch.  I'm not really enjoying the extra long shinesparks to be honest  :neutral:


This is one goofy-ass game.  Is there any reward for beating the boss rush?  I didn't find one.  And it was tough.  Ridley's HP seemed to get quite a boost. 


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on July 02, 2014, 11:36:07 AM
This is one goofy-ass game.  Is there any reward for beating the boss rush?  I didn't find one.  And it was tough.  Ridley's HP seemed to get quite a boost. 

The last Missile pack can only be gotten if you do the boss rush, but it is well hidden.


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on July 02, 2014, 11:36:07 AM
This is one goofy-ass game.  Is there any reward for beating the boss rush?  I didn't find one.  And it was tough.  Ridley's HP seemed to get quite a boost.

Boss rush??? What Boss rush :O_o: :O_o: :O_o: