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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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Jefe for me.  I like the palette on it, and the general layout is fine.  My only query would be why there are grapple blocks above both doors?


i vote for jefe, but one thing it could be hard to know there is grapple blocks over the first big hole

Vismund Cygnus

The problem with passar's room must have been on his end, or on yours Alisa, because I just used the link from his post. However, I've gone and put it in my Dropbox for now, so hopefully you'll be able to see it now.  :^_^:


Quote from: Alisa Orlova on July 21, 2014, 03:34:07 AM
Well... Quote58 made it clear to me that this is a picture of the week, but not the room. In this case, I admit that the picture is good. But, if you disagree with me and think that this is still a room, i can say not, and here's why. First of all this pits. What's happening if we fall down? Loading screen? Well.. ok, we at the bottom of the pit, what next? Can we jump out? If yes, it will be full shit, like "fall Loading/jump Loading". If we can't jump out, how you'll implement it? Invisible blocks? Yeah...nice one. Second problem is "scrolling background disable trick". I remember your naive question, see "Engine Works". With this trick rooms looks good only in a picture, but in the game they looks like a NES. Anyway, great picture! I watch your works and I can say that you are moving forward! Well done! I will support you and this week.

The pit leads to a room which brings you back on track through a longer route.

Quote from: Quietus on July 21, 2014, 05:13:34 AM
Jefe for me.  I like the palette on it, and the general layout is fine.  My only query would be why there are grapple blocks above both doors?

If you think about it, many millions of years ago, when there was just a castle, the people who had grapple beams needed ways to cross the pit. Now the Brinstar vines are here, they're no longer needed, but they've stuck.


That makes sense for most of the blocks, but I was querying the odd ones above the doors. :^_^:


Well now. . . The cavalry has brought in the snot snuffers and told them to at least try this week. TOO BAD THEY LACK THE CAPABILITY!

[spoiler=Hold your intestines! Reading further will give you explosive diarrhea!]
[spoiler=passar]OMG, like, you know, like umm. . . Like. . . You know. Your room appeals to teenagers and slutacious hoebags. WHY IS THIS? Because that is some dirty blue palette on the plants. Otherwise, it is a room. NO COMMENT LIKE UM NEEDED UM LIKE YEAH.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Jiffy]You're so vain, you probably think your room is above criticism. WELL IT ISN'T! AND DO I HAVE A LOAD OF UNBORN OFFSPRING TO DROP ON YOUR ATTEMPT AT A ROOM111!!1! Honestly, this is easily your best work, and there isn't much to comment on EXCEPT FOR THE OBVIOUS THINGS YOU DONE DID WRONG. What are these things? WHY THEY ARE OBVIOUSLY THE GRAPPLE BLOCKS! ***GASP*** Yes, I just said your Grapple sucks. The reason why is that on a couple of sections, you have Grapple blocks offset by one tile. That is quite bad actually, as players will get themselves locked into the walljump pose when they just want to be Tarzan. They should all be the same height to prevent unintended consequences like that.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Retro]I CHARGE YOU WITH MAKING A ROOM! Get it? Charge? Volta? VOLTAGE? CHARGE? DO YOU GET IT YET? I hope so, because you clearly don't get the whole making a hack thing. (I MADE A PUN AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!) One day, we will see a released hack from you. . . BUT UNTIL THEN I WILL BE MESMERIZED BY YOUR LEAFS.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Quotebag]Chop off everything except the bottom two scrolls, and you would win this weak. (HAHAHAHA) I guess the leafs have shading? MAYBE THE REASON YOU BUILD ROOMS WITH SO MUCH PLANTLIFE IS BECAUSE YOU LIVE IN CANADA AND DON'T KNOW WHAT A TREE LOOKS LIKE BESIDES A LOG? Next time, don't drip your sausage syrup so sparingly on the top part of the room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=MetroidMst]The clear choice for ultimate winner. I have just won the past, present, and future. Learn from my masterpiece.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Hawntah]I felt like putting this in here just so I can call you a dingleberry. Why? Because I would have voted for you room, but then you went all Photoshop and asked to be DQ'd like ice cream was going out of style. (HAHAHAHAHA GET IT?)[/spoiler]
You people and your mildly improving rooms. You have years of hard work to go before you could even be considered to be my apprentice.


have i ever told you mst.. that you are a weird man.... :D


He certainly appears to have been at the wacky sauce lately. :O_o:


Ugh, once I vote I feel obligated make a reply of respectable length. Here goes:

jefe: Really solid palette here with the blues and greens. Not to mention, you seem to have a great grasp on that Brinstar tileset and made it mix well with the Crateria and Maridia bricks. The only other bit of information I'd have to give it echoing what Mst has said about the grapple blocks. My choice vote this week, but don't let those 15 votes go to your head. :wink:

MetroidMistake: Another case of "even though I know what/where this room comes from, you don't get extra points from me."  This really is a pretty bland and repetitive room. The layer 3 FX don't salvage many points for it either unfortunately for you. If I didn't know you, this would tell me "Congratulations, you can import tiles, use a tile/graphics editor, and build a room with it."

Quote85: I got your number correct, right? Anyway, this room seems lackluster compared to your other works. I actually like how the leaves have some shading to them, but that alone won't do it. The bottom parts of the room seem pretty barren and really browned out compared to the green which seems to be the main focus color. Also seems like the usage of the slopes is cutting out areas to detail the room. Being an elevator room, as I believe you said, I think you can get away with more straight edges and less slopes seeing how the room size tends to be narrow and not open.

RetroKnuckles: Ummm... Uhhh... Getting use to the tileset? A very plain 1x1 room you've got here. I personally don't see anything special here aside from obviously not being a vanilla tileset. That spot of leaves you have in the "background," it could use those in various places to add too it so that it's not terribly bland. That's all I got. :neutral:

passarbey: A pretty decent 1x1 room. The background doesn't exactly stick with me as an indoors background with rocks in the foreground doesn't seem to make much sense to me. However, the room serves it's (intended?) purpose well as an item room. Get item, admire the scenery, get out.


Review time.

[spoiler=MetroidMst]This looks like it needs FX1. Anyway, it's just a standard room to my eyes. The red crystals in the bg don't look that good.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Quote]Weak. So very, very week (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.) compared to your other attempts. That Outer wrecked ship plank doesn't fit sticking out from the side like that.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=retroknuckles]This attempt is foolish, I know you can do better. Also make it bigger to make our eyes feast on the goodness of this tileset.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=passarbye]Looks very nice for a 1x1 room. You seem to grasp this tileset well.[/spoiler]


Quote from: Jefe962 on July 23, 2014, 04:38:16 PM
This looks like it needs FX1.
A room.
Made by MetroidMst.
Someone does not assume it has FX1.
What has this world come to?


Retro need to stop using age old tilesets that are pillow shaded if he has no intentions of actually bloody fixing them to not molest peoples eyes.


You exaggerate a lot Crys.

That said, yeah those rocks are pretty awful, the person who drew them should be ashamed.



I like the rocks so i will stick with it -.-




Also, you need to add my winning entry to the Archive, underneath Alisa's winner.

Alisa Orlova

I want have the paragraph to vote "Against all" or "Against Vis"  :<_<:


Quote from: Jefe962 on July 26, 2014, 01:08:48 PM

Also, you need to add my winning entry to the Archive, underneath Alisa's winner.

Why is there a line through the door on top

Also why is there a floating white ball next to it

IMO it actually looks pretty nice, good job.


Quote from: Benki on July 26, 2014, 02:32:20 PM
Quote from: Jefe962 on July 26, 2014, 01:08:48 PM

Also, you need to add my winning entry to the Archive, underneath Alisa's winner.

Why is there a line through the door on top

Also why is there a floating white ball next to it

IMO it actually looks pretty nice, good job.

Well, Mother Brain's explosion was so intense, pieces of glass hit the door and sliced part of the door off.
The floating white ball is... wait...
Um, no. I rushed it, it took like 20 minutes. :\


Yeah, you're not supposed to put a lot of effort in, nor much time.  That's why it's called Zoom of the Week.  No, wait... :O_o:


Not my best work, but I felt like tossing it in here soooo

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Jefe962 on July 26, 2014, 01:08:48 PM
Also, you need to add my winning entry to the Archive, underneath Alisa's winner.
I'm aware of this, however when I reset this I was away from my computer, so I couldn't get access to Dropbox. Sorry if you thought I'd forgotten!  :^_^:
And now for my thing:
[spoiler=Giant, and the URL is true.][/spoiler]


Vismund Cygnus

Despite the entries this week being good, nobody is above criticism!
[spoiler=Jefe932]Saying "I did this in 20 minutes" isn't going to get you any sort of sympathy, when everyone is given the same time frame to make their rooms.
That's not to detract from the work that you've done, because all things considered it's pretty darned nice. That palette is pretty tasty, but the room itself is lacking that extra bit of polish and/or "oomph". And to complain about your lack of care for the background again, you seem to have a lack of care for your backgrounds. It doesn't really fit the room at all, given you've gone for a more cave-y type of room, aside from the 10 or so bricks you've got down the bottom. Speaking of those, make sure you're careful of which bricks you're using, because you've chosen the gradient fade out ones for filler bricks.
To me, the room is a good, great even, start, but it looks a bit unfinished.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Quote58]Don't really have much to say about this. Nice tileset and tiling, and a nice palette. There's a bit of repetition, particularly in the construction under the doors, but I think this tileset would get away with such repetition because it's not meant to look natural. A man-made structure is going to be repetitive and symmetrical. So yeah. Good room, not your best work but it's a good way to show off what looks like a new thing of yours.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Daltone]It's big Crateria, and has a cool palette, but it's lacking in that usual acid-trip vibe your stuff usually has. One strange thing I noticed is the single cave-bit layered over the top of the rest of the scenery in the bottom-right. This would look better (at least, in my opinion), if you'd done that in more places across the room. As is, it's decent, but not a stand-out room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Vismund Cygnus]Over the course of 4 months I slowly powered my way through this room, and it's finally done! I probably could have made it a bit more obvious what you can and can't see when you're actually playing, but hopefully it's not too hard to tell. The big blocks of samey filler should be a good enough giveaway. But yeah, I'm proud that I finally finished this and that's 95% of the reason I put this here.[/spoiler]

Don't know who I'm voting for, so I won't yet. Pretty tough choice, each room has its pros and cons. Would almost definitely go for Jefe if it was more polished, but it's not.


Vismund for me this week, simply because the palette is lubberly, especially against the blue background.  I'd only query the bottom, which I'm guessing is supposed to be a reflection.  I'm assuming you'll be using two PLMs with the same index to make the reflected orb disappear, but it also might look weird with Samus rolling across the surface. :^_^: