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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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Alisa Orlova

I like big pipes and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny...



Clearly I did not win last week because I did not have enough bubbles.

[spoiler=Surely I will win this week][/spoiler]




You know, you could just change it.  The voting hasn't started yet. :^_^:


The Background might not be as good as it was in my head, but it works, I guess...


Zero One


Because why the hell not. I spent a large amount of time working on this engine >_>


[spoiler=Because this topic hasn't been updated on time][/spoiler]

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: MetroidMst on May 26, 2014, 09:42:41 AM
[spoiler=Because this topic hasn't been updated on time][/spoiler]
What the fuck drugs are you taking

Alisa Orlova

Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on May 26, 2014, 09:49:24 AM
Quote from: MetroidMst on May 26, 2014, 09:42:41 AM
[spoiler=Because this topic hasn't been updated on time][/spoiler]
What the fuck drugs are you taking
And where i can buy them with delivery?

Vismund Cygnus

Rotw? Word time!
[spoiler=Mst]What the fuck are you even doing? I don't know about you anymore.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alisa]I see that same slope again. This room is pretty boring, it's basically the same as the last room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Snarf]If I were voting solely based on rad-ness you'd win. But I can't let myself be Mst just yet.
I will add that the gradient bubbles are actually really cool though, making this a surprisingly solid room.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Jeffery]I dislike this tileset. It's pretty bland and boring IMO. also your pipes stick out.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Quotebag]I dislike this tileset. It's bland and boring IMO. Nice palette though.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Knuckles]Nice room. It's a nice, clean Maridia room, and you've worked really well with the tiles. I'd like to see a bit more work on layering and extending what you do with the tileset, but for such a simple room it's surprisingly nice.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Charmy]You're right, the background is pretty weird. Also, I'm not too sure about that palette, everything seems a bit same-y. It looks like it'd be difficult to differentiate the layers in game. Purple is a nice colour.
One thing I'd like to add is that those extra cave tiles don't really add anything to the room. I believe you could do a lot more with them. This is a good Crateria room, but also it's nothing spectacular, it's kinda just "Nice Crateria".[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Other Webber]Those mushrooms and pipes look weird, I think the palette could be tweaked a bit. Not a bad room for a limited tileset but nothing really special either. It doesn't look too standout. I do like your cave palette though.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=01]Glad to see you're still working on this engine. As for the room, well, +1 for bubbles![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Me]I like this palette, I dislike how Norfair tiles, but yeah. This is actually the first room I've made with this tileset. Hooray![/spoiler]


[spoiler=ZeroOne]Not being in any actual Metroid game makes this slightly unique. Of course, you still included bubbles, which is instant amaze, much visual, very wow.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alisa]You have lots of pipes, and the room reminds me of Redesign. It is a very solid room, however, all those Bomb blocks on the left side look a bit obnoxious.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Jiffy]I like this room a lot. I nearly voted for it, but those pipes and the end bits just don't fit. And no bubbles.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=RetroStudios]Sandy Maridia is not my favorite thing to see. However, I do know some glows in Crateria that would make that sand stand out like nothing you've ever seen.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Quotavious]It's red. Almost reminds me of. . . No, it isn't that. But it is pretty red.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Charmy]This is why we call you Charmy, because you could use this room to charm any girl.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Phazy]This room appeals to 'shroomers and DMan. It also appeals to me, and people with taste.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Visminted]While not on the level of Baconface's epic masterpiece with this tileset, this is quite good, and it has a lot of bubbles. Vismund for Prez.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=BestEver]The drugs were pretty good.[/spoiler]


So it was between Quote and Vismund but I'm gonna go with Vismunds room. Everyone did decent jobs with the rooms this time around.


I like this room. It's simple; not too much going on. You've used the sand well, and designed it in a way so the left part of the room would look suspicious to anyway looking for something more, but normal to anyone not.
Your room is blue. I'm not sure if you've meant for this to be a really cold room or a really hot room. If you went with cold, then your room design is pretty good, but the bubbles wouldn't really fit. If you went with hot, then you have too many sharp edges in there. If the room was hot, the sharp edges would be the first part of a rocky formation to melt away.
Tileset and palette are nice. I like your room layout, but it feels like it's missing something. Maybe a couple of layers around the outside of the movable area so it doesn't look so empty on the sides?
This room is so very very small... I can't see much, but there seems to be a lot of pipes and crateria going on, with water probably around halfway up the room? I think you've used the pipes a bit too much. CRE should be used sparingly, to bring attention to certain parts of the room.
BBBB     U     U    BBBB     BBBB    L         EEEE    SSSS
B     B   U     U    B     B   B     B   L        E         S
BBBB     U     U    BBBB     BBBB    L         EEEE     SSS 
B     B    U    U    B     B   B     B   L        E               S
BBBB       UUU     BBBB     BBBB     LLLLL   EEEE   SSSS
This room is dark... too dark? might be different in game, but the red and grey seem to clash a bit. It makes me sad.
What the fuck?
This room looks half finished D: And your bricks are being cut off along the bottom part with the steps. It almost looks like it could be a minecraftable version of Metroid.
This room is sexy. The rock palette is most sexy. The CRE looks VERY out of place though, especially having the same palette as the shrooms. Woulda looked better having open spaces for the doors, with maybe silver CRE lining the PB door.
I think this room should be used as a reference to people who ask about layers, and what not to do with them. There are WAY too many in this room, to the point I can't even tell where samus would stand. Purple is also my least favourite colour of all the colours to use in Crateria.

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Scyzer on May 26, 2014, 10:55:02 PM
If you went with hot, then you have too many sharp edges in there. If the room was hot, the sharp edges would be the first part of a rocky formation to melt away.
Still makes more sense than roofhoppers! :bounce:
Also, this seems relevant here:
Quote from: Phazar on June 26, 2009, 09:05:55 PM
LOL.  Since when did people use scientific fact to justify hacking laziness?
There's more pointy bits because it's more aesthetically pleasing. (Plus the tileset loves its points). Think of it less as rocks and more as Blue Tungsten, if we want to be scientific.  :grin:


That looks familiar Vissy... I can't quite place from where though. :?:

Aside, I went with Jamie Webb this week. Something about the room tickles my fancy.

To lazy to write extensive thoughts for every entry, write something extensive for why I picked this Webb bro's room, and only wanted to add some kind of topic related content while making a remake about Vismund's post.


I'm too conflicted this week to vote. Honorable mentions to several submissions.
This isn't just hard, it's impossible for me. Can't vote. Too much lush.


I've gone with JamieWebb16 this week.  The colours all seem to fit together nicely, and the room looks like everything has been used well.  Just a well built room, and it has that 'wanna be there' feel to it. :^_^:


I liked MST's more than the others.

Black Falcon


I can totally understand Dman not being able to vote this week despite there being so many rooms.
But I'll give it a try anyways, so here it goes:

Alright first room is a maridian room... um.. yeah.
Nothing to say about this room tbh, it looks too ordinary to me.
[spoiler= Vismund]
Oh my, can't say how much I love that sexy purple!
Very interesting use of layering as well.
That blue though is a bit too vibrant.
Maybe some desaturation helps. It doesn't feel off, though, and I can imagine that with the right fx it'll look nice!
I would love to see an actual ingame screenshot, because I have no doubt that the atmosphere's gonna be intense!
Potential winner.
Your custom tileset looks really good, though to me it seems that it is missing something.. well something.
Hard to explain, maybe it would look better if you'd add in more slope sections, dunno.[/spoiler]
You've been pretty busy with this room.
I like the fact that every platform actually is supported in some way by either pipes or rocks.
A thing I really don't like however is the background to look that unnatual. For the foreground the design you've got makes sense, but the background just doesn't fit as it looks a bit too busy and slopey.
Also -1 for overused Redesign scheme.
[spoiler=Red Hot square Bubble room with very nice gradients]
What the spoiler tag said.[/spoiler]
I don't really like the feel of that room, mainly because of that blood red palette choice.
Other than that, classic platform room, nothing to add.
Well it's a bit hard to tell what's foreground and what's background, but after playing in similar rooms like this I can say that this is actually not really an issue ingame. (Assuming this room has the same fx like the other ones I've played  :wink: )
I love the palette and the retro feeling of this.
Nice work there, though I don't like the room just being outlined like that.
Needs moar filler tiles.

[spoiler=Webber Bros.]

Oh man you guys sure gave me a hard time to decide. Don't do that! That's so mean of you...

Jamie: Very classy room of yours. Really love your style and sense for palettes. Nothing to complain about this room and I pretty much agree with everyone else about this room.
However I have to say that for a change I'd like to see something completely different than mushroomy crateria, but that's just me. Can't really explain. Your room sure feels good and very well designed, though I'm kinda tired of that tileset. Dunno. Nonetheless potential winner No. 2

Charmander: While I like the purple, I feel that there needs to be yet another gradient of it for the very foreground tiles to stick out a bit from the tiles you can actually walk on (if you know what I mean).
I see that you've used the mushroomy crateria tiles to break it up a little, but still some of the foreground layers look a bit too similar to me. People do that very often, but only DSO once managed to make every layer to have a different color and thus to be easily distinguished from the others.

Alright, I must admit that the thought of having to pick one of those rooms gives me mixed feelings and makes my brain hurt, but nonetheless I'll go with Vismund's room this week. I think that unusual palette choice of yours payed off!

Very interesting week! Lots of good rooms, and it sure was a challenge to pick one.
More like that please! Go people! You can do it! :awesome:


Black Falcon: Alisa'a original, clickable, image is here. :^_^:

Black Falcon

Thanks Quietus.
I've Updated my post.


Quote from: Scyzer on May 26, 2014, 10:55:02 PM
I think this room should be used as a reference to people who ask about layers, and what not to do with them. There are WAY too many in this room, to the point I can't even tell where samus would stand. Purple is also my least favourite colour of all the colours to use in Crateria.
I have to disagree. This room is actually very easy to see where Samus would stand. It is quite obvious there is one layer in front of Samus, the next is the layer she is on, and the next 2 are behind. I don't see how this could perplex anyone, and I would recommend this room as a good example of layering. Maybe my palettes have got to my eyes so I can see things? Who knows. . .


Tie between snarfy's bubbleroom and Charmander's watery-blue Crateria thing.

snarf got the vote because bubbles


Quote from: person701 on May 26, 2014, 11:32:28 PM
I went with Jamie Webb this week. Something about the room tickles my fancy.
Seconded. The thing that might have drawn me to it is its palette. A nice, moody grey mix, not too dark like Mst's ridiculous palette but dark enough to have that ambient quality which is always a nice touch for a cave room. Other than that, I find it's a nice balance between simplicity and variation.
Quote from: person701 on May 26, 2014, 11:32:28 PM
Too lazy to write extensive thoughts for every entry, write something extensive for why I picked this Webb bro's room, and only wanted to add some kind of topic related content.
Seconded (again).