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Room of the Week 2014 - Archives

Started by Quote58, April 19, 2012, 09:40:48 PM

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why not

[spoiler]i am not a big fan of that blue norfair... if you would you use the normal palette i would like it more[/spoiler]
[spoiler]im not liking the stairs in that tileset anyway the room was NICE[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i do not like the tileset [/spoiler]
[spoiler]i like that room also the tileset one thing i dont like do for some reason [spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]
01 what?
[spoiler]well looks pretty still there is room for make it better [/spoiler]
[spoiler]i really like how you build :P[/spoiler]


Starting off Week 17.



still learning ;P

Vismund Cygnus

Vismund's tips for making rooms:
1. Don't think like a human
2. Layersssssssssssssssss
[spoiler=Maridia Battle Time Go!]
Overall I'm happy with how this went. I tweaked the palette since it was used in Sunshine Oddity as I think it looked a bit washed out compared to now.
[spoiler=Bigger explanation]There's 4 layers in this, but I suppose you could say there's a fifth, though it's not too noticeable. On top, we have the green and blue coral. Then we have the purple coral, which overlaps the sand, sorta making another layer. Then there's the red and orange reef, with the bricks in the background, to fill in some black space, plus it helps with the transition into a new area, which is an underwater ruin type of thing.[/spoiler][/spoiler]


Alisa: Since I can't see the BTS in the room, it's impossible to know, but in case you aren't aware: An inverted ramp above a flat surface is a permastuck if the players rolls into the gap.  To prevent it, just make the ramp tile a solid block to stop the player entering. :^_^:

Alisa Orlova

Quote from: Quietus on June 01, 2014, 01:04:53 PM
Alisa: Since I can't see the BTS in the room, it's impossible to know, but in case you aren't aware: An inverted ramp above a flat surface is a permastuck if the players rolls into the gap.  To prevent it, just make the ramp tile a solid block to stop the player entering. :^_^:
Thanks, but no need to worry! I'm a fu**ing pro. I dare guess...  :<_<:


aww nuts...


EDIT: Original Palette, take your pick. [spoiler][/spoiler]


[spoiler=A Wild Entry Appalls][/spoiler]

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Charmander106 on June 01, 2014, 09:16:25 PM
aww nuts...

I dunno about those bricks... The palette just doesn't fit the rest of the room. I could say the same about Mst's, but in his case the contrast seems deliberate, it works much better. Maybe try making them darker, or less brown, and see if that works better?
Your tiling is quite good as always, though the layering could be better.
Just some thoughts.  :^_^:


Am I the only one who got the impression that those bricks are supposed to be a parallax foreground?

Alisa Orlova

Quote from: Charmander106 on June 01, 2014, 09:16:25 PM
aww nuts...


These brown blocks looks like a chocolate ice cream briquette. I suppose it's "back door" of Willy Wonka.

A great adventure
is waiting for you ahead
hurry onward's Lemmiwinks
or you will soon be dead...


Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on June 02, 2014, 02:39:20 AM
I dunno about those bricks... The palette just doesn't fit the rest of the room...

It's actually not my original palette. I wanted it a dark palette but someone said it was too dark, but considered it anyway and tried making it brighter, at this is the result. I could change it back now since rotw haven't really started but idk...

Vismund Cygnus

Hey look this got updated.
[spoiler=Jeffrey]I have 3 real issues with this room. Firstly, the little white dots on the otherwise pretty blue Maridia tiles look weird, kinda ruins it for me.
Secondly, the plants don't fit in the room, because they use the vanilla palette. Try fiddling with it a bit and seeing if you can work something nice out.
Thirdly, the area outside the main room part being empty looks strange. To me, you'd think the background tiles would carry through to those too. Not being able to see half of it is no excuse.
That doesn't mean your room is bad. I quite like your tiling, it reminds me of something I might do.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=OldKnuckles]Still learning? Still vanilla. Nothing wrong with that, but it's not anything special either.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alisa All Over]-1 for emulating Redesign. It'd be better to see something that you've come up with, not to see you copying the Redesign style (and palette) of Crateria. Also, too many pipes, and I think their palette could be tweaked a bit to look more like the CRE palette.
Edit: Also, that moss looks bad. It's just bad. Maybe try something more vibrant?[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Charmander](Ps I picked the old one, seeing as that was the palette you said you wanted to keep).
With that aside, I still think the palette looks weird. It's not the darkness though, I'm confident that it's due to the colour of those tiles. They're too brown for the room to me.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Metroid "Wishes he was as amazing as me" Mst]This probably looks better with FX1. As a screenshot it would definitely look better without that weird thing filtering everything out. As it stands, I will say the palette looks quite good. Although the bricks contrast with the room, they don't clash with it, unlike in Charmy's.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Me]As I said in my initial post, I tweaked the palette a bit to make it look less washed out, and I'm happy with the result. Also, I thought it'd be fun to add more layers, so I did. There's at least 4 distinct ones now. The bricks were mostly added as a layer to help with the transition into the "Upper Maridia" area. It also fills in what would otherwise be empty space. Overall I'm pretty proud of this room.[/spoiler]

Alisa Orlova

If the stones don't looks smooth and boring, it's immediately becomes copy of "Redesign"? I use standard tile set. Palette can be changed at any time.
Who else thinks that I need to finish with imitation?

Vismund Cygnus

Quote from: Alisa Orlova on June 03, 2014, 03:22:38 AM
If the stones don't looks smooth and boring, it's immediately becomes copy of "Redesign"?
No, the fact that you overuse pipes and tile like Drewseph, in addition to your very Redesign-y palette makes it look like Redesign. I doubt I'm the only one that thinks it.
It's not that making it look like Redesign is a bad thing, it's just that Redesign has already been done. I'd much rather see something crazy and new than something I've already seen before. Hence liking Jefe's room for going crazy with that bright blue palette, or Mst with whatever drugs he takes. It's quirky, and more importantly, it's new and different, not the same old stuff everyone's seen before.

Alisa Orlova

What do you think about "Project Based" or "FirstHorizon"? It's imitation or not?

Vismund Cygnus

I think you need to calm down and learn to take a little criticism.
Project Base looks nothing like anything else, because Grime makes his own palettes.
As for First Horizon, it is indeed exactly like Redesign, and most people hated it at the time for taking Drewseph's tilesets without permission. So yes, First Horizon is indeed copying/imitating Redesign.
Your rooms look like they could have been pulled from Redesign. Is it because of the palette? Probably. All I'm saying is that you should try something different and see if it looks like your own thing. As it stands, it looks like Redesign.
tl;dr learn that not everyone is always going to think the sun shines out of your ass
(edit whoops thought you said Event Horizon)

Alisa Orlova

Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on June 03, 2014, 04:12:40 AM
learn that not everyone is always going to think the sun shines out of your ass
No? Really? You... just opened my eyes, because I thought, I'm special. Now i can see. I need my own style. Maybe, some colored pointless mass or something like this. More bubbles...much more bubbles.
Ok, i just kidding. Thank you for the conversation, and constructive criticism. I think you know what you are talking about. Be well.


To be fair, vanilla Rocky Crateria is hard to use creatively, so it's not much surprise it ends up looking like one previous hack or the other. Half of the tileset is sky, the other half is mostly rocks. It pretty much requires mixing to make anything outside of the realm of what you'd expect to see from it. A palette change can give it a slightly different feel, but only cosmetically. The general level layouts will usually seem the same. The only way to achieve anything different with it is complex layering.


I went with Jefe.

I like the blue.


i did vote for mst i like bricks :P


I must admit that I wasn't that smitten with any rooms again this week.  I went with Alisa's room, as it had one or two quirky things I liked. :^_^:


You know, although Alisa certainly needs to learn to take criticism, vis not being a dick about it would help too. To me, it looks like generic crateria, possibly inspired by redesign but certainly not copying it. The tiles are vanilla, not the custom mix Drew made, the pipes are used just as much as any usual crateria shaft from anyone else, and even the doors are usual SM. In terms of the room design itself, it's okay. Pretty bland but so is crateria in general. The moss isn't bad, just bland. There deffinitly needs to be some better contrast between the grass/moss and the rocks.
Quote from: Vismund Cygnus on June 03, 2014, 03:37:18 AM
I'd much rather see something crazy and new than something I've already seen before.
Quote from: Vismund Cygnus
Hence liking Jefe's room for going crazy with that bright blue palette or Mst with whatever drugs he takes. It's quirky, and more importantly, it's new and different, not the same old stuff everyone's seen before.
Uhhhhh okay. Well first, crazy vivid blue palettes have been in rotw plenty of times before, and in plenty of hacks as well (remember Airy?). More important, we've seen that same tileset MST used in every rotw he has done for a long time, personally I'm exceptionally bored of it at this point (no offence mst). Either way it's sure as hell not new.

I'm not trying to criticize you, but your argument annoys me.

Also, went with Webber bro cause I like me some dark dreary corridors.