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Super Metroid: YPX

Started by Jiffy, June 18, 2020, 10:44:07 AM

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Steel Sparkle

Quote from: piush on June 26, 2020, 10:05:53 PM
Thank you Steel Sparkle for the help. You explained it perfect. I missed that part and I am back on track. I also want to thank DonnyDonovan for your help also. This is a great Metroid community.
No Problem.


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on June 27, 2020, 01:29:07 PM
So where do I go next on the main path after getting power bombs?  Every seemingly open new path is spike-filled death that doesn't seem like it could be right.
The room that connects to the first save room on Crateria might be the next step.
More specific:
[spoiler]The room that connects to the first save room has a power-bomb floor, down there is a morph ball path that leads to a room with spikes and a few pirates, follow the path of that room and you'll be back on track.[/spoiler]

Steel Sparkle

could use a little assistance.

[spoiler]Just got this games gravity suit which is awesome because it blocks spike damage. I just beat kraid and the Space Jump is no longer where it was originally located. Anyone know where im supposed to go?[/spoiler]


G3 I tried going that way but after going through several rooms of spike courses that are manageable and even kind of fun I reach a hallway towards the bottom that's all spikes and I can't figure out how to get through it.  I can charge a spark but the spikes are laid out in such a way that I can't avoid hitting them. 


Quote from: Steel Sparkle on June 28, 2020, 09:30:15 AM
could use a little assistance.

[spoiler]Just got this games gravity suit which is awesome because it blocks spike damage. I just beat kraid and the Space Jump is no longer where it was originally located. Anyone know where im supposed to go?[/spoiler]
Hey Steel Sparkle:
[spoiler]Go to Norfair, there's a breakable floor in one room that has a spike wall and one of those face balls roaming around.[/spoiler]
Quote from: DonnyDonovan on June 28, 2020, 12:07:00 PM
G3 I tried going that way but after going through several rooms of spike courses that are manageable and even kind of fun I reach a hallway towards the bottom that's all spikes and I can't figure out how to get through it.  I can charge a spark but the spikes are laid out in such a way that I can't avoid hitting them. 
I may need a little visual assistance here, can you show me a screenshot of that hallway?


Thanks, I figured that room out.  You have to start the spark from a spinjump high enough to clear the spikes, a trick I had forgotten about but managed to pull off.  Currently stuck in the room with the annoying blue metroids.  This hack is getting past my difficulty sweet spot but I've come this far so I'm trying to push onward.

Edit:  [spoiler]Cleared that gauntlet, got the reward.  Feels like I'm now playing a different game.  I'm sure there are plenty of challenges ahead still, but losing the threat of insta-death around every corner is absolutely massive.[/spoiler]

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: G3 on June 28, 2020, 01:09:04 PM
Quote from: Steel Sparkle on June 28, 2020, 09:30:15 AM
could use a little assistance.

[spoiler]Just got this games gravity suit which is awesome because it blocks spike damage. I just beat kraid and the Space Jump is no longer where it was originally located. Anyone know where im supposed to go?[/spoiler]
Hey Steel Sparkle:
[spoiler]Go to Norfair, there's a breakable floor in one room that has a spike wall and one of those face balls roaming around.[/spoiler]
Quote from: DonnyDonovan on June 28, 2020, 12:07:00 PM

G3 I tried going that way but after going through several rooms of spike courses that are manageable and even kind of fun I reach a hallway towards the bottom that's all spikes and I can't figure out how to get through it.  I can charge a spark but the spikes are laid out in such a way that I can't avoid hitting them. 
I may need a little visual assistance here, can you show me a screenshot of that hallway?

[spoiler]Thanks. i figured it out and got the Plasma beam. gonna keep exploring lower Gorfair.[/spoiler]


Another Q for Sparkle or G3 --

[spoiler]Found Lower Gorfair and the plasma beam with no trouble.  That's good!
I can't find a way out of that area as the only one I found seems to involve a wrong way green gate.  That's bad!  Any idea what I might be missing here?[/spoiler]


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on June 28, 2020, 11:20:36 PM
Another Q for Sparkle or G3 --

[spoiler]Found Lower Gorfair and the plasma beam with no trouble.  That's good!
I can't find a way out of that area as the only one I found seems to involve a wrong way green gate.  That's bad!  Any idea what I might be missing here?[/spoiler]
I apologize if I'm using spoilers too much, I'm trying to avoid ruining the experience for everyone.
[spoiler]Assuming you don't have X-Ray Scope, try bombing around one of the small rooms previous to plasma that has a pipe and a shell in the middle.[/spoiler]

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: DonnyDonovan on June 28, 2020, 11:20:36 PM
Another Q for Sparkle or G3 --

[spoiler]Found Lower Gorfair and the plasma beam with no trouble.  That's good!
I can't find a way out of that area as the only one I found seems to involve a wrong way green gate.  That's bad!  Any idea what I might be missing here?[/spoiler]

[spoiler]In the room with that pipe and dead guy is a super missile block located on the top right side of the hall. It's so well hidden that i thought i was perma stuck. Doesn't help X-Ray scope seemed impossible to get so i had to ignore it. BTW turn off ice beam. It will allow you to hurt some Ki Hunters you will come across.[/spoiler]


Thanks I don't have X-Ray and it would have taken me awhile to find that.  Speaking of taking appears Ridley ain't gonna be a picnic.


I took a break for a few days and got to Kraid this evening. This hack is challenging but actually fun .

Edit : I now got the plasma beam, I noticed lots of speed boost puzzles. I wish I knew how to do them. It was basically  duck and run to get where I am at. It would be nice if the author had explained more about the new physics etc.


Quote from: Steel Sparkle on June 26, 2020, 09:48:23 PM
[spoiler]From the crab shaft go to the save point to the right of it instead of the crab shaft. Below the save point is another path, make sure the water is off. You will eventually come across those caterpillars that required charge beam to damage. Let them damage boost you to the top by going into morph ball, then letting them boop you upwards on the left side of the shaft. Make sure you are holding left. [/spoiler]

After going around and around, this helped me find my way, thanks Steel Sparkle!


piush I'm in the same boat.  Based on where I've seen some speed blocks there is obviously a way in this game to do some incredibly weird and cool speedboost shit but I have no clue how to do it.  I beat Ridley and got his reward so now I'm just gonna go explore every place I couldn't reach before, but I'm out of town this weekend so it won't be for a few days.  I should finish next week.  This really is a top-tier hack. 

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: ocesse on July 02, 2020, 11:11:19 AM
Quote from: Steel Sparkle on June 26, 2020, 09:48:23 PM
[spoiler]From the crab shaft go to the save point to the right of it instead of the crab shaft. Below the save point is another path, make sure the water is off. You will eventually come across those caterpillars that required charge beam to damage. Let them damage boost you to the top by going into morph ball, then letting them boop you upwards on the left side of the shaft. Make sure you are holding left. [/spoiler]

After going around and around, this helped me find my way, thanks Steel Sparkle!
No problem :)


[spoiler]What comes after Botwoon? I got the prize and used it to go down the toilet. But I'm lost after hitting a bunch of dead ends. It feels like PBs are needed in every area of the game, and also feels like I'm missing some passage in Daridia (like to Draygon?). I found some hidden things, but those also resulted in dead ends.

Can someone help?[/spoiler]


Quote from: WKRPinNJ on July 04, 2020, 01:47:58 PM
[spoiler]What comes after Botwoon? I got the prize and used it to go down the toilet. But I'm lost after hitting a bunch of dead ends. It feels like PBs are needed in every area of the game, and also feels like I'm missing some passage in Daridia (like to Draygon?). I found some hidden things, but those also resulted in dead ends.

Can someone help?[/spoiler]

[spoiler]In Daridia, in the big room with the Save Station and the red with green metroids, there is a vertical wall of speed booster blocks, go through them, kill the metroid, and go to the right room of two vertical screen, at the bottom of that room go to the left door and you will be in an horizontal room of 5 screen, in that room you will find a fake floor of spikes like in the original Super Metroid.[/spoiler]


I am at Ridley and am struggling. What upgrades and amount of tanks should I have at this part of the game.  I have [spoiler]both suits , plasma , ice , charge , wave beam. missiles , super missiles, bombs, power bombs, springball, high jump , speed boost, 7 tanks, 1 aux tank [/spoiler]. Thank you.

Steel Sparkle

[spoiler]I had a couple more than what you had at this point so i would suggest going to explore for more E-Tanks that aren't hidden behind too hard of a puzzle. There are 2 you can nab on the way to plasma if you haven't already got them yet. Otherwise he is just a tough fight.[/spoiler]


Yup.  I hit him with however many supers I had, switched to charged plasma/ice/wave shots, didn't play a ton of defense other than staying out of the lava and dodging when I could, and won with about 50 energy left (after starting with I think close to 7 full tanks).  He's hard but not impossible in this game and far from the hardest Ridley fight I've encountered.  Stay at it and you should be fine.

Update:  Now have all major powerups except x-ray, which I don't ever remember seeing.  I'm at 140M, 30SM and 20PB, 13 e-tanks and 2 reserves.  This is apparently 68%.  I haven't seen anything else I'm sure I can get.  I have to decide if I'm ready to go to the final area.  If someone knows where I could look for x-ray that might be nice.

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: DonnyDonovan on July 06, 2020, 12:05:57 PM
Yup.  I hit him with however many supers I had, switched to charged plasma/ice/wave shots, didn't play a ton of defense other than staying out of the lava and dodging when I could, and won with about 50 energy left (after starting with I think close to 7 full tanks).  He's hard but not impossible in this game and far from the hardest Ridley fight I've encountered.  Stay at it and you should be fine.

Update:  Now have all major powerups except x-ray, which I don't ever remember seeing.  I'm at 140M, 30SM and 20PB, 13 e-tanks and 2 reserves.  This is apparently 68%.  I haven't seen anything else I'm sure I can get.  I have to decide if I'm ready to go to the final area.  If someone knows where I could look for x-ray that might be nice.

[spoiler]Right here. this is an old save btw i kept of that area in case i wanted to try it again.
its behind a wrong facing Super Missile Gate. Good freakin luck. I couldn't do it xD [/spoiler]


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on July 06, 2020, 12:05:57 PM
Update:  Now have all major powerups except x-ray, which I don't ever remember seeing.  I'm at 140M, 30SM and 20PB, 13 e-tanks and 2 reserves.  This is apparently 68%.  I haven't seen anything else I'm sure I can get.  I have to decide if I'm ready to go to the final area.  If someone knows where I could look for x-ray that might be nice.

You can find the X-Ray Scope in:


1 - Be sure you have some Power Bombs

2 - Find a room of 4 screen wide and 3 screen high in the center of the area

3 - The X-Ray Scope will drain all your Power Bombs

4 - Have fun getting the Item that you was looking for

Now can you give me back the favor?

Where can I find the Plasma Beam?

Quote from: Steel Sparkle on July 06, 2020, 09:49:27 PM

[spoiler]Right here. this is an old save btw i kept of that area in case i wanted to try it again.
its behind a wrong facing Super Missile Gate. Good freakin luck. I couldn't do it xD [/spoiler]

Please somebody tell me where can I find Plasma Beam.

If you can't get X-Ray Scope, I can tell you how I get it.
Don't open the spoiler if you want try getting the X-Ray Scope by yourself

If else fails, try with other Items


Plasma beam -- [spoiler]it is in lower norfair.  After going down the elevator go right.
You'll open a super missile gate and go into a massive room.  Exit it at the top left and keep following the obvious path, mostly up and to the left.  You'll go through a one-square room with a dead guy and a tube blocked by speed blocks.  Keep going left.  You'll get to a room with annoying baby metroids.  Get to the top left of that room and you'll find the plasma beam.  After that you have to find a boss and win to get out of the area you're in.[/spoiler]


Quote from: DonnyDonovan on July 06, 2020, 10:32:51 PM
Plasma beam -- [spoiler]it is in lower norfair.  After going down the elevator go right.
You'll open a super missile gate and go into a massive room.  Exit it at the top left and keep following the obvious path, mostly up and to the left.  You'll go through a one-square room with a dead guy and a tube blocked by speed blocks.  Keep going left.  You'll get to a room with annoying baby metroids.  Get to the top left of that room and you'll find the plasma beam.  After that you have to find a boss and win to get out of the area you're in.[/spoiler]

Finally I will get Plasma Beam, thanks DonnyDonovan.


Oh so it is off that room with the incredibly annoying and nigh-impossible moving floor speed boost puzzle.  Yeah, no thanks.