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General Hack Ideas

Started by DSO, May 20, 2009, 08:41:04 PM

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Quietus, "This is the place to post and get feedback on ideas you've got for your hack.".


Exactly.  But if you want something to be original, and with no chance of it being copied, then don't mention it.  Save it, and surprise us!


"This is the place to post and get feedback on ideas you've got for your hack. If you really have a great idea, but aren't planning to actually do anything on it, then think hard about if it's really worth posting. This thread is mainly to get feedback on the ideas you are seriously thinking about using in your hack, not just a bunch of sighing "I wish someone would put feature X in Y game"."

What is wrong with you, dude? -.-'
This thread isn't to offer ideas, but to get feedback in your own ideas.
I registred it here to nobody have chance of have this idea before I use it ^^


I usually use this thread to put out ideas that I don't have the knowledge to actually do myself. Like, having more than 1 main boss in a room at one time, been wanting to do that forever, but I've heard you cant due to hardcoding. I've seen someone put two torizo's in the same room though, neat but glitchy.

Wow Quietus, I just noticed your post about diagonal doors. Did you ever manage to do that?


Quote from: thelicker on April 30, 2010, 04:33:15 PM
"This is the place to post and get feedback on ideas you've got for your hack. If you really have a great idea, but aren't planning to actually do anything on it, then think hard about if it's really worth posting. This thread is mainly to get feedback on the ideas you are seriously thinking about using in your hack, not just a bunch of sighing "I wish someone would put feature X in Y game"."

What is wrong with you, dude? -.-'
This thread isn't to offer ideas, but to get feedback in your own ideas.
I registred it here to nobody have chance of have this idea before I use it ^^

...what's wrong with you, thelicker? People are going to do things that you say not to. It's just how things are. If someone puts up a sign saying, "no trespassing," people are not going to stop. I'm not trying to minimod, but still. It's an idea that people could still use who DON'T look at this topic. I hardly ever do. I'm sorry, but that's my opinion.

This is a very offtopic post.


I am just doing what the description of the topic says.
What is wrong with you dudes? Seriously.


OK, here is an idea that is more-or-less crappy to some, but I talked about this in the IRC chatroom. Screw Attack would cost energy to use, so that you are limited on using the most powerful attack in the game. Ive played many games where the best weapon has some catch to it, like really slow or misses a lot. I really couldn't decide where to put this so why not stick it in here?


1: Screw Attack is the best item in the game, energy draining would be an annoyance after getting the item later in the game and suddenly finding your health is draining faster by dodging enemies instead of running through them.
2: Screw Attack is awesomeness as is and should pretty much always be the best "vanilla" item in the game.
3: Screw Attack actually works and is really fun being gimped. It will still render you invincible, but the damage it deals is way less and takes longer to kill enemies. I actually prefer it that way, kind of like the original Metoird in a sense.


Quote from: MetroidMst on May 10, 2010, 06:06:41 PM
1: Screw Attack is the best item in the game, energy draining would be an annoyance after getting the item later in the game and suddenly finding your health is draining faster by dodging enemies instead of running through them.

I dont mean for really fast draining, but just slightly, so there is only a minor change. I brought this up because i applied someones "stand still to regain health" patch, and i thought that it would be a good disadvantage. =/


It would make for some interesting TAS/speedrunning shows.


Quote from: FullOfFail on April 30, 2010, 08:41:54 PMWow Quietus, I just noticed your post about diagonal doors. Did you ever manage to do that?

Like a lot of things, I was keen until Sadiz (kindly) pointed out the level of work / difficulty.  The post, while informative, went waaay over my head, so the idea was dropped - for me at least.


Quote from: Quietus on May 12, 2010, 08:59:59 AM
Quote from: FullOfFail on April 30, 2010, 08:41:54 PMWow Quietus, I just noticed your post about diagonal doors. Did you ever manage to do that?

Like a lot of things, I was keen until Sadiz (kindly) pointed out the level of work / difficulty.  The post, while informative, went waaay over my head, so the idea was dropped - for me at least.

It would just require 2 doors in each room to fit into the corner, and 4 simple ASM codes for each to adjust your position when you go through.
I'll set one up and show you how it's done.


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on May 12, 2010, 07:09:20 PMI'll set one up and show you how it's done.


Is this much lovin' normal?


I'm just going to throw this idea out here hoping someone will make it. =P

Anyway, the idea is that super missiles can't open standard missile doors.

...Yep, that's it. :P

The reason why I have such idea is that you can then make super missiles be a non missile weapon without it turning all weird and such... :P


I have a nice idea. Anyone who played Metroid II remembers that the Spazer Laser Beam fired three seperate enteties. This was changed in Super a bit, making it so that if one of the beams went through an opening the rest would go Wave Beam rogue-ish.
Now if the Gameboy can have Spazer as three enteties, then I'd like to see that on the SNES too. Would add a sense of realism.
Probably requires some serious ASM.


Quote from: DekuKnight on June 02, 2010, 02:33:48 PM
I have a nice idea. Anyone who played Metroid II remembers that the Spazer Laser Beam fired three seperate enteties. This was changed in Super a bit, making it so that if one of the beams went through an opening the rest would go Wave Beam rogue-ish.
Now if the Gameboy can have Spazer as three enteties, then I'd like to see that on the SNES too. Would add a sense of realism.
Probably requires some serious ASM.

It would indeed require serious ASM. There's space for only 5 beams at a time. If each spazer laser was a single beam separate from the rest, it would need to take up 3 of those projectil locations for a single spazer shot, which leaves 2 left. So you would only ever be able to fire spazer once at a time.

Also, in Fusion (possible ZM as well?), they're not really 3 separate beams. I'm thinking it's 1 beams still, but can be split. If you fire a single power shot at the top of an enemy so only part of it hits, you'll see that the the shot hits the enemy and keeps going, but the part that hit the enemy is cut off =O
That would be near impossible to do with SM.


Quote from: Sadiztyk FishIf each spazer laser was a single beam separate from the rest, it would need to take up 3 of those projectile locations for a single spazer shot, which leaves 2 left. So you would only ever be able to fire spazer once at a time.
You could only have one of each of the three spazer shots on screen at the same time anyway so that would not even be a problem. :heheh:


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on June 02, 2010, 11:33:47 PMAlso, in Fusion (possible ZM as well?), they're not really 3 separate beams. I'm thinking it's 1 beams still, but can be split.
Yeah, I thought Nintendo would do things that make sense, too. That was a bad assumption, though, and examples contrary are all over the place in both GBA Metroid games and probably every other game they've made. I once took a look at the projectile RAM spaces in Fusion (I think I wanted to see if I could get something like [noembed]this[/noembed] in Fusion) and noticed that when I shot the Wave Beam, three separate projectiles were created. At least it's implemented in a (more) sane way in ZM.


Only multiples for wave? that seems odd. they could probably have just used the same asm codes that splits the beam anyway for regular shots :/


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on June 03, 2010, 04:39:03 PM
Only multiples for wave? that seems odd. they could probably have just used the same asm codes that splits the beam anyway for regular shots :/
No, it does multiples for all beams except the basic one. That was just my example.


Here is a couple ideas:

How about changing the way crumble blocks/shot blocks act? For example, Instead of a crumble block fade away when stood upon, have it actually crumble with a short animation.

Another idea is to use re-spawning crumble blocks in a more natural way. For example you have a room with an ice lake. You may create a tile that looks like floating ice and make it a crumble block and apply it to the top of the water. That way if Samus stays in one spot to long, she falls into the lake. And with the lake being an ice lake the crumble block would "re-spawn" similar to what happens in real life.


Uh, well... this may come off as odd but...

A tile that would activate the event of landing on zebes for the first time... (kinda like what that option in SMILE does)

I was messing around with this before wanting to have both story at the start and ceres but I have run in to quite a few issues with that idea... Most note ably is that if you go to ceres then save at any save room... you still start at ceres elevator no matter what. :<


Quote from: Crys on June 10, 2010, 06:11:53 AM
Uh, well... this may come off as odd but...

A tile that would activate the event of landing on zebes for the first time... (kinda like what that option in SMILE does)
What exactly do you want? A tile that will activate certain event when you walk over it or event PLM that can set any event instantly after you enter the room?

If second, there are already a patch that can do it


I was working on a plm that set any event bit by touching it, but I never finished it. (only due to how the plm code needs to be set up, I hate it, and never got around to figuring it out)

I almost got it working, but got frustrated and haven't worked on it since.  I really need to finish that...


I don't sure about this but I think you need to set event $70.

The easiest (but not best) solution is write the code that will set event $70 by every frame.

Find a free space in bank $8F (example: F000)
Jump to 7F000 and write this:
A9 70 00 22 FA 81 80 22 D8 A7 88 60

Then change Layer1_2 for first state of landing site room to F000.

Just try it. If this will not work, then it's a problem with Ceres Area load stations or something else...

Idea from Prime. By default, any charged beam = non-charged beam * 3. What if shots after the charge spark will appear but before Samus will flash will do non-charged beam * 2 damage? Or after the charge was started but before spark has appeared?