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Old SMILE Help Thread

Started by GF_Kennon, May 17, 2009, 02:24:28 PM

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you tried? what? nothing, only telling it's hard!

well, I'll search my own for German tutorials!


I have a question, how do I get rid of the scolling BG in the landing site?

Edit: Keeps on scolling.


Thats simple, just change the Layer1_2 pointer to 91D3 and the FX2 to 0000 and the BG_Data to 0000 and go to Tools > Background editor -> BG/Layer 2 Scrolling and change it to say Layer 2 Background (custom)  :wink:


Its still scrolling.

Edit: Thanks guys


Shadox: Make sure you do it for all 4 roomstates in Crateria. Look at the top-right where it says "STANDARD1" or "POWER BOMBS" or something. There are 4 options there. Do what GF_Kennon said for all 3 of those other states. The reason it's still scrolling for you is probably because you're looking at a roomstate that you didn't change.


and now your bribing people gunnargumpert...
I told you about this site because you were asking me questions, and it would be easier to answer them here.  But I'm having regrets of having done that now. :/

Quote from: gunnargumpert on January 30, 2010, 11:41:02 AM
well, I'll search my own for German tutorials!

If you are REALLY looking for German tutorials then go ahead and stop now.  Everything your gonna find that is of any use at all is going to either be in English or Japanese, with the former being the easier to translate.  We have ALOT of useful documents up here, but you don't want to read those.  We have documents that range from the basics to the most advanced stuff you can want. 

If you are SERIOUS about trying to learn assembly for the 65816 then start reading up on it.
This document HERE.  It will explain ALOT of stuff that you need to know in the first few chapters, and then go into detail in the later chapters.

IF you want to do ANYTHING game changing wise, you will have to know how to program in the SNES native tongue, assembly.  Learning this stuff takes time.  If your not willing to learn how to do it, then thats fine. Alot of people don't.  But don't go around bugging people when you have no history in this community.  You have dragged your name through the mud with that Redesign 2 thing, and nobody is going to want to help you.

If you want to request help, you need to have a good reputation.  Which you lack.

This leaves you with a few options.
1) Learn how to do it yourself.
2) Build your reputation back up.
3) Leave the community and be careful that the door doesn't slam you on your ass on your way out.

There are many facets to Super Metroid ROM hacking, with asm being one of them.  Many people here have built a reputation on being great level designers, by being knowledgeable on the finer details, and by being asmers.  There are other things you could be doing right now that isn't code related.  Get a good game going on your own, that people will respect and want to help with.  THEN you might get a few people that want to help you.


Quote from: gunnargumpert on January 30, 2010, 11:26:11 AM
but the ASM codes are not the final codes! how o make hex codes out of them?

there you sure need a program?!?!?
What Grime is trying to say is that you should do what you can do first and then go for the hard stuff. Seriously, if a hack doesn't have the momentum to end up being a fully completed project no one's going to be interested. How about you first do what you can do then come back here and ask for help. Until then, I'm sure (with your current state of mind) no one's going to help you.

And with squishy's response I'd like to add one suggestion: start with a simple, smaller hack to get to know your way around better than you probably do now. Trust me it will help. And if it's good, it may help your rep.

As for the landing site BG glitch: Hasn't that now been answered three times in this thread?


OK! I'll make the main parts first, make a "presentation" and wait if, someone is interested

Maybe some easy questions will follow!

Thanks for all - I was like a devil to you all, but I'll make it up to the "world"


how to add space to a room, without overwriting other things?


Check Grime's guides here.

EDIT: Just thought I'd check this before I bugger something up.

Sadiz kindly answered my question here:

Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on January 24, 2010, 11:47:06 PM
Quote from: Quietus on January 24, 2010, 09:37:16 AM
What would I have to alter to allow only one wall-jump?
1. Change the values at $A1702 from 20 F5 95 to EA EA EA. This makes Samus SOMETIMES screw up the wall jump and fall off.
2. Change the value at $8AA03 from 83 to 29 and $8AA34 from 84 to 2A. This will make samus enter a falling pose when she comes out the a wall jump, but she will always reach max jump height (even if you release jump). Alternativly you can change the values to 4B and 4C respectivly, and this will put her into the crouch pose (exactly the same as if you wall-jumped during a pseudo screw attack, but without the charge)

But having checked, the value at 8AA03 is 00, so should this read 8AA0E?  I've changed the values 8AA0E and 8AA34 to 4B and 4C respectively, as suggested, and it appears to work fine, but I thought I'd check with those more experienced before I go and kill it. :razz:  Also, I'd like to add that luckily morphing from a wall-jump still works, which I was worried about losing.  The window to do so is now quite tight, but I suspect that most people were doing so anyway.  Especially if they've bloody played bloody Cliff-bloody-hanger.  No offence, Dman! :heheh:

Thanks again.

EDIT: Question 2: Is it safe to overwrite all of the tiles that have P's in the corners?


i don't understand, bow to convert the address 2FD4F0 into a pointer!

I got it!

"Lunar Address" it works perfect!


My my this is a busy forum. Some people are really working hard, it seems.
My hack is coming along fine, I think it will be a mini-hack, so I don't waste my whole year at this. Quite a few custom gfx so far.

Now I have 3 small questions:

1) how can I activate the wrecked ship spikes before the boss is beaten (I'd like them to be always activated)?

2) is it possible to make it so Samus is only able to wall jump on specific blocks (or if its any simpler, there are only two block I don't want Samus to wall jump on)?

3) eh, I can't remember the 3rd one right now, so I'll be back later.


edit: I just remembered my third question: I remember having seen a patch to make the super missiles act just like normal missiles, but I can't find it any more. Does anyone know where it is? Thanks!!!


For #3 have you checked Grime's hex tweaks?  I seem to remember something like that being in there.


Quote from: Sperry on February 01, 2010, 07:27:19 AM
3) I remember having seen a patch to make the super missiles act just like normal missiles, but I can't find it any more. Does anyone know where it is? Thanks!!!
98125  - A9 14 00 8D 3E 18 A9 1E 00 8D 40 18 to EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA [all solid surfaces]
101CB1 - A9 1E 00 8D 40 18 A9 12 00 8D 3E 18 to EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA [space pirates]
1021E3 - A9 1E 00 8D 40 18 A9 12 00 8D 3E 18 to EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA EA [every enemy except space pirates]
Disables the "screen shake" effect that activates when super missiles strike certain things (found by Black Falcon).

is that what you're looking for?


Quote from: Sperry on February 01, 2010, 07:27:19 AM
2) is it possible to make it so Samus is only able to wall jump on specific blocks (or if its any simpler, there are only two block I don't want Samus to wall jump on)?

IIRC you can just disable wall-jumping completely and place shutters where you want to be able to walljump.


Quote from: Sperry on February 01, 2010, 07:27:19 AM
1) how can I activate the wrecked ship spikes before the boss is beaten (I'd like them to be always activated)?

1) it would be removing a jump somewhere that checks to see if Phantoons dead, i dont know exactly where it is.


Thanks everyone!

Crashtour99 and Flamestar666, that's exactly what I was looking for. Man can we ever make samus jump high!  :whoa:

Quote from: SMILEuser96 on February 01, 2010, 09:03:04 AM
IIRC you can just disable wall-jumping completely and place shutters where you want to be able to walljump.

I've never heard of shutters. What are they and how do they work? I'm not sure this will help me, though, because the effect I'm aiming for is to have Samus be able to walljump everywhere, except on two textures.

As for the spikes, thanks Kennon... I guess I could still wait a while before fixing this.


Shutters are the gates that close as you get near to them, attempting to stop you progressing.  Think of the first room on the right as you enter Brinstar in Vanilla (early Super Missiles / Mockball room), or the room leading to the Ice Beam.


Gotcha. I'll keep those in mind. However, I don't think those can help me. Is there any other way to do what I want? Has anyone else ever worked on wall-jump proof tiles?


Well, there's the usual suspect - Redesign, but drew (if you can get hold of him) is usually quite hush hush about how he did things, and admits that he's forgotten a lot, as well as a lot being done by other people.


@Sperry: The closest I've seen is SadFish's attempt which was failed because of a coding flaw (no hard feelings).


how to add a door of only 1 block?

i mean a door, what doesn't close behind you, if you enter it? (falling door, no closing)

the closing is a horrible automatically bug!

edit: only the animation isn't working now! the rest is OK!

Super Meetroid Door Bug (Smile Edit)

well, the small door "manipulates" the crumble animation!


In the door editor you should click on the only picture that comes up. It should show a door. When you click on it the door-cap should disappear and then hit remember and that should solve your door problem.


the only picture?

what do you mean?

sorry, but i donĀ“t undestand!


* person701 smacks around gunnargumpert

YOU'RE DOIN IT WRONG! First, if you don't want a door to close behind you, click on the only (holy shit you're blind if you can't see this) and it will toggle between two pics: the one without a door will prevent a door cap from closing behind you. However, you'r problem lies with not having the door on the edge of the screen or on a scroll red box. This is why your doors is acting funky. Also check to make sure it doesn't spit you out in a red/blue scroll block since it's a ceiling door; those have to be green scroll blocks.


Here are some self explainatory pics. Enjoy.


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