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Old SMILE Help Thread

Started by GF_Kennon, May 17, 2009, 02:24:28 PM

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Have you tried not testing it in quickmet and in the real game? It's known to be a little quirky at times.


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on January 24, 2010, 11:47:06 PMAlternativly you can change the values to 4B and 4C respectivly, and this will put her into the crouch pose (exactly the same as if you wall-jumped during a pseudo screw attack, but without the charge)

That sounds EXACTLY what I'm after. Thanks a bunch! :glomp:


Quote from: person701 on January 25, 2010, 06:30:07 PM
Have you tried not testing it in quickmet and in the real game? It's known to be a little quirky at times.

Just tried it,turns out it gets worst...I go through the door that leads to him and it takes me to his original room with him right in front of the door.  :<_<: And half of the door is missing  :stern: and im stuck  :mad:


Sounds like you forgot to connect the door to the new Torizo's room :wink:
That, or you messed something up when changing the pointers. (You did select "No" each time you changed the pointers, right?)
Also, for Torizo falling through the floor:
follow the instructions SMILE gives (when you view Torizo in the Species list) to remove the hard-coded placement and place the Torizo a block or two higher to see if it works.
Not sure about the background.


I need some help  I want to alter moter brains room so i was wondering if there was a way to edit the zebetites in mother brains room and also is there a  way to make the battle itself like it was in metroid 1?   she dies without the body attached?


i edidet the 2nd room in smile like lost caverns, but now every door is broken, even in the 1st room! it doesn´t run to the 1st room after ceres!

i didn´t overwrite anyting! I had 1129 from 1244 bites filled! that means everything must work, but all is broken!

i need help!

OH, AND THE BACKGROUND IS OK I THINK! i made fog to layer 2 and a nice background


Please be specific

What is wrong with the doors? Do they not goto where you want them too? (that is would be easy to fix) Or do they crash the game when you enter them? (not so easy to fix)

The more specific you can get, the better we can help to fix the problem.


Quote from: SMILEuser96 on January 26, 2010, 09:10:06 AM
Sounds like you forgot to connect the door to the new Torizo's room :wink:
That, or you messed something up when changing the pointers. (You did select "No" each time you changed the pointers, right?)
Also, for Torizo falling through the floor:
follow the instructions SMILE gives (when you view Torizo in the Species list) to remove the hard-coded placement and place the Torizo a block or two higher to see if it works.
Not sure about the background.

Thanks, it helped alot. I'll figure out the BG problem eventually. Oh, BTW I think I did choose yes for one of those questions smile asked me when I was changing the pointers  :blush:


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on January 26, 2010, 02:39:40 PM
Please be specific

What is wrong with the doors? Do they not goto where you want them too? (that is would be easy to fix) Or do they crash the game when you enter them? (not so easy to fix)

The more specific you can get, the better we can help to fix the problem.

i deleted all tiles in the 2nd room in the list! only the doors were left! then i used the lost caverns tiles (i think set 17) and edited, made a new background and a few new tiles out of pieces in the "scenery?" but it crashed! then, after testing the hex codes of the doors, the other doors (in other rooms for example the 1st) crashed to, or i land in the right room, but fall endless or land in bombblocks they don´t exist in smile! only the background might be wrong! but why?

i made smoke, can it be the fault of the smoke?


You, my help vampire, have made everything out of thin air. You can set the block properties to Solid in the down-right corner of the window by clicking the arrows next to the picture of the type of block. Right now it should look like the X-Ray icon as it appears in your HUD bar (top of the screen while playing).


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on January 26, 2010, 02:39:40 PM
Please be specific

What is wrong with the doors? Do they not goto where you want them too? (that is would be easy to fix) Or do they crash the game when you enter them? (not so easy to fix)

The more specific you can get, the better we can help to fix the problem.

i deleted all tiles in the 2nd room in the list! only the doors were left! then i used the lost caverns tiles (i think set 17) and edited, made a new background and a few new tiles out of pieces in the "scenery?" but it crashed! then, after testing the hex codes of the doors, the other doors (in other rooms for example the 1st) crashed to, or i land in the right room, but fall endless or land in bombblocks they don´t exist in smile! only the background might be wrong! but why?

i made smoke, can it be the fault of the smoke?


Quote from: gunnargumpert on January 27, 2010, 08:51:03 AM
a few new tiles out of pieces in the "scenery?" but it crashed!

You overwrite the tiletables... >.>


i took the rom again and edited, and now it works

but another question: how to make a dark fog background, transperencie?
it´s to bright (you can´t see samus well)!

a bit darker like lost caverns would be cool!


F.e.:WALLJUMP BOOTS AND no jumbball

but highjump including it (like metroid fusion!)

please don´t try to give me the hex table! (HEX Teaks) -->no usefull things for this option! and i don´t understand hexcodes so good, to make my own special codes ore find other codes! i´m not a programmer!


I love your posting. It's just so horribly misaligned, uninformed, and misspelled.

In any case, if you want assembly that bad, you're gonna have to delve into it yourself. Read up on a few of the basics, and, if you need more information on 65816 Assembly, this document should suit your needs. When you ask for assembly from other people, you do it in little bits and pieces and not bombard them with requests. That makes it even less likely that you'll get other people to do the work for you.

Quote from: gunnargumpertbut another question: how to make a dark fog background, transperencie?
it´s to bright (you can´t see samus well)!

a bit darker like lost caverns would be cool!
FX1, I believe.



My hack is progressing, slowly but surely, thanks to everyone's help. I wanted to know if it was possible to create 3 by 3 bts bomb blocks (or at least 1 by 3 or 3 by 1)? As far as I know, 0 to 7 only cover 1 to 2x2, and anything after 7 determine the vulnerability of the blocks...


Nope. You're stuck with 2x2 because the base tile BTS only goes to a maximum of 2x2.


Quote from: Silver Skree on December 23, 2009, 11:51:35 PM
Not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but I just discovered a troublesome tile "glitch"

I guess, I have an answer. This square block is pushing you down when you're pressing certain buttons. Maybe, jump button only.

Shaft filled with these blocks will push you down when you touch these blocks and you'll fall very quickly. These blocks can be used as speedy transporters leading down.

In your case, this block is pushing you down a little when you're holding jump.

Yeah, I know, this post was written a long ago, but I decide to write an answer with useful (I hope) information.


I love your posting. It's just so horribly misaligned, uninformed, and misspelled.

In any case, if you want assembly that bad, you're gonna have to delve into it yourself. Read up on a few of the basics, and, if you need more information on 65816 Assembly, this document should suit your needs. When you ask for assembly from other people, you do it in little bits and pieces and not bombard them with requests. That makes it even less likely that you'll get other people to do the work for you.

what? that is the processor! i want to hack the ROM! not the calculation of the game!

i want new items, not more!

p.s.: a new room


If you want new items, you WILL need ASM. The first link Zhs2 gave links you to an ASM tutorial. But it's not enough if you want new items, you'll also need Kejardon's documents, more specifically the RAM Map. Depending on how complex your item will be, you might also need to check the other documents. RAM map isn't always enough.
In the case you missed the ASM tutorial, here.

Quotei want to hack the ROM! not the calculation of the game!
They're the same.

All you need is org $address and DB #$value (It might also be DW) somewhere in the item.


if anybody helps me to understand and make a hack, and I'll make a good hack in a few years, I'll buy him a mp4/mp3-player! (AMAZON; ca. 75$ [i calculated it from 50€]) i swear! this post is a promise! - but the one must do some helpful things, and the hack first must be ready, work and be official!

that's because i don't real understand, how to use the ASM codes, and how to make a useful thing!

--> the problem is, all tutorials aren't good for beginners and don't have enough text, what explains correct!!!

all what i need first is a program, to program the hex codes ore whatever.

then: help, to understand. and maybe a page, that trains the knowledge of programmers

! If there are 2 ore more helpers, I'll search for the best helper and reward HIM !

In the future it might be another thing!


Can I has colorful text too?

Maybe you should try it out, instead of complaining and trying to buy something that will benefit you in the future.

read slowly.
read carefully.
you'll be fine



gunnar: There's a reason that maybe ten people in the Super Metroid hacking community are capable enough with ASM to program completely new things into the game [citation needed]. It's not something you can just play with for a few hours and show people what you did like Photoshop. A program isn't going to help you much, either. I could point you in the direction of xkas or some other assembler, but all that would net you is a program that you don't know how to use. You'd still need to be able to write code that compiles correctly. ASM is assembly - raw programming. Unless you're resolute enough to really study it and make a conscious effort to understand how all those little hex bytes interact with each other, you're not going to get anywhere. Especially when you act like that.

ASM isn't just for SNES games, by the way. You said it yourself, it's the processor - older technologies used the very same one, and I'm sure some other things still do that I'm unaware of. If you can't manipulate a 16-bit processor, then you can't fully manipulate the SNES. Also consider that people who are good with ASM most likely know about other programming languages, too. You don't see a whole lot of ASMers who can -only- do ASM.

Learn the basics yourself. Prove to everyone that you're taking it seriously. When you reach the point of being able to ask informed questions about the programming itself, you'll suddenly find that people will be MUCH more helpful to you than they are right now. Sorry if I come off as an asshole, but I think a little reality check is in order. Focus more on level design and improving what you already know (your colors/palettes could use some work); worry about the ASM stuff later when your hack is almost done. If you ask for ASM for a finished hack, people will be more inclined to consider your request than if you're just starting a hack and are already asking for custom code.

Nobody wants to write code for someone else's game when it has a high probability of dying before it reaches the half-way mark.


but the ASM codes are not the final codes! how o make hex codes out of them?

there you sure need a program?!?!?


Well, I tried.

I predict a short lifespan for you as a ROM hacker.