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Old SMILE Help Thread

Started by GF_Kennon, May 17, 2009, 02:24:28 PM

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I'm new to hacking on Super metroid, and how do I edit the missiles that Samus fires in tlp? I cant seem to find the pallete for them in SMILE.


$0D01A0-0F : non-beam projectiles palettes

this palette is used for almost everything located at: $0D5600


I have another problem, when I use quickmet that samus's health starts a zero and she dies. How would I fix this?


Quote from: Webber1900 on January 22, 2010, 10:31:59 PM
I have another problem, when I use quickmet that samus's health starts a zero and she dies. How would I fix this?
Go to to the folder you have SMILE in, and go to Files -> TestRoom and make sure that quickmet.srm and QUICKMET.bin are there. If either of them is missing, that's the reason for Samus dying instantly. Redownload SMILE to get the file(s) back.
If both files are there, i can't help, sorry.


how to change the position of a room without overwriting the graphics sheet?

and what to do to make it larger?


I have no idea how moving a room overwrites a graphic sheet, but I can help with expanding them. (I have just done this about 10 times recently.)

Go to -EDIT- and select ROOM PROPERTIES off the next menu. This will open a new box and you will see a couple of spots that say -Height- -Width- and just type in the number of blocks you want to the room be in both boxes and save. That is it. You might want to repoint the level data to free space in a hex editor though if you plan on expanding the room alot because then it will probably have too much level data and cause some serious problems when you try to save the room.


Talking about elevators, I know how they works, but is it possible to create evelvator that will lead you from room A to room C through room B and back (like the warp tunnel in Maridia)?

If it's possible, where should placed be an elevator in room B?

All I've done is successfully tranporting from C to the very top of room B where elevator stops (off-screen) and steam enemy (E1FF) pushes you to the door leading to room A. I'm entering in room A on elevator but the pose of Samus isn't right (result of pushing). Is there a better way to do this?


JAM that's already been done by DSO iirc, ask him.
Edit: Page 19 ftw


Quote from: MetroidMst on January 23, 2010, 12:22:31 PM
I have no idea how moving a room overwrites a graphic sheet, but I can help with expanding them. (I have just done this about 10 times recently.)

last time i did this, the graphic set 17 and above was broken!


Quote from: gunnargumpert on January 24, 2010, 06:53:02 AM
Quote from: MetroidMst on January 23, 2010, 12:22:31 PM
I have no idea how moving a room overwrites a graphic sheet, but I can help with expanding them. (I have just done this about 10 times recently.)

last time i did this, the graphic set 17 and above was broken!

p.s.: how to make an item, what allows samus to walljump, after i disabled this? ore the beam combo?


I have a similar question, if I may.

While the searching through hex is beyond me, I'm sure I can figure out banging in the numbers, but would need help finding what to change.

What would I have to alter to allow only one wall-jump?

I don't want anything else altered, like having a pickup, or differing 'surfaces' like Redesign, but am just looking to stop players from infinite wall-jumping.

Thanks, as usual, in advance.



how can i make the spin jump with screw attack faster than normal (like redesign!)?

please help with the hex codes!



Check Grime's hex tweaks on the documents section of the main site.


Why are people so interested in Redesign physics? Be original. And if that's not good for you, check Grime Hex Tweaks document and see if that does anything for you before you post. =\


Quote from: person701 on January 24, 2010, 12:34:19 PM
Why are people so interested in Redesign physics? Be original. And if that's not good for you, check Grime Hex Tweaks document and see if that does anything for you before you post. =\

well, i want make differences, but use old things, too!

shinespark after landing continues for example!

but i love the physics!

p.s.: the documents include most only useless codes!


If you find what it tells you useless, you probably won't get very far with this. You will need to learn ASM in order to make only screw attack faster through the air, and some other stuff, but hex tweaks tells you all you need to know to get a Redesign kind of physics feel without knowing any ASM.


Quote from: gunnargumpert on January 24, 2010, 01:55:30 PM
p.s.: the documents include most only useless codes!

What you may view as useless, other people may view it as a whole new mini-hack based around it. DSO's AngryFireChrozo is a good example of this. For example there may be a hex in there that totally removes the HUD, though useless in most aspects, I may be interested in that for my automated-metroid.


You also follow this guide on how to hack game genie codes to any SNES games with this guide:

...and this does work.


Quote from: Quietus on January 24, 2010, 09:37:16 AM
What would I have to alter to allow only one wall-jump?

1. Change the values at $A1702 from 20 F5 95 to EA EA EA. This makes Samus SOMETIMES screw up the wall jump and fall off.
2. Change the value at $8AA03 from 83 to 29 and $8AA34 from 84 to 2A. This will make samus enter a falling pose when she comes out the a wall jump, but she will always reach max jump height (even if you release jump). Alternativly you can change the values to 4B and 4C respectivly, and this will put her into the crouch pose (exactly the same as if you wall-jumped during a pseudo screw attack, but without the charge)

Quote from: gunnargumpert on January 24, 2010, 01:55:30 PM
shinespark after landing continues for example!

oh really? and how'd you fix the glitch that crashes the game when you hit a wall and slope at the same time? That CAN'T be fixed by copying banks from SMR you know >.>



i´ll use only a few codes of SMR! mombtimer, recharge shinespark after touching a ledge (i have isolated the codes) and nearly the same physics of walljump

but, does anyone know how to get the physic of M fusion (you screw again after pressing jump while falling normaly)?  please help me to screw after normal fall!

p.s.: low priority: what is the EVIL of a headered rom while editing?


Howz about you read this article and then learn how to start simple instead of tackling a massive project wherein you bother everyone in sight for help and get none in return? A little legwork of your own gets you far, and right now the community feels pressured enough with your impossible questions as it is! :grin:

Quote from: gunnargumpertp.s.: low priority: what is the EVIL of a headered rom while editing?
I suppose I can answer this one. There's no such thing as true evil in headers besides the confusion they might give you when you attempt to apply people's patches and things (hence why either the creator should specify if the rom the patch was meant for is headered or not or the community should follow a common standard when it comes to submitting patches!) It doesn't really matter if your patch is for headered or not, but most people like unheadered!


... ... ... ... ...
Do your own work. I'm mean, if you need a little ASM along the way, we'd help but you want the majority of Redesign? First, that's kinda like plagiarism seeing as how Drew himself didn't want your hack to be "Redesign 2" nor has he given anyone straight permission to use any of the coding done. Second, why don't you work on something smaller before you tackle the enormous size of a Redesign like hack.

I'm done feeding this guy. Also starting to think the forums need a ignore feature. <_<


2 codes is not to much! and there will be new things too!


Got a problem guys, I'm working on the torizo's room (normal torizo) and I cant seem to get the background to function correctly, or the torizo.

This is exactly what's up:

I changed the pointers of Room:795FF to the Torizo's room's pointers. It seemed to work, the torizo was in place the item, the door and the crumbling statue. When I test the room the background is conjumbled and the torizo falls through the floor when he breaks out of the statue. Anyone know how to fix this so I can have a proper boss fight  :lol: