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Super Metroid: Ancient Chozo.

Started by albert v., December 17, 2017, 03:52:01 PM

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Definitely ease back on the powerbomb doors everywhere, especially the ones that lock behind you,
it's a bit unfair to make the player roundabout the planet again because they took path 1 instead of path 2.
You could change them to super missile doors too, since that's an earlier item.

albert v.

Quote from: Digital_Mantra on December 20, 2017, 11:00:38 PM
Definitely ease back on the powerbomb doors everywhere, especially the ones that lock behind you,
it's a bit unfair to make the player roundabout the planet again because they took path 1 instead of path 2.
You could change them to super missile doors too, since that's an earlier item.

I do going to make changes on that soon, but i need to keep the restrictions too, I'll see what i can do.
Maybe open it a little bit, so only player with very good skill can grab early important items.


Might I ask why the need for the restrictions? I don't feel as if the player would be put into many situations that would be impossible to get out without them, since the game is based off Project Base.


I think he dont want the player to skip big chunks of the game.
I dont have a problem with a more linear hack, but you dont put barriers after 2-3 rooms or after a challenge tho.
barriers should appear in your face as most as possible and not far away.
Its like ''oh look I did this trick and that trick, was hard, what did I uncover ?.....Yellow door''
I think this happens too much in your hack.


I've enjoyed a very thorough, 100% playthrough of this.
You have two items that share the same index.

Missile is $2C & S-missile is $1F.
Intentional?? I'm not complaining, just letting you know I've enjoyed this hack & will many more times in hell.

It's your hack, I'm here to keep it that way.

Steel Sparkle

I agree with Benox. A more linear hack is fine. It's great for new players because getting lost from the main path would be difficult. Besides those "restrictions" aren't so bad. They give you something to look forward to on your way to the next place so backtracking is kept interesting. Also not to sound rude but this is HIS hack. This is HIS vision. I think it should honestly stay as is because if he opens it up too much it will just be a fancy looking Project base rather then his own thing.


I disagree, and I find issue with a lot of the points you raise. Having such a restrictive, set path through the game hurts replayability, which means that I and many other people probably won't be coming back to this hack when we could replay Project Base or even the original game for a better playing experience - especially considering the game uses the original's structure and layout. Getting lost from the main path is hardly an issue in my mind, because I'd say around 95% of people playing the hack have already played the original game, or are familiar enough with it that getting lost won't be an issue.

I also take issue with the idea that a creator's "vision" can't be criticized. Yeah, he's allowed to have his vision, but everyone's allowed to have their critiques and voice them. I'm not forcing albert to change the game to my liking. And, to also not sound rude and reductive, this hack basically is Project Base with new graphics/sprites and a different, restrictive and required path through the game. That doesn't take away from the huge amount of work he put in, of course - this was likely a titanic effort on his part, despite borrowing so much from the original and Project Base. I don't think easing up on the restrictions would hurt his "vision" in any way, and would primarily help the hack's longevity, in my mind.

Steel Sparkle

Honestly to each their own. Everyone has their own tastes and everyone can't be pleased. I for one don't really mind it at all while you and others would like it a bit more open. Im not against critique for a hack in any way. I know you only want him to improve.


I found a gamebreaking hardlock in Norfair.

I shinesparked over the grapple beam lava pit which leads to the entrance of Lower Norfair and crashed into the spikes at the top.
furthermore: the music still plays but I have absolute no control over samus nor does any visuals indicate on a progression of the game (e.g. gadora glitch causing heavy slowdowns).
It seems that causes some issue..
Played on Bizhawk.

albert v.

Quote from: LexyChan on December 23, 2017, 05:59:56 PM
I found a gamebreaking hardlock in Norfair.

I shinesparked over the grapple beam lava pit which leads to the entrance of Lower Norfair and crashed into the spikes at the top.
furthermore: the music still plays but I have absolute no control over samus nor does any visuals indicate on a progression of the game (e.g. gadora glitch causing heavy slowdowns).
It seems that causes some issue..
Played on Bizhawk.

Thanks i'll do something about it.

albert v.

Quote from: PHOSPHOTiDYL on December 21, 2017, 11:30:37 PM
I've enjoyed a very thorough, 100% playthrough of this.
You have two items that share the same index.

Missile is $2C & S-missile is $1F.
Intentional?? I'm not complaining, just letting you know I've enjoyed this hack & will many more times in hell.

It's your hack, I'm here to keep it that way.

in which areas did you found this?


Finally you upload the Hack! For me this is a Perfection for a Metroid Game.
Design level is 10/10 for sNes Limitations.

I'm not agree with everyone & that's normal, cause opinions have different perspective.
Most of the Metroid hacks include Project Base physics, Project Base is probably the king of Metroid Moderation.
So I'm not agree with speed runners. Ancient Chozo is a different game, is more into exploration.

This game makes you feel you are dropped to a very very old Ancient Planet..
Plants have grow so much that most of the paths have blocked, atmosphere is so amazing from area to area..

Colors Pallets are amazing, best Samus Suit Design ever seen.
What can I say.. one of the best hacks ever made..

I Like exploration games even more limitations..
For now Chozo have one breakthrough sequence, so speed runners can live with this : ) cheers


Yes it looks fantastic.  And yes the Project Base physics are awesome.   I'm sure it was a ton of work to make.  But I'm having a little trouble understanding all the hype about this game.  It changes almost nothing in terms of the map or the order of items.   It was fun enough but I have little inclination to replay it given that I've run vanilla in different ways probably 100+ times in my life.  The artificial impediments to sequence breaking (looking at you PB doors and speed tunnels) reduce the replayability significantly IMO.  There are WAY too many spikes early on that you can hardly see or even tell they are spikes where you have one or two tanks and they deal 60 damage.  And the sidehoppers in Tourian are straight bullshit.  I had to freaking leave to get supers and come back and I entered with 45.

It's good but some of the comments on this thread would make you think it's another Axiel, Eris, Hyper or Phazon.   It's not.  The turtle room is something though.     

Edit:  Didn't realize the sidehoppers were also susceptible to bombs.   They bug me a little less now. 


Thank you for your active work.
Although I was able to do a sequence break in some places, it was able to be cleared without any extreme hammering.
There was a sprung ball in the Shoe spark to the Sebetite of Toulian,
Overall I thought that the idea itself was fun and wonderful finish.
Thank you.

Clear time 04: 20: 35.54
Recovery rate 74%


クリアタイム 04:20:35.54
回収率 74%[/spoiler]

Steel Sparkle

Been Playing through this more and still loving it. Did i finally get it all?

Completion rate and time.
Item rate: 104%
Time: 2hrs[/spoiler]

albert v.

Quote from: Steel Sparkle on January 01, 2018, 12:49:39 PM
Been Playing through this more and still loving it. Did i finally get it all?

Completion rate and time.
Item rate: 104%
Time: 2hrs[/spoiler]

yes! and soon will upload the next update :)


yes! and soon will upload the next update :)
What is expected in new update? And when are you expecting to release?

albert v.

Quote from: MetroidX on January 03, 2018, 03:11:02 PM

yes! and soon will upload the next update :)
What is expected in new update? And when are you expecting to release?

more detailed brinstar, less spikes, a little bit open, im removing some yellow doors, fixing some soft blocks, changing some pallets etc.. much more changes in a lot rooms! :)


^Sweet :^_^: looking forward to new version!


I am playing your hack. I am on my way to Tourian now. I have all  upgrades except x-ray scope. I checked in the original area and could not find it. Is it included in this hack. I also found a couple of permastucks regarding slopes. Luckily I make a lot of saves. After I finish this  I'll locate them and let you know where they are. But overall I enjoyed playing this. Thank you

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: piush on January 11, 2018, 10:22:37 PM
I am playing your hack. I am on my way to Tourian now. I have all  upgrades except x-ray scope. I checked in the original area and could not find it. Is it included in this hack. I also found a couple of permastucks regarding slopes. Luckily I make a lot of saves. After I finish this  I'll locate them and let you know where they are. But overall I enjoyed playing this. Thank you

About X-ray
[spoiler]It's located during the escape.[/spoiler]

albert v.

Soon very soon will upload the next update i just need to make some test before but this time will be more enjoyable trust me, :nod:  and more secrets a lot more! more detailed green brinstar, and many block has been fix, i have add more secret rooms!

albert v.

Quote from: piush on January 11, 2018, 10:22:37 PM
I am playing your hack. I am on my way to Tourian now. I have all  upgrades except x-ray scope. I checked in the original area and could not find it. Is it included in this hack. I also found a couple of permastucks regarding slopes. Luckily I make a lot of saves. After I finish this  I'll locate them and let you know where they are. But overall I enjoyed playing this. Thank you

thankyou for your reply and for play it :^_^:


Cool. I was going to play the first version but since you're releasing another I'll just wait for the new thing. I'd seen that original video of the mod on youtube (maybe a year ago) and I thought it looked interesting then. I'm glad that you managed to complete it. Congratulations.