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Alternate Fusion

Started by Eppy37, January 17, 2010, 02:13:38 PM

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As many know, I have(or had) been working on a Metroid Fusion hack. I am making this thread to say that I will now work full time on this hack and will post updates at least once a week. This hack still has a lot that needs to be worked on so don't ask me when it will be finished. Here are some small screens of some known rooms(They might not be complete and can be altered still)

In terms of difficulty, this is a bit harder than the original. You will need to walljump and midair morph at some points. This hack also help in using some not very known or used skills such as morphing while charging the beam and jumping away from a ledge that you are hanging too.

Anyways, I will post an update at least once a week, if not, twice.



I was wondering what the status on this was, since I never goto #jzd anymore. (you never talk anyways :P) Glad to see you working on it some more.

[insert more generic text about being happy, you know, the usual shit people say]

Perhaps you'll stop by our channel. ;D


YAY! A Fusion hack! I'll be honest, I didn't care too much for the original. I think it was due to the fact you was stuck in a station the whole game instead of exploring a planet. If possible, please for the sake of humanity move those elevators apart. Good luck with this hack, I'll be keeping an eye on it.


Well it isn't a full hack and it still will be story driven. Some of the routes are slightly different and I'm going to try and allow more freedom(Less Navigation Room shutters)


Woohoo! Glad to hear this is still being worked on! I thought you died for a while there xD

Quote from: Eppy37
^--- That room looks like a special bitch to navigate, given the walljumping mechanics


It's going to be slightly harder in the beginning and that room is one of the hardest.


WAIT WUT!?!? A Fusion hack! :holyf: Awesome. I haven't played a GBA Metroid ROM since... I started hacking? Anyways, I noticed the rooms are layed out that same. I assume that you either 1. Don't know how the doors work -or- 2. Don't fell like messing with doors (I'm guessing the later).


one time, i was playing around in DoubleHelix, and i tried to remove Navigation room shutter doors altogether, and the game put locked level 0 doors in place, so you were forced to talk to adam when the game would normally make you anyway.
i dont remember if the doors unlocked or not


You need to work on your social skills O_O Instead or telling them they're not interest you DEMAND THEY BE INTERESTED. Meh, don't usually work but it's worth a shot..

On topic: (sort of)
I've never messed with this program. I honestly can't even give you any constructive criticism. Fusion is pretty new (to hackers), you have alot of options. I'm already involved in more projects than I can handle or I would get my feet wet. Give me a year maybe?


Fusion isn't exactly that new to hackers.  I myself had a Fusion project in the works a year or two ago, but it has been temporarily stalled until Super Mission is completed...and until I find a reason to do Fusion ASM again.  Alt-Fusion will probably be close to the best that a Fusion hack can be without rewriting the event system routine.


So put that in Super Metroid terms and it's equivalent to having to pick up all upgrades besides missiles, supers, and powers in order?


It's equivalent to the game having been programmed to only allow you to pick up items in a specific order, because that's exactly the case. Not only that, but the checks for the event counter are messy, complex, and scattered throughout the game's code; removing it involves a very great deal of work, which is why all attempts at doing so up to this point have failed. The best that's currently possible is changing which event numbers you are allowed to get items on, and possibly changing which item you get. Nonlinearity in Fusion is, at this point, a very distant dream.


So I've decided to start working on this hack again. Going to edit what I can and try to work around the Bugs that DH has. One such bug that I can't work around atm is a sprite set bug. I can only edit the first sprite set but the other ones cannot be moved. An example of this is the first large TRO room. When you first enter the sector, there are those worm enemies crawling on the walls. After you beat a boss and get High Jump, those enemies are replaced with the cocoons. The cocoons, and later, the Hornets are on the latter 2 sprite sets and cannot be moved from their original location. this is proving to be a problem for certain rooms.

For now, I'll work around this issue by editing rooms that won't have this problem. I'm currently working on an unfinished AQA large room that is coming along quite nice so far. I'll have a pic up for that next week. In the meantime, here is an older pic of a room that i worked on when i last worked on this project.


(Note: There was no background for the bottom-left corner of the room so i had to piece it together to match the rest of the room as shown. Also need to do something about the shadow at the top of the room...)


This is great; I hope you're taking out navigation rooms for this hack


You wish. I wish we could get all of our items from Chozo statues.

I really do wish that all the text in story and stuff could be summarized into one short sentence. Would save time...


You can put the chozo statue into other tilesets



Let me know if you need any tools.


looking forward to this hack, hope everything goes well.


en donde se descarga este hack
dowload hack


Quote from: clintol123 on August 31, 2012, 12:41:28 PM
en donde se descarga este hack
dowload hack
No hay descargar todavía. :\


Is this hack still alive?

I really like the looks of it. Keep it up, Eppy!


FlamingCobra, please do not bump old posts without new content or something that adds to the discussion.

Quote from: Da Rules3. No pointless bumping - Topic bumping is allowed, as long as one is able to add to the subject matter at hand with a thoughtful and intelligent post (or new content otherwise, since this is a hacking forum.)
Read the rules if you haven't, and good day!