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Room of the Week 2010 - Archives

Started by squishy_ichigo, January 16, 2010, 11:09:07 AM

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Maybe turn the brightness down and do away with the double scaling... like this:



Snarfblam has a random corner tile in the floor. :^_^:  Intentional?


i am removing this my submission for rotw is canceled


If your 'uhh' is the same as my 'uhh', it probably means tbolt selected the same pic, rather than one he altered...


I redid the room and added a background but if its not good  ill delete  it


Tbolt.. you posted the same image twice. Plus it would have been better if you just modified your first post submission.
I forsee this whole chuck of convo being binned after you get the right room uploaded..

Silver Skree

This one's a little old, but whatever. Just figured I'd pick an old room at random and toss it in.



Silver, that looks very much the same in concept as something I've been working on lately. I might as well throw in a room of my own, too.



Quote from: Quietus on September 19, 2010, 09:58:54 AM
Snarfblam has a random corner tile in the floor. :^_^:  Intentional?
Nope. Not used to doing this type of terrain, and it's not quite as easy with NesTroid as it is in SM. You need to make and reuse prefab chunks of tiles, and you need to get pretty creative to be efficient enough to cram the stuff into the rom. I've just about maxed out the available space for Brinstar (in an expanded rom) by remaking it with SM tiles.


Skree, those tiles go together soooo perfectly. Amazing.


Skree: Have you altered the gravity for your hack?  If you haven't, then that block on the right isn't going to stay up on that pillar. :heheh:

Very nice room. :cool:


Project XVIII, I hope you don't mind but I'm going to adapt some ideas there for Supernova.   :grin:
snarfblam, I'm loving the NEStroid, SNEStroid mix!
Silverskree, awesome room idea, liking the palette colors and the way you incorporated your own tiles is amazing!


That reminds me: Project, I forgot to say: That gap in the bottom right-hand corner looks a bugger if you morph in by the spikes.  You'd have a nightmare getting out.

Silver Skree

Well, aside from stat!k needing, first of all, some BG action, and second, to be lined up against the wall and shot for posting .bmp, his room is pretty good.  Tbolt needs to be disqualified or penalized for infringing upon Rule 2, though. :wink:

snarfblam: this is really good, again, especially for NEStroid standards, but in truth that shaft is less detailed in the walls (which is most of the room's tiling) than the original was. Sorry, but aside from more 'oh cool that tileset is in NEStroid' action, there's really not a lot that's so impressive about this one.

For me this week, it was mainly between my own entry and DSO's. DSO's has some interesting brick border action on the sides (but I see a tile error in the upper right!) and his undying love of saturated red is used in tasteful moderation here. I like his room's aesthetic, but the one thing that kills it for me is that I see he's got layer 2 going on (and even with some scroll rate other than 1:1, it's doable) and doesn't take advantage of that to spice up the bland brick tiling. You can see what I mean at the top of the room and in the walls of the top 3 (?) screens.

My own room, to me, feels somewhat minimalistic considering the crazy work I've been doing on Sigma++. The room is supposed to give off a cold feel, which I think it does rather well, especially with how most of the palette is pretty desaturated (looking now, though, I should have desaturated the black too), giving it a more faded or 'icy' look, as well as feeling very open (Fun fact: the room is intended to be just below the peak of a mountain). I took the liberty of screenshotting the ship out of SMILE with PrntScr and pasting it over, but I feel that's justified considering it's an important piece because it fills that open space there above that platform (and Samus doesn't have to drive through rock or pipes to get there! :D!: ). I guess I could've shot with the BTS on, but eh.

I'm going to vote for myself this week, and I know some people that would say voting for yourself isn't very [instert good quality here], but I want to briefly touch on that. I believe that just because I enter a room doesn't mean I'm any less qualified to contribute an honest judgment of overall quality, and if I honestly come to the unbiased conclusion that my room is better than the other competitors' for whatever reasons, then there should be nothing wrong with me voting for myself.

EDIT: Actually, no. I take another look between ours and I'm not sure. DSO actually does more detail than I did, and the more I look at that room the more the structure and aesthetic grows on me. His BG is nothing to WOW!! over, but it's a lot prettier/better than pasting scrolling sky sections.

I think I'm going to hold off on voting for a day or so until I'm more sure.


I like Project's room too, but Skree wins it for me this week.  It's just beautiful simplicity. :^_^:

Silver Skree

Oh, damnit, I seem to have overlooked Project's...

* Silver_Skree looks at ProjectXVIII's room...


* Silver_Skree tic, toc, tic...

...Yeah, cool room, bro. I dunno, I'm all outta fuel after that post.  :neutral:


I'm the type who doesn't vote for himself. It is extremely hard to see my room as others would outside the context of the rest of the hack. And I can't look at it without seeing my intent and effort in it, whereas I can look at somebody else's room and see the room in and of itself. I might be very happy with a room of my own, maybe because I put a lot of work into it, overcame some difficulty, whatever, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily a better room for it.

Whether I think mine is the best or not, a vote for myself seems inherently biased. Once or twice I was positive my room was the best (still a matter of opinion of course, not everyone cares for Nestroid so much). I just didn't vote. I don't want to win by my own vote, even if I deserve it.

Snarfblam: I was very happy with my room this week (it took a lot of work to produce the result I got... expanding the ROM [yes, now it's just a button click, but I spent lots of time making that damn button], carefully reducing SM graphics to four colors, picking a good palette, and shoehorning SM style terrain into the Nestroid level format), but Skree made a good point that despite my effort, the room is pretty plain, and in retrospect, it's not quite as awesome as I had convinced myself.

Project: I like the juxtaposition of the two types of terrain, and all the possibilities the several doors imply.

stat!k: Very green and pointy. Not bad, but the lack of bg combined with the monotone are working against this room.

Skree: Pretty good. Lots of atmosphere, tiles used to good effect.

Silver Skree

Hm, you have a point; it's not so for me in this particular case, but there are rooms that, if I posted here, I couldn't bring myself to vote for any room because I know how much effort I put into mine and wouldn't want to admit another was better. :/

I've submitted rooms and made situations for myself like that before, but I always try hard to keep my votes as unbiased as possible. I still haven't voted this week because I still can't decide; I may not vote at all. That's what I've done in the past, except one or two times early on when I voted for myself right away after posting like a cheap ass and felt bad for it afterwards... one of those was won by just a few votes, and that was the week after which I started trying to be objective. :P

But yeah, I refuse to not vote entirely one week just because I entered, etc, yadda yadda, repeat a paragraph I already made in another post here...


Quote from: squishy_ichigo on January 18, 2010, 12:59:07 AM
[spoiler=Project XVIII][/spoiler]

hmm... reminds me off:

OH WAIT! It is that room.  :>_>:


Also, lots of good rooms this time around... gonna have to give it to skree though, his room is just perfect for what it tries to be. =)




Obviously not the whole room. :<


Giving this DropBox thing a whirl...




Hiroshi Mishima

Oh my gods, only three rooms and it's already gonna be a bloodbath of a battle between them all! D:
I'll withhold opinions and criticisms until the actual poll is open, but just saying.. wow, got some contenders here.


Yo snarf I'm real happy about you making an awesome Super Metroid tileset, and I'mma let you finish but that notch in there is really redundant in my opinion. Furthermore, I don't really agree with you on making the missile doors yellow, but that has something to do with enemy palettes iirc. And I'd hoped you'd already updated Ridley and Kraid.