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Metroid Mission Rescue Version 2.5

Started by Mettyk25jigsaw, August 16, 2015, 08:47:42 PM

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For those who don't want the answer to Aerezoloh's question, don't open spoiler...

[spoiler]Aerezoloh, checked it. It is configured correctly, once loaded in room on other side of teleporter, press right and keep holding right at all times and bombing a couple times along the way to the right. If you got stuck in a block, then I think it was a slice of bad luck, smile doesn't show up any error...However I have changed it so it won't show up the glitch that can't be helped, should have really done that B4, but next version release that will be in, so instead of going right you go left...but next release[/spoiler]

Steel Sparkle

Thanks Metty. I figured out where to go. I feel stupid xD


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on August 17, 2015, 08:17:00 PM
Strokeend, in the readme file attached, is a list of emulators that are compatible, some emulators and versions are incompatible...The one I definitely recommend is the Zsnes emulator Version 1.51 done by Fusoya, and that is the only Zsnes version that will play this hack...But is the best for this hack...
That's not even the big problem here. The problem was those danged spikes! I understand telling the player "You're going the wrong way," but killing them for testing it when you didn't have a save room right before is just cruel. I didn't find any save points along the way and have to start over now.


Strokend, the emulator was the issue at the point of response because I responded B4 your first edit to your post.

As for the blocks above the spikes, the 2nd and third blocks are solid blocks stand on them and then run across holding down the B or run button... hope this helps...It's the same going back, if I recall...Good luck...

EDIT: Strokend, just realised my first comment can be taken 2 ways, the way you are suppose to take it is, you've read my response after you've made 'your' edits and therefore thought I was responding to your whole post inc. your edits, (just incase you thought I was calling you a liar, which I'm not. And I won't modify the first comment now cause I don't want to hide it, since it's the right thing to do and also you may have already read it, anyway)...God bless...

Edit2: Also Strokend, Zsnes Version 1.51 by Fusoya does work with this hack, but only that version only...It's actually the one I have been using, throughout most of the design of my game, inc. the end part of design, as it is also the one I recommend...


2 more permastucks.

1. In the room before Bomb Torizo you're stuck if you out of missiles. Can't open Eye door, wayback is blocked by Event door (v1.1).

2. I've used warp sector to get to left part of map with Morph Ball and Bombs. Can't go back. Need Charge. But I can proceed to Bgarnowr, where I'm stucking in the quicksand of the room 7A771. No way to escape and get out.


Yeah, the first one has been fixed JAM in version 1.1, but 1.3 is out now, just download the newest version...

And ok, I'll provide a way out of the 2nd, I just thought people would know not to save in there and there's a save station just prior to warp world thing (nearby). But I guess I'm being a bit mean with that one...

EDIT: Version 1.4 is out now with Jam's 2nd issue found, fixed (JAM's post above)...


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on August 19, 2015, 02:06:48 AM
...I just thought people would know not to save in there...

If it's possible then someone somewhere will do it. :P


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on August 19, 2015, 02:06:48 AM
I just thought people would know...

Never assume. People are often dumb (or in my case, always) so if you want them to know something, make it super obvious.

Vismund Cygnus

To quote Murphy's Law:

"Anything that can, could have, or will go wrong, is going wrong, all at once. If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe or doing the wrong thing in your Super Metroid hack, then someone will do it."

I believe that is a 100% accurate direct quote


I'm not sure I'd agree so much with the 'all at once' part, as it's often used with just one event, though the rest is pretty accurate. :^_^:


Quote from: Mettyk25jigsaw on August 18, 2015, 08:57:12 PM
Also Strokend, Zsnes Version 1.51 by Fusoya does work with this hack, but only that version only...It's actually the one I have been using, throughout most of the design of my game, inc. the end part of design, as it is also the one I recommend...
Yeah, went and googled it with that name to learn that it was a fan-hack of the official 1.51. Playing through with rewind and a more comfortable savestate system now. Now I just need to figure out what to do now that I've picked up (and wasted) three of these "Ricochet" bullets (I swear that's how I read it and wasted all three shots trying to figure out HOW to make them ricochet, because I'm dumb). I'm basically just shooting at everything with the Luchere beam and learning that I have basically nowhere to go (I can't even reach the ship to refill my missiles). Do I have to restart again, or is there a way to advance without actually needing missiles?
Edit: Nevermind, found the route to go. That's what I get for being impatient xD


Another permastuck is found. I bet that there is at least 15 more of them. So, permastuck-free version will be 3.0.

You could jump and morph here in vanilla game. But now you can't because of physics change. When you're morphing, you're falling faster. No going back from now. You can get there if falling from left cliff, but if you fall, you can't access this tunnel anymore.

Solution: shift tunnel entrance by 1 block below to make it possible to enter.

By the way, I really liked how you changed the psysics. I mean, increasing terminal velocity.

About that morphball puzzle. I opened your hack in v1.1 then did it in v1.4. Nothing changed. Easy way to make this puzzle not so tedious is set "move off-screen" property of reflectors. Missiles can travel in about 1/4 screen off-screen before getting disappeared. This way reflectors will reacts to offscreen missile.

Quote from: Strokend on August 19, 2015, 06:55:58 PM
Now I just need to figure out what to do now that I've picked up (and wasted) three of these "Ricochet" bullets (I swear that's how I read it and wasted all three shots trying to figure out HOW to make them ricochet, because I'm dumb).
LOL, in my native language, meaning of "missile" sounds very close to "Racheta". Same language group.


JAM, Not a Perma, I just did it, however I will make it easier, I should have been more thoughtful as my controller I use is easy to do it with but some others are not... And the one I just tried it on now was one of the difficult ones...Took me 3 or 4 goes...

Morph ball room has been changed, it's a shorter run up up the top and 2 tiles instead of one for the missile to go through at bottom to hit the door...Hard mode hasn't been changed though, I hope you're not playing that...

And yeah Racheta is Romanian by memory (I think) for missile...It's some language anyway...

EDIT: Jam, I apologise, I just re-read your post and realised where the issue is in relation to morph ball puzzle, it was first changed in V1.1 I think, so you would have already had the easier morph ball room version...It sais somewhere in 1.2 version that it had been made easier I think, but I've said nothing about 1.1 about what's been changed, so I said it in 1.2....I think this is the case anyway...


Found one little bug.
Sector switch.

If you enter this room and then enter this sector change without re-visiting this room (meaning that next screen is available for scrolling), the result will be very bad.

Very, very bad.

It was hard to run to Save Station with screen glitching like that.

Solution: make that "in the dark" sector purple or orange in term of scrolls.

For the exploration, very good!
[spoiler]From that Save point in the western Arion Skirts I travelled through Bgarnowr, found a way to Base Zero, saw unobtainable item and then returned to Messadon. And this long quest was intended to get the Chiller. Awesome![/spoiler]

EDIT: I told ya.

15 permastucks left.

Also, when you bomb the Reflectors, the game will glitch for a few seconds. It's possible to do in second reflectors maze. Not a fatal error, but it can be fixed by Reflec Fix patch by Kej.


Quote from: JAM on August 20, 2015, 02:49:17 AM
Found one little bug.
Sector switch.

If you enter this room and then enter this sector change without re-visiting this room (meaning that next screen is available for scrolling), the result will be very bad.

Very, very bad.

It was hard to run to Save Station with screen glitching like that.

Solution: make that "in the dark" sector purple or orange in term of scrolls.
Secret worlds  :heheh:


Released V1.5 with a few fixes (more detail in original post)...

Just go to original post to find it...


Help. I got to the chiller beam but am stuck in the room you get it in. The beam will not stay selected, so I can't use it. I was using the zsnes 1.51 emulator you recommended and also took the save file over to snes9x 1.53. same thing. I tried it with release 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 that you posted. normal edition.  still stuck and can't advance in the game.  any help would be appreciated. thank you.


Plush, I just tested it on my emulator (same emulator), it works fine for me...

Something might have gone wrong with your emulator somehow, try uninstalling and reinstalling emulator and see what happens or maybe redo the control inputs may work too---you may want to try 2nd option first...Also if you manually saved inside chiller room, (if you have, idk), just in case you don't know, a new version using the same save file will still load previous room settings until such time as you enter through a door...I don't know if it applies to you as I don't know if you saved in there...If you have and you have another save file outside room (even if you have to resort to the last Automatic save station in Bgarnowr) you might want to give that a go. However, I doubt that's going to work as I haven't altered anything related to this issue between versions...Also, I've never found this issue myself through the entire design of game...Good luck...

Remember to keep your save files...

BIG EDIT: First of all, I've woken up, it's probably not anything to do with my first two options because you've tried other emulators. BUT, I think I may be able to guess what the issue is...
You have to press & HOLD 'Select' button, and while you have it on hold press left or right...Once selected, just simply let go...Good luck, once again...I should really put that in my manual too...


Thank you so much Mettyk25jigsaw for your help. Holding select button and pressing left and right was the solution. So glad you are monitoring these posts. now I can play again. Also I really like this game you made.


Decided to play again today seeing that the game is getting lots of attention and alot of patching.

Got the chiller, went exploring, found a few more items and then I found spore spawn.

Why does he some much HP? Why does he hit so hard if there is no safe place in the room? Spent 45 mins trying to beat him only to give up when he went into his berserk mode since I can't dodge him anymore. I know I can get out of the room, but why make it available in the first place if it's not beatable?

I'm seriously trying to like this hack, but it's things like these that make me want to throw my controller.


If you DO NOT want the answer to Dynasty's question, DO NOT Open spoiler:

[spoiler]Dynasty, you're not suppose to fight him yet, there is somewhere else you can go next, go back to him some other time when you have more energy tanks...Also there is a special room inside game where you can access in one room each world excluding tourian/smachoghr, on which you should be able to access only from Arion skirts currently. What it does? Read  below...
It's sort of a walkthrough, where it gives you a clue of where to go next, remember the different map colors mentioned in Manual in regards to sectors, they basically go from left to right---1---2---3---4 (4--if applicable)
Also... the door in S Spawn room is openable to give you the idea, you may not have to do him yet...Good luck[/spoiler]


I just got the mega rachetas. Going to call it a day here. Mettyk25jigsaw, you don't give up the rewards easily but it sure feels good to get something after all the hard work.


I am stuck. I decided to explore this area .


In the room to the left I can't go anywhere and in this set of pipes I got myself up here but don't have anymore mega rachettes to get out.
also I rolled under the floor in this room to get in but I can't find a bomb block to roll out. I do have a save file before I jumped up to the pipes. what am I doing wrong.


Sorry Plush, that's a perma...If you saved manually in there and don't have any other manual saves elsewhere, you will have to load using your last normal save station, like the ship or the other type where samus saves/loads, (the sram save)...

I am going to put up fixed version now, should be about 15 minutes...


Thanks Mettyk25jigsaw for looking into this. I do have a save at my ship with same missile count , energy tanks etc. . So I have not lost any progress. Once again thanks and will look forward to the patch.