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Introduce Yourself!

Started by Phazar, May 17, 2009, 05:59:57 PM

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FP is the man.
* uNsane undulates


Yay!  It's FirePhoenix!
* Phazar waves
Glad to finally see you here!



I'm Quietus.  I'm usually quite healthy, but suffer from I-have-loads-of-ideas-so-why-can't-I-finish-a-hack.  It's quite a mouthful, I know.

Anyway, glad to be aboard.

I've been hacking for a while, so hopefully I can help out! :^_^:


Welcome to our humble community Quietus! :D

I'm always happy to see a familiar face, glad you could make it.  Seen you post a few times in some other parts of the forum, but the off-topic board is by far the MOST FUN place to be. ;D

Hiroshi Mishima

I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume next to no one here, save like.. maybe 3 or 4 of you, know who the heck I am. It's probably safer that way.

My name is Hiroshi Mishima (in case you forgot), and I... I'm not a huge hacker, and I don't play a lotta hacks in general. So why am I here? Well, because I like, no, love the Metroid series (except MZM, but that's Nintendo's fault). No, maybe I should just say I'm a fan of Metroid 1 through 4, and Prime 1, to be on the safe side. I really don't like getting into why I'm not a fan of the later games, it usually leads to arguments. So yeah.. I'll shut up about that now.

Insofar as hacking and Metroid hacks in general are concerned, I've played a few, but not that many. Mostly I've played hacks by Silver Skree and FirePhoenix. Or rather, I've played hacks by Silver, and played a small part of an awesome one by FiFo which I'm sure he's made progress on since last year. I really don't like a lotta hacks because most of the ones I played seemed to assume I had abilities I didn't, and if I couldn't beat them I was apparently some sorta "dumbshit noob" or something. I've been called a lotta things, especially on GameFAQs, but I won't go into that either.

...if you can't tell, I ramble on quite a lot, and have a bad habit of shifting from one subject to another without even noticing it. It's kinda creepy how I just seemlessly blend from one topic to another. I also sometimes say more than I should, which I'm really trying hard to curb that little problem.

In regards to the Metroid series... I grew up playing Metroid on the NES (along with a slew of other games much older than the NES) and I have to say that even today, Super Metroid is my favourite entry in the series. However, unlike a lotta people into the hacking scene, I didn't actually ever think about making my own Super Metroid game. I have, however, written up a fair ammount of documentation on ideas for both a Fusion 2, and an original Metroid title which I won't even get into at this point in time because the chances of it being made are roughly the same as me winning the lottery, I'd wager.

If you're still reading this, I applaud you for having much patience and sheer willpower to get through my rambling. I will now reward you by... shutting up. I don't think I should just keep babbling like this. Suffice to say, this is a nice place y'all got here, I'm looking forwards to checking out some of the other things here. Who knows, this might get me interested in other romhacks, including some of those Fusion ones I've heard about.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I DO, in fact, dabble in a little bit of Super Metroid romhacking, which my good friends Silver and FiFo got my interested in after playing their stuff. I have one romhack I'm slowly working on, but I keep hitting snags or forgetting about it, so who knows if it'll ever see completion.


Funny thing is I've seen your name before, a few years ago on Planet Zebeth.  And when I saw you appear here on the Metroid hacking scene I didn't know if it was the same person, but I checked out PZ again and sure enough it was your name. :P


welcome to Metconst! ^_^


I'm not sure if I know you from befor or not! XD

But I know who you are from FP and silver at least.


Hey MetroidConstruction, I'm Sepharos, also known as Phazon9 throughout the known universe.
I'm a seasoned hacker of several games including Super Mario World and Super Smash Bros.
I'm the creator of Origin Metroid Saga, a Metroid game featured withing Super Mario World.

Originally, I came here for the chance to get to understand how to hack Super Metroid.
However, I've come to enjoy this community and hope to further build within it.


Sup Sepharos
EDIT: Why can't you make posts as short as the one you just made elsewhere :sad:

Quote from: Hiroshi MishimaI really don't like a lotta hacks because most of the ones I played seemed to assume I had abilities I didn't, and if I couldn't beat them I was apparently some sorta "dumbshit noob" or something. I've been called a lotta things, especially on GameFAQs, but I won't go into that either.
Who cares what a bunch of dumbshit noobs call you? :wink:

Quote from: Hiroshi MishimaIf you're still reading this, I applaud you for having much patience and sheer willpower to get through my rambling. I will now reward you by... shutting up. I don't think I should just keep babbling like this.
Bawwww it makes for the most interesting reading material! :sad:

Hiroshi Mishima

Lolz, yeah, I eventually got to the point where it was more amusing than insulting, especially some of the ego-stroking I would see.

I also meant to mention that I hope lurking and looking around here will give me some confidence to start trying ROMhacks by some new people I'm not as familiar with. Which is to say, you guys seem to have some standards and genuinely try to make good, well developed hacks. :D

That's what I like to see, honestly, even if I don't necessarilly play them. I enjoy seeing some of the hacks people develop, mostly because it just feels like Nintendo's abandoned the series insofar as the 2-D games are concerned.


Since I just realized that I never did post an intro in here...    :>_>:

My name is Tim and I currently work nights for the most evil corporation in the world (read Walmart lol).  I first got into the Metroid series as a kid watching my brother play it on his NES.  Of course I had to get Metroid 2 as soon as it came out, same with Super Metroid.  In fact, I've played and beaten all the games in the series except for the ones on the DS and Wii (so no Hunters, Pinball, or Coruption).

As far as ROM hacks and hacking goes, I first got into playing those about 8 months ago or so.  By some circumstance that I can't remember I came across Redesign, played it, got stuck multiple times (of course  lol), then found my way to M2K2 and here.  I'm a total noob when it comes to ROM hacking, but considering I only started doing that about 4 months ago, I'd say I'm not doing too bad so far.  Especially since I haven't heard that many complaints about the graphics I've done (working on new tilesets atm  XD).  The main reason I got into ROM hacking in the first place?  Cause I was tired of the focus in the series on metroids and wanted to see a game that focused more on Samus Aran the bounty hunter.  Since there really weren't any out there (aside from Hunters), I decided to make my own.  And thus was born the idea for Samus - Bounty on Rhizon.  *which after it's finished and depending on it's reception, may get a sequal if I decide to try my hand at DoubleHelix for a MZM hack*

Anywho, it's nice to meet everyone.   :cool:




In all seriousness: One more non-introduction post and I kill the lot of ya. ;)



It's been so long I feel like I have to introduce myself all over again.

Hi. I'm Analogue Random.

I have a website. You should grab my hacks from there because m2k2 is a pile of space shit.


Edit: nvm its working now


Hi. I'm RT-55J (you can call me RT, Artee, or whatever), and I hail from M2K2. I've decided to join because I have a some hack ideas in my brains, and hope to be able to make a couple of them manifest before I leave FOREVER (actually just for 2 years, but in Internet time they're practically equivalent).


An m2k2ian eh? Well, welcome to our humble little forum.  Its similar to how m2k2 used to be, but centered around hackers! :D

I for one welcome you with open arms, for most m2k2ians are intelligent enough to have meaningful conversations with, which will be nice compared to the two people we've banned recently.  Hope to see ya around the Offtopic Board as well as the others.

Nu Zalem

I am one with the universe... the one with unbelievable power...the one with millions of followers and the one with 13 wives! I am Nu Zalem, and I am currently eating the jello of the Council of XIII. Currently eating Ciel's jello now (had Samus' earlier this morning).


Welcome new members. :)