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More RotW Bitching

Started by A_red_monk_called_Key, June 27, 2012, 06:43:49 AM

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I don't think most people actually care about winning those speed-running contests. It's just more of a social event.

It's pretty much the same with RotW, people just want to share the stuff they do, for the most part.

I think you may be looking at all this from the wrong perspective. It's not really about friends or rivalry, it's about participation. If you win, fantastic, but it doesn't ultimately matter much. I think I've won RotW a total of 2 times, but probably submitted 30-40 rooms over the years.


losing is not a problem its motivation. awesome motivation.

Quote from: Shadow96 on June 27, 2012, 05:05:43 PM
I feel a little robbed when a joke room takes my votes.
its this. it make you think to yourself "what in gods name!?"


Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on June 27, 2012, 07:24:00 AM
i quit voting when i saw two great rooms get less votes then a joke room on the first day of voting.

On the week that the joke room won, I submitted a room that I was somewhat fond of. I was actually a bit surprised that a joke room won, but upset? No. RotW isn't serious business. That doesn't mean I think it's a big joke, or that it's pointless, but if people bend the rules or have a little fun with the contest every once in a great while, I can't see getting upset over that.

As to the more legitimate concern that it's been slow lately: yes, it has been a little slow. It happens sometimes, and while I'm open to the idea of doing something other than a weekly contest (e.g. bi-weekly), every time the issue comes up, the consensus is to keep it weekly.


i just thought of a better way to explain. please don't take this the wrong way.

when someone post in ROTW they can learn alot from the rooms they beat and the rooms they loss too.
but when a joke room gets votes, that kind of pulls the ground from under your feet. you have no idea if people like your room or you need to improve it. it makes it hard to trust the opinion of the voter.


Actually, from what I have seen, joke rooms get joke responses and real rooms get real feedback. I don't get it.


Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on June 27, 2012, 06:22:32 PM
you have no idea if people like your room or you need to improve it. it makes it hard to trust the opinion of the voter.
That is the entirety of the situation. To fix that RotW should require a detailed "entry report" explaining the room and why things happened and whatnot. On top of that, entrants must also write detailed reports about their competitors rooms too, or their room is DQ'd no matter how many votes.

Of course, we know that won't ever happen, but constructive criticism is the only reason to put your room up anyway.

Also Zeke, most of the time feedback is along the lines of "I liked Quietus room the best." Feedback needs to be a better quality and informative. There are some who do that, but not near enough. (I am guilty of this too.)


While this sort of thing is true (and I believe the week snarf was referring to was week eight), it's only one week. Yes it's annoying, but it's unavoidable. I had a good room that I had worked on and wanted criticism on, but a bunch of people put up jokes. So that was annoying, but the admins can't just take the rooms down because if they tried to ban joke rooms there would be huge controversy over what defines a room/joke room. There have been a ton of rotw, and very few joke weeks. Sure, in that week, it can get on our nerves, but it's just one week.
I think you need to look at the big picture. A couple of joke weeks does not make the whole contest a joke. And if you get a new contest started, it'll likely follow the same path as rotw. though I think that bi weekly or monthly will annoy a lot of people, since rotw is a nice consistent, weekly competition. If you lose one week, or miss the deadline, you can easily toss it up next week.
This is the internet, and although this community is fortunatly mostly full of awesome people who love metroid, there are bound to be jokes. People are human, and it's not just the kids.
Notice that in the aforementioned joke week, the winner was Dman. Who is certainly not a kid. the other real joke entry was scyzer, again, not a child. They also didn't get all that many votes. And the legit rooms got regular criticism anyway.
I think a lot of your concerns are valid Red Monkey, but just because there are some weeks that can bug people, it's better than the whole thing being full of it. For the most part, it's pretty legit. So just try to see the big picture.


I vote once in a while, if I vote it's for the room I like. If it's a joke room, a cool room, whatever. I liked the room so I voted for it.
If someone finds a joke room funny and votes for it, awesome. Hopefully said joke room actually took time. Stop complaining, build your hack for you. Take pride in it, and not voting. E-peens don't mean shit.

But an awesome hack that took dedication will mean something.

Kind of.


Oh! heres an idea just too toss out there.

Joke Room of the Week along side of RotW

if made intentional would consider creating something crazy like a Candyland GFX. who could argue with funnest room of the week. :yay:


RotW is not a serious competition. It is intended for people to post their rooms to get feedback, which is exactly what happens, regardless of who gets the vote.
You do not win anything from RotW, and by the end of the week, no one remembers who won anyway. It's just a bit of fun to vote on your favorite rooms posted for the week.

I repeat, the purpose of RotW is not to be a competition, but to get feedback for your rooms. It should not be taken seriously as a contest.


um, it is a contest.
Yes it's not to be taken too seriously, and it's mostly for feedback, but it's also a competition. Maybe people don't care by the end of the next week who won the last, but for the week the room is in, it's a contest.


In every competition someone will take it serious. My problem (mine alone) is that i wanted to use ROTW as a useful tool for game making.


How is feedback not a good tool? :I


word can lie. action tells all.

this may be so for many of us, when we look for feedback people want to be nice.

one of my personal experience back in high school. for 3 years, art class became competitive. every body was slamming every body else' work. i think this made us all strong graphically. one of my friends from back then held a art competition at his store 3 years ago, were he invited all of us back to compete against professional graphic artists. The best line i've ever heard in my life was "your not going to get something better then that out of me for free" my last graphic took 3 hours, but totally worth it to here that.

her words lied but her actions and tone told so much. i didn't win but i knocked out the last pro.

Mr K

Red monkey....dude, you shouldn't let things like joke rooms ruin your confidence in posting a room in ROTW. They are just a bit of harmless fun and without a little of it every now and again the community wouldn't be the fun and friendly place it currently is, At the end of the day if someone has something relevant to say about the room you have posted, Be it constructive criticism/feedback or just a quick comment about their likes and dislikes. They will always post about it regardless of any joke room. And even if it gets voted for its not about winning its about the feedback and learning from others, Just like you said you wanted. This all got out of proportion very fast and I feel some people might have took red monkeys posts a little to heartedly.

I have never posted a room in ROTW before nor have I been a member of this community very long. So my voice does not carry much thunder here, But I don't want to see anybody lose faith in the community over something that's supposed to be friendly and fun. Red monkey relax man, don't be worried about not getting feedback if you posted a room, Because you will get it. I hope this has calmed down now. I need a cigarette.


i wish i could my text could show how calm of a speaker i am. people say i speak like this guy

i don't see it but what ever

all about the fun but not at the expense of others. what i mean is like snarfblam experience.(that royally blows) no body want to get burned like that.

Mr K

Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on June 27, 2012, 09:41:38 PM
i wish i could my text could show how calm of a speaker i am. people say i speak like this guy

i don't see it but what ever

all about the fun but not at the expense of others. what i mean is like snarfblam experience.(that royally blows) no body want to get burned like that.

I understand what you mean red monkey, I have seen your art skills and level design skills, I reckon if you posted a crazy room just for fun it would be quite epic IMO, You should try it and I also think red monkeys idea of having joke/fun rooms posted in maybe a different thread is a good idea that way people can get the feedback they want and rooms for ROTW could be judged and voted for fairly. It might be something to think about.


Quote from: chyrak on June 27, 2012, 09:30:21 PM
They are just a bit of harmless fun and without a little of it every now and again the community wouldn't be the fun and friendly place it currently is,
Never hang out in IRC do you?

Mr K

Yeah quite a bit, Its all friendly hating and rage quitting up in there, on irc now actually :)


Quote from: chyrak on June 27, 2012, 10:05:36 PM
Its all friendly hating and rage quitting up in there

i'm quite new here myself, i can't say much.  :heheh:


Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on June 27, 2012, 08:47:33 PM
My problem (mine alone) is that i wanted to use ROTW as a useful tool for game making.

Yours alone? A lot of people that submit want to use it to help their game making process. maybe you're unsure of a room design element or graphical style, so you put it up and see what people say.

As for people being too nice, that's not going to change. When I see something I think looks bad, I will say I think it looks bad. However, I also write very long reviews to try and give some useful feedback. But not everyone does this, nor will a lot of people ever do it. It's something no one can control, this is a relatively good spirited community which tries to help the noobs. so people tend to be either too nice, or just mean.

I agree with Chyrak, this has gotten way out of hand. People need to calm the hell down about it.

Edit: Posted this from the second page, was not aware of the last few comments. However, what I say is still relevant.


after sleeping on it i came to a conclusion. the moral of the story is that RotW can not be change or made better. its like a pet and it seems like its dieing because we don't feed it. so i hopefully try to start a trend and will give each room a honest positive then negative review


Quote from: A_red_monk_called_Key on June 28, 2012, 06:00:21 AM
so i hopefully try to start a trend and will give each room a honest positive then negative review
that's good, hopefully others will follow your example and it will improve over time.

btw i saw your review post, and it's good. keep it up!  :^_^: