SMILEuser96's Game Making Topic (Last update: 27.7.2013)

Started by Smiley, March 26, 2012, 12:26:07 PM

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Sup people!

So, since I enjoy making games with Game Maker (and enjoy hacking Super Metroid, though not as much) I decided to make a topic where I post about my projects and stuff. Don't expect any commercial-quality stuff, but rather something that a teenage self-educated (in the case of Game Maker) person can do.

I've got a Twitter account:
I will post tweets about the stuff I've been doing every once in a while, so follow my Twitter if you want to.
Constructive feedback is, as it always should be, appreciated. Bug reports, too.

Project 1:
Counter Bunny (Final name pending):

A small fighting game about 4 cute, little bunnies who are trying to jump on each other to get points while hunting power-ups and avoiding several hazards, like lava, spikes, bottomless pits and black holes (that's right, black holes).
There's a simple domination system included. Kill the same opponent 3 times without dying yourself, and you'll dominate that one until he kills you. Killing someone who dominates you nets you some extra points.
The game has been in development for a couple months, and will likely be finished sometime in the summer. A small demo with an ugly menu and one unavailable stage was released some time ago.
If the game gets popular enough, I just might make an online version supporting up to 8 players.

[spoiler=The blue walls aren't actually visible in-game][/spoiler]
[spoiler=NEW SCREENSHOT!!! :D (As of 24.04.2012)][/spoiler]
Just showing that reverse gravity works. Also, transparent lava. Oh, and mirrors (they reflect lasers). Aaaaand, I just spotted a tiling error :FURY:

[spoiler=Older screenshot. This place no longer exists][/spoiler]

Progress list. Stuff I've done, stuff I'm working on and stuff I'm going to make later:

  • General engine
  • 8 unique levels
  • Lots of animations (not all that much really)
  • A very simple, nicely flexible scoring system
  • Lots'a other stuff
  • 2, 3 or 5 game modes depending on how you count them
Working on:

  • More levels
  • Power-ups and power-downs
  • Music, sound
  • Sound test (Needs some sort of GUI)
  • Turning random ideas into something that I can actually use. No, there won't be miniguns and/or Vagineers.

  • More power-ups/power-downs
  • More levels, obviously
  • More hazards/other things to make levels more interesting
  • Better title screen. Check below and see how ugly it is
  • Other little details and tidbits

The demo, you say? Fine. Here:
Download (Press F1 in-game to check the controls and credits)
Now there are 8 levels, some more power-ups and, the most importantly, game modes! Deathmatches and carrot hunting. Yay!
The game is also a bit gory... :nod:

Project 2:
Bunny platformer (Final name pending):
A Mario-like platformer featuring one of the bunnies from Counter Bunny. It's still very early in development, but it has a smoother movement system (acceleration :D) and smoother jump-through platforms. No screenshots yet, sorry.

Edit: Now it has a midway point system too.



I tweeted a new tweet. Tweet tweet.

E: I did it again. There's a new TWEEEEEEEEEET!


Tremble before me! Fear before me! Worship me!

...For I have taken the first step in the long, dangerous and interesting journey to create a good-looking title screen image. It looks shittier than the unexplored world under my bed (at the current moment anyway), but meh:
Made in ~3 minutes or so... :heheh:



A small update to Counter Bunny:
Lasers now have a sound effect and a somewhat good death animation, invisibility potions* create particles when they despawn, black holes are a little bit better now and I created mirrors which reflect your lasers. However, you can't get killed by your own lasers even if they hit you. Also, some progress on the title screen. It still looks really ugly, so I won't post a screenshot of it this time.

*They don't make you fully invisible.

Comments, feedback, criticism and suggestions are welcome as they should always be.


The title screen has met progress!
[spoiler=Still 1200x900 and will always be][/spoiler]
Probably the ugliest title screen ever, even though that's pretty much just a very rough scetch. (That green bunny is just... ugh...)

Edit: I don't want to triple post...
anyway, time bombs, which attach to your back, now kill everyone who's close enough and not just one of them. :^_^:
I also modified the scoring system a bit. It's now easier to determine who should get and who should lose points without a shitload of "if" and "switch" and "with" statements and such. Which optimizes the game a little.

Edit again:
Now the time bombs really work correctly.

I'm really not going to triple post:
The .exe just went 8 kilobytes down in size :^_^:. Hooray for optimizing.

Maybe I will triple post some time:
A new level is half-way done, I made a new block (conveyour belt) and once again, made the time bombs better. If you're not within its killzone, you might still be within its pressure wave-zone, which obviously sends you flying away. Better not go near long falls when somebody's running around with a bomb.
Also, a new, Minecraft-themed hazard is in the worksssssssss.


The previous post has had enough edits already. :eyeroll:

Anyway, the scoring system is now better. Instead of instantly getting points when you're supposed to get them, you get them over time. Kinda like how the damage works in the Mother series. Black holes are now better (bunnies rotate when they're being sucked into them) and I've got ideas for several new levels (one of which is Norfair :wink:).
There's also a new semi-power-up which scrambles the player's positions around when it's used. It has saved me from multiple fall deaths in testing, and killed whoever took my spot. :^_^: Plus some new sound effects and the first easter egg. Also fixed a bugged spawn point in Gravitation.

Edit: Added the first two power... downs. Yes, power-DOWNS! Speed drop and jump drop. Should be obvious what they do.
Edit2: Updated the first post.
Edit3: Sound test now includes all songs that currently exists in the game. Focus is back on that one unaccessible level.


...QUADRUPLE POST!!!! :grin: :grin: Ok, enough of that...

Just on a completely random, completely unrelated note:
Counter Bunny demo has hit 5 downloads! Whopee!

Quote from: knuckles on May 02, 2012, 09:06:47 AM
On a side note, your game looks nice but gameplay sounds a bit weird.
My games tend to be a bit silly. I'm even thinking of adding Rainbow Factory as a level. :eyeroll:
In the Rainbow Factory
Where fears and horros come true...

The once unavailable level is nearing completion! I also made a rather simple meat grinder to be used in some level. Also, ideas for new power-ups.
The work on different game modes should begin quite soon. ("Quite soon" ranges from 1 week to 3 months, methinks...)

Edit nummer tre:
Work on different game modes has started. Kinda. I've got ideas on how to implement such a system, but no coding has been done yet.

Teh edit 4:
Skyrim's taking my time. I'm taking a break from coding, but I'll continue after killing Alduin.


Quote from: SMILEuser96 on May 02, 2012, 06:43:24 AM
...QUADRUPLE POST!!!! :grin: :grin: Ok, enough of that...

Just on a completely random, completely unrelated note:
Counter Bunny demo has hit 5 downloads! Whopee!
Start editing your posts more.
On a side note, your game looks nice but gameplay sounds a bit weird.


Skyrim's taking a good bunch of my free time, so coding CB will be sllllloooooooowwww for some time.
Here's 2 screenshots for you peeps anyway:
[spoiler=Almost-finished level][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Easter egg, which is no longer secret... :(]It's sound test if you really didn't figure it out yourself[/spoiler]

I'll Fus Ro Dah this game further some day.

Alduin's dead and I've got only 9 days of school left, so I'll have ~2,5 months of free time (coding time) after next week's Saturday.
Well, that's the theory, but living on a farm does sort of eat some of my free time.


Platforms moving up/down have just become a reality! :grin:
Trying to make them earlier was a serious pain in the ass. It was really easy after implementing a variable called "can_jump..."
It takes a whopping 1 line of code to make the platforms move in one direction with constant speed, 6 lines of code in the collision code with the bunnies, and optionally 2 lines more if I want them to wrap around the room.
Now I can finally make a really Tetris-themed level. Yay! :grin:

Edit: Tetris-y level is in the works. Gravitation (one of the levels) got a somewhat major bugfix and lasers are now a good deal more useful.
Work on game modes hasn't started yet, but it's summer vacation for me after ~10.00 in Saturday, so expect slightly more common updates after that.

Edit: Tetris-y level is now playable, but it needs some fine-tuning, a background and its own unique music.

Quote from: zephyrtroniumFixing them would be easy enough: make them collide only with the bottom edge of a player, and only when that player is not pressing down.
...Why didn't I think of this? Thank you so god damn freaking much! :grin:
Network play is indeed already planned, but I'm not so sure about bots. Making very simple ones (chase the nearest bunny and jump when there's a pit right ahead or it's near the chased one) is easy and they kinda exist already. There are creepers in a Minecraft-themed level.

Jump-through platforms are now so much smoother that I can't help but tell it here.
I'll now fine-tune some levels, then I'll start finally working on game modes. Expect another demo when there are 2 or 3 game modes done.

Edit... once again:
Started working on a new level. Again. Ideas just sometimes pop randomly in my head, so this happens. When I'm done with this level, I might really start working on game modes, assuming I don't get more ideas anytime soon.
The new level is related to Metroid.
Hint: :metroid:


Tried playing again after a long time. The physics definitely are much better now. Being able to control jump height is a necessity in something like this; glad to see it's in.

Platforms would be better were they not to cause players to jump around. Fixing them would be easy enough: make them collide only with the bottom edge of a player, and only when that player is not pressing down.

There definitely needs to be either AI or network play. Have you ever tried to fit four people around a keyboard? Hell, USB keyboards only have 6KRO at best, so more than two people is pretty much impossible.


Well, it seems that something went slightly wrong with my Metroid-size-altering code:
[spoiler=Just a test room]
As a matter of fact, it took ~10 seconds to fix that, so no worries[/spoiler]
Also, moving power-ups now have a smoother movement system. They don't just abruptly change their speed and direction anymore, but rather act more like smash balls from Brawl.


Major update! Bigger than any of the others anyway...
There are game modes now! YES, GAME MODES! Finally you can do something else than just kill each other, now you have to eat carrots too!
Just avoid all the bad carrots, they're not so tasty. :awesome:
And not only that: there's asimple results screen and more... sec...rets... right... there's also a freaking timer before the match actually begins! Freaking awesome! And another timer that shows how long the current match lasts!
And a colorful download link! Ack! :portal:


And a regular one in case you're colorblind:

Well, well, it looks like Chinese people have suddenly found this game. :^_^:
Download stats

I haven't worked on this game in a while now, but I likely will continue this sometime soon. (Soon as in before the end of July)
I will also get a laptop for 3 years in August (for high school), which will help me with adding online support, if I ever decide to add it.


This ain't no dead game!

I took a somewhat long break from making this, but I'm starting to continue on it again.
Three things have been added/updated, two of which are somewhat major:
1. Jump-through platforms now work better
2. You can change the window size in the main menu with the left/right arrow keys. Easier to play on smaller monitors/resolutions
3. Gamepad support for players 3 and 4 (green and blue bunny.) Now it's much more comfortable for 4 players to play at the same time. Note that player 4 uses the first gamepad, player 3 uses the second.


Quote from: zephyrtronium on June 05, 2012, 02:52:28 AM
There definitely needs to be either AI or network play.
Pretty much this.

So far, the game is not too shabby but the tile screen & menu background are just horrible...
One thing I would like to see in this type of game is the ability to bounce on foes to gain more jumping height while killing them. This feature would really useful in levels like SpaceTetris so as not to fall in the outer space :lol:


Quote from: Metaquarius on July 27, 2012, 03:35:19 PM
One thing I would like to see in this type of game is the ability to bounce on foes to gain more jumping height while killing them.
Done. Pressing down also makes you fall slightly faster too. PS. It's Spacetris, not SpaceTetris

Aaaand I'm working on something that has 4 eyes and shoots lasers. That's all you're going to know about it before you see it ingame.

The game is starting to reach the polishing state. A couple of levels more, then I'll start polishing it. Should be finished by the end of the year. (So this mosts likely is really finished sometime next summer :razz:)
I'm also getting a laptop next week (for school), so taking this online will be a whole lot easier then. If I actually make an online version, it will be its own separate game, like Seal Hunter. There's too much code here to effectively add online support. :T_T:


Still makin' it.

Not much progress due to school, but I've added an .ini file to save the resolution, the latest amount of players, game mode and map. Maybe some sort of custom controls will be possible in the future.
Airship level is getting a total overhaul and 4-eyed laser thing has met significant progress.

Edit: Here's a small online pong game I made to practice using 39dll. Have fun!
Just use the arrow keys, plus your mouse in the menu.
Download Pong


It's good to start a new page with a new game, eh?

To any fans of Counter Bunny, assuming there are any: it's still in development, but progress has been reeeaaalllly slow lately. I'm just out of motivation at the moment.

To the point then. I'm developing another small game which is already about half-complete. You may have seen those screenshots of an old-school 3D game in the screenshots thread... this is it...


Story: You're a penguin who committed some sort of sins, then died. Due to your sins, you are now in Hell. Obviously you want to get out of there. Our good little friend, the devil, has given you a chance: you can try to get out of Hell exactly ONCE. If you fail, you're there for the rest of eternity. However, the devil enjoys watching things pitifully trying to get out of Hell, so when you fail, another penguin can take your place and continue from where you failed. How cruel!

Gameplay: You can move and turn around with the arrow keys, strafe with Z and X, look up and down with W and S, peck with Control and run with Shift. Another way to attack enemies will most likely be added. Maybe WASD+mouse control too if there's demand for it.
The levels are fairly simple and straightforward, but each one has at least one... I'll let you find them yourselves. The challenge in the levels comes from tricky platforming, nearly unavoidable* hazards, obstacles, puzzles and traps. There are also some enemies to pump the challenge further up, mostly bats.

*Everything can be seen in advance and is avoidable, so it's not unfair. Frustration is still really probable.

And what you've been waiting for the most, screenshots:



Quote from: SMILEuser96 on December 12, 2012, 11:09:17 AMIt's good to start a new page with a new game, eh?
As always, this depends entirely upon your posts per page setting. :razz:

Also, I love the mental imagery of a penguin performing any serious jumping. :^_^:


I approve of being able to physically see your character's feet. More games with FPS POVs need to do this nowadays.


Just be careful when playing saucy games, with hot chicks in, or you might end up seeing more than you bargained for. :whoa:


I would love being able to look down and have my character's legs obstructed by the view of cleavage. It would be both realistic and add to that 'sauciness', no? :wink: (Yes, I know what you're talking about, and I don't even think they allow physically portrayed arousal in an M-rated/PEGI-18 game or equivalent.)

But I digress. Mouselook is definitely a plus in an FPS, and I recommend the alternate method of attack be throwing snowballs (if even a limited, restockable number of them.) :heheh: