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Room of the Week 2012 - Archives

Started by Zhs2, July 03, 2010, 12:53:45 AM

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I feel as if everyone waits for someone to post a room so they can make their room better. I guess ill just post anyways.




Ok, Dman posted. End of RotW, everyone out.


That's pretty much how I reacted when I saw he'd posted a room.
The choice honestly isn't all that easy for me this week. I think blarget has improved in level design, and I think some of Dman's palette choices are questionable. I'll edit this post with my usual review/criticism when I'm not so lazy.

Edit: Okay, time for my opinion! (I know. You all count the minutes till you get to see another post by moi)
anywho, interesting rooms this week.

[spoiler]Okay, so I really like this room for a few reasons. First, it shows you've improved in level design. For contrast, your first room was really really symmetrical. Sometimes it takes more skill to make a small room look good, and you have with this one. Simple, kinda unobtrusive, but looks great for what it is. Second, the tileset is one of my favourites. And the palette, though I would say not as good as the original, still works well. And third, I like the background. Edit: there are a couple of nit picks about your room though. First, the foreground tiles's palette is too close to the background's. Second, you have a row of tiles along the top that are vertically flipped. They look good, except there is a green line that doesn't fit because it was meant for the other kinds of tiles. Just something to watch out for, cause if you look closely, it's kinda annoying.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]okay, so I have to say this doesn't look like your best work. The sand palette is bleh, the layering could've been better, and the left side of the room doesn't look nearly as good as the right side. The map room tiles don't work all that well there. The croc head looks awesome, and the middle of the room is just great. but this room just feels a little messy, and cluttered. It still looks great, but not your best.[/spoiler]

So for all of you that're keeping up, my vote is pretty obvious.

My Vote:


As usual, I like Blarget's simple elegance.

DMan's room looks like it may suffer from the usual problem with layering, in that it can be tough to gauge what's foreground and what's not, but it's still a very pretty room.

DMan gets my vote this time.


Blarget2: Great work with the tileset. Nice palette.

Dman: Very nice tileing however it looks like 4 rooms mashed together, albeit 4 very nice looking rooms. I love the skull.


Voted for Blarget. Love the palette and the simplicity of the room, though the background could use some work. DMan's room is alright, but it just looks like a messy clusterfuck of layers. Also gotta agree with Quietus, it looks like it may be hard to tell what in the room is foreground and what is background. I'd also recommend changing that sand palette, it's pretty ugly, in my opinion.



also voted blarget.

sorry DMan, but yours looks way too cluttered and stuff yea.


I disagree with alot of these comments, I love the intricate layer manipulation of Dman's room. The randomness of colors and curvature makes it look natural, to me. I do agree it's a bit difficult to decipher the FG and BG, though. That being said, I like Blarget's room too. Looks like something that could've been in the original game. Like a gradual transitional room (which the original game is missing in many areas).


I don't know what to do with this tileset anymore. I'll move on to something else next week.


holy shit. most unique room i've seen in awhile. i want to live in it.
tl;dr: lush


At least someone post some room before Thursday night so people can vote for a day.



Very nice room, good use of the oranges and yellows. I especially like the bubbly middle part.

Zero One

As close as it was for me, I'm voting for Snarfy McBlamsalot for the great use of colours and the pillar in the middle of the room looks awesome.



brb cleaning myself up because I shit hard enough for it to ramp off the back of my PC chair and coat my back.


That room reminds me of the Kraid shaft; a bitch to navigate. But damn, does it look delicious.


voted snarf. one of the best NEStroid rooms evah.
good work bro.


Both of those rooms are 100% sexy, but yeah Snarf because damn that is a sweet m1 room


Okay this is just sad.
well, if no one else will post a room then I'll just post one of an unfinished new tileset.

Have at it.


Jesus that tileset is so fucking sexy hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng


one word.

no, jk.

it looks amazing though.


Quote from: ProjectXVIII on April 01, 2012, 10:27:58 PM
Jesus that tileset is so fucking sexy hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng

This tileset > Squishy


Just so that Shadow isn't lonely. This is from an unfinished hack that I may or may not complete.
[spoiler=WARNING: Quality not guaranteed][/spoiler]