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Project: Delta Hive

Started by jeffvv16, February 18, 2011, 10:24:15 PM

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All you need to do is put the door at the edge of a Green or blue scroll in the middle, and press "c" on the door BTS, name it, go to the door you want to link it too, and press "d" on the Door BTS of the one you want linked, and click "Transfer Properties" then click "Remember" exit it, save the room, clone that door and press "e" on the newly linked door. Do the same thing again, it should work perfectly!

The door MUST be in the middle edge. With a red scroll behind it so it doesn't glitch the next room up, and the rest of the game.


Even though DarkSamus outlined the simplest of door creations, I could go and put out a video explaining the whole sah-bang if you want. ^-^ As for the door cap actually messing up, enter the door editor and put 07 in the "yi" box (the one that currently has 06). That will fix that. The all you need to do is make the tiles around the door solid. x)


At least it tells how to link doors. Which is good help for beginners, After he changes layout, he could move rooms around and stuff. That'd be good. So far I'm liking it though. Keep it up.


Person: If you're ever willing to make videos for such things, then I'd say go ahead, as I think people learn a lot quicker from seeing things rather than reading things. :^_^:


This really is looking awesome so far. You (and GF_Kennon) deserve some credit. :)



Quote from: jeffvv16 on March 11, 2011, 09:22:57 PM
Quote from: person701 on March 08, 2011, 10:48:04 PM
you're making that tileset look pretty good there Jeff. :) Keep up the work!
Thanks everyone, but as I stated before I cant take credit for the tileset, however I must say that GF_Kennon's Frigate tileset made old Brinstar awesome looking.

p.s. If I hadn't added the transparency the background would cover up everything; layer 1 and the sprite layer. I'm not sure why, though.
Background by GF_Kennon is awesome. Anyway, wanted to ask you, are you using that background as a loaded one from a BG_Data pointer? Because I had that same problem with the background appearing over the foreground for a bit while working on GFS_Kennon. If so, then you can fix it by uncheckmarking the "force to background" thing in SMILE's background editor. Or maybe I unchecked and then rechecked, I don't remember, but if you fiddle around with it long enough you will get it.


Here is the latest room that I have completed so far (though artwork is never finished, only abandoned) It is the elevator room in green Brinstar, for those who can't recognize it right away.


What you see is basically what all of green Brinstar will eventually look like. However, I will add a few more palettes to change things around here an there.


Holy shit, you just made my day with that pic, that is an epic room.


Thanks for the positive feedback. Hope I continue to please the masses as I progress farther into Delta Hive. :yay:


It looks very square.  I know it's more of a pain, but terrain always looks better with more variation.


In addition to what Quietus said, if there's a way to add more deta with that tileset, I'd do that. I've never used it so I wouldn't if that's all there is to it. Good room none the less though.


What Quietus said. Its very square, but I found out that your finally changing a bit of layout to the original, hopefully you can continue to change the layout, It's looking good :grin:

EDIT: I played it. You get glitched when coming out of the elevator back to Crateria. also i found a Permastuck in the landing site. i made it past the spikes and fell in a place with returning crumble blocks. you don't want either of those.


Quote from: DarkSamus on March 19, 2011, 01:03:29 PM
What Quietus said. Its very square, but I found out that your finally changing a bit of layout to the original, hopefully you can continue to change the layout, It's looking good :grin:

EDIT: I played it. You get glitched when coming out of the elevator back to Crateria. also i found a Permastuck in the landing site. i made it past the spikes and fell in a place with returning crumble blocks. you don't want either of those.

What about the scroll error that won't scroll in the room to the right of the ship after you get morph ball?


I never got there because of the glitch and permastuck.


Not to be picky, but would it be possible for you all to post a screen shot of what kinds of problems there are, or else I wouldn't know exactly what to look for.

And About the landing site, those spikes were supposed to prevent you from sailing the cliff. You were suppose to enter from the bottom; there is a hidden (invisible) platform that requires morph ball and bombs (high jump too, I think)to continue and then super missiles later on. I thought that the maze of pipes was just an idea to try out (even though it just leads to the same room w/ the power bombs). I also know about the scroll problems. Keep in mind that this is my first hack and I am trying my best to avoid any problems that will make it take a lot longer time to finish it.

And even though I haven't made a large amount of progress, I am still going to post an IPS file of what I have done, mainly it would seam like a better idea to explore the game itself and not just stare at a couple of pics here and there, but I will post some pictures when I feel it is appropriate. If this is going to be bothersome I will withhold on uploading a lot of IPS files and will just post screen shots until I have made much more progress, unless I need help with something.

I have made some changes and I think I have fixed most of the problems previously stated and I would like if some one could look it over in an emulator/smile. Any type of feedback will be appreciated.

Does this room still look square everybody? (Placing the BTS slopes was a pain so you better like it :stern:)


Ok, Glad you fixed it. Towards the picture, not to be mean or anything, but its not as square, but its still square-ish. but its your hack, were just giving opinions.


I also got stuck in the same place as DS. The spikes don't stop one from getting over there, one just has to jump well. There's another permastuck in that area as well.

I took a screenshot, but since you seem to know where the area is already, I wont bother, hehe.

Also, I'll mention that when Samus first appears on her ship, her suit palette looks amazing. Then, for some reason, it changes once she starts walking or after she lands from a jump from that spot. The new colors look good too, but when I first saw the green I was looking forward to running around like that.



Though I will post this one, hehe.



When you first get into this area, that little geemer is going to hit you. Maybe this is intentional. Also, maybe the background layer on top of the foreground is intentional as well, but I think it looks a little odd when transparent shapes in the foreground blend with the background. Cool in a way for sure, but still odd, hehe.

When opening to the door into *this* room the first time, it did a graphics glitch where I saw another door below the normal one, but it didn't glitch the next few times I tried it. I thought I had found everything and couldn't figure out how to get out of this room (I still don't know how but I'll look a little more before giving up), and eventually found the item above my sprite. However, the game then glitched by putting this block in the foreground, currently hiding part of my sprite. There's one below it too. Maybe they were there before and I didn't see them, but still.

That seems quite a bit for two rooms, hehe, but it's still looking cool.

Also, I actually like how the modified physics work in this hack. Everything still works well, you just move faster. :) Although, I'm not sure why wall-jumping makes you suddenly go SUPER fast.


Still can't get out, but when I go through the door to the left (where I can't roll into a ball fast enough to get out of this room) I discovered that a morph ball will roll straight through the door and back into the room in the screenshot.


Okay, so coming back up from Brinstar (I just got morphs and the first missile and came back up) I found that one Chozo statue suddenly had another missile pack, cool, and then coming back up that shaft toward bombs, I had some trouble jumping through a narrow area where a ripper was patrolling ... but okay, maybe I just need to work more with the new physics.

However, coming up from there, back to the main horizontal room there, I had a huge glitch. And so, another screenshot.



I had come up from the ground there, and then when I tried to run right, the scroll didn't follow me, so I ended up reappearing on the left side of the screen. I'm not stuck in that rock, I'm standing on the ground. I had to run and jump blindly until I got to the door to the landing site before the scroll returned. I went back to this spot after that, and the problem indeed repeated.

And from here, I think I'm gonna call it quits on this one. I'd suggest you play test just a little more before you put a demo out there and asking others to let you kow what's wrong. I like your ideas so far, but this has been just a few rooms and already a lot of things I'd have suspected you'd find on your own.



jeff, Make sure you've done your PLM scrolls before you release it. Just simply go to the  Scroll editor (save first) and click PLM scrolls, and click the scroll thats red in the orinial Scroll and make it blue or Green, then click find bank data, it will come up with bank $8F data, say....E99F, save PLM scrolls, go to the red scroll with a Scroll PLM. (Red PLM with S in middle) And put high to E9 and Low to 9F, get it? E99F = High E9 - Low 9F then get the Arrow PLMs in the direction you want your scroll to be revealed on, and make enough Arrows to make it from one ground tile to the celing or wall to end or scroll. DON'T PLACE THEM ON THE TILES, this will make them Air tiles.

I hope this helps. =)


Well, its been a long time sense my last update. I have plans on working on it once I get a new laptop (and after I finish moving, times have been tough). I have managed to find time to edit the little things in Super Metroid: missiles, energy etc...

[spoiler]Most of the gfx changes were taken from Metroid Zero Mission[/spoiler]

Though this will take a lot longer than expected, I will continue on Delta Hive until it has been completed.

edit: VideoGeemer, I have put the green suit that you liked so much in the game now. at first it was one of many palettes that I created and never bothered to use, but I grew attached to it. It will be the Varia Suit's palette. The Power Suit also had been re-colored as well. Look up the pokemon Rhyperior and that will be the overall look of the suit.