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Super Metroid: The Inverted Castle

Started by lordawsome12, September 13, 2010, 05:09:40 PM

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Would you be comfortable with this hack even if all the rooms weren't a 100% 180 degree flip.

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Oh come on, now. Even though you could fly anywhere in Symphony of the Night, the inverted castle still had platforming guidelines in which the castle itself was modified slightly for certain things to be easy.

Also, liquid-on-ceiling was one of the more awesome parts of the inverted castle's detail. The same old paths were made different due to these details.

Black Telomeres

Quote from: Quietus on September 27, 2010, 07:57:28 AM
If you're the BT I think you are, welcome here, welcome back, and I hope you get back into hacking. :^_^:

I am most likely the BT you think I am and perhaps one day my stalled project will be resumed.


Crys: Oldsckool LOLZ

But back on topic.
Given that in SotN, you had what you currently had, maybe if samus already had varia and a few other abilities and e-tanks. that way, the lava could be inverted to the bottom in more rooms, and very chilly up in norfair. These are just ideas..


This topic reminds me a lot of Norfair/Maridia...

Both are hacks that take the SM world and does something crazy (read: stupid) to it to add more gameplay verity! :P


Sorry I haven't replied to any of your comments, but...
Okay back on topic. To start I'm not looking to flip any of the bosses upside down, only to make them face the opposite direction. Since I'm really unsure where to start to research on how it would be possible to do this I'm going to do some minor level editing to make it so the boss rooms are entered from the appropriate side or that the boss's will actually be able to be fought in there respective rooms. I may also make an easy version for people who aren't very good at any of the required skills to beat the game. With the part past the gauntlet I'm still debating on what to do there. Oh and Hiroshi Mishima thank you for your constructive critisism I am going to take what you said into consideration.



Just letting you know that flipping the bosses probably wouldn't be much easier than flipping -and- inverting them; all the inversion would be is an extra step in calculating stuff, I'd imagine. You'd still have to flip their GFX, then flip the way their animation tile maps display their GFX. In most cases, this would also involve recalculating their movement behavior, projectile behavior and probably some other things, some of which I'm sure are linked to other enemies or aspects of the game. You might be biting off more than you can chew with that, and it's a heck of a favor to ask of someone. If anything, save that for when everything else in the hack is done. That way if somebody volunteers to do it for you, they won't have to worry about the hack they put so much work in for you being abandoned later on. Good luck with this either way.

Oh yeah, and an 'easy mode' with extra platforms and stuff would be good. Infinite bomb jumping everywhere sounds crappy.


That Is an amazing idea :whoa:


Quote from: lordawsome12 on September 30, 2010, 04:36:30 PM
Okay back on topic. To start I'm not looking to flip any of the bosses upside down, only to make them face the opposite direction. Since I'm really unsure where to start to research on how it would be possible to do this I'm going to do some minor level editing to make it so the boss rooms are entered from the appropriate side or that the boss's will actually be able to be fought in there respective rooms.

Some of the bosses (Draygon) might not need anything done to them at all. In the Phazon Hack, you enter Crocomire's door from the bottom. Unless you were able to flip his gravity and make him stand on the ceiling (and die upside-down in the lava), I'm not sure you'd be able to make his room upside-down.

Maybe boss rooms won't be as able to be rotated as others, and maybe that's okay. I'd rather have a 180 degree hack, with bosses still about the same, than no flipped hack at all. :)



If you had looked at the AI of bosses (and a few enemies for that matter), and understood what was going on, you would not even consider trying to flip or rotate bosses in any way.
If you want to flip a boss horizontally:
1. Flip the GFX of the boss.
2. Change EVERY tilemap animation of the boss so each tile is in the right position.
3. Some bosses will need new movement AI's, collision detections, etc. Croc, MB, Kraid, C.Ridley, Botwoon
4. Projectile behaviour and routines for those bosses will need to be changed, with their GFX + tilemaps flipped
5. A lot more stuff I can't be bothered getting into, because there is no way anyone in their right mind would rewrite that many complicated AI's. That's just for horizontal, you wanna flip vertically too, and you've got a pickle =P

TL:DR version:
Forget about flipping bosses. You may have to change some rooms around to allow you to enter the boss rooms correctly, or move the boss rooms to another location in the same general area.

THE Purple Helmet

As far as how to navigate areas before you get the necessary abilities, you could always use roomstates to add platforms where necessary and take them away when not needed. For example, you could add midair platforms in the landing site on one roomstate but use the patch available (cant remember whos patch) so as soon as you get spacejump for example, the roomstate changes to one where the platforms are no longer there. If you add extra ways to navigate where necessary and take them away as appropriate once a certain power is gained, you will have the unaltered original (aside from being 180 flipped that is) with no added platforms, invisible walls etc. when you are done but you will have to collect everything for that to happen. That can be fun in and of itself. Sounds fun and just my 2 cents anyways


Quote from: Sadiztyk Fish on October 02, 2010, 10:05:51 AM
If you had looked at the AI of bosses (and a few enemies for that matter), and understood what was going on, you would not even consider trying to flip or rotate bosses in any way.

Well, if all that is too much work, then perhaps rooms like Crocomire's should be modified so that you enter from the other side (in this case, the bottom), ... but the room itself is still oriented the same.

Thing is, you'd have to modify it so that the E Tank and exit door are flipped.

For instance, please allow me to submit this room design suggestion:

This lets the entire room fit properly when the surrounding area is flipped 180 degrees. You enter from the bottom, and the entrance has been shifted left so that the e-tank and exit door are still in their proper places left-right (otherwise the entire room would be off-center), so you could go into the next room which would, of course, be flipped. :)

That bottom door will work (as in the Phazon Hack), as Samus will jump up thrugh that floor upon entering the room. The only problem with this is that you'd have to make those blocks bombable in order to go back through the door at a later time. Also, I moved the drop blocks (and the start of the grapple blocks) to the left by 6 spaces in order to give Samus more room to fight Crocomire. Of course, the doors (including that one to the left) should be metal until he's beaten.

There should be a scroll bar below this message, if you can't see the entire image, but just saving it would probably be easier.

Other boss rooms would need a similar treatment.

As for TPH's comment ... well, that's a possible workaround, but I'd still prefer if that sort of thing wasn't needed in order to get through.