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Talk of the Day

Started by squishy_ichigo, May 15, 2009, 11:01:02 AM

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Quote from: FelixWright on May 11, 2016, 02:13:48 PM
Quote from: Firebrand on May 11, 2016, 01:12:56 AM[spoiler]
Quote from: FelixWright on May 10, 2016, 10:17:11 PM
Quote from: Firebrand on May 10, 2016, 10:13:26 PM
Quote from: FelixWright on May 10, 2016, 08:12:16 PM
I've got to vent.

Destiny has been...infuriating today, to say the least.

I decided to do level 41 Prison of Elders, and ended up playing with a douchebag who had the rest of my fireteam carry him to essentially free loot.

Then I did today's Daily mission, Lost to Light, the only point in time you can pick up an exotic sniper rifle known as the Black Spindle. I need it to eliminate Golgoroth in the King's Fall raid much faster, because three precision shots with it instantly reload the weapon from reserves.

I had a 3-man fireteam: Me as stormtrancer, someone else as stormtrancer, and someone else who played as defender with weapons of light.

Within a few attempts we figured out how to get to the one boss room we have to clear for the weapon, but after /multiple/ attempts, never ended up getting it due to yet another horrible fireteam. Think of it as trying to communicate tactics with silvers in CS:GO.

The other warlock did nothing but get up to the boss' face and swing his sword.

Our defender never put up his shield.

I was the only one focusing on blights and ads.

It was a goddamn shitstorm, and I most definitely will go look for a better fireteam the next time Lost to Light pops up as the daily heroic.

I definitely feel your pain there :D Played Destiny countles hours in the past year and start of this year, but I never had the pleasure to own a black spindle... Everytime I tried it, I got into a craptastic fireteam where no one was focused on a tactic of some sorts. They all started shooting wildly at anything and nobody used their supers. Haven't played Destiny since the last update, but I'm courious to see what has been changend and how the prison works now.

It's pretty much the same but with better loot, you don't require keys or anything, and sometimes you'll be fighting just taken vex/fallen/cabal.

Cabal taken are the worst roll

Have to give it a try sometimes. Maybe I can finally rank up with Variks when playing more of the prison.

You can get this 320 void sword from variks known as the Dreadfang. Well worth it, and you can use it to complete those "reforging the blade" quests

Thank god I already did all the sword quests and got my three 320 blades. Searching those minerals on the different planets took ages :D But do you get another one from Variks? I thought there are only the 3 ones you get after defeating Orix and talk to the guy from the multiplayer guild (forgot his name, what a shame  :blush:)


Quote from: Firebrand on May 11, 2016, 08:02:56 PM
Quote from: FelixWright on May 11, 2016, 02:13:48 PM
Quote from: Firebrand on May 11, 2016, 01:12:56 AM[spoiler]
Quote from: FelixWright on May 10, 2016, 10:17:11 PM
Quote from: Firebrand on May 10, 2016, 10:13:26 PM
Quote from: FelixWright on May 10, 2016, 08:12:16 PM
I've got to vent.

Destiny has been...infuriating today, to say the least.

I decided to do level 41 Prison of Elders, and ended up playing with a douchebag who had the rest of my fireteam carry him to essentially free loot.

Then I did today's Daily mission, Lost to Light, the only point in time you can pick up an exotic sniper rifle known as the Black Spindle. I need it to eliminate Golgoroth in the King's Fall raid much faster, because three precision shots with it instantly reload the weapon from reserves.

I had a 3-man fireteam: Me as stormtrancer, someone else as stormtrancer, and someone else who played as defender with weapons of light.

Within a few attempts we figured out how to get to the one boss room we have to clear for the weapon, but after /multiple/ attempts, never ended up getting it due to yet another horrible fireteam. Think of it as trying to communicate tactics with silvers in CS:GO.

The other warlock did nothing but get up to the boss' face and swing his sword.

Our defender never put up his shield.

I was the only one focusing on blights and ads.

It was a goddamn shitstorm, and I most definitely will go look for a better fireteam the next time Lost to Light pops up as the daily heroic.

I definitely feel your pain there :D Played Destiny countles hours in the past year and start of this year, but I never had the pleasure to own a black spindle... Everytime I tried it, I got into a craptastic fireteam where no one was focused on a tactic of some sorts. They all started shooting wildly at anything and nobody used their supers. Haven't played Destiny since the last update, but I'm courious to see what has been changend and how the prison works now.

It's pretty much the same but with better loot, you don't require keys or anything, and sometimes you'll be fighting just taken vex/fallen/cabal.

Cabal taken are the worst roll

Have to give it a try sometimes. Maybe I can finally rank up with Variks when playing more of the prison.

You can get this 320 void sword from variks known as the Dreadfang. Well worth it, and you can use it to complete those "reforging the blade" quests

Thank god I already did all the sword quests and got my three 320 blades. Searching those minerals on the different planets took ages :D But do you get another one from Variks? I thought there are only the 3 ones you get after defeating Orix and talk to the guy from the multiplayer guild (forgot his name, what a shame  :blush:)

All standard blades shell out 280 when you first get them. The dreadfang is obtainable from Variks after completing some quests for him or something like that. It was very very easy to get.


Damn f***ing it... Sorry for what's coming, but I have to vent...

Just lost my job, AGAIN. It's the second time this month. Thing is, I get hired, get through a training, where I give every f***ing thing I got in me to show them I'm the man for the job, I give every last ounce of skill, grit and determination I can muster to show them I can be as good as any other guy on the job... Both times, I'm told I won't be hired in the end, because yes I'm good at what I do, but "I'm still not good enough", and I get sent home with a pat on the back and a 'good luck in future jobs'.

But that's just the thing... I always get fired for bullshit reasons. First one was, according to them, because I was a tad too slow on the job. SUUUUUUUUUURE. I don't know yet where to find half the things I need to do my job, I don't have yet perfect knowledge of the details of the business I'm in, so I gotta keep running back and forth to just answer properly to people, and you expect me to be f***ing Usain Bolt or what?? And the second... even worse!! My colleagues kept telling me I was doing a fine job despite the fact I was the newbie in the place, that (then again) I didn't have yet perfect knowledge of the place, yada yada, and I gotta admit, there was WAAAAY more to know about that second job, so if I was doing fine already, it's just great! Well, the boss e-mailed me this morning saying I wouldn't come back next week, because I lacked a sense of seriousness at the job. That. That right there. WORST. EFF-ING. BULLSHIT. EVER. The boss wasn't even there for the entirety of my 4-day training, he hasn't seen NONE of what I can do. Meanwhile I did my very best to learn all of the finest details by heart as fast as I could, I upped my game to be equivalent to any of them who were there for the past few years (despite the fact that I was there for not even a week) I even showed them that finishing late at night and risking getting home on foot (I don't have a car, so I gotta commute, and in my city, this ends at 1 AM) wasn't even a concern to me, as long as the job was all done!!! And I lack SERIOUSNESS??????

So yeah, I am really, REALLY pissed off right now. I'm at a point where I don't know what to say, what to do, what to think. Thankfully I'm going back to school soon, at my local university, to begin a career in some other job that will be waaay more stable for me, but hey, it only starts in september... Meanwhile I got bills to pay, y'know?? And being fired for such bullshit reasons ain't exactly uplifting for the morale!!

Sorry 'bout all that... As I said, I had to vent somewhere... Sorry too for the language, it's not in my habits to swear so much... End of rant! You can go back to discussing Destiny or whatever... If you need me I'll be around the corner...


I have come to the conclusion that actually trying at a job is the only way to get fired.

Steel Sparkle

Anyone got any plans for this summer?
I may be moving somewhere else.


Mild weightlifting and some light cardio exercise. Last time I did heavy cardio, I got even thinner/more underweight. :x

Being stuck around the house nearly 24/7 is finally starting to drive me nuts.


Hi guys. I'm new to the site and would like to join your discussion.


Quote from: Steel Sparkle on May 12, 2016, 09:07:17 PM
Anyone got any plans for this summer?

Mainly just enjoying the fact that I won't have 2-4 uni deadlines every single week :grin:
Also going to do some climbing to try and not be so underweight, some hacking, learn more programming and try to be around for more impromptu races.


I plan to learn all about GBA memory and ARM. Might also look into GML (GameMaker Language)

Steel Sparkle

cool stuff. I hate the heat though.


Quote from: Jordan5 on May 13, 2016, 06:04:40 AM
Quote from: Steel Sparkle on May 12, 2016, 09:07:17 PM
Anyone got any plans for this summer?

Mainly just enjoying the fact that I won't have 2-4 uni deadlines every single week :grin:
Also going to do some climbing to try and not be so underweight, some hacking, learn more programming and try to be around for more impromptu races.

climbing is so meme.

i'm going to uni until mid-july then i probably have to do an internship. which means i hope i get an internship until then. up until july i'll probably be working on music and my website.


Quote from: Steel Sparkle on May 12, 2016, 09:07:17 PM
Anyone got any plans for this summer?
I may be moving somewhere else.

well... I sure hope I'll be working a lot... (see butthurt higher up on the topic) apart from this, running quite a bit... my lil' sis introduced me last summer to a wonderful app named Zombies Run! which, let's say it, motivates oneself to run about everyday outside (or at least, a few times a week) and to be frank... for my sister to have motivation for some running, it must take something BIG... but hey, it worked for her, as she lost nearly 50 pounds in 2 years off it!  :^_^: I'm starting season 2 this summer by next week or so, I hope to get through it all (which means approx. 60 runs throughout the summer, which means at least every 2 days) and kinda hope to be able to run a half marathon by the end of summer in one run  :nod:

[spoiler]if you know that app and have some spoilers for it, DO KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF, thank you very much!! xD [/spoiler]

apart from this, probably will have my fair share of studying, since I'm planning to go back to school (uni) next fall... I might want to improve my piano skills too (and there's work to be done there, ooooh boy!! xD ) and, HOPEFULLY, enjoy summer itself with my girlfriend!!  :^_^:

UPDATE: oh, and that job I lost the other day? I started a new one, on my first day at job, it was another guy's last day, and guess where he went to start his new job?? so yeah, I was shoved out the front door to make room for another guy... that SUCKS... anyway, gotta move on...


Quote from: Steel Sparkle on May 12, 2016, 09:07:17 PM
Anyone got any plans for this summer?

Learn how to work with and build computers, make art for money, learn Arduino, take a class during May, get a job until September, stream more, workout, be more social, work on my website, work on 3D printing projects, work on woodcraft projects, hack (maybe?), bunch of misc projects involving an original Xbox and some android phones, and post my 100th post (oh hey, look at that)


Count me in on that "building computers" project -- Not only for making one myself in the future, but also for "restoring" ones I find.

Zero One

Oh man, so many plans that will commence after next Tuesday. That list includes:

  • ZrnBot
  • 3D Modelling
  • Texturing with Quixel Suite and Photoshop, or by hand in Photoshop
  • Firing CVs at all the companies
  • Improving my portfolio
  • Something to do with Link's Awakening and Unreal Engine 4, haven't quite decided about that
  • More Metroid engine work
  • Following a shitton of tutorials on UE4, 3ds Max, Maya, Mudbox, ZBrush, and one massive series on games development, from pre- to post-production, in real-time.
  • oh so much more I have yet to figure out
  • and speedruns
  • and Unity. I need to do that at some point too


Quote from: SlyPork on May 16, 2016, 03:33:44 AM
Quote from: Steel Sparkle on May 12, 2016, 09:07:17 PM
Anyone got any plans for this summer?

learn Arduino
get a job until September
be more social
work on my website
work on 3D printing projects

Quote from: Zero One on May 16, 2016, 11:30:27 AM
Oh man, so many plans that will commence after next Tuesday. That list includes:

  • 3D Modelling
  • Firing CVs at all the companies
  • Improving my portfolio

similar goals/goal-to-bes. also 01 with the fancy lists


Quote from: Zero One on May 16, 2016, 11:30:27 AM

  • Firing CVs at all the companies
Make sure you tailor each copy of your CV to each company. One of the biggest mistakes people make is firing one generic CV out to every company they approach. Good luck! :^_^:


My plan is to make sure I stay on schedule for Fear's 2032 release.

Steel Sparkle

Quote from: MetroidMst on May 16, 2016, 02:15:14 PM
My plan is to make sure I stay on schedule for Fear's 2032 release.

If you use the power of bubbles maybe it can be released in 2030  :^_^:

The Monster of Surrealton

I'm going to be in the Philippines from tomorrow until next Saturday.

While I'm getting stomach viruses from tainted food and STDs from women of the evening, I know all of you will miss me-stop celebrating MST!-and MST's stream will be a lifeless husk without me accusing him of using Pagan magic to cheat-put down the champagne Snarf!-, and how the game he's playing needs more Bangs and spikes-where's all this confetti coming from?-, but you will endure. Absence makes the heart grow fonder...though it really needs more Bangs and spikes.


I shall stream prolifically in your absence.


Quote from: The Monster of Surrealton on May 18, 2016, 02:18:24 PM
I'm going to be in the Philippines from tomorrow until next Saturday.

While I'm getting stomach viruses from tainted food and STDs from women of the evening, I know all of you will miss me-stop celebrating MST!-and MST's stream will be a lifeless husk without me accusing him of using Pagan magic to cheat-put down the champagne Snarf!-, and how the game he's playing needs more Bangs and spikes-where's all this confetti coming from?-, but you will endure. Absence makes the heart grow fonder...though it really needs more Bangs and spikes.

We shall await your return! And I'm sure someone will take over your duty in accusing MST of Pagan magic until the master himself has returned.


I kept meaning to make a whole thread for this (and probably will at some point I guess), but for now I'll just link this development blog thingy I made recentally instead:
Lemmi know whatcha think


I'm taking in a couple cats from some friends who can't keep them, as of later today I'll have four in the house.


No need to worry, as I think you're still a long way from 'that crazy cat person', and it's always good to give animals a home. :^_^: