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Old SMILE Help Thread

Started by GF_Kennon, May 17, 2009, 02:24:28 PM

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As annoying as it sounds, you've already messed with this byte, it "darkens liquid" :P. I've not dug into it much, but I do believe the result of whatever happens when the game reads the FX A/B bytes is put into $74, $75 and $76, and then the NMI routine puts it into $2132. I'm not 100% sure on that, but finding the point when the game reads the FX A/B bits and figuring out what it does with those is where you'll want to start for sure.


I have all the scroll areas in a room set to Green. but when I enter the room from a certain door, it won't scroll...
I remember I fixed it before in another room, but I forget how :b
So.. yeah. Help  :)

EDIT: Nevermind.  Problem solved. :b


It was a door scroll I assume? :P


Quote from: person701 on December 07, 2009, 03:08:43 PM
Sperry, since you're looking for some help:

Thanks! I read the whole thing, and now I'm looking for more advanced tutorials. I'm particularly interested in palette stuff, but I'm open to any document approaching elements not present in this text file. Thanks!


No prob. Glad it helped. I'm actually updating that so there should be a much cleaner and more informative version up sometime soon. ^.^


I'm also using videos I found on Youtube to help me with smile. A series of SMILE tutorials made by 'shadow34370' is particularly useful. However, I'm encountering a problem with his Tile Layer Pro tutorial. I can rip the scenery fine. However, when I attempt to extract a palette, SMILE doesn't extract it as a .tlp, but as a .flp file. The problem here is that TLP does not recognize this file type and I can't load the proper palette. Can anyone help me with this issue? Thanks!


In SMILE go to File > Preferences > Palette Format



Now for my next question. I've been successful adding doors with hex editing thanks to the youtube tutorials. However, I'm encountering a problem when I try to add a vertical door to a room. Everything appears to work (when I enter the door, I get teleported to the proper room), however, the terrain gets all messed up. Can anyone help me solve this problem?


Quote from: Sperry on January 04, 2010, 05:28:56 AM
.. Everything appears to work (when I enter the door, I get teleported to the proper room), however, the terrain gets all messed up. Can anyone help me solve this problem?

I've never added additional doors, so I wouldn't know, but if I had to take a shot in the dark I'd say it has to do with the scrolls or room space. I've ran into problems before due to not linking doors up to the right spaces and having the rooms overlap and encountering similar problems you described. So make sure both rooms can connect together properly, this is where the map editor comes in handy. Maybe try to make both scroll areas by the doors green too. If that don't work then I dunno.


make sure the scroll area in the room you enter the door in is right. (Down should be green and up should be blue IIRC)


Quote from: Crys on January 04, 2010, 08:33:58 AM
make sure the scroll area in the room you enter the door in is right. (Down should be green and up should be blue IIRC)

Thanks! I'll try that out.

EDIT: Ok, I played around with the scroll areas and I still get the bug. Here are screens  of what's happening: The first one shows the bug when I come out of the ceiling door, the second shows what the area should look like.

Also, since my last post I've encountered yet another door problem. The 'clone door' command suddenly stopped working: nothing happens when I press C over my new doors. What have I done wrong?


There is something wrong in the room above screenshoted one. Door tiles (aqua-colored squares with red numbers inside) must be at the edge of the screen. I can tell more if you provide screenshot from SMILE of the room above.

Quote from: Sperry on January 04, 2010, 09:28:04 AM
Also, since my last post I've encountered yet another door problem. The 'clone door' command suddenly stopped working: nothing happens when I press C over my new doors. What have I done wrong?
Press Ctrl+Shift (or Alt+Shift) to change language to english when using SMILE.


Quote from: JAM on January 04, 2010, 11:35:06 AM
There is something wrong in the room above screenshoted one. [...] I can tell more if you provide screenshot from SMILE of the room above.

Sure. The first screen is a pic of the room above in Smile:

And this second screen is the aforementioned room, in Smile:

And thanks by the way for the language trick! I can press C now! :)


Whenever you put ceiling/floor doors in a room, they have to be in green scrolls. Reason being because blue scrolls force the game to hide the bottom and top most two rows of tiles. Someone else can explain the specifics than I can, I'm sure, but there ya go: change screens with ceiling/floors doors into green scrolls.


Just a minor note regarding the rooms above.  Sperry: you should add square BTS tiles next to slopes on the ceiling as well as the floor.  If you don't, players can jump into it, and will get snagged on the solid block's edge.


Quote from: person701 on January 04, 2010, 03:21:33 PM
Whenever you put ceiling/floor doors in a room, they have to be in green scrolls. Reason being because blue scrolls force the game to hide the bottom and top most two rows of tiles. Someone else can explain the specifics than I can, I'm sure, but there ya go: change screens with ceiling/floors doors into green scrolls.

Thanks! That fixed the problem. The tiles are no longer messed up when I go from one room to the other.

Quote from: Quietus on January 05, 2010, 05:28:50 PM
Just a minor note regarding the rooms above.  Sperry: you should add square BTS tiles next to slopes on the ceiling as well as the floor.  If you don't, players can jump into it, and will get snagged on the solid block's edge.

Ok I'll do that.

I'm afraid I still have a question. There's another bug I encounter when using a vertical door.

This first screen shows how the background should look like:

However, this second screen shows what happens when I enter this room from above. Notice the entire background is shifted downwards a few units:

I've included in the following spoilers screens of smile of the bottom and top room. I've got my own hunch on what's wrong here, but I'd like to have your expert opinions.

Bottom room (where the bug is):

Top room:


What I find strange here is that the bug does not occur in the room I posted earlier, but only in the room I'm referring to here.


Now that I don't think is a problem with your rooms, at least from what I see (someone correct me if I'm wrong). My guess would either be with the door properties (most likely) or with the BG pointer (I doubt it but you never know). Or it could be that something else screwed up somewhere.


It looks like that's just how the background scrolling in that room is set up.


Okay good enough... Now for my next question. I've added a BOTOON to my hack, but its shots are too powerful. Does anyone know how to reduce the damage of the green BOTOON shots?

Also, what is the difference between the Shinespark and the Pseudo Screw Attack in the Game Behaviours?

edit: Lastly, is there a way to make an enemy drop an item (like a chozo egg containing the grappling beam)? If not, is it possible to make a such item appear after killing a miniboss?



To reduce the damage Botwoon does you would have to trace his shot damage in a debugger, iirc Cardweaver might have already found it, so check the correct document on site, as for the difference between shinespark and pesudo screw attack, shinespark is the super jump that you do when you press down while speedboosting, pesudo screw attack is where you charge your beam and spin jump, ether blowing the enemy appart if the damage > enemy hp or lowering its hp and hurting Samus in the process.


Super! Thanks! You're right. Cardweaver found what I was looking for



However, what do I do now? Open the rom with a hex editor?


Yes, you would open your hack in a hex editor and go to 36C48, then just mess with the value there, remember we count in hex (i.e. 0F = 15 in decimal and FF is iirc 255


Quote from: GF_Kennon on January 13, 2010, 06:19:24 AMi.e. 0F = 15 in decimal and FF is iirc 255
Yes. And if hex is a little difficult to do (and in big numbers it can be if you don't know the pattern) just open up the calculator on you computer; it should be able to convert decimal to hex and such.

As for upgrade dropping... you may not be able to make the item appear in the same room as the boss but you could probably set a byte somewhere that checks if a boss is beaten. I take it you're thinking Fusion style where you kill the boss and the upgrade comes out?


Well, yes it is quite easily possible. But since you're new I wouldn't worry about doing it yet.

You'd have to run the code that sets up a PLM to where the enemy died when the enemies health reaches 0. When you get more knowledgable with ASM you'll be able to do that.


I thought I'd seen information about this somewhere before but I can't seem to find it in the documents section, soooooo...
Does anyone know where the palettes are for the missiles, super missiles, and powerbombs?

Quote from: squishy_ichigo on July 19, 2009, 02:02:13 AM
I was asked once again to find something, so being the AWESOME guy that Iam, I did just that!
tiles @ $0D5600
palette @ $0D01A0

So, nevermind.  LOL  I guess I should read through this thread a little more often.   :eyeroll: