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Old SMILE Help Thread

Started by GF_Kennon, May 17, 2009, 02:24:28 PM

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Quote from: Sperry on December 07, 2009, 06:06:45 AM
Ok, got it. Headers are evil. Thanks so much :D

I've noticed there are quite a lot of smile tutorials on youtube. Is there one with step by step instructions on how to properly set up a ROM (unheadering it, etc...)? The uttermost basic stuff for noobs?

Also, I'm still looking for a way to copy rooms from my old glitchy versions to a new cleaner one. Is this possible or do I have to redo everything manually?
If you just want to copy the rooms, do the following

1)Open your old rom in SMILE, go to the room you would like to copy over.
2)Once in that room, open your new rom without refreshing/leaving that room. (going to the map/scroll editor, changing rooms will refresh the room)
3) Save room, repeat as desired.

I suggest you back up your old rom, just in case.

And to easily remove the header of a rom in SMILE, go to tools > Header > Remove Header. It will prompt you telling you that you shouldn't be messing with something if you don't know what it is.
If there is a header and you try to remove it, it will tell you it was removed; if there is no header and you try to remove it, SMILE (Jathys) will think you're a moron and tell you that you can erase data and accidentally the whole rom.


Alright, That gate is actually a grey door. Instead of flashing first, I want it to open automatically after I kill all the enemies/boss in that room. Anybody know how to do this? That save station is a transport pod btw, still a concept though. All credit goes to flamestar666 for the idea. This is a side minihack I'm fiddling with.



[spoiler=Shakira's butt][/spoiler]
I've seen it asked here (or at m2k2) a few times. Also have seen it in IRC, e-mail, and private messages. That said, the next version of SMILE will be Wine-Friendly. If you're a Linux fanboy and want to make sure I get this right the first time, go HERE for further details on what the anticipated issues are.

Regardless of fanboy status:  12-18-09 is the last minor SMILE release before the next "big one".


Wine friendly? Mind explaining?


Wine is, from what I understand, an emulation environment for Linux that allows users of that OS to run Windows programs. There are many things that Wine can't do, though, so SMILE has not been Wine-compatible in the past.


Quote from: unanu on December 08, 2009, 03:34:05 PMWine is, from what I understand, an emulation environment for Linux that allows users of that OS to run Windows programs.
Common misconception that I shared until two or three days ago. After finding out what it actually is, I have more respect for the project. Wine Is Not an Emulator (actually what it stands for), isn't actually an emulation environment.

Windows has a gigantic collection of commonly used codes that do lots of shit. This is known as the API. Wine is essentially a rewrite of the Windows API, in a format that Linux can use. Windows API, for example, has a command called BitBlt that can draw stuff. Well, I can write my own code to do that and give it the same name, thus allowing the same function to be done in an environment where the "real" BitBlt doesn't exist.


 :O_o: I'm kinda confused guys....If you have a simple room (Crateria room) with no visible background yet it does have one, if you delete the background and put another crateria BG pointer in there will it show up correctly?  :pwuh: 


Yes, it will work. Just make sure when SMILE asks about moving pointers you click "No." You'll see wut I mean.


Thanks Helped a bunch and about the "click no" thing i found out the hard way  :lol:


what bank are the
PLM's in? and how many bytes for each PLM (item upgrades)


Bank 84 (where all PLMs are coded). To get exact address of each PLM, click to any PLM with the right button. Values in the list are the addresses in bank 84 where are first 2 pointers stored (4 bytes for each PLM, 6 for doors). When you select item, in the header of the window 2 addresses will appear.

For the items, first address is the same for most cases and you'll need the second one. There are a bunch of instructions (some with arguments) there, not the actual ASM code.

To understand what each instruction do, read file PLM_Details by Kej docs.

To know, where the PLM ends, just look to the address of next PLM. For example, code for Charge Beam is started with 2615B.
Code for Ice Beam is started with 26189.
So, the last byte for Charge beam is 26188.

If you asking about psysical placement of PLM, then it's bank 8F. 6 bytes for each PLM. "00 00" must be placed after last PLM in the room


Quote from: gunnargumpert on December 23, 2009, 05:31:28 AM
how to add an item (walljumpboots), and make some blocks belong to the wall jump?

i want to make the physic like metroid redesign, so i deactivatet walljump.

but how to make it possible at some blocks?



Now we might be able to help if we knew their e-mail. :wink:

Edit: Which reminds me, Sadfish gave me similar code which prevents WJing on surfaces without a BTS of 10. Be a nice little addition to throw up in the archives if someone could get it to work.


Quote from: person701 on December 23, 2009, 01:02:29 PM
Edit: Which reminds me, Sadfish gave me similar code which prevents WJing on surfaces without a BTS of 10. Be a nice little addition to throw up in the archives if someone could get it to work.

Unfortunately when I wrote that, I didn't realise that the values I used are anly applicable when you are *standing* on the blocks, not just touching them. SO you have to be on top of the block with a BTS of 10 for it to work. It could probably be done another way, but I can't be bothered/don't have time to figure it out just yet.

Silver Skree

Not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but I just discovered a troublesome tile "glitch"


Springball can't make it up? It jumps as high as samus does, so I have no idea why you'd be having trouble making it into that hole unless you've butchered the physics...

Silver Skree

Quote from: Bloodsanta on December 23, 2009, 11:59:46 PM
Springball can't make it up? It jumps as high as samus does, so I have no idea why you'd be having trouble making it into that hole unless you've butchered the physics...
No, try it. There's something about that sloped ceiling block that wants to keep samus from jumping all the way up to where a solid block would let her. It's like the collision is reaching out or something...
Using bombs works fine, though. It's really weird, I dunno.


I've got a question...actually 2.... :wink:

1.) How EXACTLY can I move the ship without something screwing up?  :mad:
2.) If I redesign a few rooms and put the morph-ball and 2 missiles in there (and a red door), will zebes alive still activate even though it's already set up?  :pwuh:


I can at least answer your second question. First you must understand that Zebes will only wake up once a locked door (grey) opens up somewhere in Crateria. The one room with the state header "Morph and Missiles" is just a state that activates when you have Morph and Missiles. So if you grabbed those items, that room would wake up, but nothing else unless you have a grey door unlock some where and you pass through it.


Quote from: person701 on December 25, 2009, 12:55:58 PM
I can at least answer your second question. First you must understand that Zebes will only wake up once a locked door (grey) opens up somewhere in Crateria. The one room with the state header "Morph and Missiles" is just a state that activates when you have Morph and Missiles. So if you grabbed those items, that room would wake up, but nothing else unless you have a grey door unlock some where and you pass through it.

Just to clarify, you only need to UNLOCK the door by fulfilling it's objectives. You don't need to shoot the door open or really do anything else. As soon as the door starts flashing, the event is set.


Quote from: UltimaOUlaw on December 24, 2009, 08:35:14 PM
1.) How EXACTLY can I move the ship without something screwing up?
If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain.

I mean, the easier way is not to move ship itself, but move the room around it. Room with ship must be at least 5*5 screens in size. The other you can do with scroll changing.

Standart landing site

x: non-scrolling screen
o: scrolling screen
s: ship

Ship position is const.

To make 3*3 room, do this:

To make 1*5 room, do this:

All screens to the right from ship can be easily removed:

Of course, you can move the ship itself, move green slopes around it and modify position of Area Load Station, but you can't land correctly if your ship is moved from standart position. Exception: if Ceres is skipped and the game starts from Zebes.


Hey! I'm still looking for ways to copy rooms from old glitchy versions of my hack to a new cleaner one. I've already been told how to copy entire rooms. What I'd like to know now is if its possible to copy clip-board elements from one hack to another, or if I have to redo everything manually. Thanks!  :wink:


That way takes alot longer than the whole room way.  You'll need to copy what you want to the clipboard, then load the new ROM, reload the room, and paste it. Save. Then if needed, load the old one again, and repeat the same steps.  Pretty simple, just takes time.


Not sure if I'm looking for this right thing, but I'm trying to find a byte that determines the color addition/subtraction of water. Much the same way that there is a byte for haze, and adding #$80 makes the haze subtract color, but I'm looking for one that affects water. I know I can create this effect by using "darkens liquid", but I want other effects with it too, which doesn't come with dark liquid. Anyone know where this byte is?