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The DOOM Topic

Started by GF_Kennon, May 20, 2009, 11:48:41 AM

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Is it legal to post those WADs?  I'm not so sure about that.



Did you have to pay a single penny for NeoDoom? I think not... It's perfectly fine to post locations of PWADs. :/


SMC's = IWAD's

IPS's = PWAD's



Nice comparison. Only difference is that IPS patches actually permanently overwrite data (save for softpatching,) while PWADs have the game engine silently ignore any resources with the same names as the ones present in the IWAD. ;)


So, i thought i would try and record a doom death match between me and zozo, and here it is.

Doom Death Match

anyway, this is my first recording and after i found i needed to change a few things, like hide the mouse and stuff.



Doom Death Match

Another game i recorded between me and the infamous zozo, this time in Neo Doom.

BTW i cant record sound -.-;


BUMP!  :icon_biggrin:  Samus has made her appearance in my doom mod i been making

Samus' Plasma Cannon

sorry for the lag, laptop does not like recording, also it needs a lot of work.

Big Gay Cell

So this is what you've been up to!?  ;)



Those are some awesome new Metroid weapons for Doom, Zhs2!  Next you should add something like Spazer or Ice.


KABOOM, nukes away  :icon_surprised:

i was bored so i put IDDQD and IDKFA on and fired samus' nuke


How dem sprites working for ya?


That looks so fun.
I lol'd hard on the inside, "I wonder how those two imps down there are farin'?"


Hmm... this Doom stuff is awesome! As soon as I reinstall my 'Collector's Doom' I need the mods you guys are using, please tell. :icon_biggrin:

P.S. Add me to that list lol. :icon_cool:


I technically should be on that list as well, but I don't care, considering how little I play with you guys(I should get back to DOOOOOOOOOOOMing with ya!).


* Zhs2 teaches uNsane how to do this
* uNsane asplode.
* uNsane reforms and adds to the Metroidy goodness!
* uNsane asplode.
* uNsane goes to sleep


I'm still wondering how so many DOOM fans can be packed into a place that has absolutely nothing to do with DOOM really... It's all Super Metroid hax on Metroid Construction! :icon_biggrin:

Big Gay Cell

Quote from: Reconite on July 14, 2009, 02:21:23 PM
I'm still wondering how so many DOOM fans can be packed into a place that has absolutely nothing to do with DOOM really... It's all Super Metroid hax on Metroid Construction! :icon_biggrin:

Exactly!  We're Metroid modders that also happen to love DOOM!  ;)


Quote from: Big Gay Cell on July 14, 2009, 04:06:55 PM
Quote from: Reconite on July 14, 2009, 02:21:23 PM
I'm still wondering how so many DOOM fans can be packed into a place that has absolutely nothing to do with DOOM really... It's all Super Metroid hax on Metroid Construction! :icon_biggrin:

Exactly!  We're Metroid modders that also happen to love DOOM!  ;)

I am a metroid hacker AND a doom modder (thanks zeke you made me forget how to hack SM ;~; )

Big Gay Cell

Yeah, but you're doing the ultimate; a hack containing both DOOM and Super Metroid!  It's a match made in heaven.


This topic needs a bump, so some people are interested in making a doom skin, well just edit Doomguy here into anything you want.

Just keep it around the same size, and make sure you got all the sprites that correspond to Doomguys sprite.

Oh and keep to this pallet

All doom sprites must use this pallet, though i think there are a few exceptions...


[attachment deleted by admin]


No. Everything in Doom must use that palette. The only exception is the HUD in ZDoom, which is made up of hardware acceleration and can therefore go 16-bit color.

Making changes to the palette, though, is perfectly acceptable; just don't forget that EVERYTHING in Doom has to live with those colors. ._.




Hey guys, i was wondering what i would need to join you in your conquest over the hell's armies?