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The DOOM Topic

Started by GF_Kennon, May 20, 2009, 11:48:41 AM

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You should join either #doom or #smartcraft instead of #metconst. That's where we plot to play games and eventually never play games.


Quote from: Parabox on November 16, 2013, 10:20:10 AM
You should join either #doom or #smartcraft instead of #metconst. That's where we plot to play games and eventually never play games.
Can I have a link for Skulltag and the Doom/Doom2 wad?
"If it's Zandronum then I only need the wad. I allready have Zandronum"


Downloading the WADs would be piracy, and we're not allowed to get involved in that.  However, as is usually the case, Google is your friend. :wink:


Looks like it could be interesting.  I never really touch Doom mods beyond basics like Enhanced, as they don't alter gameplay at all.  I'll keep my eyes open for this one. :^_^:


Dudes... There was 20 years of Doom. 10th December. Nobody knows?
And... because of that, John Romero was playing co-op with regular players. 2 megawads were cleaned.

I wish I play that event... If I only knew at the right moment...


Yeah, I never feel any kind of loyalty toward any particular individuals, or developers, or whatever - if a game's good, then it's good - it would have been interesting to have experienced that. :^_^:


About that Doom video with the Metroid abilities:
The creator of that video also made the amazing Samsara mod.
It allows you to play all the games that use the Doom Engine as various early FPS heroes, including B.J. Blazkovicz, The Doomguy, Corvus and Parias, Duke Nukem and a few others. And you can also play multiplayer with it which is even cooler.
You should try it.
Samsara (Doom Mod) - Gameplay Preview Trailer
There is a link to it in the video's description.


Bump. I want to submit that this is my most favorite weapon mod of all time:
Stays true to Doom while adding subtle changes here and there to make it all the more interesting. The new monster variety is also nice.

I guess I should also mention that Guncaster and Russian Overkill are also pretty cool, and I try my best to be script technician for both of them.


I'm never really a fan of heavy modifications, particularly with the weapons.  I may have a look later.

The only mod I always use is the enhanced Doom mod, which is Brutal Doom without all of the modifications, so it's extra gore, better looking enemies, etc., but without new weapons and the killing scenes / animations.


I suppose I should mention in all fairness that, with the weapons originally sourced from a Brutal Doom add-on pack (and very tastefully drawn and animated, if I may say so!), I'm surprised at how very close to the original Doom feel it stays even with the new mechanics and weapon swaps - the sawed-off and pump shotgun switch roles, the chainsaw is now a magnum (delicious), and there's only one plasma weapon - and yet makes everything fresh again. I just can't stop playing through every IWAD possible and found Ultimate Doom very enjoyable with the difference!


If you're thirsty for more live Doom content coming your way and you're not content with checking any of the classic forums, I can actually recommend 4chan's retro video games board's Doom general thread. Fun, laughs, OC and the latest can be had there relatively often.


I've recently been ploughing through some more megawads, trying to make a dent in the amount I have before this year's Cacowards finished (which they now have).

My reason for posting is: Why do so many of them feel the need to follow the ridiculous, negative spiral from quality to the massive difficulty spike of slaughter maps, ruining what was a perfectly good wad.  I'm playing through, trying to enjoy each level, then WHAM, along comes a map with 300+ enemies, all of which are revenants, arachnatrons, and mancubi.  You can normally tell fairly early on, and, at least for me, it's an instant IDDQD, then slog through just to get the level done.  Grr! :mad:

In case anybody is curious, I'm currently finishing off Memento Mori.


I can already tell you that Memento Mori 2 doesn't suffer from the same problem as its predecessor. Still, I didn't think Memento Mori was that difficult - especially if you take the secret exit at MAP15 because MAP15 has a monster slog to the real exit - but it still gets really weird in the map design department later on, like someone tried to make something open-ended and simply shat out linedefs. (Looking at you, MAP29.)

As for further megawads, well... I suppose I could mention that Doom 2 In Name Only has too-large maps that leave you with a lot of wandering, but the best MAP07 ever. Or that CChest4 is the best megawad of all time but you should still play all of the other CChests and judge them for yourself. (CChest2 has some great highlights to speak of, brought down severally in quality with Gene Bird padding maps. I think the only truly bad CChest is the first one.) Or that Super Sonic Doom is pretty good for a once-through romp, though I think some bosses are a little broken nowadays. REVERIE had an excellent set of maps, but a horrendously puzzly secret map. (And MAP24 has the best music ever. Ever.) That's all I can think of right now.


Quote from: Zhs2 on December 17, 2014, 01:48:32 PMDoom 2 In Name Only... ...CChest4... ...other CChests... ...Super Sonic Doom... ...REVERIE...
Got, got, got, got, and got.  Except SSD anyway.  I can't seem to get on with novelty maps.  Thanks for the recommendations. :^_^:


I'll release few wads here later. Nothing too important. One of them is an Early Shareware Doom Armor Behavior:
Get Blue Armor.
Get 200 points.
Get Armor Bonus
Get +1 point.
Up to 999.

And few other are fixes for a few magawads: Console Doom 64, Enjay ZDoom 2001, PSX Doom and maybe something else I forgot.